Eldritch angel/archon pics thread

I know this thread gets posted all the time, but I need these pictures for my AdEva campaign, so please give as much "do not be afraid" as possible.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's something I found.

Don't have much of this, especially not for AdEva, but will bump for interest.




Thats basically it I think, sorry.
For AdEva, I would recommend erring on the side of 'Weird Giant' for the first couple Angels. The impact of the later, more surreal foes will be made all the greater and it will help ease the players into the rules to have more simplistic foes at the start.

Need a good picture for the FAR?
















Aaaaand that's it for me.

This one is FROM an AdEva game, actually.
It's two Evas tearing apart an Angel - here's the full-sized version

Depending on the tone of your campaign, the entirety of Kill Six Billion Demons could be something you'd like.


I know this is ksbd related but where is it from?




The seraphim weren't supposed to look very weird. They had 3 pairs of wings, but other than that were probably supposed to be at least being mostly humanoid, as they had a head of eyes (blocked by one pair of wings to avoid looking at god) and a pair of feet (blocked by another pair of wings to hide them from god's direct view). As opposed to the cherubim who were weird chimera things


