Pathfinder General - /pfg/
What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
What have you always wanted to run but couldn't?
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Pathfinder General - /pfg/
What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
What have you always wanted to run but couldn't?
Unified /pfg/ link repository:
Old thread:
>What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
For an initiator, which discipline focuses most on stealing shit from your opponent? HP, stats, bonuses, whatever, what disciplines are best at it, or do it at all?
>What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
Paladin/Oracle gestalt.
>What have you always wanted to run but couldn't?
Post-apoc game that leads into spelljammer
There is still another Pathfinder general around btw.
Weird-island-user, post more of your ideas
There's a massive worm on one of the islands that replaces the tongues of its victims, dislocating the jaw as it descends deeper into someone's all too alive body
The victim feels rapturous joy as its lower jaw unhinges and melts away
There's deer on another, bigger island with no visible mouths, only slits where the nostrils are
An overlong gash runs along the underside of their bellies, lined with long forearms with grasping hands
The gash splits open to reveal gnashing, serrated canines
The deer have been learning how to swim
What is even the point of this post?
This won't work in pathfinder
>hey guys use the thread that's deeply in autosage and on page 9
Fuck off.
Must be the creator of that other thread
Spear Dancing Style+Spiral: worth it? Obviously, pretty much the only classes that can make it work are unchained rogue and vigilante, since they're the only that get dex to damage and pseudo-dex to damage. But is it worth it? After all, it's, what, 4 feats, considering that you already have finesse? Just to have super-reach. With another two feats (spear dancing reach AND quarterstaff master), you may be able to TWF both the ends of the spear at reach, or to actually have a 1h reach weapon, right?
Quick post skeletons while no ones watching
You got it family
Monk/druid or a nimble guardian monk, I want to wildshape into a huge tiger and abuse feral combat training, pounce, janni and dragom style, (along with rhino charge) to deal stupidly massive amounts of damage
>inb4 paladinfag comes back and ruins the fun
Let him try, we are bloody skeletons!
I heard you talking shit
Post your skeleton monster builds
Anyone have a good place to find nice premade tokens for online play? Preferably the properly sized circle ones for stuff like roll 20.
A large necrocraft with grab, constrict, and extra attack(bite) for a skele-snake.
>What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
Many things and several gestalts, but to rattle off a few:
>Tiefling that grew up in a family of paladins, and became a magus because daddy wouldn't let him join the order
>"I really don't want to think about my ancestry": The Peri-blooded halfling Aasimar sorcerer, crossblooded draconic/orc
>literally three variations of Magus||Alchemist and Summoner||Alchemist
>Any PoW stuff
>What have you always wanted to run but couldn't?
A short, two-dungeon, mid-level romp through a spooky fey forest and an underground city-in-a-mountain. It would be a way to use some stupid, shitty gimmick characters, and try my hand at actually worldbuilding. Albeit worldbuilding in an isolated corner of the world so I don't overburden myself trying to figure out how to make all the pieces make sense.
It would be a kinda dumb plot involving missing caravans, kobold scouting parties, and people's bizarre fascination with poking an obviously cursed forest. With a few backround bits of a trapped demigod being a magic battery, the consequences of tricking an elder dragon into making a halfbreed child, and why a city of kobolds makes the best daycare service.
Wait a second, that carton in the paper bag. Is he buying milk?
I'd have to watch again for context, but maybe he's going to make stew?
>Only way to get dex to damage
user, Deadly Agility would like to have a word with you.
>What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
A whole bunch of dumb martial builds, the current one being a Kineticist/Chained Monk/Fighter/Chained Rogue that I'm fiddling with. If everything goes according to plan he can deal 5x his Strength with every punch which makes the gestalt version even better when he can net a Strength score of 50.
>What have you always wanted to run but couldn't?
Effective channeling focused cleric in Golarion (too much cheese for most tables, and every PF game I play is set in Golarion).
Always wanted to make a sentai hero synthesist summoner. Unfortunately, GM took Paizo's word on the matter.
Shattered Mirror, but you're copying effects instead of stealing them.
Cursed Razor also lets you steal effects at higher levels.
Wait, what did Paizo say that makes it so you can't make your eidolon a sentai costume?
No, but they banned synthesist from Society play, and my GM decided that he shouldn't allow it either.
Maybe refluff something else to work with it? I'm guessing Aegis isn't available if your GM is using PFS rules.
I'm not sure desu. It takes Finesse, TWF, Weapon focus, and Spear dancing style just to get Spiral. And all that does is let you use your polearm as a 1dwhatever/1d6 double weapon with finesse and no inherent dextodam. It takes those other two feats to actually do anything interesting beyond having the ability to switch between a reach weapon and a double weapon. Taking all three style feats lets you use a polearm/spear as a finessable double weapon with a 10 reach; That is really nice but the fact you need three feats to do that, three other feats as prereqs, and a dex of 17 means that you aren't doing that till pretty late. That's also not factoring in ITWF/GTWF, getting dextodam through U.Rogue/Agile/DA,
Do yourself a favor and just take polearm dancer, deadly agility and haft strike from PoW/PoW:E. And you could just take a spiked gauntlet if you didn't want to take haft strike. All you lose out on is the attack with the other end of the weapon. A good trade off for 6 feats that won't lock you to a weapon type but rather a weapon group.
It's probably for the Chimeras, transforming between man and beast mode probably takes a lot of calcium to manage
>What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
path of war
>What have you always wanted to run but couldn't?
path of war
No, that's me. Some people really hate having two threads up at the same time, I don't see the big deal at that point in autosage.
What's stopping you from running, user?
Set up a game and advertise it here and I'm sure people would love to join.
Nobody in my group wants to play it, and the last time I got people from here I got a rules lawyer autist and a /pol/fag who never showed up past the first session but still hung out in our skype group.
>What have you always wanted to play but couldn't?
Gestalt Epic Mythic at the same time
>What have you always wanted to run but couldn't?
I got my fill of running, though a friend of mine is doing a birth of reality game, where it's entirely set in the maelstrom of sorts, everyone is outsiders and all magic is primal magic.
I suggested to him that he uses it as the start of a cosmology for future games
A necromancer cat that rides around in a skeleton minion, half mechanically based around raising/buffing undead, and half based around tricky positioning shit to move around the battlefield rapidly, use minions for defense, and occasionally pop out of cover and suck out someone's soul.
He'd be adventuring because his former master traded him out for a quasit or something, and he's gonna SHOW THEM ALL!
Anything I can actually get people invested in Sadly including myself.
If your GM won't allow 3pp, could always go elf/half-elf and take elven branched spear with unchained rogue to still get 1.5 dex with a reach weapon by level 3.
>Cat used to be a familiar
Sorry, clarification and to make the nekomancer joke before anyone else
Can't believe I didn't think of that joke.
Don't worry, user! I'm sure you'll make a game you're excited to run and people will be excited to play one day!
>I got my fill of running, though a friend of mine is doing a birth of reality game, where it's entirely set in the maelstrom of sorts, everyone is outsiders and all magic is primal magic.
You have my interest.
Please say more about this.
Essentially everyone is given a certain amount of RP to build their own race. Everyone is largely unique, being more or less the first of their kind. As souls fractured from the positive energy source (what will later become the positive energy plane) they snag onto physical matter, giving it stability and consciousness. There are no undead yet, though similar soul-like constructs have been formed from the negative energy source as well.
The only magic system that exists is words of power in the primal magic system, imposing your will on the shapely form of reality.
There are no gods, so no divine magic exists. All spells are empowered, as you are so close to the source of magic, where it is still fluid and warm. There are places where it is stronger or weaker, but you should be careful, as your efforts can go awry. You could create permanent effects unintentionally, even instantaneous creations can persist forever.
A fireball, burning forever, is to be unto a sun.
These creatures, where souls and matter are but one vessel, are the progenitors of their kind, semi-proteans, discovering the material from which to carve a throne, or discard this reality back into the endless malestrom. A brief flicker, quickly squashed.
However, consciousness, once gained, is something to be valued, and many take refuge in islands of stability, settlements of sorts. Magic is not a tamed force, and whatever you seek to practice, you will be among the first. Inventing new spells, even new martial disciplines is entirely within flexibility. In some areas, you can shape stone walls like clay. Others change unpredictably; time, gravity and even relative distance vary depending on where you venture.
The wheel turns its first revolution
My skeletons are part of a Not!Byzantine Empire that has dedicated itself to fighting back the unfathomable evils lurking in the dark corners of both sky and earth, while committing themselves to a lifestyle of staunch contemplation and asceticism.
This is cool.
Rad, I'm currently building up a small horde, just got animate dead proper and my plans for my army of Nito-esc and wheel skeleton necrocrafts is coming to fruition
>mfw my gm said I'm free to create wheel skeletons
Wheel skeletons, you say?
I just found that comic yesterday on /pfg/ and finished it earlier today.
I was quite pleased.
>with the necrocraft rules/my gm allowing me to get creative, I could legitimately make that beautiful monstrous thing
It's a good day to be a necromancer
So, my party finished the first book of Iron Gods, and it was great. Before kicking down the door in the final section of the Divinity, we all just went back to Torch, slept, and came back, and I activated my Mage Armor. We walked in, I inspected a table instead of looking at the alter to who knows what.
A Gargoyle, CR 4, onto the statue and strikes at out inquisitor. He attacks him once. On my turn, I activate my shield and move 30 feet closer (up the stairs, basically).
Some attacks happen, many of them physical, and then our Magus cast burning hands, allwoing him to bypass the Gargoyle's DR.
On my turn, I activate Magic Weapon and go into my Scarlet Einhander stance (I'm playing Fantasy Count Dooku, and after three spells, my AC is 27 and my damage output is 1d8+1d6 damage, not counting my spells.
The party is now actually ready for the combat, but then the Magus just casts burning hands again, and wipes out the Gargoyle on the second rotation. Disappointing, in that I just wasted 3 of my 7 allotted level 1 spells, but that's still just enough time to go after Meyanda. So I use my remaining level 1 spells to cast Magic Armor on the party tank, bringing him to 30 AC, and true strike and Mage armor on some others.
We burst in, confront Meyanda, she makes her speech, and I demand proof of her so called divinity.
At which point she dispels my magics, dropping me to 19 AC before the end of the surprise rounds.
It's a damn shame that size so harshly limits CPs for Necrocrafts.
Faster and trample seem to be mandatory, you can make external bone barding. Obviously trample isn't very good, but look at it. More than one faster would be nice, but unless your GM would let you be creative in that way.
Otherwise, bone armor, metal armor and mostly skeletons fits. Additional movement to ride up walls. It's clearly got blade fists going on, and all around vision, that's just insanely expensive for what it does.
Previous page
Kill Six Billion Demons is pretty entertaining, but I found it really hard to follow.
>gm giving me mostly skeletons for free as I use only skeletons
Otherwise yes the cp limits on size do suck.
So she also has a robot guard companion that I ignore, focusing my efforts on her while my party mates engage it and attempt to cast her down from her raised platform and move her into melee range.
This happens by her being bull-rushed by out rogue from behind who had walked into the room invisibly and was making his way to her while we talked, at which point our lizardfolk alchemist who had been enlarged twice over started stomping and swiping at her (though it was exceptionally difficult for him to hit her)
On my turn, my character went full Palpatine, casting scorching ray and declaring that her "god" was no match for UNLIMITED POWER. We've burned through probably half of her health, but then she invokes some sort of divine shield that requires both myself and the inquisitor to pass caster level checks or else have our spells nullified. The inquisitor wails on the shield to no avail, so I turn my attention to the robot, weaking it before our magus ends up killing it in a near-suicidal melee attack (I'm still into sure exactly what happened there)
Now, Meyanda has nobody adjacent to her so our alchemist lobs a bomb at her and only deals the splash damage, but then the DMPC Tank asks if I can do a maneuver to give him a 10 foot move action. I do, so he readies an action, and I charge in and execute the Tactical strike GL Maneuver.
He makes his move, and reveals that he was a Kasath, attacking her with FOUR arms, killing her.
tldr I was Dooku, he was Grievous.
I may have to look into if I can make a motorcycle out of celesteel and two Iophanite angels.
We may have to race.
I look forward to the day my ratfolk necromancer races across a desert mad max style on a skelecycle
It'll be a sight to remember.
Mine will have to wait a while.
Really? Which parts? I found it relatively straightforward, but then again I'm a Kirkbride and Souls/Borne fan, so that colors my perspective
Sounds like your roleplaying to determine the Lore and cosmology of a new setting.
I gotta say, that's pretty rad
Precisely, depending on how he takes it, the gods and religions of later campaigns will probably start here.
He mentioned that the creative forces are so pervasive that demiplanes created now will likely grow to be full planes in time. So a LG player now could be the one to forge their version of Heaven from the primal maelstrom.
You know what to do user.
Go full Kirkbride/CHIM and make the Lore Deepest
This is the greatest concept for a campaign I've ever seen.
Imagine playing a campaign set in the dawn of creation, where every slain dragon or rescued tribe permanently alters the landscape a thousand years from that point.
It's like... Imagine being the figure from which Achilles was written, or being the mythical founder of Rome, or even being the one who sired an entire distinct ethnic group into existence!
A campaign that follows a timeline, with the party shaping the setting every step of the way, sounds perfect to me.
I just got the chance to play a Mummified Tengu and I'm debating between going Mesmerist or Sorcerer.
Unfortunately we're starting at Level 1, but I'm glad we get to do an Evil campaign at all. Apparently we used to be the BBEG's, but ancient heroes sealed us away and sapped all of our power in days of legend.
Now our surviving minions have re-awakened us from our ancient slumber, setting us on the path to reclaim that which was ours, in a world that has forgotten our names and is thus unprepared for our ascension.
And we all get neat Undead Templates.
>wanted to play
someone in a gender gender scenario
>wanted to run
Urban fantasy with a d&d/pf bent. I know it's an awful idea but that doesn't make me not want it
If you take Leadership and take an intelligent item as your cohort, does it get class levels?
I want an intelligent item that is a Bard and sings songs to help me in battle.
Also, if you are a Blackblade Magus and take Leadership, can your blackblade be the cohort?
>gender gender scenario
What does this even mean?
It means my phone autocorrected "bender"
Attack helicopter.
We Necrons now?
Priscilla is 2cute
>not recognizing ROFLcopter
>implying ROFLcopter is still revelant and hasn't been co-opted
Someone said wheel skeletons?
To my players: feel free to look, it's going to be upgraded before you face it
Anyone got the feats section from Armor Master's Handbook? I never got around to saving the scans from all that time ago, and the thread is kill now
>session 1: Microscope to build a setting
>session 2: Roll for Shoes to build character concepts and abilities
>sessions 3+: Pathfinder, having built characters approximating the end results of the party in the Roll for Shoes session
Play or run idgaf
>armor spikes
Fuck, well thank you for solving that issue I was having for how to do damage for them, it's perfect.
I gotchu bae, what do you need?
Mebbe sum of dis?
Or you can go with that
How would you make Priscilla in Pathfinder?
Assuming full access to the race builder.
Walk without rhythm and you won't attract the worm.
No need for shields, but thanks for the armor bits.
Bumping this question. Any thoughts
While these feats have tons of flavor, shouldn't they be something a fighter should just know?
Yes, user. That's part of why a lot of shit for martials is ass.
i don't think intelligent items can have class levels
Ah, the golden "spend two feats to benefit from using a buckler over another shield" feat.
The tricky part is that, while a martial should just know how to use a shield during a charge, it's hard to really mention everything they can do in a single class entry.
True, but it isn't hard to add something along the lines of "X classes can pick from Y feats every few levels, representing that most members of these classes would know at least some of this stuff."
The thing is the stuff a fighter should just "know" is meant to be represented by his 11 bonus feats. Those are the things he trained to do.
Are you the same person from yesterday who was insisting that fighters having good will saves makes no sense?