Where would you hide the one ring if you were unable to destroy it?
Where would you hide the one ring if you were unable to destroy it?
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on my finger
I would go into the woods.
Shit on it, and put a rock on top of that shit pile on the ring.
Inside another ring.
In my butthole, of course.
Launch it into deep space
in sauron's butt
You're probably hiding it because you're waiting for someone to come along with the means to destroy it. If you drop the one ring off into the deep ocean or space you just made Sauron that much harder to put down.
That's actually terrible idea, considering how frequently does OP's hiding space have... visitors.
That's a shit idea.
Leave it in tom's land
There's nowhere you could hide it that would be 100% safe, also the options are greater for modern day setting.
Middle-Earth: Take it to Valinor, leave it with one of the Valar.
Earth: Stick it in a safety deposit box in Switzerland.
Using only technology and magic available Free Peoples of Middle Earth in the Third Age, would it be possible to launch the ring into outer space?
well he have to dig it out of his own butt if he wants to wear it.
They go over that in the book. Tom Bombadil would either lose it or throw it away, because he doesn't give it any value beyond it being shiny. Not the best of ideas when dealing with the One Ring.
I'd put it on one of the great eagles claws. If the eagle goes mad and just starts flying around then Barad Dur will become akin to a lighthouse as Saurons eye just spins around and around and around and around
They literally talk about that during the council meeting and say it would be a shit idea
Tom would just forget about it in a drawer somewhere leaving middle earth fucked, or worse just lose it. Bombadil is literally so powerful this petty shit is below him.
Only if you petition the Valar to do it. They've already set Earendil and his ship to cross the sky each night, complete with Silmaril to light the way, so it would be easily possible for them. For anyone else it'd be impossible, however.
You'll also need to get it back when you have the means to destroy it otherwise Sauron wins.
In another volcano. Probably wouldn't kill it, but it would be prohibitively difficult to obtain even if figured out where it was
You're forgetting that the One Ring's ultimate goal in corrupting people is to get back to Sauron. So if it drove the Eagle mad, it would likely try to drive it in the direction of Mordor, then fall off its claw at the most opportune moment.
If a turd passes through it, will they be invisible?
Either the earth, sea, or sky.
Worked with the Silmarils.
The real houdini poop.
That wouldn't be the first asspull in the story. Not by far.
That's why Yavanna invented sticks.
Use ring to combat forces of Sauron, hire a suitable replacement to assasinate me at a time he deems I've compromised the securiry of the ring. He then uses the ring, but I've proactivley hired another man to kill and replace him after he has been corrupted enough. Ad naseum, eventually choose a bottom candidate to choose the next line.
Better than dumping it in the fucking ocean
What are the Giant Eagles up to?
I'd just give it to Tom Bombadil with a note tied to it reminding him not to give it away should he forget what it was a millennia or two from now.
What about a slingshot?
A slingshot forged by the dwarves and elves, held between two mountains?
They mind their own fucking business and try not to interfere with the affairs of men and elves. Consider them a third "nature" faction in Middle-Earth. They have their own agenda and shit to do.
This is why they help Gandalf but make sure to let him know that he has used up his favors and should not expect much more from them.
One does not simply slingshot the ring into space.
Besides, they haven't invented rubber yet.
Why does this seem like the sort of plan that ends with a dark lord ruling over all of middle earth?
In a different volcano. It might not be destroyed but good luck getting it out again shitlords.
I came here to post this.
Good man.
So...the Ring has a bit of Sauron's soul, right?
What happens if you fuck it? With sex magic?
Are you sodomizing Sauron?
Put it on an arrow.
Find a dragon.
They're the eyes of Manwë in Middle Earth, so they're a bit busy doing what he told them to do. One of the reasons they help Gandalf out is because he was the Maiar chosen by Manwë to help Middle Earth deal with Sauron.
They also fuck with the goblins of the Misty Mountains a lot too, when they get bored.
When you sodomize Sauron, he sodomizes right back.
volcanoes erupt eventually
put it with Morgoth
By then it will be buried in rocks somewhere and become someone elses problem.
Cock ring.
The dragon would be able to use the ring or at the very least would know what it is and know who it belongs to. This was one of the major reasons Gandalf pushed Thorin and his dwarves toward Smaug, because he feared an alliance between Smaug and Sauron.
>Unable to destroy it
Bullshit, I can ruin anything. Here, watch me do it to this thread.
Penis bone.
>master stretches out sauron's ring
nice try skeleton, there's no such thing as a penis bone
Off topic but here:
Best thing in any of the books concerning Middle-earth.
Nice try, but everyone knows skeletons don't exist
Because it assumes you can outsmart corruption. That guy is the exact sort of person Sauron wants in possession of the ring.
Second page of google.
The Challenger Deep.
High Earth Orbit.
At the bottom of the Kola super deep borehole.
Speaking of slingshots ...
inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest (sometimes the chest is crystal and/or gold), which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan in the ocean.
Koschei, pls.
Sauron went amongst the elves for a time as Annantar, "the giftbringer". He took on the fairest form he could, and brought joy to many of the elves.
But they were all deceived.
Trust me, if you fuck with Sauron he fucks you right back.
Give it to one of the elves that are leaving Middle Earth to give it to Aule to destroy.
>Hmmm, my apprentice Sauron made this? I will keep it as a memento.
Bad idea, very bad idea.
He didn't say give it to Tom, he said leave it in his land.
They DID say during the council that Tom's land would be the last to fall to Sauron, if it came to it.
A small town in North Dakota.
Simple. I give it back to Gollum and let him go back to his cave. Sauron's forces couldn't find Gollum for 500 fucking years, they only ever got him because he went out hunting for Bilbo. I give it back and we'll have at least another 500 years to make a plan to collect it from him again and destroy it.
Great idea jackass!
What then when it hits Kars?
>nice try skeleton, there's no such thing as a penis bone
On my dick/through my dickflesh
you win this round skeleton
I'd keep it on me cause if I lost it it would be whilst being killed for it and if I was dead I wouldn't give a shit what happened afterwards
Jack Black, plz go.
in a FATAL book.
Statistically highly unlikely. Assuming Middle Earth really is just an older version of our Earth, then they would have been launched from the same point in the universe at different times and possibly in different directions (assuming the Ring's launch point is not near the site that would become Kars' volcano).
I'd be more worried about the Ring falling into the hands of the Klingons or the Covenant.
>tfw you're actually from a small town in North Dakota
Did you have one in mind? Fryburg would work well.
Winner here
We bow down to the Aztek gods of Fitness.
>An invisibility ring
>A race of aliens with cloaking space ships
In the bottomless chasm that is your mom's snatch
Not even Smeagol could find the Precious in her.... Precious.
he would never even think to look
There is one right inside you, though.
That gif is older than most of the posters on this board.
My fucking sides
I'd put it on then go into my teleporter.
Inside a bag of holding then throw said bag into a portable hole.
Encase the ring in steel, then drop it in the fuckin' ocean in as deep a trench as you can find.
bad choice, king excellent will use the torso opener to get the ring out.
sauron steamrolls you under the orc hordes, and eventually invents sumbmarines
I'd go find Tom Bombadil. He'll know what to do.
Feed it to a great white shark
>asking for any of the numerous residents of the Astral Plane to find it
Isn't there like a gate into the void of nothing somewhere? They threw Melkor into it and it took until the end of days for him to get back.
Beaten to the...uh...punch.
Problem is, the ring was trying to flee from Gollum at the moment it was found by Bilbo
They discussed taking the ring to the Valar in the book, and decided that they would be refused by them and those who dwell in Valinor.
Give it to a Dragon
Tolkien describe dragons as being so fucking greedy that they wouldn't even part with a single gold coin from their massive hoards. Coupled with the natural ability of The One Ring to tempt its owner, no force on earth could convince the dragon to part with the ring
but the ring's insatiable lust for power would have the dragon destroy fucking everything.
This actually gives me an idea.
How difficult is it to make something indestructible like the One Ring? Would it be possible to make a strongbox artifact that's indestructible (or can only be destroyed where it was created), and put the ring inside of it?
If all of that's possible, here's what you do
>make a forge out of bricks
>using this forge, make an "indestructible" lock-box in a similar way to how Sauron forged his ring
>lock the Ring inside
>disassemble the forge into its base bricks, and hide them all over the world.
>the lock-box can only be destroyed where it was created (the forge), and the forge can only be re-assembled by someone who knows where all the bricks are (I.E. not Sauron)
>when the time comes, re-assemble the forge, destroy the box, and take the Ring to Mordor
>My nigga.
>Exactly what I was gonna say.
What do you mean "lust for power?" Doesn't the ring only tempt you with its own power, instead of convince you to seek more power?