Why aren't you playing a hero of justice?
Why aren't you playing a hero of justice?
>mfw I am
>mfw Toshinori is one of my favorite characters
I even make my characters yell out their smash attacks. Mine are all West Coast locations though.
because I'm DMing
Because I haven't convinced my players to buy into a Marvel Heroic campaign.
>This is how I Justice
Justice doesn't need a hero. Justice needs an enforcer.
Dredd pls
am i hero of justice?
I am. Like she yells attack names. She's also a bard, so her bardic perform (oratory) is naming everyone else's attacks. The party member she infected is taking European locations. I hope the whole party joins soon. She uses japanese precincts, since that's where she's from.
Justice you say
I am. Yesterday we saved the world from a world-eating monster by preventing it's creation.
You killed a baby. Do you feel like a hero yet?
You made a terrible mistake.
>The party member she infected
This is such a colorful phrasing.
Because monks have never not been shit.
I'm playing a boisterous large ham paladin whose pretty universally known as a nice guy who loves JUSTICE, parade uniforms, and frippery.
However, last session, bad guys kidnapped his waifu, a celestial daeva imprisoned in the form of a human woman. He wasn't there when it all went down.
He is now going full apeshit and it's scaring the rest of the party
Technically he's a physical manifestation of the virtue of loyalty, but I'd say laying waste to the goblin host that slaughtered his kingdom is clearly deserved justice.
>not being the hobo king of justice that leads his band of poverty strung alcohol addicted merry men to club fuckers that obstuct justice
>not leading said band of merry men to a villains genetics lab to get them all super strength serum then properly beat the shit out of the owners for running such an ethics barren hellhole involving forced unwilling test subjects
>not beating down a world of grim derp retarded "heroes" and villains who give absolutely no shits about the civilian populace
OP plz, you don't even know marvel's heroic RPG until you piss off all the fuckers in the book you shouldn't and then beat their asses in with stop signs, cars, and a bunch of raging alcoholics.
I was.
Some chain devil just killed me.
but i am. me and a buddy are playing kamen riders in a game that's currently on hiatus while our DM gets done moving.
one rider is all about hittin' dat shit and throwing out heals for the damage he does, and my guy is a sorcerer-style rider that slings spells and channels touch spells through his weapon.
pic related, it's the token i use on roll20
She's also cursed people, party members included with the ball and chain known as "marriage". She's talented like that. Never against a person's will, but setting up dates is ok. Being a hero of justice is more that smashing, it's about protecting (and making more) smiles.
Because playing a jerk with a heart of gold summoner without full comprehension of his powers is so much more fun.
I'm trying but making the right decisions is hard sometimes.
Because I'm not so deluded to believe that I am one, or that I possess any of the makings of one. The party can call themselves heroes all they want. For me? It's personal. I'm out for revenge. The BBEG killed my dog and sent his head back to me.
A hero fights evil because it's the right thing to do. Me? I'm just angry.
>That bulge
She's a he, isn't she?
Evil will always trump because good is dumb.
Most likely. I wonder if that's from porn or not.
Because justice easily turns to evil, especially when it's tainted by hatred and despair. Just ask Iron Legacy or Injustice Superman.
I am forever GM. As such, all the heroes I create are ends justify the means antagonists whose methods are usually too cruel even for the players. Sometimes there are heroes that I create for the sole reason of being broken against these antagonists, sometimes they break against the gray morals of the party. All the while I do this, I wonder if this is how it feels to be a god, to crush so much hope and cause so much suffering in order to bring the keen edge of virtue out in others through these ordeals.
Man I love Hero Academia.
You sound interesting to play with.
>Iron Legacy
Hey a Sentinels of the Multiverse reference, wasn't expecting that.
Wish more people were into the game, it has really fantastic lore/setting.
Because she's a bitch
Because I'm playing a "What if a superhero went economical with his powers" kind of character.
Because someone else in the party is playing a CRAZY MAD SCIENTST so I told the DM that if he allows that I'm going to play a Judas
>Okay, sounds fun
Veeky Forums! This cannot be the full extent of your Justice!
It was in an egg, so it is hard for me to say I feel bad about it. And the size of the egg was like that of an ostrich, if you were a flea.
>implying I'm not
You tried, user.
>This is how I justice
Are you the Doom guy ?
Nah man Doom Guy had a rabbit not a dog
Yeah I know but it's kinda the same deal.
Except they didn't kill the rabbit, did they ?
I'm playing a Chaotic Good Elf Paladin, oath of the ancient! Having fun playing up the chivalrous hedge knight role!
But I'm sick today, so I can't play this week, which sucks.
Because I'm not a bully who treads on the weak and justify it because of "moral highground"
What are his stats Veeky Forums?