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Good Morning Heretics Edition

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1st for aspiring champions should be able to take terminator armour

Nice soul, I'll take it.

>Good Morning Heretics
Good morning OP

Glad I didnt preorder

Aspiring champions should have 2W, like the eldar exarchs.

tanking wounds with a termie for a tac squad is a bit much

I still think the best use of that kit is to assemble one of the other flyers and use the KMK and smashagun bits to make mek gunz.

>140points for an AV10 unit

I wish GW would stop being so wishy-washy and just stop selling the Ork Codex already.

I mean it's pretty obvious from the last 10 years of releases that they don't actually want anyone to play the army and just want them to buy the models so why don't they just get on with it already.

Then they can stop having to write up rules that they blatantly don't want to, care to, or know what to do with.

Can't space wolves already do that?

I see your 140 point AV10 flyer, and raise you a 160 point AV10 flier.

I've honestly never never played wolf termies. Usually bjorn and Thunder cav with some devs in some units

Orks have to have hands-down the best ratio of Model-Awesomeness to Rules Uselessness in any army. So many of our models look fucking awesome and yet have godawful rules.

They really, tragically, can't figure them out. I'm at the point where the only reason I can think of is that they genuinely look at the rules they put out for Orks and say "Yep, these are great". Why a company would intentionally put out such atrocious rules just doesn't make sense, except if they think they're not terrible.

As someone newish to the game, what is with all these (flyers, etc.) supplements? How am I supposed to build a decent army when the reading list could fill a sizeable bookshelf?

Damn eldar have it tough :^)

But seriously it must have some tricks, right?

Like the Battlewagon
(but that one isn't that bad, just mediocre)

>160 points

Continuing my question about flyer formations also being flyer wing.

The way I interpreted is is that flyer wings aren't formations per se, so if you take the crimson death formation,
You get the formation bonus, in addition to whatever bonus you get from being a in a 3 man strong attack wing.

Otherwise I can't see much point in most of the formations.

Dont forget the two tellyport mega kannons, should make a base for another mek fun too

This is coming from the same company who wrote Tau, and Eldar. And are maintaining the Chaos codex. They have no sense of balance.

You literally have to buy everything. Or download it from links you might be able to find here. (Do that)

What if one of the Tzeentch discipline powers merged with the Daemon's Change discipline?

Imagine: Doombolt AND Flickering fire in the same discipline.

You're forgetting the word "Dark" in front of Eldar, mate.

Also it's maybe got some tricks?
I don't know the rules for it but it's got some cool fluff.
Like one of the type of bombs it can drop is a bundle of monofilament wire that explodes out at neck height.
Fucking radical.

The stormhaw actually looks pretty nice. Just do the tail lenghtening mod for it and remove the assault cannons from the wings and it look flight worthy

Am I the only one who is cautiously optimistic here, what with the new CEO and the general trend of "trying to listen to people and put their ear to the ground," even if it hasn't been an immediate 180*?" The general trends of new releases and products has actually been somewhat encouraging.

I think there's a light at the end of the tunnel. We just gotta suffer through to it, guys.

Can you post a picture of the formation requirements?

We just never gonna see the genestealers again, huh?

Remove chinkin

Yeah, the pilots can calibrate the angle prior to and during weapons release, and go for multiple decapitations. The one that's a liquid nitrogen bomb that mr. Freezes people and is followed immediately by a high impact concussion to shatter doods is, in the parlance of my times, dank.

>GW releases two chaos supplements that push possessed hard
>You STILL can't buy possessed through their webstore

yeah I'm positive too
They'll evebtualy do things mostly

do things right*


The game straight up trash, play something else.

Yep. Ask Veeky Forums a few years ago if they'd be community testing FAQs and they'd laugh you out the door.

Granted they still will, but for different reasons.

I'm interested to see how the specific codex FAQs / errata (are errata coming out?) will look, especially since everything up till now has just really been establishing the intended reading of rules.

>read some Word Bearer lore
>Kor Phaeron and Erebus are plotting to remove Abaddon as the warmaster of Chaos because of his faithlessness

How is Abaddon faithless?
he serves the Chaos Gods.

They are.
Both te ork formations grants a benefit if they fly in certain patterns

Discontinued in the US but stock remaining in the UK. Basic CSM squad is showing as discontinued though.

Is there a CSM update imminent? Will they finally stop fucking complaining?

He serves them, but only as a tool to get what he wants: Himself as Emperor of Mankind.

Think of it this way: Kor Phaeron/Erebus/The Word Bearers are all devout zealot catholics. Abbadon is a medieval ruler who just pays lip service until he can tell the pope to go fuck himself.

Sauce on the pic?

Doesn't worship them.

He sees the gods as powergul patrons to manipulate and use rather than lords and masters.

He pays lip service to each one just enough so that their Cult Troops will help him out and whatnot but I'm pretty sure he holds near fedora levels of contempt for the Chaos Gods and their machinations.


CSM base squad is showing as available in the US, for me.

So I want to play Chaos, but I don't want to play Daemons or Marines. I had a look at the FW Renegades and Heretics army and they honestly look pretty crap.

Should I just play IG covered in spikes or should I look at the 30k Cults and Militia army?

Is there a last chance logo? If not they arent being replaced.

You're def not the only one. I'd imagine just about everybody with a large collection and who grew up with this awesome IP wants to see them turn it around.

I'm always leery of BoLS' amateur financial analysis of the company, but for what it's worth; Harry said GW has been in a death spiral with poor game design primarily informed by business decisions that didn't pay off. For example 8th ed fantasy emphasizing large blocks of infantry, where to get maybe half of your mandatory core allowance, it would cost you some 200$, which isn't a great return.

I could see why this led to the "fuck it, take whatever you want! " because they probably figured folks would just get the big stuff and be playing quasi apoc all day. It turned out to be game systems that weren't very compelling.

They're hopefully starting to realize that they're market is actually a thing, and presumably have abandoned the "lol demographics are for chumps we'll just make more expensive minis and make those better." As it turns out having a functional game system and losing large majorities of your player base are important concepts.

This. I prefer to buy stuff but download everything and figure out what books are useful to you.

>no sense of balance

It's a sales strategy user. The nature of 40k requires them to find (not so) clever ways of forcing new purchases. Holding CSM, DE, Ork, BA players down and nearly unplayable in the last few years goes a long way toward convincing those players to buy an entirely new army.

To think that a public company accidentally keeps the same handful of armies in the gutter for the past ~4+ years is myopic. A ten year old can see the power gaps, you can, I can. Do you really believe the Games Workshop studio cant see the imbalance?

Do you really believe Crimson Slaughter, Black Legion, and Angels of Death/new psychic powers were released in the same weekend - with *huge power gaps between the armies* - was an accident?

They can clearly write powerful rules, and weak rules. The fact that the same armies are either kept strong or weak isnt an accident. Anyone still falling for this carrot on a stick excuse is a retard.

>How is Abaddon faithless?
Anyone who doesn't follow Lorgar's teachings to the letter is an infidel to Word Bearers. Also this

Does the Imperium have any concept of secular treason? That is to say, acknowledging people being very clearly devoutly emperor-minded, but going against the government or millitary?

Renegades and Heretics are actually much better than IG

Yes, I said discontinued in The UK.

If you watch status in the UK and US you can see pending updates. Since those two regions are by far the largest for sales they tend to run out of stock first.

Why would they do last chance on a kit if a new replacement kit is coming?

Because limited edition stamps are like printing money.

>GW has been in a death spiral
For what it's worth, people were saying that when I left 40k the first time, which was well over 3-4 years ago.

I for one am optimistic, I think the proof will be in a) the changes they make based on community feedback and b) the upcoming race-specific FAQs. Less so the second one, since they may just want to get the rules under control and consolidate a bit before shaking things up.

If you think they do that on purpose then why do new models get released with garbage rules as often as with great rules?

>much better

I have IA13, and a huge IG army. Renegades and Heretics are absolutely not 'much better'. They have more infantry options, and can take 3 spawn for 55 points if you meet certain requirements. In a lot of cases they are cheaper to account for the BS 2. No Pask, no Wyvern, no orders, so no. They arent better.

How so?

It just looks like the only thing they really have is cheaper infantry, but the Uncertain Worth rule looks like it will fuck over any infantry force


A perfect example would be the Severian Empire from the FFG RPG books.

The core philosophy of the commoners and troops of them is that Big Daddy E is still super holy but the High Lords are full of shit and not to be obeyed.
Now the higher ups and leaders are all corrupt as shit with the whole secession stemming from the Severian emperor making a power play for his own personal gain but backfiring spectacularly.

Sales shrink is a thing. Numbers dont lie user. GW isnt in a death spiral, but if the shrink continues to accelerate they could be.

Well, they didn't. Possessed and CSM are each discontinued in one of the two key geographies so the other countries will follow suit as stock levels drop.

They are called renegades.

Personally, I hope that CSM is being squatted as a 40K faction but it is probably just an update or repackage.

But you have respawining infantry, even from outflanking, you can have a 70 point cheaper baneblade with 12" bubble of fearless and 3+ cover from infantry, you can have cheaper artillery if you don't care about the BS 2.

It can be unstoppable if you want.

They also have a neat Romanesque aesthetic going about them if you're interested in that.

That's weird considering that Lorgar is the friendliest daemon primarch to Abaddon.

Im not going to get into a pissing contest over this user. You can believe whatever you want to believe.
If a multi-million dollar company leaving sales to chance is the reality you want to live in, thats fine by me. But let me assure you, Games Workshop is well aware of how rules affect sales, and has a clearly defined strategy that includes exploiting that. Trying to simplify it down to 'model x, y, z dont have good rules' doesnt disprove anything. They are pushing people toward entirely new armies. Its clear as day to anyone vaguely familiar with common sense.

Imo all squad leaders should have +1 W compared to the rest of unit's model.

Makes buying upgrades more worth it.

I'm on to you Ultramarines!

>Take an ancient terran culture, grimdark it up, and throw it in SPESS
>Job done

How can they get away with this?

The same way they did it to everything else.

>it can be unstoppable

Yet for some odd reason, these lists are 110% absent from every single tournaments top 50. Weird, guess the waac fags are just too caught up with Eldar and whatnot.

...because that's business as usual for 40k as a whole?

I'm honestly suprised that it took so long for a straight Roman looking Guard army/faction to pop up.

What is the best space marine chapter when it comes to quality stories and novels

They've also said that they believe that veterans only make up a small portion of sales - the bulk come from new players/collectors.

That would.go directly against your "it's a conspiracy" theory.

Yes, I'm more inclined to believe that they are rubbish at balancing rules than that they are deliberately sabotage the balance of the game in order to try and get certain players to buy new armies when they could be attracting and retaining more players with the well balanced game that you assert they are capable of making.

>but counter examples don't disprove my paranoid theory
Yes, they do.

how the fuck do i download this shit
it keeps asking to upgrade
mediafire is fucking cancer

thousand sons

Dark Angels company veterans, with CSM backpacks and spikes/edgy bits, as Chosen.

Good idea, y/n.

give renegades a second look m8

or, you know, the order of magnitudes more expensive/time consuming it is to make a 1850 R&H army.

Also, I spent many years working for a company that's in the top five largest companies in the world.

Most of the product managers who define future development of the products had zero idea of how their customers actually used those products.

As such, the idea that GW just doesn't understand the effects of the rules on the game makes perfect sense to me.

By the word of The Kyme and Thrope's Law Dark Angels and Salamanders novels are the novels you want to avoid.


Why the fuck are you not using a good adblocker?

Does the new flyer book have anything for the Vendetta?

Not that she needs work. I'm just hoping she doesn't get any worse.


she is temporarily squatted until she get the new dogfight rules

It doesn't have the vendetta full stop.

Unless the vendetta is also covered on the valk page (haven't seen that yet) then we've got a problem.

It's unplayable until it gets Pursuit and Agility.

i am using adblock plus
what is the best adblocker?

Everything is shit if you compare it to Eldar.

What kind of point is that?

You forgot Necrons

Marines too, but the posterboys are expected to be wanked over, and despite easily being the second best army in the game, they are still considered fair for some reason.

Are you actually on some old browser version then?

It is not


Didn't think so, thanks for posting that.

So is this an evil conspiracy to make guard players buy a new army Or just a fuck up?

WAAC faggot, choose what you like to play don't only play to win

What are the updated characterisitcs of the Tau flyers in Death In the Skies. I think I have seen everything but Tau.