Hey fa/tg/uys, I wanna get into Age of Sigmar, but first riddle me this??

Hey fa/tg/uys, I wanna get into Age of Sigmar, but first riddle me this??

How many goblins does it take to kill a Stormcast eternal???


Why you ask?
Because nobody plays that stupid fucking game

One could do it.
4+ to hit
4+ to wound
4+ save

>I wanna get into Age of Sigmar

no fucking way. i thought sigmarines had 2 wounds???

i like the look of the stormcast eternal models, and im tired of 40gay

They do, you just got to do it twice.

how many attacks to goblins have?

so a stormcast eternal only has 4+ armor save??

Then why not take the models and play a good game?

nice meme

>how many attacks to goblins have?


>so a stormcast eternal only has 4+ armor save??

Yup, though they can take shields so that they re-roll ones.

thats very underwhelming. wow, so stormcast eternals are crap. might aswell just make a skeleton army am I right???

If you're thinking of playing competitively then wait until they release points. What is crap or not cannot be decided until then.

Hello rat

>WHF butthurt

If you keep saying shit that nobody would ever actually say you're gonna activate someone's post-hypnotic CIA assassin training.

Boy, that Itallian family sure is quiet.

Oh man, I love British cuisine!

What a funny German comic!

That American had a nice boom collection.

My Asian friend is so unproductive.

Africa is a lovely place for tourism.

Hello rat

And how do you like the look of stormcasts if you're sick of 40K?

What, really? Just 4+ on each roll?
Did they get an upgrade or are sigMarines or the game just that shit?

hello rato

thats...actually wrong. Its like you didn't even read the warscroll kiddo.
Goblin hit on 5+ and wound on 5+ with no rend(aka no modifier on the save, wich is 4+ on regular stormcasts and 3+ on heroes and tougher ones). But they get a +2 to hit modifier if there are more than 20 goblins in the unit, so it will be hit on 3 and wound on 5.
But if we take the sxenario you asked for, or "how many goblins does it take", considering you have only a 35% to hit and 35% to wound plus the enemy has a 50% chance to save, id say 10.

Before "muh balance" comes out, no, goblins are pretty strong.
When pulled in big units they hit on 3s, and they rely on their shaman and warboss to buff them. Goblin shaman can give them a +1 to wound and -1 rend , while the warboss boost their attack by 1, making them a huge threath on the battlefield.

Any good stories about someone getting their CIA hypno trigger phrase used long after the target they would have gone after has died? Seems like an interesting scenario.

1 Fanatics could kill 3 Sigmarines easily tho.


>When pulled in big units they hit on 3s, and they rely on their shaman and warboss to buff them. Goblin shaman can give them a +1 to wound and -1 rend , while the warboss boost their attack by 1, making them a huge threath on the battlefield.
And again, any reason why people should use them instead of few kor'kron proto drakes?

you are very stupid!

Well, based on those numbers, if you had 18 goblins, you'd get 6 hits, 2 wounds, 1 of them getting saved (pretty good odds for 2 if the stormcast can reroll with a shield) and if stormcast have 2 wounds that means it won't even die.

If you bump that up to 20 though, you get closer to 14 hits, which nets you around 4-5 wounds, which will likely be one dead stormcast.

So the answer is 20. It takes 20 Goblins to reliably kill a Stormcast, assuming you want him dead in one turn.

>I like space marines but I'm tired of space marines
Excuse me rat, but what?

Stupid rat-thing, joke's on you, I'm already balding ;_;

>Oh I love British cuisine!

I will defend my love of blackberry and Apple crumble to the death.

>Africa is a lovely place for tourism.

Ethiopia, Morocco and Botswana are great, what you chatting?

Hello Rapo

>What you chatting
Britfag detected

Apple Crumble is British? Guess they're not the culinary mistake I thought they were.

I've seen employed and actually working gypsy last week, I'm wiling to believe pretty much anything can happen at least once.

>hurr I'm tired of space marines ahoy
>so I'll go play medieval marines ahoy instead

>hurr I don't like what other people like so I sperg up about it...

And apple pie. And lots of other things people don't care to mention because it doesn't support their retarded opinion.

Our cooking may not be the best but we are the worlds best bakers

>Best Bakers.
>Turks, French, Italy... Even Spain has a more rich tradition or extense variety.
How are the English the best bakers in the world?

Well you riddle me this

Why play as Sigmarines when 40k is a thing?

They are more interesting ad relatable since they are essentially still human despite their magical empowerment.

The British?

They are disembodied magical armors made for killing shit and absolute obedience aren't they?


They have their bodies and their humanity.

No, they're guys filled with magic lightning and are pretty individualistic.

>The even more faceless horde, this time magical ubermensh.
>More reletable.
I really don't see how.

I don't believe you. Like, not at all.

>this thread

>And apple pie. And lots of other things people don't care to mention

British food is so wide spread and common people don't associate it with Britain in particular anymore. And so we are left with the few rejects that the rest of the world did not want.

Apple pie is a french recipe trough. Crumble is british, that being said.

>Britihs food.
Like what, I really can't think anything.

>I really don't see how.

Read the novels or campaign books. The characters are based.

I tried Gates of Azyr or something like this and I could't stand it. The setting doesn't interest me too, it's so ethereal.

Fair enough.

hello rat

>I tried Gates of Azyr or something like this and I could't stand it


>The setting doesn't interest me too, it's so ethereal.

It's getting more concrete, I feel the pieces are falling into place.

Friendly reminder that discussing balance or what units are good and bad is totally useless in the absence of some actual sort of balancing system.
Nothing sucks, nothing is good, everything just exists

The names are too cringey and honestly it doesn't have the feel of old WH grounded in the most crazy aspects of history. You like it? Good for you, but I don't find any of the good parts of the old setting than I loved.

People compare them to MURHENZ and aesthetically this is 100% fair. I don't like the gold death mask though.

There is a huge distinction between 40k and Fantasy, however. 40k is much more amoral, and the space marines are largely absent the vestiges of humanity, while the Imperium is, specifically,


People say 40k is just Fantasy in space. Some elements are close; orcs/orks and daemons for example, although orks have a huge amount of flair, and humor that is mostly lacking in WHF. Similarly, CWE/high elves has similarity, but eldar are incompetent, despicable, selfish idiots much of the time while high elves were often awesome saviors of the world and did unbelievably more to help out humans than the eldar ever did.

A point against WHF was also, lets face it, fairly bog standard fantasy in ways 40k was never bog standard scifi. There is also that the forces of Order in WHF are generally closer to what one would consider "good guys," although Bretonnia could be reasonably described as "40k not in SPAAAACE" in terms of how ludicrously cruel they treat peasants.

To get to the Sigmarines -- a Sigmarine is a human being with real human feelings, plus holy lightning powers and gear. A space marine never had the chance to become human, they are feral child soldiers indoctrinated into a cult of superstition.

Just as Sigmarines are not SM (except aesthetically), CSM are not Chaos Warriors (except aesthetically). They don't get a non mark related power boost over their former existence like Chaos Warriors. But more importantly, many 40k Chaos followers are merely pushed into it -- if you fight against a daemon, that's a death sentence even if you survive. If you want to protect your psyker wife or child, that's a death sentence even if you survive. If you're an IG escort for a Shadowsword, you're doomed. And Fantasy CW lose their memories and personality.

WHF became "too serious" in tone only in 7th and 8th edition. It was Monthy Python-tier, before.

I didn't say WHF was "too serious." I said that WHF orcs are much more serious than 40k orks. That being said, Bretonnia's 40k-tier treatment of peasants was around since, at a minimum, 3rd edition (yes I have zero knowledge of WHFB prior to 3e).

>Ethiopia, Morocco and Botswana are great, what you chatting?

Then why are their entire populations fleeing to europe?

>I said that WHF orcs are much more serious than 40k orks
They are practically the same, the only notable difference would be lesser material overall for the fantasy ones and the fact they share that space with goblins.

Brets were very noblebright until the later armybooks.

>Brets were very noblebright until the later armybooks.

Nonsense, their grimdarkness predates the individualized army books. Or depends on whether you consider total contempt and mistreatment of peasants while acting like a shining paragon of chivalry is "grimdark" or "noblebright."

If you're just going off novels, there's plenty of novels about commissars that are just cool badasses that only blam badguys.

I get what you mean despite the Sigmarines memes.

AoS has some retarded fluff atm but 40k is depressing as fuck and the vehicle combat is boring.

I'm looking at the skavens in AoS and if this game is upposed to be fantasy 40k, why the fuck does every skaven unit still have square bases?

You can use either base you want, as technically the base doesn't matter.

Square bases just look like shit in a game without ranked units. :/

Won't argue there.

>why the fuck does every skaven unit still have square bases?

Probably because Skaven are stll waiting on their revamp.

Hello rat
You have good taste

I was dead sure these silly-looking Skaven terminators were new AoS units...

Nope, End Times.

None at all? What about these?
>Cauliflower cheese
>English breakfast
>99% of meat pies
>Shepherd's pie
>Beef Wellington
>Bakewell tart
>Any crumble
>Roast dinner (meat, veg and potatoes format)

What's a boom?

They where the vanguard.

Only two items from your list have any widespread renown, but I guess that's enough.

Daily reminder that there will never be official points costs for Age of Sigmar army lists.

Which is why Chaos still wins and the game is still shit.

Being upset about Chaos winning in a gameline where it was mentioned Chaos will win in the end makes as much sense as flying into a rage because Jesus dies in Passion of the Christ.

Get over it and get lost.

Hello rat.

I'm butthurt because I don't like losing Fantasy. I love Chaos, fuck the Emperor and fuck Sigmar, but End Times seemed like a shitty poorly thought out way to end it.

I don't like the specifics (for example, the elves blowing up due to their own EXTREME levels of mental retardation in a manner utterly unrelated to Chaos), and I think they could have left things just fine by shaking up the setting and not destroying it (essentially forcing all the factions into a geography where they can engage each other). I liked the mid point with the different combo factions.

Huh. I was genuinely under the illusion these were common, at least in the States. Which ones were actually widespread?

hello rato

This isn't spam

hello rato

Please, I don't have much else, I need my hair at least

Hello Rato, spare my hair

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you actually laughing up your sleeve at me right now?

Sit down sonny and let me give you a fucking lesson.

>Cauliflower cheese
It's a god-damn cauliflower in a cheese sauce. You then sprinkle grated cheese over the top and pop it in the oven. How the fuck is that hard to know, or not wide-spread, it is literally the only way to make that shit palatable!

>English breakfast
I do not have to fucking explain this god-damn fucking shit to you or fucking anyone; you KNOW what it is. Bacon, eggs, toast, grilled tomatoes, beans, black pudding, hash browns, sausage.

>99% of meat pies
>Not widespread
Fucking... What. Ever had a pork pie, son? BRITISH. Steak and kidney? BRITISH. Don't you dare fucking tell me that meat pie isn't a thing around the god-damn world and what about Cornish pasties? That's a god-damn meal in a fucking pastry wrap; it's practical as shit and tasty and you KNOW some fucker in a mine in Virginia ate that shit once upon a time.

>Shepherd's pie
How do you not know this?! Lamb mince with peas, diced carrots and onion. Mashed spud over the top, then grated cheese and in the oven it goes. Yum.

>Beef Wellington
Look me in the fucking eye and tell me the idea of pastry-wrapped beef loin hasn't occurred to some American fatass or continental fuckwad at some point or another and they haven't gone, "My word that's the best fucking idea ever!" I DARE you.

>Bakewell tart
FUCK ME SILLY, IT'S A PIE THEN JAM (like jelly but with actual fucking fruit) AND THEN CAKE TO CLOSE IT WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE?

>Any crumble
I really hope I don't have to explain why a crumble is the BEST FUCKING DESERT EVER! Blackberry, apple, pear, rhubarb; it doesn't matter IT'S ALL GOOD.

The fucking Earl of Sandwich invented these miracles of modern science to feed his gambling habit. Moving on.


>Roast dinner (meat, veg and potatoes format)
YES. A FUCKING SUNDAY LUNCH. IT'S SUPER BRITISH AND EATEN FUCKING EVERYWHERE. Don't you even TRY and tell me that shit's not well known!

British cooking: It fucking rocks; it's eaten everything; you bitches didn't even know it; you're all fucking welcome.


They are clearly designed to fit into the new AoS aesthetic though.

Thats cool.

Are Orks actually clever enough, for a strategy like this?

I'd say they'd make nice Space Marines.

Also hello rat.

Thanks for proving that British people are clueless and out of touch.

not him, but what do you mean?

Hello rato, meet immunity cat

hello ratto