Post Apoc Megacorp Maticico Remnant civ quest 6

Rolled 37 (1d100)

Last time some more trade. Finally catastrophe occurred when a reaver showed up who was then bribed to go away with teen love stories. After that expansion was the order of the day. People were recruited and infrastructure was expanded. Some research went down and finally we built our first behemoth. We also discovered some think tanks and a faction who had some tech we would like to have. Sadly the attempt to communicate with said factions hasn't been going well.

Also our CEO pissed off our top engineer and terrible terrible things happened. So a lesson was learned by everyone else from the CEO. Do NOT piss off Ginny or else.

Rolled 47 (1d100)

Last Thread:

>Turn 65
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 23 Resource.
>>>Pop 2280
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.1k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

Rolled 50 (1d100)

I vote we put some resources into adding those drugs and meds to the trade rout.

Also random thought/question. Would it be hard to make a stock pile of meat to force a trade? I was thinking one way to get into talk from the valley would be to have some stuff they would want. Then force the zombies and monsters into a Lets Make A Deal to let us past or just talk to the mutants.

Rolled 1 (1d100)

Alright, it's time to put those stockpiled drugs and stuff to good use.

>>>>>H. Your choice
Just as planned, give the CEO the supplies we stocked up last time and then have him start diplomacing the artillery raiders

Rolled 63 (1d100)



Dammit user...
fate point

Rolled 18 (1d100)

Fuck I had a feeling and I was hoping it was gonna the be first post for that bonus.


Rolled 79 (1d100)

....not hard if its fish. Otherwise your gonna need to hunt a lot. As for Lets made A Deal that would depend on your luck.

Fatepoint used.

Despite our stocked up goods the raiders were completely silent. Utterly ignoring the CEO who tried to get them to talk or make a deal with them.

>Turn 66
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 23 Resource.
>>>Pop 2280
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.1k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

Rolled 95 (1d100)

>C. Try to improve Armaments

"That didn't work either CEO. Maybe it was just bad luck.

Should we keep our distance or try again? We don't want to offend them."

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Whelp that could of been worse.

Put some resources into adding those drug, meds and other random goods we can make to the trade rout. O and make kids toys for the burger place. To get them early onto our side.

Rolled 100 (1d100)

Yeah, if we can't get the Arty Bandits we might as well still get good ties with Bandit City by improving the trade route.


Dear Dice Goddess,

I hope you are well. I write this because I have a question for you. Do you like trading or is it the food toy for kids?

-Signed Bewildered Player.

I REALLY hope this means we get good ties with the arty bandits too.

We shall heed her advice well, it is wise advice since we are in fact a megacorp.

Looks like our CEO is not just a Lord of war but also a Drug Lord.

Fuck yeah

Rolled 89 (1d100)

CEO orders for the trade with the bandit city to be improved. Now drugs are being run in bulk to the bandit city as well other medical supplies and goods. As it turns out and much to the CEO's surprise the bandits have a VAST hunger for MORE drugs and they consume them with great speed!

Beyond that we got lucky. Bane Company and our own surveyors managed to find an old railway tunnel that is located near our tower and leads close to where the bandit city Preemo is. We soon constructed a train to run back and forth further enhancing our trade route.

Income has been boosted to 4 resources and 1 loot per a turn. Trade Route with Preemo is now considered Matured.

Bulk good purchases are now available for both sides.

>Turn 67
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 28 Resource. 1 loot.
>>>Pop 2280
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.1k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

Rolled 63, 11, 27 = 101 (3d100)

>C. Try to improve Armaments

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Aw yeah, also *dialogue

Celebrate! Break out 2 resources and 1 loot to commemorate this great corporate success (also to improve our pop and morale)

Okay user, you really want to improve armaments so I'm listening. Any specifics?

Rolled 38 (1d100)

Oops, wrong one.

Rolled 25 (1d100)

"They appear to be isolationist outside of their raiding and desire to acquire niche goods. IF we can acquire enough of the niche goods they are interested in they MIGHT choose to come to us...maybe."

Rolled 40 (1d100)


Yeah I will back the loot use.

I would to then gather meat to get temp peace with the valley to talk to the think tank some how. If not see if we can buy the gear we need with our resources.

Rolled 27 (1d100)

I'll back this

Rolled 47 (1d100)


Rolled 26 (1d100)

A celebration was had and a party went down hard! Or as hard as a corporate party can get down anyway. Thankfully instead of being so drull or dealings with the bandits paid off in regards to PARTY HARD PEOPLE!

Maybe a little too hard. Given that an entire turn went by before people started sobering up and waking up with massive migraines.

>Turn 68
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 30 Resource. 1 loot.
>>>Pop 2280
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.2k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

Hope they also woke up with massive knockups too. We need more employee's people, get busy!

Alright new turn. CEO and Bobo, what gear do we need to improve ammo and get those tanks built faster? We have 30 resources there has to be something we can get with our connections.

Rolled 72 (1d100)

Give the engineer 1 loot and 5 resources and tell her she can have a "fun day" at the workshop and has the tek bandits at their disposal. Let's smooth relations out, and maybe the engy will make something cool!

Voting for this

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Backing this

Rolled 5 (1d100)


Rolled 57 (1d100)

"So...whats the plan?"

"I am thinking super tanks."

"Hm what type?"

"Hm...what designs do we have again?"



"We don't have any do we?"


"...Well this is going to be fun. Good thing we have so many resources to waste on experimental types."

"Man I fucking KNEW I should of spent more time memorizing blueprints.."

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Experments are underway. Please do not pay attention to accidental explosions or power surges. I assure you everything is perfectly safe!


Please ignore any unregistered broadcasts. They are merely a system glitch.


Activating passkeys for required access to comm channels. Everything else was merely a glitch.

>Turn 69
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 29 Resource. 1 loot.
>>>Pop 2280
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.2k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Alright, so while the Engy is having fun improving our armaments or making super tanks, let's try one more time to win those Arty bandits.

Once again, and now that we have a SHIT ton more resources, let's convert yet more of them into drugs and stuff. Double, no TRIPLE what we made before. As much Niche stuff as we can get and trade for it if we need it!

We're gonna stockpile niche stuff like crazy and win those arty raiders

Rolled 84 (1d100)

I guess trade action to see what we can buy. We got a crap ton of resources.

Rolled 25 (1d100)

Let's do it.

Rolled 6 (1d100)

I want this instead.

Rolled 99 (1d100)

Eh, alright, let's do the trade action. Time to go to the market!

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Sure, vote.

Rolled 44 (1d100)

Available Places.

Black Bazaar
Preemo Market
Caravan Meet
Sneaking Secret Shop

These are the four trade places available. Black Bazaar has mutants, bots, bandits, and worse. Preemo Market is a bandit market. Caravan meet is a place wear caravans and factions can gather for trade. The last option is one that can only be found by luck but never sought. All four are available for trade for this turn. The stuff available is a very wide range.

>Caravan Meet

Rolled 91 (1d100)

>Sneaking Secret Shop
Yo need a unit of ninjas sunny side up.

>Caravan Meet
Looking for some Corp gear in the automation department. Also blue prints for goods to make.

Rolled 66 (1d100)


Rolled 24 (1d100)

>Black Bazaar
Buy some bots, we need robots to supplement our work force.
>Caravan Meet
We want to start trading and stockpiling on Niche Items for the Arty raiders
>Sneaking Secret Shop
I'm not entirely sure what they have to offer, but I am interested so let's find out

Rolled 94 (1d100)

Backing these

Rolled 29 (1d100)


Rolled 18 (1d100)

Corp automation gear...isn't exactly a very free commodity. Anyone who has it isn't willing to part with it considering the value. Blue prints on the other hand are available both in Pre Fall Standard and Post Fall standard. Obviously the Pre Fall is much more expensive requiring 6 a pop with our negotiating. Post Fall is going for 1 resource for 1.

"A unit of ninjas IS available for the right price. How much do you offer? A lottery is also available a ticket is value is whatever you say it is."

The following worker bots are available.

>Strange Solution

How many resources do you plan to use for acquiring stuff the arty raiders will want?

The following is offered by that strange shop our forces stumbled upon entirely by accident.

>Lottery(only 1 ticket available price is to be named by you)
>Request(offer whatever you want and what you seek)
>Auction(bid against other factions for items)
>Special Offer(see a range of select goods and post your offer for whichever you want)
>Info(the more you offer the more info provided for whatever you want info on)

hmm. Remember we DO get 4 resources and 1 loot a turn, so we can afford to be a bit loose with our wallet here.

I mean, we haven't had a steady income of resources since the very first big civ. . .

I say we get all of the worker bots except the strange solutions, to increase our productive capacities and also remove our actual corp-people from the line of danger.

>Auction(bid against other factions for items)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

Okay, how about
>4 Resources and 1 Loot for Arty Raider supplies
>6 resources for Pre-Fall Blueprints

Let's spend 8 Resources here, 2 resource for each type so we get a sample of what they are like and how best to use them.

That should leave us next turn (plus income) with 15 resources. Still more than plenty.

>Request(offer whatever you want and what you seek)
"Do you have anything to help improve population growth? [preferably to a steady income pur turn]. It's rather slow and we need more workers.

Maybe some kind of. . .magic or psionic love crystal or fertility emanation device or something like that, that we can place in a pleasure room and will subtly influence our people to pair up and bond."

"Hey, what are the strange solution bots by the way?"

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Completely designed by AI without oversight. What they can up tend to be very strange.

Don't forget to roll(which counts as negotiating).

Rolled 20 (1d100)


Rolled 95 (1d100)


Rolled 62 (1d100)

>>Lottery(only 1 ticket available price is to be named by you)
3 Resources and a ticket for a free burger.


Rolled 22 (1d100)

I support this too

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Supporting these

Rolled 46 (1d100)

Items purchased.

Gained Pre-Fall Blueprint Ulkaar Blaster Rifle.

Bots purchased.

"We do, but you haven't offered your offer so no."

Lottery ticket purchased.

Rolling for results...

Rolled 64 (1d100)

"Will 5 resources cover it?"

Rolled 17 (1d100)

Lottery results.


Gained a Baroza Black Behemoth. An ultra rare class of stealth focused behemoth infamous for its defensive ability. Said to be nigh unstoppable a legit Juggernaut class behemoth. A specialty of Baroza Corporation before its bankruptcy and reformation when it was revealed just 'why' they were so good.

>Turn 69
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 29 Resource. 1 loot.
>>>Pop 3420
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.2k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

Rolled 17 (1d100)

>D. Research fertility drugs

Rolled 47 (1d100)

Nice I likee that Behemoth.

Yo Bobo we got some new bots to look at and a blue print.


Rolled 6 (1d100)


"Hey BANE, with a Stealth Behemoth do you think you could scout out Victim Valley?"

Rolled 63 (1d100)


Rolled 83 (1d100)

"A stealth behemoth? You any idea how shitty those things are or expensive? Seriously though fuck the asshole whoever that would be a good idea."

"You failed to start with the offer no deal."

Research commenced with a few hick ups.

Sadly one of those hick ups involved some certain bio labs...we sorta lost contact with a team sent there including the Bane Company escort. Which is troublesome given that included some of few scientists.

Rolled 70 (1d100)

>Turn 71
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 29 Resource. 1 loot.
>>>Pop 3420
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.2k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

>we sorta lost contact with a team sent there including the Bane Company escort.
"Should we be worried? Maybe send in some more or just wait and hope for the best?"

Rolled 79 (1d100)

Get back contact with the team and resume research at once!

Rolled 85 (1d100)

Yup we got a spec ops unit for a reason.

Rolled 43 (1d100)

"Maybe but Bane Company is already investigating."

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Well if the research team is researching and the engy is engying, guess we'll just stockpile more drugs and niche stuff for the arty raiders this turna and trade with them next turn.

Rolled 23 (1d100)

Have a roll to help them then.

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Previously happened next turn.

"So wait why are we coming back here?"

"Bio lab hopefully it has some stuff for fertility and even if it doesn't we can still take it back to help."

"Oh really?"

"That is the official excuse yes."


"The last time we came through here...wasn't it all oddly intact? As if someone or something was using it..."

"So wait we are looking for that something?"

"Yes. If my guess is correct its some Think Tank personnel."

"I do hope your right."

That was when a soldier spoke up.

"We are coming up to the locked down areas. You sure this is the place?"

"There are only a few locked down areas that remain operational and fewer still with intact life support. If its not this we'll move on."

"Fine. Alright cracking open the place...and detonations are a go."


"Any contacts?"

"...Scanners indicate no-wait a second something is approaching."

"Hostile or not?"

"...Its moving methodically. Whatever it is its intelligent."

"Wait...wait for i-OH FUCK ABOM-"

Sometime later.

"So this is all we found?"

"Yup. Before the feed cut out. We only got a glimpse of it but this was the last thing they saw."

"...Abominations. Just great. Fucking great. I should of figured something like this was help why else would the brood stay small and low profile like that? Shit."

"Do we count them as lost sir?"

"Does it look like they may all be dead?"

They looked around at the battlefield.

"...well there MIGHT be some survivors. Maybe."

"So we continue on soldier. MOVEOUT."

Rolled 90 (1d100)

>Turn 72
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>Points: 33 Resource. 2 loot.
>>>Pop 3420
>>>Military 300(100 bot)(1.2k Preemo)
>>>>>Food: Very Good
>>>>>Water: Good
>>>>>Morale: Good
>>>>>Medicine: Very Good
>>>>>Health: Good
>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>Fuel: 'radiant'
>>>>>Tech level: Good.
>>>>>Reputation: Notso Juicy Target
>>>>>Infrastructure: Meeting Room. Fish Farm. Hydroponics Bay. Medical Bay. Vehicle Bay. Science Bay. Industrial Bay. Corporate Cells. Storage Center. Corp Construction Center. Water Treatment Center. Corp Recycling Center. Logistical Center. Command Center. Processing Center. Gym. Armory. Server Farm. Factory. Nanite Beds. Daycare. Well. Flooded Mineshafts. Fast Food Shops.
>>>>>Defenses: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire.
>>>>>vehicles: Cargo Hover Haulers 4. VTOL Cargo Flyers 2.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactor. Fast breeder Reactor. Emergency Generator.
>>>>>Weapons: Corp Sidearms. Batons. Tasers. Riot Weaponry(limited). Thunder Firearms(limited). Primitive(plentiful). Explosives(limited).
>>>>>armor: Armored Vest. Riot Armor(limited). Power Loaders. Thunder Full Body Armor(limited).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center.
>>>>>Materials: 1 supply. 1 rare mat.

>>>>>H. Your choice
Unflood those flooded mineshafts, so we can use them again.

Rolled 68 (1d100)

>D. Research technology

Rolled 81 (1d100)

We have that bandit ammo to fight mutants, right? Let us make some to help and refine some resources.

Also give 2 resources to the CEO and Bobo gets 2 as well for side projects.



"Bane report, give us an updated situation."

...a little confused on your exposition story Genie.

Late night bump

what's going on? isn't there a quest board now? go there.

Rolled 37 (1d100)



Rolled 76 (1d100)

>>>>>H. Your choice
Unflood the the flooded mineshaft so we can use them again.

Let's see which of our bots is useful for this type of construction.

Rolled 42 (1d100)

Vote. Just remembered we needed rolls to make a plan

Rolled 36 (1d100)


Rolled 15 (1d100)




>Page 10

Rolled 94 (1d100)



