Muh fast transactions

>Muh fast transactions
This shit is literally a scam. I just sent some bcash out and it hasn't even 1 confirm after half an hour. How is this going to work in the real world?
>Go into 7-11
>Get items and go to cashier Rashmed
>"That will be .0023 bcash sir"
>Swipe my bcash card
>"Sorry sir, but you will have to wait possibly 30 minutes for your payment to go through sir. Sorry for the wait sir."
>Wait 45 minutes starting to get impatient
>"Sorry sir there seems to be a small backlog of confirmations sir. It will just be a couple more minutes sir"
>Wait another 20 minutes blood starting to boil
>"Just a couple more minutes sir"
>Wait another 10 minutes and leave with my items still on the counter

Other urls found in this thread:

That's what you get for buying into a scam bitcoin.

Yeah it's very slow



But yeah you guys are fucking retarded. Bitcoin Cash is my favorite coin going forward. Cheap fees, fast transactions, graphene next year, OP Codes, Colored coins, all good news for BCash.

Price drop doesn't matter, in fact that's the best time to accumulate, in the long run Bitcoin Cash will be superior to all other coins.

>fast transactions
can you read the thread?

this is not how future transactions will work though. It will work more like a credit card in like they just need to know that you sent the money, doesnt matter if it only gets confirmed two months later lol

Then why ever bring up transaction times ever?

its fast compared to bitcoin

its important for exchanges between two individuals. If you send me 100 bux i want to have them on my account ASAP. Mcdonalds on the other hand can wait for my 0.00001 bitcoins for an hour, theres no rush.

> If you send me 100 bux i want to have them on my account ASAP.
Why would this happen with bcash if it doesn't even do it at this very moment? Thus this thread.

Which is literally the slowest piece of shit out there.

There are plenty of coins which offer instant and even free transactions. Bitcoin is popular because it is the means by which you can invest into those other coins. Bcash is utterly pointless.

It's like creating a second north korea, but with cheaper milk prices, yeah cheaper milk is great, but it's still fucking shit.

I hodl 21 BCH but the real master race coin is IOTA

Bitcoin Cash is Satoshi's Bitcoin and will do just fine regardless of AXA/Blockstream Legacy Core Bitcoin

"Slowest piece of shit out there"
But it's worth more than every other coin.

BCash isn't pointless, read the entire story of why Bcash had to be created:

Bitcoin Cash's Fund goal: Our mission is to help Bitcoin Cash serve one billion users within five years.

Who the fuck even buys milk after puberty? Waste of money and causes weight gain, pimples, estrogen, etc.

it's bcash

Also you are talking about taking forever? I just transfered .11 BTC and it has been two hours and nothing yet. Doesn't even appear on

It's been two fucking hours and nothing. I used a segwit address too.

fuck bcash

if it hasn't even been broadcasted to the blockchain yet that is a problem with your wallet.

Also look at Open Bazaar working on implementing BCH

Sad! No-Bitcoin-Casher is scared his dinosaur coin is going to get devoured.

Balls deep in IOTA.

Your table is pure joke. We all know bcash is Rogers project to siphon new crypto users. GTFO with your propaganda.

Look at them fees
I had to pay $4 to transfer mine. That's 400x more.

If they're both Bitcoin and one is faster and cheaper, and just as rare as the other, and isn't controlled by blockstream, isn't controlled by banks or corporations, then I'll use the more decentralized faster version any day.

I thank all the BCash fudders because the price dropped a lot which allowed me to accumulate some which is a good thing for me in the long run.

Is Bitconnect a scam too? thinking about just putting in $200 to test out.

you mean op dragonfaggot amarite?
pic related

Yes dude, Roger the guy that already has hundreds of thousands of BTC Bitcoin and spent his life spreading the message of Bitcoin everywhere just wants to get richer and create a cheaper coin that has cheaper transaction fees and not censored or controlled by blockstream and banks... Are you fucking retarded?

Check out Roger's latest video:

And that table I posted was from someone else, I didn't make that shit, just had it on my computer.

he also audited mt gox, you know days before the "hack" yet you still blindly follow him

OP Here
I just sent twice as much (in usd) ETH, and it gets almost instantly confirmed.
Bcash is overpriced garbage holy shit. Sure it has a slightly lower trans fee, but at least I know I'll get my money in an actually reasonable time.
Fuck Bcash

use ripple

Who's fault is it that they were insolvent and possibly hid information? Pretty sure Roger came in there, and Mt Gox said "All is well check out these documents" and Roger being a trusting person said "Okay it definitely looks like things are running smoothly here".

Roger isn't an auditor, he doesn't know exactly what to look for. I mean put in that situation I think anyone would have thought MT Gox was doing well.

Tethers btw are Mt Gox 2.0

Also check out the Bitcoin Cash development plan:

Here's another group's plan:

And there are a few other groups working on their own improvements. Decentralized Bitcoin is the future.

Is this a core shill thread or something? You people are delusional, and that's coming from someone holding all BTC and no BCH. Just stop.

lol this retard didn't even have the brains to pay some of Jihan's cousins to like his video on shittube.

Quite possibly a Clowns In America mouthpiece, as well.

Considering how hard the FBI owned the guy for selling them explosives for IED's in bulk, yeah... He's a puppet for some 3 letter agency for sure.

LOL he didn't even sell explosives. It was fireworks and he was jailed for selling them without a license on eBay. You don't even know the story, you just believe all the shit you hear through other core shills and blockstream.

Information is somewhere around the 40 minute mark:

All the true information is censored you know, BTC is kept at 1mb and slow on purpose, it's intentional so that the lightning network can be implemented which can be used by banks and government.

yep. ethereum is surprisingly fast even more than litecoin

Also he doesn't even have a U.S. citizenship anymore, he renounced it after he was imprisoned.

He's just one guy trying to spread the message of Bitcoin, only way Blockstream can win is through personal attacks and defamement, because they do not have facts on their side.

Will I ever be able to sell this above .2?

Yup Ethereum is super fast but it's not a Bitcoin. It was an ICO coin where you put in 1 BTC you got like 6,000 ETH or something. I was not there so I don't know the exact trade figures.

I really like Ethereum due to its use case and advanced features compared to the Bitcoins, but due to the way a majority of it was gotten through ICO, and how it's essentially a "Rich get richer" scheme, I can't support it as much as BCH even though I have a good amount of all three BTC, BCH, and ETH.

try harder corecucks

its faster than your dinocoin

Zero-conf is possible with Bitcoin Cash. Meaning your transaction at 7-11 will be accepted within mere seconds. Only large purchases will need to wait for confirmation.
Zero-conf is not possible with Bitcoin due to Core's addition of replace-by-fee (RBF).

>complain Bitcoin is centralized
>make bcash, an even more centralized clone of Bitcoin
>have so few devs you're already falling behind Bitcoin's code
>pump up the price
>flood the Bitcoin mempool with transactions lower than the fee required to send them
>have a literal army of shills flooding every area of the net, desperately trying to meme bcash into a win (because they're butthurt they missed the first moon)
>call Bitcoin "cripple coin" and then screech and swear and rage quit an interview because somebody says bcash

This is your hero. Oh yeah, and he cried about Iraqi kids even though he shipped explosives through the mail.... which could have killed innocent kids.

The guy is a sociopath.

I think OP is mixing it up with BTC. He also left out the part where the fees were higher than the thing he was buying

Fuck off with your Roger Ver propaganda website. Nobody except the most retarded people in biz believe this shit anyway.

Ver and Jihan had plan for the flipenning actually happen, it faild when korean exchange went down mid pump, now they are just stalling while dropping the bhc for eth and btc again. It's a scam coin and you go played live with it.

You fucking moron, rbf was supported by satoshi himself. Jesus fucking Christ, cashies are ignorant as hell. But when it suits them, they claim that bcash is satoshis vision.

Wow shills are out in huge numbers. Does this mean flippenning is a real thing? Should I all in to BCH?

I've never actually read this site before now, but this is some shady stuff. This guy is trying to scam people way the fuck out.

Look at pic related. The BTC chain didn't split into two but this image suggests it did. What really happened is a copy of the blockchain was created and is being called one half of a split. I could make copies (read: fork) BTC every day of every week and they wouldn't be any more legitimate than this altcoin knockoff.

This is a group of people preying on the ignorance of non-techie people. Jesus Fucking Christ.

These newcoiners dont even know what OB is

That was profoundly stupid. I'm not sure if you understand what a fork is or what that image is depicting.

Wtf are you talking about. ETH is an Altcoin it's a top level block chain. There was never an ETH ICO

Oh, I do understand it. Using a V-split on a data flow diagram suggests a division of flow. Original (and current) BTC holders didn't have to do shit to continue to utilize their coins. BCH holders needed whole new copies of their coins.

Generally, a pattern like that is deplicted like pic related. (1000 hours in ms paint, but you get the idea). Showing it the way they show it is extremely deceptive.

>i'm mad about how a diagram is drawn
>i have no fault with the words describing the fork and no problem with the argument being made
>but the diagram is misleading

I wouldn't all in to BCH just yet but going 50-70% in is pretty solid. BTC is sitting on a pillar of sand and normies are waking up to the fact it's basically unusable for anything but sending to an exchange and back. You're going to continue to see BTC growth but at this point not unreasonable Bitcoin Cash will outpace it.

What's important to watch for is more exchanges adding BCH/USD trading pairs. Bitstamp has announced pairs imminently. Coinbase is very likely to follow January 1st. When that happens you'll have major fiat onramps so normies can buy BCH direct.

> Misrepresenting information when teaching things is not important: The Post
That's why I'm calling it misleading. Scammers often use 'mostly real' data with a shiny coat of bullshit to sell their story. This is one of those situations.

Continue with your BCash pump campaign though.

Also your diagram is misleading because you labeled the BCH chain as high fee, reversible, slow transaction. The pink squares should be the BTC chain, and the yellow squares should manifest below, as pic related.


Fork diagrams only recolor the trunk if the trunk is decommissioned in liu of the fork. Given how the trunk in this case is still worth over 5x that of the fork-- that's not the case. This is software/solution 101 shit.

But pink represents
>high fees
>reversible transactions
>slow transactions

So how are you not being more misleading than the damn image? Either you defend the lightning network or not, but you don't get to say the lightning network is original bitcoin because Satoshi, minister be upon him, never said jack shit about Layer 2

>Not a dinosaur


i noticed this too

confirmations were slow as fuk. I like trading it but jesus, the muh coffee meme doesnt apply to this coin either.

Bitcoin Cash also offers Lightning, just of a different kind. Bitcoin Cash channels are one-directional, Bitcoin Segwit channels are two directional.

BCH will have ICO's too

That s part of the future good news coming up

"Smart contracts"

>Sad! No-Bitcoin-Casher is scared his dinosaur coin is going to get devoured.

BTC all time high incoming

watch your mouth you little faggot

With all due respect it's called Bitcoin Cash