Renegade Chaoter Creation Thread

A while ago, there was a thread for coming up with a creation for rogue space marines that was never given a go. So, let's do that now!

1d100 for progenitor

Rolled 100 (1d100)


Nice fucking get


1d100 for when we were founded

Rolled 4 (1d100)


>32nd Millennium
Founded early, it seems

1d100 for why we left the Imperium

Rolling for 'Lust for Adventure!'

Have to put it in the email/option field, desu senpai

Rolled 4 (1d100)

You have to put the dice+1d100 in the options field friend

Seems like I have no lack of 4's

>Altruistic Downfall: They came to blows with the Imperial Inquisition for actions undermining their authority to aid other fellow Imperials, resulting in the excommunication of the chapter.

Seems fitting for a Salamander successor

1d20 for Geneseed mutation level

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Something nice!

>Geneseed takes a new form from its predecessor's.

One away from a mutation

1d10 for chapter flaw

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Pure geneseed here we go!

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Oops little bit late on that last one

>Eye to Eye - The Chapter hates any method of warfare other than running up to the enemy and punching them.

1d2 for chapter's figure of legend's historical position. Basically if he did the cool stuff before or after these guys left the Imperium

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Let's see how this goes

Rolled 2 (1d20)

You mean 1d20?

Alright, he was a loyal marine!

2d100 for what he was and what he did

Rolled 32, 85 = 117 (2d100)

No we use 1d2 to figure if the marine was old or new before deeds of legend and what not


Rolled 7, 8 = 15 (2d100)

Oh gotcha. Only skimmed through the last thread.

>Chaptermaster who led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievous casualties before withdrawing.
He and his Chapter are especially hated by the pernicious Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw.


A Salamander battle-brother who was the bane of orks, slaughtering great hordes

1d10 for home sector

Rolled 10 (1d10)

I vote chapter master.

>wild sector
Fuck yeah! 1d3 for how many rerolls we get on the home sector table

Rolled 3 (1d3)

Better prepare for some trouble

3d10, motherfucker. Reroll if we get nomads or wild sector

Rolled 5, 1, 4 = 10 (3d10)

Welcome to party town...

Rolled 10 (1d10)


>Ending Sector: This sector is essentially dead, with either a white dwarf, black dwarf, or neutron star at the center. Only the foulest xenos live here.
>Primitive Sector: The only other race in the system is a fledgling race either before or on the cusp of their own space age.
We need one more roll, guy

Rolled 4 (1d10)

Fuck, re-rolling again

Rolled 8 (1d10)

How is this even happening?!

I'm going to just go with Abandoned, since that's the next highest roll that hasn't been picked.

So our chapter lives in a dying system abandoned by the Imperium that's home to some foul xenos with either primative technology or technology near ours.

Cool. 1d10 for how we rule

Rolled 10 (1d10)

I vote for CM. Maybe he rebelled against orders of radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor who wanted to watch and investigate craftworlds attack against imperial system. CM was against killing billions of citizens and decided to shove the Eldar away from the system in their path. This lead to excommunication.

Rolled 6 (1d10)

Now that we're back under control.

I like the way you think. Backstory has never been my forte.

Fits to what we rolled quite well. Salamander and pissing off some Inquisitor.

Hiding - "Some say there are Marines behind that moon there, but who the fuck knows."

1d10 for combat doctrine

I suggest a name of Brazen Knights. Brazen suggests fire and way of acting without shame. Knights suggest chivalry and protection of common folk.

Color scheme brassish with maybe green highlights if they know that they are Salamander successor. What lexicanum says is that Salamanders haven't never officially had successors.

Rolled 9 (1d10)

Hoping for something cool.

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Moonbase fuck yeah!

I'd like to see how combat doctrine play out before we call them brazen. Also the fact that we are hiding

>Death from the Skies - Master pilots and drop pods assaulters, the group use these tactics to bring death to the foe with Thunderhawk, Stormbird, gunships, dropships and jump-infantry.

>Auxiliaries - Renegades make extensive use of auxiliaries, human or otherwise

Sounds like we kidnap whatever humans and xenos live in our sector and drop them into battle

1d100 for Chaoter operating procedure

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Fuck, Chapter. 0 for 2 now

>Piratical: Pirates, these Marines attack Merchant ships, Imperial and Xeno fleets or lone ships, plunder what wwe want and disappear.

1d10 for leadership

Rolled 9 (1d10)

So basically these chaps have master pilots who use their skills to get their assault crafts full of armsmen and marines, capture enemy ships and Shanghai their crews. I like it!

>Split Ideals - This group has several separate factions within itself that work together, each headed by their own leader. Loosely tied together.

So, a hidden pirate confederacy?

D100 for specialty restrictions, units we can't field

Rolled 3 (1d100)

Let's see

Fuck librarians

>No apothecaries

D100 for equipment we can't field

Dammit forgot to roll

Rolled 59 (1d100)

Hope it's not important

Rolled 90 (1d100)

How to fuck do they survive then?

Rolled 12 (1d100)

>Flamer Weapons: Excludes all flamer weaponry, including hand flamers, compact flamers, exterminators, and immolation rifles.

Fucking ironic considering we're salamander successors

1d100 for specialty equipment

Rolled 87 (1d100)

We are a strange breed

Rolled 1 (1d100)

something heavy

Rolled 99 (1d100)

>Preferred Fighting Style: The Chapter has a specific way in which it prefers to go about killing the enemies it finds itself making. Examples: Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, dual Power Swords, special Bolter pattern or ammunition

Traditional Weapon: The Chapter favours one specific weapon over all others. Choose one specific weapon to serve as the Chapter’s traditional weapon. Examples: Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Melta Gun

91-100 Genetic Modification: Modifications made to aid these marines in battle are their specialities. Whether they enhance certain senses or have biological weapons like fire breath. Examples: Black Dragon's claws.

1d10 for chapter strength

What if we could, SPIT MELTA

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Hoping for over strength.

Rolled 5 (1d10)

>Fighting style and traditional weapon
I say Power Buckler and Power Zweihander (or Lucerne is a good choice)
We space Landschnects

Nominal Strength. Pretty good for no apothecaries

You guys wanna roll for goals/motivations? Either way, 1d100

Rolled 7 (1d100)

So what special equipment did we decide on?

Rolled 63 (1d100)

>Survival: The Renegades have more immediate concerns, currently focused only on surviving the next few decades

2d100 for allies and enemies

Rolled 1, 80 = 81 (2d100)

Rolled 90, 49 = 139 (2d100)

Better not be nids

>Fellow Rouge Astartes/Rouge Humans (I.E: Severan Dominate, Space Pirates)

>Imperial Guard/PDF

And that's it for rolling! I'll compile the rolls now. How's the table work? Any flaws?

>Dark eldar Kabal

>Loyal Astartes

I'd prefer this one. Also I still don't know if we are concrete on special equipment. All that's left is backstory, name, and colors.

The summary will have to wait since there's some stuff I need to take care of. My vote is mutation or fighting style

Since its a practical salamander sucessor maybe a marine reptile?

For mutation, I say some manner of photophoric gland on their heads that produces a flash of light similar to a flashbang.
Fighting Style, I say a small shield for parries and smashing face and a big hammer like weapon, like a lucerne.

It could be like an inverse of the pineal gland commonly found on members of Squamata reptiles, like Horned Lizards

What if we become the "Crocodiles" we forgoes flame weapons in an attempt to differentiate ourselves from the Salamander. Then we take the preferred fighting style and use custom crushing power claws in close combat.


Heres a picture for a reptile Pineal Third Eye

Biologically, it is structurally analogous to a normal vertebrate eye, though it lacks an iris and optic nerve

And hers a better pic, this time on a different kind of lizard

I suggest against the lizard theme. It feels like they would go full NOTICE US SALAMANDER SEMPAI!!!

If we look the two possible salamander successors, they are quite normal. Not counting blade elbows.

So I got to thinking about the different aspects that we have rolled so far and how to roll it into a coherent chapter structure. How about something like a Pirate Republic.

Chapter Master:
Serves as the admiral/pirate king. Maintains overall strategic command of all chapter forces as well as a force which is directly loyal to him.In matters not related to the overall survival of the chapter he differs to the advice/rulings of the Captain's Moot.

Captains/Captain's Moot
The ruling council of the chapter is composed of each battle barge/capital combatant of the chapter. These must be actual marines and auxiliaries are completely excluded from membership.

Each Captain maintain their own ship and a flotilla of auxiliaries that were either captured, conscripted, or volunteered. Captains prestige and rank are determined by the size of their flotillas and whatever loot the contribute to the chapter via raiding leading captains to compete against one another to gain a higher place in the Moot.

Just some rough thoughts modify or throw them out as you will.

That would make sense with the hiding thing, since they would act like cells with little affiliation outside of just being within the same chapter. I don't know what the aesthetic should be, since pirates have already been done. Something involving dragons? Welsh raiders?

Where's the summary?

Maybe one of the navies from the age of sail where flotillas operated more independently with less oversight?


>We were a Salamamder successor founded in the 32 Millennium, who left the Imperium after they came to blows with the Imperial Inquisition for actions undermining their authority in order to aid other fellow Imperials.

>Our chapter's Geneseed mutated into a new form from their progenitors. They also feel a compulsive need to fight up close and personal.

>our hero was the Chapter Master from when we were loyal who rebelled against orders of radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor who wanted to watch and investigate craftworlds attack against imperial system. The Chapter Master was against killing billions of citizens and decided to shove the Eldar away from the system in their path.

>Our home sector is a system towards the end of its life, home to abandoned Imperial worlds and foul, vicious xenos with technology primative by 40k standards

>Our chapter is currently in hiding in the system, operating with impunity. We use human and/or Xenos auxiliaries and Master pilots, and drop pods assaulters. Quick strikes from above.

>the chapter acts like pirates, raiding caravans and worlds. They're very divided as a chapter, with each branch operating pretty autonomously

>Our chapter had little Apothocaries, and no flamer weapons, but it has a preferred fighting style and geneticly engineered mutations to help fight.

>We are at nominal strength, seek desperately to survive and thrive.

>We're allied with other rogue humans, and are enemies of an Imperial Guard/PDF

Salamanders and their successors have a real fire/Myth/Force of Nature theme to them, something about them feels primordial and animalistic, so we should go with that, I think. We could go with something like the Ashen Wyvern or Voidlords or something

Considering that this is combining much of the previous contradictory rolls, I think we can drop the cell structure.

I think these guys work better as Dragon themed Robin Hoods.

Works for me

If we are doing Dragon themed robin hood types how about Void Wyvrens?

Abandoned Wyvrens?


I think Ash Wyverns sounds better. Some other names I've considered
>Black Wings
>Ash Runners
>Chameleon Knights
>Eyes of Ser
>Doom Callers
>Blood Scales

Ash Wyvrens sounds cool to me. Have ash be the primary color of the armor with green highlights in reference to the salamanders. Maybe with a bit of copper or gold in there somewhere?

Grey and copper actually sounds really comfy

Yeeeeees. My vote is grey with copper shoulders, maybe the three-eyed lizard as a symbol? Call em the Ash Wyverns.

Or maybe the overall thing could be one name and each pirate ship has its own thing.

Auxiliary ideas?

I suggest scions/stormtrooper pirates who have way too many volley guns.

Or rogue Mordians for the age-of-sail uniforms.

All grey with copper pauldrons or trim? Green eyes?

Scions are shit in the lore and there's no way one would be put of Imperial control.

I'd say the Wyverns wouldn't be too picky about who they pick as allies, as long as they can manage them a bit. Can't have your allies raping and pillaging the common man you left the Imperium to protect.

>Scions are shit in the lore and there's no way one would be put of Imperial contro
They don't have to be actual scions, just people with similarly classed equipment who fulfill their specific role.

Don't forget, we have some appereny civilized vicious xenos in this sector we could use too

Well Dark Eldar are off the menu, so are any Chaos Renegades...

Farsight Enclaves, Harlequin Troupes, Mercenaries and other Renegades could mesh well
