As far as tabletop stuff goes, what's the hardest you've been kicked in the balls?

As far as tabletop stuff goes, what's the hardest you've been kicked in the balls?
Figuratively speaking, of course.

Age of Sigmar.

Weirdest looney toons episode ever.


Took a max damage crit level 1 that didn't kill me, just cripple me and forced me to resort to throwing grenades.

Worked out in the end because now I speced into demolitions and sniping.

Whenever I pick an army for a game because I like the way they look the most and then the games creators tell me to either pick a more popular faction or fuck right off.

I took all the damage because the BBEG used me as a club after I broke his oh-so-very-precious sword.

He may also have been angry about the catapult.

Wanted to play Tzeentch Chaos Marines.

Will play Tau instead, pic related.

This senpai

Had my girlfriend dump me in character then out of character as well, in front of all my friends. She then dumped my dirnk onto my character sheet and stormed out. FUCK her. Almost a year ago and I've moved on from her but not what she did. I was almost level 6 too.

People saying they want to play and are excited but then not showing up despite being called, and not even leaving the scheduled game time open. Worse yet: when they do a last-minute plan change to hang out with someone else.

When I invested nearly $60 on chaos spawn as a teen because my asshole of a cousin said I should.

This doesn't happen without a reason, the hell did YOU do?

I once had a player literally kick one of my pet NPCs in the balls, again and again, until he died.

The time where I had spent two months meticulously designing a new fantasy world, complete with descriptions, hand-drawn maps, reams of world-building, and a long-term story about the players becoming heroes of legend... and the players de-railed it so hard in the very first session that the entire campaign had to be scrapped.

Playing as Tomb Kings

She found a bigger, blacker dick.

DM pretty much had to cancel his entire Jojo Mutants and Masterminds campaign because one guy out of 3 wouldn't show up...twice. Not to mention the friend that was actually attending straight up told me he hated the system after playing it.

Another time is when a vampire lord, which we were dragged to via message of the gods, came back from the dead for absolutely no good reason. We were spending 2 hours just to do an awkward waddle through both a Drow town and Duergar town.

Then, somehow reaching all the way to the Underdark from the Shadowfell, we have this Fassain fucker trap us in a Force Cage while we're trying to stop a world-ending disaster. All just to tell us he's still alive.

Don't even get me started on the edgelord half demon/vampire PC related to this sidetracking tool of a villain. I could write pages worth of That Guy material if I had the time.

>when they do a last-minute plan change to hang out with someone else
been there too many times

>Weapon Focus: Motherfucker

>Women don't do crazy dramatic social shit without reason
Are you sure you know any women?

I once got kicked, literally, in the dick during a FNM


my cleric let himself be tortured by the god of torture to allow his teammates time to come up with a plan.

First reply is the only acceptable reply

That's great rp. Kudos to cleric
ITT: "grils date only assholes:/" virgins

He was probably playing a blue-black counter spell/creature destruction deck that spawns 18 2/2 zombies after its done revving up.

Is there a method to the madness?