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Where the hell's the Aegis Mech edition
Why does the Paizo Forum hate people getting to use shields?
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Pathfinder General - /pfg/
Where the hell's the Aegis Mech edition
Why does the Paizo Forum hate people getting to use shields?
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Aegis has enough toys. It's already the Arcanist of martial characters.
Do you use music in your campaign, /pfg/? What kinds of music have you used before?
> Outsider Servant: This functions as the antipaladin ability, except the insinuator gains a new outsider servant each day, whose alignment must match the alignment of the outsider invoked for the day. The outsider servant functions as much as an agent for the patron invoked by the insinuator as an ally of the insinuator himself, and may turn against him if he violates his patron's alignment or interests.
Shields should come in damage types (piercing/slashing/bludgeoning) and give damage reduction, honestly. That sounds like a way more fun system change that promotes having a variety of fighting styles in your party.
My GM has a whole soundtrack for important sessions
The ones I've recognised were Diablo and Starcraft soundtracks, there were more than just Blizzard/vidya gaem soundtracks, though.
I usually have a vocal and acoustic theme for each character, though.
>Why does the Paizo Forum hate people getting to use shields?
Because realistically speaking the Paizo devs could not use a shield to block anything so it would be impossible to use a shield like that, you have to hope people hit them on accident.
Speaking of shields, are there any weapons or enhancements that specifically get around shield bonus to ac?
Over focus on damage types just tends to reduce martials to pokemon, where the last thing they need is to be useless in MORE encounters. Trust me, I had an encounter with an ooze that whenever you dealt piercing or slashing damage, it would split in half. It was extremely annoying to have to wait for the monk and caster to deal with it.
Plus, shields just tend to be levels of quality, not geared towards particular things.
What's the best thing you can think to do with a Vishkanya's scaling poison, /pfg/?
Brilliant energy
Also being incorporeal or hitting against touch
There's an axe in Inner Sea Races that ignores Shield AC.
Think of it like a sperm bank, it's useless to me, so sell it for the hope of something even modestly useful.
The highest DC you can get out of that is 20 for 1d2 dex damage.
It's pretty unimpressive. Especially because it has no flexibility. You can't spit on people's food to poison it. You can't smear it over the walls.
They've been practicing with garbage can lids all day and it's harder than you'd think to deflect an incoming blow. Using a shield now requires 12 feats.
Have a DC 75 poison?
Con-based caster like the pre-errata scarred witch doctor or the scarred mourner archetype for ertw's beguiler.
So.. my GM is starting up a new campaign. This time he doesn't restrict anything (as long as it's Paizo).
How's the Psychic Duelist? I never been able to play with Psychic Duel system.
When is the Soulknife pdf getting uploaded?
Whenever the person who runs it decides to add it to the trove. It's not hard to find though.
It's okay. You don't lose a lot, and there's shenanigans to be pulled with Thought Made Real at 9th level and on (hint: there's a thoughtform creature ability that makes you immune to attack as long as the creature exists).
No contest. I play Pathfinder all the time.
What about the Psychic duel system itself? Is it any fun or is it just there is disable the BBEG, while my party member are killing his body in real life?
At this point I think it would be more likely to have made my own archetype for Aegis before the arcforge one comes out.
This. My fucking players trivialized my campaign with the goddamn Aegis. The Aegis needs a nerf somehow, it's too good at everything, yet not strong enough that I can hurl the worst of the worst on it and figure it'll be okay like I can a caster.
Eh, it's no more or less fun than normal combat, which makes it a negative overall since you're forced to learn a new system just for one thing.
How would you handle a poncy rich nobleman as a PC? In this context, he only gets aristocrat levels, but to compensate is given a huge amount of wealth to compensate. Would you allow it?
Just how poncy are we talking?
The ponciest ponce who ever ponced past a poncing parlour.
Not really, no. I mean his optimal playstyle would be to fund the items of his party members who have class levels, instead of himself. A class played well shouldn't be boring.
Extract all the daily uses of it in the morning, and then mix it into one extra-potent poison to be used once. I may or may not also take the racial feat that lets them make a sleep-inducing venom instead.
Could take Ability Focus if you want, I think the poison works for it in this case, but it's probably not worth the feat.
Probably as poncy as can be gotten away with without the other PCs stabbing him and leaving a corpse in a ditch somewhere.
What sort of alternative would you suggest for someone really set on the idea of playing a rich noble who himself doesn't have much combat ability? Maybe like a wizard who has been, refluffed to have all his spells just be purchased magic items or something like that?
Yeah, it's basically DSP's equivalent of a full caster getting more toys with every splat.
I hope it gets more archetypes that limit its shit, like the Host of Heroes.
Noble Scion PrC (Bolt Ace before that, if he doesn't want to totally be useless in combat).
I have a question regarding the PsyArm. Well, several questions actually.
>Shields formed from the psychic armory are in the panoply but operate normally, defending the player (these shields do not occupy the character’s hands).
Question 1: Shields, plural, means I have 1+Wis Mod number of mindshields similar to my panoply of blades?
Question 2: Can I take the additional configurations blade skill to have two sets of different shields with different enchantments?
Question 3: If yes, do the enchantments stack?
The only good thing about the psychic duel system is that one image. Especially the elf edit.
If you have an ability like Hand of the Acolyte (wis to hit) and you are using ba guided weapon, can you add your wisdom modifier twice?
It's a pretty good way to piss off your DM, though.
My GM is the one who state say that he's open to anything from Paizo.
I really just want to try something new, instead of going God Wizard or God Razmiran Priest (lol free call construct)
Mind Shield is just a flat +2 shield bonus. It's not an enchantable shield. You get floaty shields, just like a normal mind shield.
Just make sure you give him a heads up that you're planning to use the psychic duel system so he doesn't have to learn it on the fly.
Shields only require a REALLY SIMPLE hotfix.
Still waiting on the help for thrown weapons, user
Don't hide it from me, /pfg/.
Tell me about that piece of 3PP or homebrew you had to fight tooth and nail to get your DM to accept and how it worked out when you actually got to play it.
Uh, what? He's still mostly a martial. What exactly are you doing that the Aegis is completely trivializing?
>being enough of a cuck gm to alow 3pp in a game
3pp is usually ok i'm mostly biased against homebrew
That's never happened and the only time a player's brought homebrew to me was dandwiki trash or a poorly-written labyrinth based on how to be Sephiroth or some dark anime thing.
Back when Occult Adventures came out I really wanted to try my hand at playing a kineticist (it didn't help that I had just watched all of Avatar + Korra). It took my character dying in the first session to convince the GM that it needed changing to actually function.
I had to pull teeth to get psionics into my game, literally. I'm a dentist, I did some free work on my friend/GM as a bribe to get him to allow it.
This was years ago, we now allow all DSP.
Does Psionic Knack boost Gifted Blade's manifester level to equal their soulknife level?
>Mostly a martial
>Initiating, Manifesting, Akasha, powerful non-subsystem abilities.
Mostly a martial! Hah!
Your friend scored
Yup. We're still doing "pre-session 0".
> Kineticist
> Die
How? You should fall unconscious from burn before you even get to -CON?
In the session last night, my level 7 Kineticist has 42 Non-lethal damage on her.
>taking more burn than Elemental Overflow requires
>ever ever in the history of ever
You deserved it, user. You deserved it all.
He gets 4th level spellcasting/manifesting AT BEST, Akasha is garbage, and Initiating still only really makes you good at hitting things.
If his actually complaint is
then allow me to laugh for awhile..
>Initiating still only really makes you good at hitting things.
Wasn't hard for me. Homebrewed a spell-less Bard that, upon looking at it again, was a fucking Disney Princess build. Spells replaced with Ballads which, the longer you sang, the more potent they got. Like 1st round = 1 effect, 2nd round = 1st round's effect + a new one, 3rd round = 1st & 2nd round + new effect and so on. It also received a songbird familiar that had it's own "songbird performances" which had different benefits. The bard could spend a round of performance to initiate a Refrain to increase the penalty, bonus or DC of one of it's Songbird's performances by 1/2/3 depending on level, and vice versa for the Songbird performing Harmonies for the Bard's performances.
It was fun until the bird and myself got nailed to a wall by arrows.
This reminds me of a thought I had.
Would removing the limit on Elemental Overflow help fix Kineticists, or would it just turn them into giant glass chainsaws?
Because I like the idea of the high-risk/high-reward take on Burn.
I needs to use several Telekinetic Haul to drop around 10-tons worth of snow on top of Skeleton hoards and end the "this is unwinnable, you should run and get more help in the city" part of the GM plan.
And they can change all their shit day by day, or even on the fly. I said arcanist for a reason.
Depending on the discipline, it can make you a lot of things.
Silver Crane makes you an amazing out of combat healer, decent in combat, with good save-durability
Veiled Moon gives you the best maneuverability in the game, in my honest opinion.
Fool's Errand gives you stellar battlefield control and anti-magic (though the latter will be nerfed)
Thrashing Dragon makes you nimble as hell, letting you make reflex saves as acrobatic checks, which can get ridonculous.
You can get some good options, but you can't get all the great options. Hitting is a part of it, but being able to hit things was never the problem with martials that PoW was trying to fix.
Unfortunately, the GM fully believed in starting us off in rusty dagger shanktown. It didn't help that the creature I was fighting tried eating me after I went unconscious.
>Veiled Moon gives you the best maneuverability in the game,
don't forget scent
Evil beasts in a cage. They're sentient and obviously starved. They are asking to be let out. Our party is chaotic good. If we leave them they starve, if they get out they'll attack us (at best) or other people nearby. What do?
Yeah, I felt that one was out of place.
It fit for Primal Fury, but enh.
>You can get some good options, but you can't get all the great options.
The Aegis' gimmick is literally that it CAN get all the great options. Not at the exact same time, but pretty soon afterwards.
There is no air on the moon for scent to use as a vector.
Throw some meat in the cage. Preferably drugged with a sedative to keep those bastards from going feral.
Does it matter?
Level 7 Kineticist should have 90hp. 42 lethal damage is still let them have more effective hp than most gish which has around 50hp.
Your GM obviously has a vore fetish.
Tempest Gale or Solar Wind for a Psyarm Warsoul Soulknife that's already focusing on Sleeping Goddess and Riven Hourglass?
I have almost everything relevant in wis as-is, and I was thinking of Solar Wind so I don't have to burn a trait on wisdom in the flesh.
One of my players wanted to make and play a homebrew race for Canim from the Codex Alera (Basically, Worgen). Which is cool and all, but they don't exist in my setting. After a but of deliberation, my players convinced me it could fit well in the campaign, and I agreed as long as he was willing to stand out, and often be targeted or picked out by NPCs.
We explained it away as "You're from a different plane, and got summoned here like an outsider."
>Okay, yeah, so my character was with [book character]'s army when he went from [book place] to [other book place] and...
"Well, no. Your race is based on the Canim, but you're not actually from Alera. That doesn't exist in this world."
That took a bit of explaining.
First session, the cultists cut off his paw-hand to use it for some fucky magic. I think he was a little salty about that, but it gave his character investment in the story, and I gave him his hand back at the end of the story-arch.
Long story short, it actually turned out pretty well.
It's more that pretty much no power they have is actually worth taking 2 Con damage per use. If you're getting bonuses from Elemental Overflow ON TOP OF what you're spending the burn for, then it's justifiable in some cases, mostly for defense talents and other 24 hour passives. But not for a single fucking blast or "lift some shit" like was doing.
Whoops. Forgot pic.
Knowing the people I've played with regularly? Probably. That game died after the next session anyway.
nonsense. you're not the one who judge which power is worth taking the burn or not. There are too many variable in each situation for you to do that.
Is it the last fight of the day? do you have enough time for 2-hour nap? Is it mission objective need to be complete as soon as possible? Is the spellcaster too busy jerking off each other in their own demiplane?
Hey guys, I really hate that I have to ask this, but I can't find shit. I'm looking for a picture of a person with brown hair and brown eyes and is young. He or she is in their late teens or early 20's. Basically this character is a sailor or a person who works around ships. I would appreciate it if someone can help me out here.
>building a synthesist summoner for a game
>think that maybe I'll go for something grapple-heavy in addition to simple clawing people's faces off
>get so in the zone I forget about everything else, have everything all planned out
>mfw come out of my theorycrafting trance and realize I have a swallow-whole eidolon
>mfw realizing that this is DEFINITELY one of the fetishes for two people in my group, and both would probably try to convince me to use it for non-combat purposes
>mfw dodging the question when asked why I scrapped my synthesist character entirely
Looking back, I should have gone for it anyway.
Is this some meme I missed? It's too stupid to be bait right? This guy couldn't have actually not been able to Google this right?
Again, most of their options are T3. They're hardly trivializing whole games by themselves.
I really suck when it comes to finding characters.
It took me about a month of arguing to get the beguiler conversion allowed in the game among a chorus of "it's better than a sorcerer, that can't be balanced" from the DM.
How did it turn out? It was obvious that the beguiler wasn't better than a sorcerer and given how fun it is to play one it's become a staple in our games.
After looking through Psychic Duels rule. It require shit tons of MP to do stuff that a spell could already do isn't it?
Like to make a Dazing effect.
1MP - To determine effect
1MP - Damage dice
4MP - Dazed
So that's 6MP or the equivalent of 6th-level spell? The DC is 16+INT?
One of my GMs put in a purring, snuggles-during-conversations catboy three campaigns in a row. We were juggling their names like circus clowns in our quest to remember what he was called this time. GM turned BRIGHT RED when the pattern itself was specifically brought up, which was cute as hell, but hasn't done it anymore after.
>make kitsune sorcerer enchanter as a semi-joke character because you want to test compulsion spells
>GM and another player keep revealing their deepest fetishes every time I try doing things with the character
I'm not sure I want to think too hard on the invasive/degrading compulsion mindrape fetish. I'm just glad that this shit only tends to come up during oneshots.
>"it's better than a sorcerer, that can't be balanced"
Beguiler better than a sorcerer? Is your DM a simpleton?
It's great when you reveal your power level, and the other player reveals their's, and it turns out you're both playing off each other's kinks in *just* the right way.
My group is the most bizarre cluster of weirdos, but I don't know if I'd be able to survive in any other group. They're a fun bunch, but I kinda wish the the two I accidentally baited would tone it down already.
I had never ERPed before this character and I never intended to. I didn't even realize how much fetish bait I had packed in until it was too late. Now I'm just riding the wave trying to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
No, he just doesn't seem to get some of the nuances of power levels in the game. As I said, he eventually relented and saw how wrong he was.
>Now I'm just riding the wave trying to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Sometimes I wish I never found out how deep the rabbit hole is
So what is the best race for Psychic Duelist? Human is boring but being able to get spell focus and greater spell focus is great.
Hold me I'm scared
Why is it that players always strive to get 18 in a stat, when that's never really necessary? Especially in 25 point buy, when you can easily have no dump stats.
I'm the GM
I never get to play concepts that I want.
I've been allowing players to play what they bring to the table though, so there's that.
And not fully on each either.
Aegis is actually at its best, given the cost factor of some of them, when taking just a bit from each option.
1-2 unbound veils, instead of 3 bound ones
A handful of maneuvers carefully chosen, instead of trying to match the full initiators
Better just Res 10~20 than immunity *most* of the time
if youre a caster it's kinda neccessary, if you like bonus spells anyway
18 before racial or after racial?
Before racial is sort of, after racial is fine.
I almost as a rule will only put a 16 at highest in my stats pre-racial UNLESS I'm playing a character who literally will never do anything but toss their primary attribute around, like a wizard.
The exception is Barbarian because come on.
Is this some sort of 3rd party but official? I see they worked very hard to make it look like a Paizo book, but once you're outside PFS I don't see any reason not to house rule the crap out of it.
Just at a glance it would never get to my table.
I don't bother getting 20's post-racials and stop at 19 because I find it a waste of points when I can diversify a bit. I just need to wait a couple levels to bump it to 20 anyways.