Warhammer Fantasy Battle General WHFB

Warhammer: Total War is getting official mod support, Vermintide is getting a Drachenfels map and undead waifus edition.

Remember to ignore or report shitposters and off-topic discussion.

Previous thread: >1d4chan
1d4chan.org/wiki/The_End_Times (Compilation of all the End Times changes)
1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Warhammer_Fantasy (All pages marked WF on the Veeky Forums wiki)

>Warhammer Wikis
whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Online_Wiki (Warhammer Online wiki with lots of background articles too. Also AoR is not ded: Veeky Forums for details.)

>Resources(Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

>Third party Miniature manufactures

Other urls found in this thread:


First for dark elf pussy.

Second for FOrcs>SpOrcs.

Would anyone care for Vampire Coast/Gnoblar horde lists updated for 9th age? Looking for a project, but I won't bother if there's no demand.

I could also do Clan Moulder, but I'm not as familiar with that list and may end up sabotaging the character somewhat...

Lifefags, get out! REEEEEEEE!!!

Found a mint in box helcannon in my LGS today, going at 36 shiny britbong queenfaces. Should I go for it?

>Vermintide is getting a Drachenfels map and undead waifus edition.

Where are these undead Waifus user?


she'll never love you if you have a dick, user

Disgusting artwork. Like first year 18 years old artschooler

>having a waifu with the personality of a cheesegrinder and ego of Donald Trump

Go to bed, Carnac.

To be fair most Warhammer leaders are either Donald Trump, Orks, or Patton.

Or Columbine Archaon.


You first, slav

She'll still hate you for your narrow pelvis, wide ribcage and long ring finger

Apparently she just loves wizards who are trapped by their lot in life, given she didn't tap her literal pocket pussy that was in love with her, and given we didn't see her in ET means Neferata probably killed or or sent her on a suicide mission to rape Archaon or something.

I love how Neferata has so much fan art.

So let me get this straight-

40K: The Chaos Gods are OP, and the Emprah was a complete freak of nature fueled by the sacrifice of all the most powerful psykers on Earth into a single gestalt and depending on which parts of the fluff you buy he may or may not have stolen power from the Chaos Gods before they considered him a threat.

End of Times Fantasy: All you need to do to rival a Chaos God is eat/become a Wind of Magic and maybe have been the mortal reincarnation of a member of the Elven pantheon, when the similarly named Eldar pantheon god chowed in one go by Slaanesh. And if your name is Teclis you can just eat two Winds without even needing any divine heritage.

Then again I never understood why the Eldar expected Ynnead to do anything other than die horribly to Slaanesh when Slaanesh ate most of their species' souls and they're powering up Ynnead with the remnant that's left and any Farseers that got too old to keep going.

Is Carnac your resident shitposter? I'm here for the proofs which have yet to be provided

>Then again I never understood why the Eldar expected Ynnead to do anything other than die horribly to Slaanesh when Slaanesh ate most of their species' souls and they're powering up Ynnead with the remnant that's left and any Farseers that got too old to keep going.
Type matching?

If you mean they're trying for their own Emprah, my point was more they have a much smaller pool of souls going to fuel the being than what Slaanesh ate in its' birth alone.

Besides, it's been a while since I've read the fluff but from what I recall in individual feats human psykers seem to pack a lot more raw power than Eldar, since Alpha humans can snap Titans in half and subdue planets. Don't remember if it's a matter of raw power or if Eldar Farseers can theoretically do that but are consciously holding back, though.

I think that Black Library decided that the Emperor is just something called a perpetual, which is like the immortals from Highlander on steroids that also survives decapitation. What gave the Emperor all his godlike powers was that he made a deal with the Chaos gods to be their chosen one. Then after getting the powers of a god he told them to go fuck themselves and there was nothing Chaos could do to take those powers back.

Seing as this is BL revisions it's probably even more retarded than it sounds because BL has decided that they are fixing the fluff despite being terrible at it.

The Incarnates were not equal to Chaos Gods. They weren't even equal, as a group, to Archaon (but thanks to shit writing literally nobody is). The 22 Elf gods at their height rivaled, but lost against, the Four so the mortal one for sure wasn't.

In Age, it took three beings who are basically lesser Chaos Gods to kidnap a Chaos God who had gorged himself on so many souls he couldn't move. Then again, somehow eating souls was like him physically inflating like they have ohysical properties rather than him growing stronger by absorbing more of what he is basically made out of. But Age lore is shit, so who cares.

40k lore also sucks, so who cares.

The only being stronger than Chaos is Gotrek.

Carnac is like mould and gets in everywhere if you have a GW thread. He thinks he is smart and hilarious, but he is kinda transparent and if he ever was funny the jokes are not funny anymore.

They can get the powers back, one of them just has to be physically close enough to him. The entire Horus heresy and black crusades are to get him physically in the warp so they can rape their powers back out of him. Killing also works but the golden throne is keeping them from getting his soul as due.

>The only being stronger than Chaos is Gotrek.
because he wields the power of "Books sell"!

WHAT? I haven't heard that one before... That's some serious bullshit! Is it official?!

But then where do Perpetual come fro-no, you're right. This is just going to get even more confusing because the only sensible reasoning for how he pulled it off is the CGs somehow overlooked his being a Perpetual and gave out the psychic Highlander power intended for a Horus-analogue.

>not even equal

Huh. That just makes Teclis' scheme seem pointless in hindsight, then.

>3 beings

Sigmar and...who else?

>40K lore also sucks

Hey, no argument here. I'm just hoping against hope there's some semblance of logic to why things happen

If the BL Horus heresy books are canon, then yes. He is a perpetual that went for the super premium chaos power package, then didn't want to pay up. He stole the proverbial fire from the gods, and they want it back.

It's as official as anything else from BL is.

Some perpetuals are created by the Eldar. So I guess it's the legacy of the Old Ones technology.

I wouldn't be surprised if what they gave him were their "good" aspects (explaining why he ain't a crazy fucknut like Horus), and when he finally dies they'll get their "good" sides back and become not Evil but rather Neutral and that will be sorta vicotry over Chaos.

That would be retarded

which means its probably correct

>tfw the entire AoS is just parenthesis that resolves into a giant "change time" thing and restores the warhammer world, becoming two different game lines.

I know it won't happen, but one can dream


>greatest DI
>implying Eldrad is Vect

>greatest dick, duh
>vect is offscreen

So, /whfb/ what are you currently working on?

Painting Witch Elves. Gotta get the blood spatter right.

Teclis's scheme was to seal off the world from Chaos more efficiently than the Vortex. With so little magic in it, Chaos couldn't manifest Daemons and their blessings would be weak as hell. The world would run on science and weak, more stable magic.

The three beings are Tyrion, Teclis, and Morelion (which is Malekith fused with a dragon). Slaanesh gorged himself on souls during End Times, and for some reason souls were treated like physical food for this story. Just like a creepy vore comic he got so inflated he couldn't move, so he hid in a cave to sleep and digest.

When Archaon, Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch attacked Sigmaron the plan was they would all fight back united, and defeat Chaos. But TT and M disappeared right before the battle. They found Slaanesh and kidnapped him.

Sigmar had to fight with Gorkamorka, Alarielle, Morathi, Nagash, and Grimnir backing him, and they were winning until Archaon and Tzeentch decided to split them up by somehow making Nagash betray them. Sigmar chased after Nagash to kick his ass and left the battle to be lost. Alarielle, who's kind of insane now like a Wood Elf, lost interest in a war of survival and wandered off to the Realm of Life. Gorkamorka went full-retard and lead all of the monsters and greenskins and Ogres and Giants to fuck up all the Realms before Chaos could.

Sigmar gave up chasing Nagash and came back to find a sure battle was barely being even survived by Morathi and Grimnir, so he got angry and had the mortal men to build a massive wall that Tzeentch couldn't see through and closed off Sigmaron to everyone. They only had time to build the Wall because Khorne decided that instead of winning the battle, he'd go Gorkamorka and fuck up Chaos.
Chaos mopped up 99% of everything non-Chaos in the Realms while the Three and Archaon decided what to do. They kicked Slaanesh out of the Great Game, making him a lesser Chaos God, and promoted Horned Rat to Great Horned Rat.

I fail to see how that got this past anyone who had any emotional attachment to the setting. The office must be full of yesmen with shit mustaches.

Archaon took over as the head of Slaanesh's domains and was promoted to leader of all Chaos so they can get shit done without backstabbing. He plans on killing Sigmar and taking Ghal Maraz, which WILL happen due to a prophesy, and creating an eternal godless Realm. Because the Three are kind of aftaid he will do it they've been sending Champions to kill him but he's the strongest being in any Warhammer setting now so he just has Dorghar eat their souls so they both grow stronger. He's now dangerously close to becoming a Chaos God, but the problem for him is his true name isn't exactly a secret.

Meanwhile, Skavenblight got pulled from floating out in the space between spaces into the Warp, giving Skaven unlimited Warpstone. They had a massive population boom so the old Clans are now types of clans. Pestilens is more a race than Clan now for example.
They tunneled through the Warp until they accidently sunk it into the Realms, giving them access to literally everywhere including beneath the thrones of Sigmar and Khorne.

Sigmar made Sigmarines, opened the Wall and sent them to gather everyone not dead. Nagash got his ass kicked by Archaon, and now Archaon controls most souls that exist in a giant cage while Arkhan and Neferata try to keep shit under control. Mannfred is hated by everyone.

Slaaneshi either worship Archaon, are trying to save Slaanesh, or become the bew Slaanesh.

Morelion is protecting the Realm of Shadow and is the only one to give Archaon anything resembling a setback.

Alarielle was killed, but she became a seed that the Sigmarines planted in their blood so she is reborn a warrior.

Grungni blew up fighting a giant monster. From the flames, new Dwarfs were born that combined the cultures of Slayers and Chaos Dwarfs into one. Grungni's blood is magic gold spread all over creation that they are trying to gather to bring him back, but they also like putting it in their skin for a magic high.

Ghouls. Converting them to have rags on.

That's my view on the situation. Even if they crank out a good HH novel every now and then, they have overall just fucked up and they will keep fucking up.

Newest lore is Gordrakk is Grimgor, but as an Orkmarine who is uniting Destruction to fight everyone. Nobody, even Tzeentch, can manipulate them because they out chaos Chaos.

Only Slann survived the old setting. They are now omniscient and planning to destroy Chaos by doing shit like assassinating figures who will becone decent Chaos Champions or redurecting Warpgates to shoot Skaven into suns and shit.

They created a reproduction of Lustria and all the Lizardmen out of their monds made of Light magic, but it isn't real. Skinks, Saurus, everyone else is extinct. But on the plus side, their blood cleanses everything. EVERYTHING.

So there. All Age lore summarized, minus minor plots.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was its own universe, like Blood Bowl.

So the Lizardmen is the only good part of the setting then? It at least sounds like they are trying to do something about Chaos in a non retarded way.

>It wouldn't be so bad if it was its own universe, like Blood Bowl.

maybe it is

multiverse is canon

inb4 Lizardman blood makes Archaon a good guy.

So they just need to literally pile up on Archaon to defeat him when he tries to stab them? They should just have kamikaze pterodactyls.

Sadly, they really did set up a redemption arc.

There is apparently good inside him, Diederich Kastner is still inside him deep down. Combine that with someone saying his true name controlling the Daemon side, and him seeing himself in a vision about to take Ghal Maraz, plus a bunch of stuff like Tzeentch cultists trying to find his true name and shit, and Valten's ET speech to him.

Its a fucking mess, and its going to be absolute fanfiction tier garbage.

>he's the strongest being in any Warhammer setting now

Oh boy. So he's done things on par with the Necrontyr and C'tan at the height of their power? And out-psykered Emps? At the moment what I'm seeing is Horus with stupid amounts of plot armor.


>Alarielle is now a reincarnated Elf Marine Goddess of Life

fuck no


>out chaos CHAOS


At least lizardmen are still based. Why is Morathi fighting against Chaos anyway, and what's she up to at this point? Last I heard she was going to unleash Slaanesh on everything.

AoS seemed like fanfic tier to begin with. Which is hilarious because WHFB basically started out as fanfic and it was never as bad in general as AoS fluff is.

Horus at the top of his Chaos game was always a big threat, though. He was one of the most capable primarchs granted will the complete blessings of all the four Chaos gods. It took the Emperor to bring him down and he had to destroy Horus soul in doing so.

>At the moment what I'm seeing is Horus with stupid amounts of plot armor.

Chaos outranks everyone in either setting, and he can now give orders to ANY Chaos being other than Chaos Gods. The best of the best of Chaos have faced him, he absorbed their power.
Great Horned Rat is afraid of him, and he openly threatens Tzeentch. Plus Tzeentch, Khorne, and Nurgle are worried enough about his plans that they are trying to kill him by sending everything they have that is willing to fight him to try and kill him, continually making him stronger like a JRPG protag.

Its stupid alright, but his entire power is "can't lose". He can lose a battle to Morelion, but if anyone is matched against him himself he /wins.

Is Genevieve in the game?

>his entire power is "can't lose"

To clarify is this just shitty writing making everyone job to him, or is this the power of the actual prophecy surrounding his rise?

I'm still seeing nothing compared to the C'tan's galaxy-spanning feasts other than a lot of people going M-MASAKA, BAKANA! at his rise to power


Know how in Batman, Joker keeps hetting pushed way too hard because apparently being crazy and unpredictable is a damn superpower?
>Why is Morathi fighting against Chaos anyway, and what's she up to at this point? Last I heard she was going to unleash Slaanesh on everything.
7e retconned Morathi as Slaaneshi. She's just insane, acts like everything is like it was back in Aenarion's really fucked up court. Fell in love with Tyrion in End Times thinking he WAS Aenarion.

In Age, Morelion found her in the middle of a party witn Shadow Daemons, which are all loyal to her. She agreed to join Sigmar because basically everything not Chaos did.
She wasn't really mentioned after that, so in the fuckup jamboree she stayed with him because it mentioned everyone else who left having done so.

You think THAT'S fanfic?

Nurgle sent his greatest son to capture Alarielle and bring her to him. The Sigmarines teleported to Sigmaron where upon seeing Sigmar's radiant visage which cleansed him he dropped to his knees and swore loyalty, and was made a Sigmarine in charge of his own Stormcasts.

That's rught. Sigmar made a Primarch out of Nurgle's head Chaos Champion.

This isn't even how Skaven all automatically take and fail a Terror test seeing Lizardmen due to ancestral PTSD of Lustria Vietnam despite not knowing anything about the old setting or Lizardmen, and the blood of a Saurus cleansing Nurgle's best and mosy incurable plagues instantly making a clean and attractive immune to disease man out of a Champion.

...I must be really out of touch with Fantasy. Since when was Morathi EVER in love with Aenarion? I thought she was a gold digger just in it to become queen of the elves.

>shadow daemons
>loyal to her
>not being Chaos

what is this even

The only BL-original characters who got models and rules were Gotrek and Felix, but only for a very short time before being removed.
Archaon's backstory for what he was doing for the 10,000 years of peace that lead into Age is "busy destroying entire universes". I shit you not.

Its stated the only reason he hasn't won is he has to be careful, kill a god in the new setting without removing their magic destroys the Realm they represent, and he needs all the Realms to get his omnipotence as the destroyer of Chaos and ruler of all reality. So Archaon COULD shatter all the Realms easy by himself, but is trying to balance not destroying them but controlling literally all of them plus all of Chaos.

Oh, and he's winning against everyone and we know that he does win in the end thanks to him giving himself a prophesy that even Tzeentch and Kairos believe.

Oh...and he gets a redemption arc.

Did I mention that Sigmarines, more fearless than Daemons and Undead, are afraid of him? Or that Dorghar is a genius with the powers of Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Khorne while Archaon has Slaanesh's power? Or that Dorghar eats the souls of those he kills, meaning he's teabagging all of his kills at all times?

The power Horus is granted is being the mortal proxy of the Chaos gods. He is capable of making strategical decisions and stay coherent. This is a great asset to Chaos because the Chaos gods are generally not pragmatic or coherent.

They retconned the fuck out of shit in 7e 8e to prep for End Times and Age of Sigmar.

Even worse, the description of the Daemons makes it clear they are Daemonettes. But she's still on the side of Order, as are they.

It wasn't even that they are post-Slaanesh free agents, that's 10k years before Slaanesh got abducted.

I think 8'th edition started out as damage control for the Storm of Chaos fluff. Then after Storm of Magic was not a huge hit they probably started planning the End Times.

I find the idea of Morathi ever being in love with Aenarion more dissonant than Daemonettes of Order frankly, given her prior characterisation.

>entire universes
>ruler of all reality

Oh for fuck's sake. How did he even get this buff? He doesn't have anything like Emps' pedigree.

>Archaon trudged through the black snow. His armoured boots were wrapped in the furs of some barb-skinned beast, the bony spines of which gave the warrior purchase across the frost and ice. The skies raged away above him, spitting and swirling like a ghostly, maddened creature, chasing its own tail. The armour of Morkar, First Everchosen of Chaos scalded his skin with its raw embrace. Archaon could not feel such pain. He wouldn’t allow it. The common miseries of existence were nothing to him now. With every step he took towards a doom of his own making, he became less of a man and more of an idea. An abstraction. A living misery for others to endure. He was not some character in a great tale told. He was the silence after the words. The covers of the tome slammed shut. The crackle of page and ink on the fire. He was the nevermore.

To understand Archaon you must know what he really is. He is no man, he is no beast, he is no daemon, he is no god. He is the "End" Personified. Oblivion incarnate.

You cannot stop what he has become. You cannot kill what he represents.

Great. So now anyone in Fantasy can just sort of "become" abstract concepts. So Sigmar can just do enough sit-ups and become Humanity Personified. Or Nagash can finally become Death Personified once he gets his second wind. Or Morathi can shlick hard enough and mantle Slaanesh TES style.

It's like Dragonball Super if Dragonball Super's big major revelation was the same as early Dragonball Z's

According to Thorpe, End Times and Age were planned in 6e.
Storm of Chaos was probably supposed to result in it.

30 years later, those disgusting outdated models are still here.

Come on GW I would buy a pack of 10 updated plastic squig for 60€...

Nagash is Death personified, he controls all souls. Even those of Chaos. Anyone like Sigmarines or the Glottkin, he sees as stolen.

But by eating the old Death, you become the new one.

Third parties make Squigs. Damn good ones.


Yeah, I would easily buy 5 box at this price... I'm waiting a night gobo update for now like 12 years...

Looks like Gw just doesn't want my money

I thought he became Death using a pyramid made of warpstone, eating all the human death gods and finally the other wind of magic. And that he spent most of his time TRYING to become Death, and only succeeded by the time of Sigmar when new Realms with their symbiotic gods appeared.

The whole thing really reminds me of TES the more I think about it.

Honestly, this is the one GW range decision I can abide. Squigs are inherently Earlyhammer in concept and would lose so much character by being updated. Also, they'd probably be renamed Mawchompa Squiglings in the process, which would be yet another clusterfuck of unnecessary syllables in the range.

Huh. Undead Orcs. I think I see a new Strigoi army concept...

>He was not some character in a great tale told.

They got one thing right...

No, only Archaon.

Because he is a wounded and wronged man who did nothing wrong. He was backed into a corner and abandoned by everyone including the god he worshipped and cherished above everything. He is alone and has nothing to lose.

This opened his eyes and enlightened him to the truth behind existence and the gods that plague it. This lead to his metamorphosis into the Nevermore.

Not really.

You misread.

I see now. So you just need to break some sort of mental limiter to go about becoming an anthropomorphic personification.

I'm starting to see why Archaon has been compared to anime.

Yeah those are nice...Good find.

He ate the death gods, and gained power over death so he relocated the afterlife to Sylvania.

When Teclis undid the Vortex, Death magic was bound to him. It fully obeyed his every whim.

In Age, he IS Death magic. The afterlife is where he points his finger.
Archaon destroyed his physical form, then trapped all non-undead dead souls in a giant cage so he could focus on other things.

He found out he was a rapebaby, and demanded God personally come down and pat him on the shoulder. When it didn't happen, he decided to kill everyone everywhere.

>The homeless man on Kevin's neighborhood told him that he lead a biker to rape Kevin's mom, concieving him. So Keven demanded Jesus come down and explain why bad things happened to him, and when Jesus didn't show up Keven decided to get a gun, kill everyone at his school, then all of Detroit, then break into the White House and nuke the world because that wpuld be justice enough for Kevin.

carnac pls


>Me: Okay, lastly I’m going to hit home a little bit. Some people felt the ending to Storm of Chaos was … well … disappointing. It felt like all the major players showed up and … nothing happened. I mean, I’m pretty sure Archaon should be a spawn right now. What happened? Is the goal to keep the background stable so that way it simply serves as backdrop for people’s armies rather than an advancing plot? I know your time as Loremaster is done, but do you think there will ever be a massive advancement in the plot line?

>Gav: The main intent of Storm of Chaos was to bring the conflicts of the Warhammer world into a stark present. It was never meant to be a continuing narrative, but was a move to highlight the idea of a world at war. It was a beginning rather than an end – the Dark Elves are invading Ulthuan, the forces of Chaos are invading the Old World, the Tomb Kings are prosecuting their war against the living, the Orcs are on the rampage. This took those ideas out of the history and into the present. The outcome of the campaign was to decide the specifics of that new ‘present age’, and then the setting would freeze again.

>Given that much of the timeline has been wound back to exclude the events of the Storm of Chaos, I cannot see any other advancements in the future.

The End Times was always a thing foreshadowed in the fluff, just like 40k is always at the brink of the apocalypse. Back then it was never intended as a campaign event.

>‘Don’t leave me,’ Kastner pleaded with his lord, ‘the plaything of fate. Show me a sign – in this place of all places. Anything, curse you.’ But nothing came. Kastner’s lifetime of devotion and service was rewarded with the kind of monumental silence only a towering statue could deliver.

>‘You speak not,’ Kastner mouthed within the darkness of his helmet, ‘but I hear everything. Silence will be met with silence, God-King. Nothing so singularly personifies the prayer unanswered as a god powerless to save his people. So be it. You will watch your worshippers suffer and die – as I drag down your Empire into the embers of Armageddon. You will hear me then, God-King. You will hear me in the pleading prayers of your people, held under my blade. You will hear me in the ravenous fires – that will eat all you have lived to build. You will hear me in the deafening silence of the End Times, where I will leave your petty Empire no world left to conquer. Though half-blind, I see you for the fraud you have always been. The appealing ramblings of a mad friar. I renounce your false majesty – and will forge a path of my own making. I will champion my undoing and accept allegiance of those that already answer the hatred in my heart. I do this out of hatred for you, my lord. Out of hatred for all the fickle Powers of this world, who play at destiny with men’s souls. With darkness lies a new beginning, as with me lies the end of man and all godkind.’

Everything Archaon ever did was in the name of his true god. All those lives he took, all those nations he ground to nothing, all of it is a prayer. A cry of help .

Even in deepest pits of corruption and hate, Archaon reaches out desperately to his true father. He wants Sigmar to save him. To absolve him. To redeem him. To return him to the light.

He yearns to be once again an instrument of justice. Sigmar's hammer hand.

It's the greatest love story ever told!

Your shitpost-fu is weak and brings shame upon your bloodline.

C'mon now. This is getting old, Carnac. No one cares about about your tulpa.

I will keep on it until Sigmar saves him and we get Based Kastner back.

Archaon's and Sigmar's final fight theme


if i remember right Nagash was the first one to take a wind to his body, which gave Teclis the idea of making incarnates in the first place

Seriously who the fuck's carnac?

Archaon should have died at the end of Storm of Chaos, it would have been better for the fluff and the game.

And just ignore the idiots who keep trying to force End Times/AoS fluff here. Its awful and they are just spiteful assholes.




That's nice.

Most of the Empire never knew Sigmar or their fathers.

Yet he's the only one so memtally unstable he became a school shooter.

Shitposter, gloms onto characters and masturbates them.

Name comes from him doing it to a character named Carnac in 40k threads.

well, he's better than Slav though
even Belakorfag was better than Slav

Sigmar Sues.

Be'lakorfag WAS Carnac. Slav got banned for shitposting, finally.

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Archaon so much, I had all the miniatures, books and rule 34
>I pray to Archaon every night before bed, thanking him for the life that will be taken
>"Archaon is everchosen" I say; “Archaon is doom”
>My dad hears me and says that Archaon is a pretentious nihilist faggot with dramaqueen entitlement issues
>I know he was just jealous of my burning devotion for Archaon
>I told him to prepare for the End Times, puny mortal and called him a Sigmar quireboypussy
>He looks at me like I'm an idiot, slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a burning warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Archaon
>I am so exalted
>He whispers into my ear “Mortals are free to do as they will. The gods give them no choice.”
>He grabs me with his powerful bulky gauntlets and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Archaon
>He penetrates my butt-hole with his eight pointed phallus
>the eightfolded path hurts so much but I do it for Archaon
>I can feel my butt tearing in eight directions and my eyes start to water as the warp overtakes me
>I push against his force
>I want to please Archaon
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his acursed seed that will burn this world
>My dad walks in
>Archaon looks him straight in the eyes and says “Fear me mortals, for I am the Anointed, the favoured Son of Chaos, the Scourge of the World. The armies of the gods rally behind me, and it is by my will and by my sword that your weakling nations shall fall."
>Archaon leaves in a hurry through my window, on his horse as my dad angrily chases him away with a stagehand hammer
>Archaon is everchosen. Archaon is doom.