Game finder thread for finding games.
>player or GM
>system(s) preferred
>available time(s)
>any other details

>Four players/GMs (It's complicated, I'll explain below)
>Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition
>Due to time zone difficulties, we can't establish a consistent schedule, but we'll have at least two days per week when we'll be able to play. Issue is we don't know which days they'll be until Wednesday at the latest.
>tommy.middleton8 on Skype
>We're swapping GMs after every TPK/major plot thread/when the burnout kicks in, different GMs' games will be happening in the same universe although maybe at different times or in different. YOU MUST BE PREPARED TO GM AT SOME POINT AS WELL AS PLAY IN ORDER TO JOIN THIS GAME.

Other urls found in this thread: & Dragons/3E/Books/3.5/Other/Frostburn.pdf

*at different times or in different locations.

I words good.

>Tuesdays and thursdays at 3PM Central time, pending future university classes which may force schedule changes
>Hit me up on skype theg0demper0r123 remember those zeros
The game will be a frostburn supplement focused 3.5 game based on a setting of mine. Char levels start at 2, if you've never read frostburn, it's right here. & Dragons/3E/Books/3.5/Other/Frostburn.pdf

Keep in mind that this will be a serious game. I don't mean it's going to be no fun allowed stuff, but no lolrandum please.

>GM or Player
GM believe it or not.
Mutants and Masterminds 3E
>Time availability
5 PM, UTC+2, on Sundays.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: Jaso111111/Jason Kordelis
>Additional Information
Keep in mind that this will be only my second time GMing, and therefor things are going to be a bit junky at times.
I strive to provide a quality game, but dont be surprised if some things are... not thought of.
None the less i believe that, together with a group of friendly players, we can make it a fun time for everyone involved.
Need one more!

that ring is fucking awesome.

>Player or GM?

Rogue Trader

>Available Time(s)
On weekdays, I'm available any time. I'll let you know if a schedule change comes up. On weekends, I'm only available from the morning to around 3AM.

[email protected]

>Any other details?
Primarily interested in playing as a Navigator in the game, but I'm willing to be flexible if need be.

Thanks! I like to keep little folders of interesting artifact looking things.

>Sometime next week or thereabouts, my schedule is open after this wednesday but my possible players all have pretty full schedules so I'll be working around them.
>Ask around on the /jrg/ discord server:

I'm a fairly new GM, so be warned. Be prepared for lots of roleplay, bantz, and silly shenanigans. If you mention random backstory/characters details while playing, I'll try to incorporate them as best I can.


>want to find a game and make friends
>too self conscious about my voice being annoying to play over skype
also being the girl in the group sucks i hate women

>player or GM
Master of Game
>system(s) preferred
Savage Worlds - Starting a Low Life campaign this Wednesday. Will also be running RIFTS when the PDFs come out.
>available time(s)
Low Life game is Wednesdays 8pm-11pm CST
spaceturd on Roll20
>any other details
Only looking for 1 player atm for the Low Life game. Keeping the group small (3 players). Looking for long-term committed players.

Nobody gives a fck if you're a girl or not. or about your voice. Get out there and play!

Just play in text games if you're that self conscious.

>I hate getting unnecessary attention just for being a girl
>Let me post and let everyone know I'm a girl
Shit, I fell for it. Damn, too late now, enjoy your (You) I guess.

>also being the girl in the group sucks i hate women
I'm very confused about this statement: You hate women... but being the only girl "sucks"? The fuck are you talking about?

getting attention for being the only one in the group is awkward, i don't really feel that way anywhere else, sorry i bugged you man

This user is legit. He also forgot to put that it's a text game

Wish I could, but committing to two days a week is way out of my reach. Good luck to you user.

That's just one of the starting ideas I had for the game. The days are malleable, as I'm on break from uni until next semester. I only have one taker at the moment, anyway.

I bet I hate women more than you.

We should join forces and make a 40k game all about hating women. Like we go on crusades against elder Harlequnn, battle sisters, and chaos-trannies.

But like 40k it doesn't end at just women being cunts... there are plenty of heretic MRAs and MGTOW who will white-knight for the deamon, genestealer cults that span entire solar systems of "polymary" cucks...

And above it all the most disturbing truth of all is that while women definitely won the evilest thing in the universe race in quantity, quality still belongs to men. Because women are far too selfish and stupid to be calculated enough to be a moderator.
(Than you introduce chaos lords like Mark Zuckerberg, Moot, and Reddit if we get that far. We won't...)

>player or GM
GM looking for players
>system(s) preferred
Slightly modified Dungeon World (see below)
>available time(s)
Depends (see below)
Skype: loksvassago
>any other details
Dungeon World West Marches. If you don't know what that means, it means it's an exploration focused game with a couple simulationist and gamist elements and a large rotating cast of players. You decide when to play, who to play with, and what to do.

If that sounds interesting, please read this full description:

>Player (I could DM but I suck at creating campaigns)
>any system that I don't have to buy rule books for (currently only have Rouge Trader and 5e)
>CST 2:00 AM - 8:00 AM
>Text is preferable

My GM asked me to try and recruit a new player from Veeky Forums, since one of our oldies just left.
I'm secretly looking for someone to make some kind of brutish monster and spontaneously rape my character. I'm tired of everyone lusting over my character and want her to be brutally deflowered to put it to rest once and for all. Also it'll be hot.
Respond with skypes.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with your group. If it's not an ERP, make like the oldie and abandon game.

>Player or GM
>System(s) preferred
As a player: Exalted 3e or aSoIaF
As a GM: 40k RPGs, oWoD or nWoD, Apocalypse World, Savage Worlds, CoC/Delta Green, and others.
>Available time(s)
I'm in EST. I have a very wide availability and I'm also up for PbP games.
[email protected]
'The Tracy Jordan Meme Machine' on Skype.
>Any other details
I'm looking for reciprocal 1x1 games. You run something for me, I run something for you. PbP preferred, but live text and voice games are also okay. I can only run games via text, which is preferred.

>player or GM
>system(s) preferred
D&D 5th, Shadowrun, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader
>available time(s)
[email protected]
Same for jabber, fingerprint is 7D4D463F 5CF065A7 8DAD9118 4880756E C525F9BF
>any other details
I'm looking for someone to run an introductory game of one of the quick start scenarios for the above-mentioned games: Lost Mines of Phandelver, Fast Food Fight, Edge of Darkness or Forsaken Bounty. An unstable schedule and travel means that play-by-post, or whatever other asynchronous form of game is currently the only option available to me. I have no prior experience, but I've wanted to try an RPG for years.

What system exactly?
And is girl-on-girl acceptable?

Newish player

D&D 3.5 or 5th, World of Darkness.

time depends but i'm usually free at night.

I almost always play a wizard

I am a GM, and I run D&D 3.5. Game will be 13:00 EST Sundays. Skype is ilia.tchaplinski

reposting from a previous thread because I still need a few players :
>GM or Player
I'm looking for players for a FATE game
>Time availability
I tend to be more available in the evenings and nights (GMT+1), but the particular game I want to run should start this summer, during which I'll be available whenever. It would be better for potential players to be in Europe, unless you have a crazy schedule and can fit our Euro times
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
on skype : iamidonquix0te
>Additional Information
The campaign I'm trying to recruit for is a sci-fi game with an original setting. In a not so distant future where Earth and some other sentient alien species have formed a political union, the PCs are sent on a colony ship to explore and civilise an undiscovered part of space. We have six playable species with their own lore (though I encourage players to write/draw more material). Pic related is one of the player's design for one of the playable species.
I don't have any particular demands for potential players ; you don't even have to have experience with the system. I just want players to invest themselves in the setting and game and be reliable.
I can explain more/show you lore if you're interested and add me.

Would you mind telling us a bit more about your game?

Sure, and I'd be making it up right as I type! Basically, >47151273 had posted another thread asking for a DM, and I spontaneously decided to give it a try. I'll be running a module, (I haven't decided on which one) and it will be loosely set in a custom campaign setting we're making up as we go along. Players are encouraged to write in parts of the setting if they want. We'll start level 1. Tome of Battle replaces core Fighters and etc, most stuff is allowed but I reserve the right to veto what I think is not good. The sole player so far left his previous group because it was gay shit, so one rule established so far: no homo.

>GM or Player
Player. Goddamn i really want to play. I don't want to be ForeverGM.
D&D 5e and only that. I've been GMing the system ever since the playtest came out and i never could play for more than 1 (ONE) session. I know there's other 5e GMs that don't flake and actually want to GM, i know i'm not alone.

>Time availability
Im already running a game. My week is rather full, and by this point i think i can only do Sundays or Mondays. I'm at GMT-3 (EST/central is one hour behind me, whereas WST is 4 hours behind)

>Text or Voice
Text. Voice is fine and dandy but i think logs are priceless. And it's a lot more laid-back.
>Contact Information
email: [email protected]
>Additional Information
Most of all, i really like D&D for what it is, and 5e is my favorite edition. I'm chill, i don't judge people, i enjoy Fantasy and i take gaming seriously. I'm not going to just dissapear or waste your time (because that would be wasting my time too, after all)
I'm always willing to help a GM or fellow players, new ones included. I'm patient with people and i also have a high tolerance for a lot of things, so don't be afraid to pitch me your ideas, i'm very open.
...But i'm not going to stick in a game that i outright can't like. I suppose i have to have standards too.

I prefer games with a good plot, that have characters who belong in the world and work as a team in and out of combat. I love me some good fights.

I just want a decent 5e game that actually lasts. I'm fucking starving here.
If you GM for me we could strike a deal and i can GM for you at some point

>player or GM
>system(s) preferred
I absolutely love Shadowrun 5e, Pathfinder, and I'm really hankering for something modern like CoC or D20 modern but I've never played either.
>available time(s)
I have a game Friday nights (PST) and Saturday Mornings (PST) but I'm willing to try and accomodate your schedule. Sundays are good all around.
I can do both or neither.
ThuggyMoss on Skype.
>any other details
I'm 6'8" and say Hella' a lot.

I forgot about the quick start for Eclipse Phase. I'd also be up for that.

>Disney villains victorious
>contact me through Skype rustbossshaman

Is one of the players playing the Earth representative already? Because the chance to pick uniforms and a general look/feel of a future Earth government as part of this union sounds like a cool opportunity.

Oh, sorry. D&D 5e.
Girl-on-girl is acceptable as long as one of them has a feminine dick.

I just got someone from here who plans to play a human, but the lore is really collaborative, I let players work on species they don't play as. I also don't mind having two players of a same species, as each one could have various subraces/subcultures on their homeworld, plus is established in different colonies.

What's the general opinion on Discord here?

It's crap. Look at their privacy policy.

It's the only VoiP I use for my games now. Skype is so 2016.

Chances of my being able to play a centaur, since there are rules for them now?
Then we can just say I'm a woman torso on most of a stallion.

>no linux support
What bullshit.

>no linux support
It doesn't even support anything below Windows 7. I mean sure, if you have a toaster that old then you've got more problems than installing Discord, but still. All the competing software works fine on everything else, the Discord cucks need to step it up.

This is getting better and better.

I just found the quick start rules for Call of Cthulhu, and would be up for that as well.

What times do you play? I'd prefer a Sunday or Friday, but can do Mon-Wed as well.

Can't you just run discord in a web browser? That's what I do...

>software is so shitty that you have to run the inferior browser version that's full of bugs
Why even bother?

Discord shills need to fuck off already. There are plenty of better alternatives.

3.5, 5e, Pathfinder, Star Wars Saga, have been really wanting to try Mutants and Masterminds lately but haven't found anyone that does it

Skype: Circa_1960

>I'm secretly looking for someone to make some kind of brutish monster and spontaneously rape my character.

>Player or GM
Only War, Rogue Trader, DH 2ed, Pathfinder, DnD 5th Ed, DnD 3.5
>available time(s)
Friday's after 3pm CDT, Sat./Sun. Any Time
>contact info
[email protected]
Skype: patrick.mcfarland.65

I know this isn't quite the right place for it, but where would I look to find an ERPG? As in, a normal game that doesn't have a restriction on erotic elements. Preferably text / PbP. If anyone here is running a game like that or knows where I should look, I'd be thankful.
Also, thread bump I guess.

F-List would probably be your best bet. I know back when /erpg/ was around there were some people looking to run actual sessions, and I know I've also seen GM profiles when I'm looking around there trying to bring myself to actually try the site out.

...there are rules for Centaur PC's? Where?

I would do this, no questions asked and no matter the system.

I would do this, no questions asked and no matter the system. But only if that's actually what you want to have happen.

what a very real struggle you face

Rance is also acceptable.
It is.

It's yet another proprietary voip system, and it needs to fuck off.

Do you have some sort of contact info I can reach you at? If your goal is to get people to stop lusting after your character I have some ideas that might help you out and also be pretty entertaining to watch unfold.

If it's text, give me a ring


Still offering, I'm on Skype and that one thing everyone here seems to hate.

See if it's text.

>player or GM

>system(s) preferred
Pathfinder, but open to anything I can pick up quickly.

>available time(s)
Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon+evening GMT+12

[email protected] (I used it for a roleplay forum, I swear I'm not an edgelord). I don't check this email, so reply to this post to let me know if you've sent me a message.

>any other details
I'm new to TTRPGs, but I have roleplayed on a freelancer server before. I was going to join a Pathfinder group and so spent a lot of time reading the wiki, but the group was full so I couldn't join.

I was another player offering to join, sorry for not being clearer.

>complains about being self conscious in a thread
>is automatically seeking attention

I would GM for you but my english is cyкa блять

That you fucking discord shills need to leave, now.

Brother, i really dont mind. English is not my first language either!
Besides, you can always learn more on the go, if you have the need to.

>player or GM
players looking for a GM
>system(s) preferred
Pathfinder with all splats
>available time(s)
weekends PST
Subspace Particle Beam
>any other details
We want you to run a game for us, utilizing our input. We will exactly tell you what we want and what we don't want. We like heroic, high flying fantasy and cinematic elements the most, just so you know what you can expect. Pic related is our favourite supplement. We also expect you to write a story tailored to our preferences with interesting NPCs and setpieces.

>We will exactly tell you what we want and what we don't want
>We want you to run a game for us, utilizing our input.
>We also expect you to write a story tailored to our preferences with interesting NPCs and setpieces.

If you can't handle grown ups playing serious role playing games, you should fuck off, kid. Our time is too precious to spend it with That GM.

Players like you are the cancer of these games.
You want a GM? One of you should man-up and play one!
Entitled little shits...

>Discord shills need to fuck off already. There are plenty of better alternatives.
Such as? Aside from Mumble which doesn't do text even half as well.
>someone likes something
Damnit, user.

This is bait of such low quality I will not even bother to upload a caption image.

>taking the obvious bait

Sent desu

I just automatically assume anyone who mentions discord in any context other than

>I am a GM and I am running my game using discord.

Is an obnoxious shill. That simple.

To reiterate.
>Damnit. user.

I'm not a GM, but I am playing in a game co-ordinated over discord.

It's... decent. It's basically just a slightly-better skype, nothing to write home about.

Yeah, exactly. Why the fuck should I care? This is a gamefinder thread, not a VOIP software thread. I am a GM and I primarily run my games through skype, this is my preference and I don't try to get you to submit to my preference. Nor do I need you coming here and shoving this other piece of software down my throat.

Isn't it kinda funny that it's only discord that has this sort of obnoxious cult following that tries to convert everyone else to their slightly less convenient skype clone with slightly better audio quality.

I get it, they pay you to do this. Good on you. Hence you should be able to handle a little bit of insult, we do this to all viral marketers.

Okay, two can play that game.

Fuck. Off.

>I get it, they pay you to do this. Good on you.
No, they don't.

I'm just someone who really doesn't care who's sick of you shitting up this thread with your irrelevant rage and paranoia.

Not everyone who isn't every bit as bitter and jaded as yourself is a paid shill.

There are better places to advertise your products than fucking Veeky Forums, for chrissakes.

Never received the message.
[email protected]

>I'm just someone who really doesn't care who's sick of you shitting up this thread with your irrelevant rage and paranoia.

And I'm just someone who is sick of every Gamefinder being rampant with Discord shills.

>Not everyone who isn't every bit as bitter and jaded as yourself.

Nice assumptions there, senpai.

>There are better places to advertise your products than fucking Veeky Forums, for chrissakes.

And there's the deflection.

Thanks for bumping the thread.

Here's your (You) you cunt.

Look for llamatron2k or Meduca Meguca

....Did people seriously not read the part about posting skypes?

Apparently so. For my part though, I was just poking fun.

ERP pls go

...I thought you meant to message you ON skype, and that you were going to share your username.
My bad.

I hate most fellow Germans but I'm pretty allright.
That being said, I played with a girl once that was a lovely person in text chat but horibly obnoxious in voice chat.

Yeah, I find a lot of people are less awkward in text.

Is this game just getting started, or has it been running for a while?

I'm interested in playing a fairly normal game... with the caveat that my character will be a muscular, handsome black man.

Any takers?

user, I posted an ad for a game like this in previous threads and didn't really get many takers. Want to drop your details?

>player or GM
>system(s) preferred
Traveller, GURPS(anything), RP heavy pls
>available time(s)
just about anytime
skype: i_le_munac
>any other details
I don't have much experience, but have been interested in role playing games for a while. I'd like to avoid excessive rolling. If a character has piloting skills, I don't want to roll to take off unless the situation warrants it. (being under AA fire)

Just starting. Up to 7 players are confirmed so far and two in the wings so we're about halfway full.

Myself and another guy would probably be interested. I'll contact you on Skype later when I'm free.

>player or GM
>system(s) preferred
GURPS and 5e (2 separate groups in different sessions)
>available time(s)
Shooting for afternoons in EST, except Sundays and Wednesdays
>Text or voice
[email protected]
>any other details
I'm looking to run a "trial" campaign before I implement it in my main group, will probably last around 10 sessions. Looking at a homebrew TL4/Age of Sail world dealing with wilderness survival and discovering valuable trade resources. Lots of RP and strategy with dashes of combat. 5e game would be a less serious, more violent version of that.