The trailer looked epic. Then again, the game itself might turn out to be a disappointment. What do you guys think?
So, what are your thoughts on Dawn of War III?
It's got base building so I'll buy it.
Three race campaign sounds cool. Especially since you get to play as based gorgutz again.
The screenshots killed my hype. I know that's too early to judge the game based on them, but something about them left a bad taste in my mouth.
No Chaos makes me disappointed. I know it'll be in the game eventually, but not having them at launch is weird.
I'll still play it.
They weren't at launch in DOWII either, so it isn't that strange. I'm sure there will be a big bad revealed later on in development, probably Chaos, Tyranids, or Necrons.
I figure that it's like other anons said, that they are going to be in it, but they won't reveal themselves until you start heading towards the end, because they're trying to play all the forces against each other until they're all too broken and tired to do anything, except of course the [faction that you chose], who has a secret weapon up their sleeves.
Seeing him waddling around and smashing his lieutenants again will be truly amazing
here's hoping he won't die here
>No Chaos
>believing that at all
Lemme tell you what the plot'll be.
>start fighting Orks
>discover Eldar dickery
>Eldar be all enigmatic and shit
>surprise, the Eldar were gearing up to fight Chaos
I am hoping it will be chaos demons rather then marines.
Everybody knows demons don't exist, Emps proved that wrong thousands of years ago.
Now DAEMONS, on the other hand...
I honestly didn't miss base building at all. After DoW2, it's going to feel like going backwards, and that's not necessarily a good thing.
I despise base building and am bewildered that people are happy to see it's return.
I don't understand why you don't like it, to be honest. If you don't base build, how the hell are you going to take over anything? Hope the enemy doesn't come back and just take over everything again?
Can't speak for the other user, but I preferred the DoW2 approach because it's slightly closer to the TT, and just avoided the entire clunky mechanic.
I love RTS games, and classic RTS games at that - been playing them since the original Warcraft, but Space Marine Base Building Simulator just doesn't "fit" 40k to me.
So anyone else think it might just end up reskinned coh2?
>might turn out to be a disappointment
well, the only time I've really been disappointed with DoW was with soulstorm, so I'll probably have fun with this one
Trailer means absolutely nothing to the state of the final game, but if they have someone with the balls to go full Beksinski on board, they can't be all bad.
Designing an efficient base and supplementing it with good fortification is incredibly satisfying. One of the things i appreciate most about the Ultimate apocalypse mods is the ability to build actual walls and barricades. It allows you to dictate the time and place that you fight the enemy.
I grew up playing Age of Empires and Age of Mythology, so i suppose they heavily influence my video game strategies.
>buildin mah guard base
>building it bigger
>and bigger
>and cramming every key chokepoint full of bunkers and shit
>So anyone else think it might just end up reskinned coh2?
No too bad, then.
Hopefully some good writing for the single-player campaign.
Can't wait for the Knight to bear the BR heraldry
Fair enough, but maybe instead of getting rid of it altogether, they could improve on it so it's not so clunky, and maybe set up some fucking turrets that actually work
It's time to get back to base building.
Wait you can build walls in UA?
Jesus christ that would make my life so much easier.
Basebuilding doesn't really fit the Eldar imo.
They should just have webway gates, nothing else. Just combine the production structures in DoW 1 into the webway gates that allowed you to transport shit between them, and cut the rest of the basebuilding for the Eldar.
Have it like the US/Brittish in CoH2 where you have the central base and you just unlock shit for it.
I'd prefer for the Eldar to not really have any "centralized base" and instead just be able to open webway gates around the map, and use them to move their forces in order to both defend, as well as capture territory and resources.
A centralized base, that you would be forced to defend, isn't really that fitting for Eldar military style.
>They should just have webway gates, nothing else.
Their buildings were webway gates.
You literally just described how the Brits play in CoH2.
Aesthetically, maybe. But functionally they were identical to that of Ork factories. They just produced your units, and didn't actually let you transport stuff between the gates.
Ideally, the Eldar wouldn't have any other structures besides webway gates (as in, just a standard type of webway gate, not some factory that is called a webway gate), that would let you transport shit between different gates trough the webway, as well as produce new units (you are requesting more reinforcements from the webway.)
He is arguing they should have a single webway building that does everything, sort of like how the monolith worked in DoW1 I guess, then being able to build more of them around the map to teleport to.
It's not a very sound idea unless it has some harsh limitations.
I haven't played CoH 2.
I got zero interest in world war games.
Of course that sort of system would need limitations, but personally, I think it would be more interesting than just the stock standard rts basebuilding and unit production system dow 1 had.
The big ones for Base Building really should be:
Imperial Guard (Lots and lots of fortifications)
Sisters of Battle (Centralized super temple fortress)
Orks (Ramshackle Buildings Everywhere that just shit out boys)
Necrons (You start with your buildings from moment 1 and it's all about getting them powered up rather than making more)
The ones who don't base build that sort of way would be more:
Marines: Drop pods and secured landing zones, some minor fortifications.
Eldar: Hidden webway portals allowing them to move between captured zones easily but no full base.
Tau: Drop turrets that are quickly removed when they are done with so they can be redeployed elsewhere but nothing long term.
Chaos could go either way depending on the exact mix of Marines/Cultists/Demons.
I can agree with that. How would nids work best? I'm thinking that they could create some brood nests etc that spawn new small critters, whereas their bigger monsters would drop down in spores.
Well, I played first DoW more for it's mods in the end. I also hope they will balance AIs so I would have nice, long and bloody battles. Right now it's this:
>on Hard, you moping the floor with AI
>on Very Hard, AI moping the floor with you
I miss first DoW battles, where I could destroy easily 2-3 hours to win.
>Needing a reason to fight other than REMOVE MONKEIGH KEBAB
Honestly not sure. They never really turned up in DOW1.
I'd lean towards 'They can spawn small stuff in any captured territory as they infect the area'.
However by the same token, you can recapture territory held by them by burning out the infestation.
>Mfw the imperial knights show up
Gimme scion guard and I don't even give a shit about the gameplay
>They just produced your units, and didn't actually let you transport stuff between the gates.
There were gates that did that.
Playing SOB would be pretty fun there. I could see it working like:
You can only build in territory adjacent to where you already have buildings but they automatically join that territory up with fortress walls when you do so. The first building in a territory has to be a Temple expansion before you can build any functional structures there.
Sorta like an expanding version of how the Lord of the Ring games gave you a single fortress that expanded outwards as it was upgraded.
Makes them ungodly good at holding core territory but they have a hard time with more out of the way stuff.
Yes, and what I want, is for the production gates, and the transport gates, to be the same friggin structure. Well, there could be like 3 size categories of those gates, with smallest only being able to spawn infantry, while medium ones could bring out infantry more rapidly, as well as also allowing small to medium vehicles pass trough them, and biggest ones would let you bring heavy vehicles in, as well as deploy armies within a moment's notice.
>Yes, and what I want, is for the production gates, and the transport gates, to be the same friggin structure.
Why? It does not matter. They just come out of the webway at your base then move into another gate.
Did you guys ever play Universe at War?
I'm seeing the Eldar playing a lot like the robotic faction from that. They could shove any unit into their 'Network' to be teleported into any territory where they had network connection.
They sucked, hard, at a direct confrontation but they had the most mobile units even outside their ability to teleport so they were fantastic at hitting and pulling back.
>What do you guys think?
I hate everything. Dawn of War III is therefore a piece of shit.
IT was really weird call to make such a gritty trailer for a game that for all intents and purposes seems to be colourful
Yes it matters.
It changes the whole dynamic of how the race plays. If the only structure the faction has is a "factory" that also allows you to transport any existing units between those "factories", the way you play the race changes drastically, in comparison to if the race had more fixed base.
Instead of a single stronghold, the Eldar player could posses multiple, small outposts in the form of webway gate openings, are all interconnected, granting the player extreme mobility as well as the ability to act rather covertly, both of which are traits that fit very well to the Eldar.
Third one is real close though. The fever dream style is really fucking cool.
>Yes it matters.
No it doesn't.
>It changes the whole dynamic of how the race plays.
No it doesn't, it's maybe an extra click to send people on their way.
>Instead of a single stronghold, the Eldar player could posses multiple, small outposts
Everyone can do that, you can make more than one base. The Eldar had the advantage of actually being able to move their bases and move through the webway.
Sounds like they already had everything you wanted.
1 > 3 > 2
Was excited but the actualy screenshots look like sc2, really stylised and colourful, like a comic book
You don't get what I am saying m8.
What I am getting at is that the Eldar wouldn't even really have any bases proper, which they would need to defend. They should just have webwaygates placed here or there, trough which they could move their forces in and out across the battlefield. Not the DoW 1 style bs with extensive bases with all sort of retarded generators, shrines and shit.
DoW 1's webway gates, and the fact that you can teleport your stuctures has aspects of my ideal, but I would prefer it being taken way further.
>Nothing remains unchanged by the music of creation!
I felt like that trailer was drug inspired. It was like someones dream recreated
New one is already my favourite. Intimidating Orks, resigned John Cena, majestic as fuck Banshees, Bekinski influence and rock em sock em robots. It's fucking great.
>What I am getting at is that the Eldar wouldn't even really have any bases proper
They have gates.
> They should just have webwaygates placed here or there
You can do that. Their buildings are gates, you can build gates to move through.
Are you being purposefully obtuse?
I know that the factories etc in which the Eldar produce their shit in dow 1 are "webway gates" in the sense that that's what the game tells you they are, and they have fancy little animation with the swirling energy and shit.
Functionally however, they are IDENTICAL to ork factories. They only share aesthetic differences.
I'll try to make this as simple to understand as possible. What I would like to see, in DoW 3, is for the Eldar to only possess a SINGLE type of gate, (with maybe few different size categories), that both allow you to transport units between gates, as well as work as your production facilities.
Keep it simple, cut the excessive basebuilding out that doesn't even fit the Eldar. Just have webway gates that work as both means of transportation, as well as production facilities.
Other factions, like orks, can have more extensive basebuilding, as it actually fits them.
What do you think about stuff like requisition and power? Should Eldar be allowed to cap req points or should they get a steady stream from start to finish? Should power even be an object at all or a limited number to limit the amount of gates?
Why wouldn't the Eldar cap resource nodes? They obviously should also gather resources like the other factions.
Anyways, I am way too tired to continue to discuss this in any further coherency.
Rather pointless anyways, seeing how we don't know jack shit about how DoW 3 basebuilding and unit production is gonna work.
>What I would like to see, in DoW 3, is for the Eldar to only possess a SINGLE type of gate,
It does not matter. Functionally it's identical.
You have a gate, unit comes from gate.
That's what you want.
You have a gate, unit comes from gate, send it to another gate.
That's what we have.
Stop bitching about what amount to an extra click.
Please for the love of God tell me this screenshot is wrong or fake or something. A handful of marines with a fucking TITAN?
It's not a Titan.
thats a imperial knight, not a titan
That's a knight, titans are fuckhueg
If it were a titan, you would only be seeing it's feet
A warhound would squish that thing and they are like the smallest imperial titans.
Still waiting to hear how excommunicated marines get free blades to work with them.
Dude the screenshot are concepts, they aren't from the game.
Okay it's some Ad Mech mini-titan then. It's still fucking stupid. The unit sizes are clearly DoW 2 size, which is horrible, and looks wildly out of scale with that thing there.
>The unit sizes are clearly DoW 2 size
They've said it's going to be DoW size.
They've explicitly stated that the number of units will be significantly greater than in DoW2.
Thank God then that that screenshot is wrong.
>Don't know what Knights are
Holy fuck dude where have you been the last four years?
Not reading 40k codecies, obviously. Seriously other than the number of missiles in the pod it looks exactly like a fucking Reaver.
I'm not bitching about anything. I am just explaining what I would find ideal.
And yes, it does matter, because it is a fundementally different approach to how the faction works. In DoW 1, Eldar have various types of factories, tech buildings, generators etc, and among those structures, there are the webway gates that actually work like webway gates and allow you to transport warriors between the gates.
This approach requires the Eldar to make bases, that they need to defend, and ties them down to a location (though, due to teleporting structures this is somewhat migated.)
However, if they instead just had singular type of webway gates, that fulfilled the purpose of both means of transportation, as well as production, the whole approach to basebuilding (or the lack of it as it would be in this case), would be entirely different.
Instead of tying oneself to a single location, one could spread a network of gates across the map, focusing more on mobility, and map control, instead of the development of a fortress like base.
>or playing table top or even being in Veeky Forums at all
it's like you intentionally lived under a rock
Yeah, that new trailer has legit my favourite aesthetic interpretation of Eldar ever. They really nailed the organic and, well, alien theme of them very well.
You do not have to tie yourself to one location.
You have certain structures that are important for win mechanic game conditions but that's it.
You can move your building around, you can more than a single central base, you are the limiting factor.
A single click is what separates you from what you want.
The Eldar look friggin amazing in the trailer.
Too bad the ingame shots seem to indicate a completely different type of art direction.
>Generic fantasy skeleton
It's not just an extra click, it's an entire extra building you retard.
>DOW fanboys will defend anything that relic's shit on them
blood ravens aren't excommunicated
that was the entire point of retribution
also freeblades do whatever the fuck they want
In DoW 1, it is not economically really wise to start constructing proxy bases, as they ad no real gain to you due to the fact that you don't need new bases for resource collection. By creating them, you are putting your assets into positions where you are less able to defend them.
That is however, besides the point.
What you don't seem to get is that I don't want the Eldar to have any bases, outside of just singular gates here and there, because I think that it is thematically inappropriate for the Eldar to have extensive bases like they did in DoW 1. The Eldar are not a race who construct fortifications etc on the battlefield.
There is a shitton of room for improvement in DoW 1 basebuilding system in general. It is one of the most boring, and stock standard systems I have ever witnessed. Even Red Alert 3 had more interesting basebuilding mechanics.
One of the improvements I would like to see in DoW 3, is that each race actually has their own, unique basebuilding, and unit production methods, and for the Eldar, I would like to see that being just them having mere webway gates, nothing else.
Spesh Muhreens can drop out of the sky while orks can retain more classic rts style mechanics.
Coh2 is a shit game compared to the first one. If the game is a coh2 mod I will steer clear.
It's the colour pallete which irks me,
Blud raybens have too bright shoulder pads and the Eldar are using bright green guns.
Would prefer it if they left weaponry the default colour and toned down the brightness and frequent use of that cream colour
>it totally should look like wraithplastic
yea, no
CoH2 was such a weird damn thing. It had so many of the things I enjoyed about both CoH 1 and DoW 2. And yet, the whole thing just didn't really seem to fit together.
It's not something I can source since I'm going off the words of someones comments during one of the earlier threads, but I'm pretty sure the comment complained to the end of "what was the point if the inquisition damned them anyway".
The inquisitor from the IG campaign tried to defend them or something but didn't succeed.
Seeing as Aspect armour is made from bio-plastic and not wraithbone, yes it should.
Well, it's still a fairly early build, and stuff like colour balance and lightning is something that gets fiddled around with a lot during the process of development. Things also often look quite a bit different in motion than they do in stills.
all plastic is bio-plastic fampai.
are you the same dumb faggot who posted that picture yesterday, now complaining that wraith-bone looks a bit like - bone?