>New Player
>Before the first round, I explain him my setting.
>New Player accused me that I am a SJW because the god of love is male.
>I say that he can fuck off.
In retrospect, I wonder if I was petty.
>New Player
>Before the first round, I explain him my setting.
>New Player accused me that I am a SJW because the god of love is male.
>I say that he can fuck off.
In retrospect, I wonder if I was petty.
Dodged a bullet; now move on and try not to kill worthwhile posts next time.
I dont tolerate people who whine about SJW any more than I tolerate people who whine about Social Justice. So you did the right call.
SJWs and Anti-SJWs are equally bad. And 'ironically' being either is just as bad as really being one.
Just try to find normal people.
Unless he was joking or whatever, good move, if done politely.
>accused me that I am a SJW because the god of love is male.
Weren't Freyr and Adonis basically gods of love? And Eros was the god of love (sexual).
Shaking my head to be quite honest familia.
You did the right thing. Baldur was a God of Love. He was a guy.
The new player was cunt.
You're right, fellow normal person.
Oh wait, this entire thread is just a dumb SJW thread with OP complaining about a fictional circumstance about someone complaining about SJWs.
I guess SJWs really ARE the worst.
Good call, he'd probably think a goddess of war would also be SJWing.
You just confirmed it.
You're fine to believe whatever you want.
But that's not how it works.
Wouldn't an SJW not want a man in any position of authority, only pee oh sees and trannies? The player was both obnoxious and stupid and nothing of value was lost.
Nah, you weren't the petty one, not having someone who cries "SJW!" over stupid shit is not a loss in any sense of the word.
petty? maybe.
But usually someone who raises a stink over a trivial thing in a work of fiction to draw parallels to reality is not someone you want at a game table anyways.
I understand your defensiveness but you could've gone about the situation better.
Had it been me I'd have explained to him that it only makes sense for a male god to be the god of love. When have you ever known a woman to love something? Besides children and animals, and even then half the time they drown them in bath-tubs.
Goddesses should be evil aligned entities like death, chaos, deception. Vecna and Nerull would be better as females.
I mean you could be some cosmic cuck about it how d'uh balance is in question if we suddenly got rid of the evil forces and hence why we "need" women but all in all I say there's much more argument to be made here and make him feel like an idiot this way than just "no u". Normies perception of women is as magical realm as it gets.
An actual person lobbying for social justice? probably not give a shit, or if they were real big into it they'd want an even split.
The SJW straw man that fedoras like to screech and hawk about? Maybe, but those don't exist in any meaningful quantities on any meaningful platform or do anything meaningful at all, much like the MRAs that whinge on about them. So who gives a fuck.
Not petty at all, people who gets their panties in a twist over miniscule things like that aren't worth considering for anything.
It seems not so much a matter of sjw vs non, and more a matter of, if that guy was gonna whine over something so petty, he probably would have been a pain in the ass for the rest of the game. Best to get him out early OP, people like that ruin all fun.
Seems like a made up story to complain about people complaining about SJW.
t. Fedora
So this whole thread is complaining about someone making up a story about someone complaining about a group of people known for complaining about things.
I have never heard anyone of any political creed use the phrase "Social Justice Warrior" or SJW who knew what the fuck they were talking about. While I usually don't like to write people off at the first sign of trouble, some signs are clearer than others. Best rid of him if you can avoid it.
Are you the faggot OP kicked out?
>I am a SJW because the god of love is male
Wait, what? Isn't that the other way around?
>Are you an imaginary character?
I'm taking a wild guess here, and I'm going to have to say the answer is "no."
>complaining about people who complain about people who complain about people who complain
Anyone who takes part in this retarded current 'culture war' and takes it seriously is not someone you want in your game, period.
Most of them are millennials and are incapable of seeing it as anything other than a black and white good versus evil all-consuming conflict that should be shoved into every aspect of life. Ban them until they grow a little.
Congrats, you've taken part in the culture war.
You had the choice, but instead just to participate by posting in this troll thread.
>Congrats, you've taken part in the culture war.
Read four word further.
No, that was entirely appropriate. If he had called you a "cuck" you would also have been justified in punching him in the face.
Replying seriously to troll thread is taking it seriously.
>You HAVE to pick a side in our culture war :^)
>The SJW straw man
It really isn't a straw man at this point senpai.
>implying OP isn't just a retarded SJW
Who else would make up this kind of story?
>SJWs and Anti-SJWs are equally bad
I sure do hate all those Anti-SJWs starting anti-Bernie riots, calling for people to lose their jobs because they said something pro-gay on twitter, harassing black students for having a traditionally white hairstyle, disrupting pro-SJW speakers on campus by shouting over the speakers, trying to erase pieces of history for being too politically correct, requiring college students to attend anti-SJW lectures, sending bomb threats to businesses for having pro-gay opinions, boycotting entire states for passing pro-trans laws, trying to get women's domestic violence shelters shut down, and responding to rape accusations against women with kangaroo courts where the woman is guilty until proven innocent, and even then is still guilty because fuck you.
Oh wait none of that happens. Nice false equivalence.
No, you shouldn't game with anyone that easily triggered.
Is it already time for this week's edition of Things that Never Happened?
I honestly agree with you. I can never understand people who equate anti-SJW and SJW. Only one of them can be called a literal hate group who perpetuate their agenda through criminal acts.
And yet both of them believe that their petty shit belongs in traditional gaming.
You aren't any better than you think they are for replying to this thread.
If you think you're above all of this petty shit, actually practice what you preach and just report the thread, hide it, ignore it, whatever.
an SJW would post exactly the same image in response to a denial of patriarchy or rape culture
I disagree, I think he is better than their shit and there's a slight chance he might get it in their stupid heads to stop posting here.
>Expecting mods to do their job.
If you don't think that petty shit belongs in traditional gaming, congrats, you are Anti-SJW. Or, as non-SJW's call it, moderate and sane, or at the very least tired of people pushing politics everywhere.