Competitive Modern Magic discussion
>Which version of Eldrazi will triumph?
>Eldrazi Taxes, RG Eldrazi, C Eldrazi Tron, others...
Competitive Modern Magic discussion
>Which version of Eldrazi will triumph?
>Eldrazi Taxes, RG Eldrazi, C Eldrazi Tron, others...
They're gonna be dead soon.
All that's left are salty players who are still denying their cheating deck and easy skillless wins are gone.
The deck in its current state underperforms and will be gone soon.
I'm gonna start building towards UB faeries. The combination of synergy aggro, disruption and control really appeals to me.
Any suggestion on this decklist? Would scion of oona have a spot somewhere? Probably going to take out the SB clique for it.
Hate to say it but part of me misses the Eldrazi menace just because I played Elves and it was actually a great matchup. I Chorded for a Tajuru Preserver 6 times in a side event at a GP and had it blank an All is Dust 5 times. The one time it didn't work the guy had Dismember with Simian Spirit Guide. Oh well can't win them all.
Now it's Jund and Tron meta again and game is hard.
Forgot to post list
Is thopter foundry combo not a thing anymore? Looks like it's still tier 3
>part of me misses the Eldrazi
>Now it's Jund and Tron meta again
Play Eldrazi then. Eldrazi beats both, you just need to find the right list. RG with World Breaker sounds very good in this scenario.
Shits too slow to be viable and people are starting to realize it.
Nah cbf building another deck.
I'll actually tweak the Elves build back to pre-Eldrazi levels to fight against Ugin/Pyro/O-Stone and Jund hate or I'll start playing B/W Tokens since Anguished Unmaking exists now to answer Ugin in Tron and i'll play a bit more of a creature package with Brimaz/Hero of Bladehold. I'll even give Westvale Abbey a shot in the list somewhere.
You don't want to be that one guy who plays faeries and insists his losses is due to how hard the deck is, and not because the deck is just shit.
Only gets run in U/W Tron reliably. Most people have started packing hate for the combo already. Why do you think Wheel of Sun and Moon spiked to $30 at one point?
The combo falls apart to graveyard hate and/or artifact hate. People had 6-8 sideboard slots for it before it ever even got unbanned.
Behold the healthy modern format we've been waiting for.
I run one Scion in my mainboard since it's cool enough to draw in to that I don't mind seeing it in a regular game.
I'd also strongly suggest splashing Red for Terminate and Kolaghan's Command, they work well with your Faeries.
Also, note that the Faeries synergy, whilst endlessly amusing, is simply not awesome. I've been playing it for 3 years and whilst it's my favourite deck it is not a good deck.
This is a very typical list. I don't like it, but when people say Modern Faeries this is what they mean.
People got very excited about it and are now realising it's crap, just like everyone jammed 4 AV into their deck and spiked the price just to realise it did nothing for them.
>tfw no amulet bloom
Hey guys. I have a bunch of conspiracy packs and have already opened a few. Was lucky and got a foil brainstorm and Dack. Now im wondering if anyone knows off the top of their heads any good modern cards in this set. Thanks!
>Same decks over and over
>Jund #1
It's odd. It has so many weaknesses in this meta. People are just devoted to making it work.
>Burn #2
Can't say I'm surprised. Popular deck and it's very powerful. Well, except against Abzan Company.
>Abzan Company #3
About time people realize this deck is crazy. Can't stop The Coco Roulette.
>Affinity #4
Visible drop in popularity here. It will return eventually.
>Infect #5
Surprised it's still Tier 1. The meta has adjusted enough for aggro to be contained.
>Tron #6
Surprised it's still Tier 1. Ugin looks very strong in this meta though.
>Jeskai #7
Surprised it's still Tier 2. Deck is excellent in this particular metagame and warrants more usage. Restoration Angel is a star.
>Zoo #8
I mean it's good, yes, but Burn is probably overall better. Tarmogoyf gives the deck a better midrange plan so maybe it's really just a meta deck.
>Merfolk #9
It's an ordinary deck.
>Scapeshift #10
Temur and BTL are okay. It's a cool archetype that isn't THAT good, unfortunately. It can durdle into nothing and just can't find answers to aggro consistently fast enough. Tier 2 spot deserved.
>Abzan #11
Jund is better because Lightning Bolt is very important right now. Still a good meta deck.
>Kiki Chord #12
Nahiri is very good, guys. This could rise higher.
>Grixis #13
Kommand spam may be good, but Jeskai has a better sideboard. GDD into AV is pretty cool though.
>the rest
Shit. Eldrazi could be explored more maybe, and Grishoalbrand is still a cunt deck.
get your Vengvines now guys. dredge is alive
this is my secret tech
>>Jund #1
>It's odd. It has so many weaknesses in this meta. People are just devoted to making it work.
>so many weaknesses in this meta
>weaknesses in this meta
It's more like Jund is the fallback reliable answer that people are flocking to when they don't know what to prepare for in this new meta.
>tier 4 trash can deck beats tier 5 burning medical waste landfill
Tron says Hi
Yep, Jund has like a 50% across the board so people go to it when they're not sure what else to use.
Mistbind is not a good card in any matchup other than BGx. Burn doesn't care about it. Abzan Company doesn't care about it. Combo/Control just laugh. It may have been a great card in Extended, but it doesn't belong in any Modern mainboard.
Ah yes, the one bad matchup that invalidates jund. So many weaknesses.
>t1 TS their only threat from opener
>bob gets CA
>land lilli beat with goyf oh you'd like to fetch eye of ugin wouldn't you too bad
>land kalitas kill wurmcoil
>proceed to ult lili
>sit with 4 bolts in hand in case tron finds an o-stone/ugin
Doesn't get any easier post-side with Fulminators and whatnot.
Ooooh you mean cause infect wipes jund right?
its going to see play in major tournaments. just wait
God, I fucking love French language cards.
Foil Brainstorm?
hey I'll trade you my shivan dragons for that stupid 1 mana blue card
>All these butt-blasted jund players
Don't associate me with the guy saying Tron is "several weaknesses". It's ONE of them, not ALL of them.
i would. seriously.
I actually played Tron until last week, it's ridiculous how much the match is now in Jund's favor (given the pilot knows what he's doing) with discard being an actual factor and Kalitas negating Wurmcoil.
>leave him there and they eventually have to bolt it themselves
Kommanded him actually, after he already had drawn me 4 cards. Of course I had sided out half of them along with my Thoughseizes, and would have cut more, but I wasn't packing much Burn hate.
>Unless it comes down early in the game
Dropped T2 on the play following up an Inquisition. He isn't exactly a great topdeck however, unless both of you are stalling.
Stupid question time
Which set has the best booster arts and design?
Yeah son all shiny and what not.
>thinks he knows memedern well enough to understand all the best and worst matchups for all decks and why the metagame is the way it is
>says jund has weaknesses right now
You forgot to post a frog
Two best tbhqt3.14
Seriously? I literally do this exact same thing and thought I was original. I started because I needed ONE more of the same art
The version of MM15 we got in the states.
You're replying to the wrong guy, but you're not very smart if you think Jund is the ultimate perfect deck.
How many Jund were in the top 32 in the latest SCG Modern Open Milwaukee? That's right, 3. And the best score died in the quarterfinals.
If it has so few weaknesses, why wasn't it more succesful? I mean I think it was the most popular deck at the event and most of them died on Day 2. If a deck has few weaknesses, you see results like Eldrazi during Eldrazi Winter.
>>Jund #1
>It's odd. It has so many weaknesses in this meta.
While strange, it is a good thing. We've had an unbeatable god for too long and it's great to see the #1 deck be so fair.
Intangible virtue
Sakura tribe elder
Nature's claim
Volcanic Fallout
Tragic Slip
Not exactly staples, but playable.
Foil spells and lands. Neat
Foil Brainstorm is worth a fuckton. Careful with that one.
Awesome! Thanks man ill look for those
So why does Flooded Grove cost money? It sometimes sees play as a one-of in Scapeshift but that's it. And I don't see many casuals making Simic decks, either.
I beg to differ.
It's a 4/4 flying flash for 4mana, that alone is huge.
It champions a fairy, which isn't that much of a downside, it can get rid of bitterblossom killing you. It can easily champion a near useless spellstutter.
The tap all lands ability is also pretty huge imo. Tapping all their lands before their draw step is something that has won me a lot of games.
Overall I experienced >50% win rate with this deck.
Lorwyn/Shadowmoor has stupid prices. Remember 30$ Wilt-Leaf Liege and $60 Bitterblossom?
What would I cut for red splash? obvious choice seems cryptic. I like that terminate and kolaghan's are BR since I've been loving Kalitas to the point I'd play 2 mainboard.
Also, do you have any prediction on how the price of AV will evolve?
Actually I've been experiencing a high win rate with the deck. I feel it's unexpected and the disruption is great.
Mildly disagree, it buys you a turn without combat tricks, it's a timewalk if they're not careful or able to respond, it's a pretty good combat trick, it turns off Blossom, exiles a Faerie for later ETB stuff, it's a pretty fun card within the limitations of the deck desu.
It is nowhere near good enough to justify the dollar cost though.
No real predictions. I'm waiting for a price drop before I buy because I see a reprint coming up and/or a lot of people jamming them are going to get sick of them and trade for whatever deck gets big next.
For my splash I cut all of the mono black removal except two Dismembers (one will go for the trio of AV when I get them) since Terminate is a strict upgrade and cut a pair of Cryptic Commands and went down to 3 Mistbind. I also dropped the River of Tears, all the basics except 1 mountain, island and swamp and one Darksick Shores for a Watery Grave, a Blood Crypt, 2 Steam Vents and rounded up to 6 fetches.
Has he ever brewed something that isn't trash? At least if they were budget decks there would be a reason for poorfags to build them but he manages to make horrible decks while still sticking tons of fetches and playsets of Snapcasters in them.
Just like this other deck I once saw mentioned on channelfireball! I swear guys!
kamigawa block tbqh
I really liked M15 - simple and elegant IMO
What about Stifle?
Yeah it's weird Jeskai hasn't jumped higher, in the hands of a skilled player it seems like a very powerful deck.
Apparently it still lacks something, idk what. Although I'm sure the auto-include of 4 AV in every jeskai build should be questioned.
Care to share a list?
I'm waiting to get 3 AV myself too, faeries could really use them. Whereas all the Jeskai players who jumped on a playset the moment the unban was announced will probably realize it isn't that good in every kind of list. A reprint on top of that would be awesome too.
Living End?
This is perhaps the saltiest general on Veeky Forums.
That actually looks pretty healthy.
Not modern legal. Holy shit it would be bonkers if it was.
modern players are the saltiest mtg players
Exactly, this is the best modern metagame I've seen in a while. Though I'm unsure if twin banning contributed to that, or if all of this could coexist along with twin. It's just a shame because twin was something that demanded interaction instead of all those linear decks going around.
Maybe I'm just bitching but I never understood linear deck players. Why? Where's the fun? Or are these people that much competition driven? No one knows.
They ban Tarmogoyf yet?
>living end
>not trash
He didn't brew that, he stole it.
>bitching about that meta
>top 8's the last two modern GP's
This is the lowest level of shitterdom I've seen in an MtG thread. This is worse than the card creation threads. I'm leaving this thread and never coming back.
What deck should I play if I want a girlfriend with lots of experience?
can someone post their UW gifts tron list
mtggoldfish has some good lists.
And nothing of value was lost.
Infect is aggro, people who think it's combo are retards.
>Care to share a list?
Sure! Here's my maindeck from yesterday's FNM, my board is a bit budget but I'll post it separately.
Items with * next to them are ones I'm considering dropping one of to accommodate a pair of Snapcasters and a trio of Ancestral Visions.
Instant (16):
2 Cryptic Command
3 Kolaghan's Command
4 Mana Leak *
2 Dismember *
2 Spell Snare *
3 Terminate
Sorcery (5):
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
2 Thoughtseize
Enchantments (4):
4 Bitterblossom
Creatures (10):
3 Vendilion Clique *
3 Mistbind Clique
4 Spellstutter Sprite
Lands (25):
3 Creeping tar Pit
4 Mutavault
2 Darkslick Shores
2 Secluded Glen
1 Blood Crypt
1 Watery Grave
2 Steam Vents
1 Island
1 Swamp
1 Mountain
3 Polluted Delta
3 Bloodstained Mire
1 Ghost Quarter
$60 is a lot, but not a fuckton
Sideboard (15):
2 Crumble to Dust
2 Ratchet Bomb
3 Lightning Bolt
1 Thoughtseize
2 Negate
2 Sower of Temptation
1 Languish*
2 Shatterstorm
The Languish will be swapped out with a Damnation but I've been holding off for a few reprints and to liquidate my collection for trades.
>Infect is aggro, people who think it's combo are retards
I'd go lighter in B, heavier in R, run 2 kiki and a couple pestermites. Literally the only version of fae that has ever top8.
Deck is bad.
Deck is fine, format is better. It shits on a surprising number of other decks and doesn't fold to some of its traditional weak matchups. Still I'm not wedded to it, I basically bought the shell and most of what I need to tweak it into different colours.
Maybe worth a look, but in all honesty I've never found the deck needs help closing a game out. What it needs is card draw and efficient answers.
For a common in a set opened as much as Conspiracy, you wouldn't normally expect the Foil to be worth 6000% the value of the regular. It's a "relative fuckton".
Not as bad as this.
Looks solid, thanks for sharing.
I'll hold off with selling my BR landbase then haha. I'll definiately try a red splash once I get hold of my core.
I remember that time Stompy was a combo deck. I mean that's what it is, right? Play dudes, turn them sideways in combat step and use pump spells to close the game fast.
Please disregard the people saying Infect is combo. Just don't reply.
Why does all of blue's shit always get banned. Nearly every other colour has a card that cheats as much as this one would
If infect is combo than burn is combo as well
Because it's not blue and literally every deck would carry a playset. Combo decks would be especially broken, able to stop inquisitions and thoughseizes before their first turn and keep their combo pieces safe. It would be worse than Skullclamp.
Daily reminder tier lists are popularity contests
exactly what you got last in you chucklefuck
10/10 cringe mate
I agree for MM, but stuff like Stiffle, Ponder etc.
Storm would be tier 0, having access to Legacy-tier cantrips would make it basically immune to hand destruction and it would go off on turn 3 pretty much always.
Modern in FUN! FUN!!
In hindsight, I agree. Perhaps it's necessary, it just feels so unfair as a blue player haha.
Anyone care to shit on some decklists?