Hey, I'm new to magic. A bunch of my friends and I are all getting into it casually, but fuck that I want to kick their asses. I've had some luck with some aggro decks, but I want to play something completely different.
I saw this: magic.tcgplayer.com/db/article.asp?ID=13246 And it seemed interesting, but how would I even go about playing something like this? I feel like I would quickly get swarmed by creatures.
To add: I would be playing the budget version of that deck that doesn't have jace.
Bentley Jackson
Here's my advice. Get out. Get out now, while there's still time. You can't get into this game. The Chase is too much for anyone. There's no point, you'll just keep losing to anyone with more money than you. Trust me. >inb4 poorfag
Bentley Peterson
I figured this, but I'm stupid so I'm not gonna.
Carson Nguyen
OP just play pauper with your friends, common only.
Also if you are net-decking for kitchen table, you are just going to run otu the who has the biggest dick contest fast and you and your friends will waste money for decks that play shitty games that end on T3 with zero interaction. Fuck that shit.
Benjamin Cruz
I'll never talk them into that. One friend is already dumping too much money into this shit, and I know that gives him an advantage but if I can compete while going budget then that's good enough for me. The reason I like the linked deck was that it was so different from my main deck, since the linked deck doesn't even use creatures.
Eli Sanchez
>"just play pauper!" >worthwhile commons shoot up in price, investors ruin yet another format >Wizards trips over themselves neutering every common and most uncommons in their haste to please their secondary market overlords >rares and mythics get chasier and chasier
Jeremiah Stewart
Expect it.
Cooper Gonzalez
look into some outdated standard formats and rip off their top tier decks, mono black devotion just requires garys and whips to do work
As a response to those saying to get out if you're trying to play budget magic, I'd say just embrace your poor-faggery and proxy your decks. My friends and I all play proxied Modern decks, and it's always a lot of fun without having to pay a buttload of money cuz modern. I honestly don't know why more people don't just solely proxy their decks. But that's not to say you can't build a real card good deck without killing your wallet. Regrettably, with players of equal skill levels playing neutral deck matchups, the higher spender will win considerably more often, so if you have a friend who's putting a bunch of money into the game, you're going to need to learn the matchup against his deck really well and make sure to throw some good hate cards into the sideboard (or maybe even main). As to the deck you posted, that looks jank af. If that's your thing, by all means, continue, just know that it's probably going to be a bitch to play. It looks like it runs a LOT of removal, so assuming you have the mana/madness outlets to pay, getting rid of creatures shouldn't be a huge problem, and of course for decks that just shit out creatures, you have wipes like Crush and sideboard Kozilek's. Even so, aggro decks are probably going to be a rough matchup. Like most blue decks, expect this deck to force you to make a lot of tough decisions, but if you can win with it, it'll be hype. Good luck, friend.
Ryan Lee
This deck is only $30 and was the tipping point before my friends stopped playing casually. Have fun, OP.
Creature (22) 4xDimir 4xFog Bank 2xInkfathom Witch 4xInvisible Stalker 2xNecropolis Regent 4xTormented Soul 2xWall of Frost
Land (18) 4xBarren Moor 2xDrowned Catacomb 4xIsland 4xLonely Sandbar 4xSwamp
Artifact (4) 2xMask of Riddles 2xQuietus Spike
Instant (4) 2xDoom Blade 2xMurder
Sorcery (4) 2xHands of Binding 2xHidden Strings
Enchantment (8) 4xCuriosity 4xDark Favor
Ian Foster
netdecking faggot ruining everybody's fun
Nathaniel White
Hello. Those first months of playing magic are truly the greatest. If you want good fum you should try to brew your own decks and get gradually better at that, it will also make you understand the game better and make you a better player.
However, if you really want to stomp your friends, which I can totally get into, you could take a look at the budget decks at mtggoldfish or go to the mtgsalvation forums and go to their budget deck section.
Have fun!
Isaiah James
Play stax, lose your friends, be a giant cock. The end.
Charles Hughes
Alternatively, play 4horsemen, don't explain the loop, just keep doing until they make you stop.
Cooper Moore
Just build protean flash or some other bullshit combo deck and get it over with.
Kevin Jackson
>you'll just keep losing to anyone with more money than you. Trust me.
I just got into Magic too and I have a lot of disposable income. I've already bought a SoI booster box and fat pack as well as about two dozen singles from other sets and constructed 6 decks. I'm planning on buying the Eldritch Moon fat pack and booster box when it drops. Should I still get out?
Mason White
People always overstate the importance of money in mtg. I usually spend about $30 per standard rotation on a deck that is competitive (at the fnm level, at least). At fnms the extra ~10% win rate that spending $100s on a big meta deck is just not worth it, as long as you understand your local meta and have a good eye for engine cards that fall under the radar, you don't need much money. I have a modern deck that runs at ~$40, and it's win rate is pretty good (especially against $2000+ jund decks). Feels good.
Just go to prereleases, do a few draft, and just trade off whatever hyper-inflated non-sense you open at the prerelease to get actual usable, solid cards. Never had to buy a box, and I've been having a pretty good time in standard since Theros (rtr was rough, as I was building graveyard decks and turbofogs in a format with Rip and skullcrack).
Liam King
Show me your anti jund cheap deck. Pls.
Jack Ross
17 island 2 glacial fortress
4 Sky hussar 3 ninja of the deep hours 1 bident of thasa 4 faerie miscreant 4 spellstutter sprite 4 judge's familiar 4 martyr of frost 2 wingcrafter
3 deprive 2 familiar's ruse 2 unified will 1 snapback 3 vapor snag 2 disrupting shoal 2 cryptic command - this is the real cost, not necessary, but will make the deck much better, otherwise, sub it for another hard counter, maybe dissolve
Looks like a pile, but it's really about harnessing ninja and hussar to outdraw your opponents, and holding up counters for pretty much whatever they do. Great in combo matchups, jund has problems with ruinator, but agro can be tough. There are surprisingly few flying blockers in modern, so your 1/1s actually build up to a clock fairly well. The deck really requires a lot of practice, though. You need to know when to hold a counter on turn 2, when to develop your board, what to counter and what's not worth it, you need to know matchups inside and out. For those who like interactive decks in modern, though, this is a blast to play. It's also very balls-to-the-walls, in that both players are under constant pressure until one wins.
It's not a meta destroyer by any means, but it's sufficiently competitive to have fun at fnms, especially when facing against multi-thousand dollar decks.
Lucas Allen
Best thing against jund if their own mana base; in order to interact with you quickly enough, they have to take a lot of damage from their lands. Along with the damage from vapor snag, this puts them at a 6-7 life deficit, so it's really hard for them to race, so they play control, but without many good CA engines, they tend to have a tough time keeping up.
Matches with this deck involve a lot of hard decisions, and it's not a surefire thing, but it gives me just about everything I could want out of a game of magic.
Juan Baker
I made this deck which looked good on paper but sucks in practice. Could you give me any advice? I was going for a madness theme since it was really fun in the prerelease.
7x Swamp 2x Bloodfell Caves 4x Mortuary Mire 5x Mountain 4x Temple of Malice 2x Foreboding Ruins
3x Avatar of Discord 2x Desecration Demon 3x Elusive Tormentor 3x Heir of Falkenrath 4x Reckless Wurm
4x Call to the Netherworld 4x Dark Withering 4x Faithless Looting 3x Lightning Axe 4x Neglected Heirloom 2x Tormenting Voice
Connor White
>buying booster boxes Yes, you should. If you have that much money to blow, maybe get into wargames instead, as at least they teach some skills and in the end you end up with a beautiful army instead of a bunch of paper
Cameron Lewis
Just got a "starter set" from my friends to get back into MtG.
What can I do with just over 100 of the same two cards?
Joshua Jones
>that many scornful egotists >that many break open