Hype for Silver Tower edition
No one care about Flesh Eater.
Hype for Silver Tower edition
No one care about Flesh Eater.
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Can't anyone spot the 6th hero, shadowkin in pic?
Repostan from last thread.
>Finished this guy yesterday and I've been trying to come up with a warscroll. Opinions?
>Also, any ideas for a fitting Command Ability? I'm pretty stumped.
I must admit that, stormcast and fyreslayer are the least attractive hero.
You could always be boring and copy the Lord Celestant's ability except for the Shooting phase instead of the Combat phase (+1 to hit for this and all stormcasts within 9)
All these sexy birdy gors...
Compared to the way too busy witch-elf and the eldar?
So slim, but still a male summoner.
Can see it, just never assumed it to be a hero.
I've thought about that, but that'd be pretty damn powerful, even more so than the melee version, since you can more easly cluster ranged units around a hero than melee ones, who'll need to engage the enemy at some point.
Maybe some kind of bonus when Stormcasts attack the last unit he attacked?
Warior-Priest is the best mini hero-side, but...
...check out those Tzaangors! Hell's bells, those are gorgeous.
Really, so far I don't see any really bad mini among the revealed stuff. Maybe the dork elf, but I'd need a clearer shot of either.
Also, Gryph-hound box when?
Warrior Priest is the most boring imo.
Not enough Sigmarmite armour on him for you?
He's just too generic.
Do we know when they will release these gorgeous sons of literal bitches?
The witchelf looks like a dude. Hopefully it is just the angle.
C A :
All flying stormcast (forgot the name) rerolls their failed wound rolls
Shooting phase + inescapable vengeance looks very strom... maybe word Stormblast like : If a unit one of more wound from blabla
since now it looks like you can put a nice -6 with luck.
I would also give the javelin 1 damage and a rule so that it adds D wounds to models with 3+ hp, it would make it not as op against tarpits.
Why are there a Harlequin and a Dark Eldar in that box?
For you.
>left handed sigmarine
>good chaotic lord
>black priest
>transvestite eldar
>otherkin aelf
>nudist turdin
At least the small gryph is still pissed the fuck off of being thrown in there.
The tzeentchian look nice and proper.
I'd put Stormcast in top three with Priest and Barbarian.
Human superiority.
He looks fine. You just racis.
I love how the dude on the far right screams '80s.
Priest is good, stormcast has nice pose.
AoS dwarfs or whatever they are called, are shit, and this one goes in the same line.
Tzaangors so far look good. They will look better woth better pictures.
So far, models are AoS standard. Hot or miss. There is no middle ground.
For the love of me, the witch-elf looks like a dude. Doubt it's a Daughters of Khain model.
If those are the new elves, well that means another batch of my money going to somewhere else not GW.
I'm not too hot on any of the hero characters (and I collect Dark Elves/Empire) but I also collect Warriors of Chaos and the tzeentch stuff is hot. I'll probably be picking this up.
I can only see five.
>Bloodscorch Bullgors
should have just called them minotaurs. would have sounded much better
Bullgor fits better with Beastmen naming theme.
As all Sigmarines would be really baller without the retarded helm, but nice otherwise
>Nudist Dorf
Really dislike the factions look as a whole
It is a Barb, nothing more, nothing less
Best looking model. Incidentally, the model with least bling-bling and stupid shit on ot
>Elf Sorceress
Might just as well be a Eldar model
Probably a chick, but looks like a dude on the pic, otherwise looks more like a Dark Eldar than a Dark Elf.
All in all pretty meh. Tzeench stuff looks good if you dig that kind of stuff. Worries me about the direction the new Elf stuff takes.
Hmm, maybe something that works in conjunction with Stormblast Impact? Maybe rerolling charge ranges or something?
Good point on the Stormblast & Inescapable Vengance synergy, I totally overlooked that. That's too strong. I thought I had that covered with 'at least one wound', but that's obviously not enough.
I'll replace the sentence with the following:
>If, *at the end of a turn*, a unit has suffered at least one wound from *any* Stormflight Javelin, reduce its Move and Bravery by d3 until your next hero phase.
I'm not entirely sure d3 damage would really bother any tarpit too much. It already has a 33% chance to miss, and after that a 33% chance of failing to wound, nevermind pssible saves.
Am I maybe missing something here?
Minotaur is not copyrightable.
Why do you think fyreslayers are shit ?
The Sculpt? The fluff ?
Some people dont like the fact that they are mostly naked despite the cool reasons why they dont need to wear armor anymore.
This is /AOSG/
Well remember that you can use missiles weapons even in close combat during your shooting phase, so an average turn you'll have 4 shot so possibly 0 to 12 dead, then you have your close combat attacks.... On the turn you charge you have 6 shots total thanks to your rule.
Maybe he doesn't like the (albeit small) chance you have to evaporate a 20-25 man tarpit in a single round via attacks and the awfull battleshock after you killed 15 guys and when they have -3D bravery
Where'd you find this fancy warscrold template?
horrible sculpts and the fluff is is an abortion
by my math, on the turn he charges he'd have a total of 4 attacks with the javelins, otherwise it'd be 2. How do you get the additional 2 shots?
Still, that might be a bit much. How about knocking down the bonus from Inescapable vengance to a single shot?
Made it myself. Should I post the templates?
Yes please
If you annihilate 15 guys, the averade -2 to bravery wouldn't be much beyond a drop in the bucket.
Also, two shots in the shooting phase, two shots in the charge phase (i.e. maybe twice a game, if you're lucky) and two decidedly shitty gladius swings, that'd be at most 14 wounds, assuming you roll like you just won the lottery and your opponent fucks up every single save. Still plenty, but a charging celestant on dracoth has a potential damage of an easy 36 wounds plus a bunch of mortal wounds.
Right. Here's the baseline.
Can't upload the .psd since the thing is way too large, so you'll have to make due with a crappy .jpg.
And here's the weapon overlay. After fitting in the weapon overlay, put the stat wheel over the exisiting one, since they might not match perfectly.
>No one care about Flesh Eater.
From what I've seen so far their fluff is more interesting than the factions that received a battletome so far
or at least the premises and the small snippets of narration are
General reception of the fluff was pretty positive, too. But the lack of *actual* new units as opposed to the gorgeous new stuff in Silver Tower kinda stiffled the release.
Yeah, that was rather disappointing on GW part, even the rerelease of the older kit could have worked should have they put a bit more inventive in presenting the "heroes" with peculiar color schemes, markings or simple conversions.
The hero of the crypt flayers for example is identical to the crypt flayers except for the additional small pair of wings, but in the background it fed on a dragon carcass and gained something from it, was it reflected on the model with a rather draconic skin color or luminous effects in the recesses of the model or even the emphasis on the foul breath it should have with more greenish spots.
It all came out as painfully lazy and half assed which I'm led to believe was the case at this point.
I'm looking forward what they could made up with the other double kits like the elven ones:
shadow warriors heads and avelorn sis' bows for dark elves ranged daemonic hunters for example?
420 blaze it black guy
of course.
Look at the warscrolls and you will see the heroes all painted uniquely.
Slightly larger red parts on the same color scheme (which already comes with a handful of red in those places) is not exactly what I'd call unique nor gets near to what I had in mind to make them recognizable.
gotta say im interested in the flesh eater courts both fluffwise and mechanically. having all your heroes be summoners (if somewhat non-traditional summoners) sounds fun
>No one care about Flesh Eater.
I fucking do.
Has anyone seen the warscroll of the Crypt infernal courtier? fucking insane rules, 4+ save, flying, 6 wounds, rend, shooting AND they basically summon other horrors for free
This shit is exactly why we need a points system. How can you look at these and then look at your trolls, or minotaur, or rat ogres and not feel vastly inferior?
Yeah but those aren't exactly characters now are they?
Why are naked dwarf best dwarf ?
Why does the skaven have no fur?
I'm glad the points are coming in soon.
I'm hoping that some of the crazier rules are now being put in an anticipation of the points system.
Goad people into buying figures with ridiculously OP stats now and then slap a huge point cost on the a few months down the line.
Well that alone is a problem in itself, the fact they didn't bother to create rules for like Bone-breakers or Throgg-like Troll Kings.Why do some factions have to suffer due to GW's laziness?
Still though for a 'normal' 6 wound hero on foot he's insanely good. Maybe that 'pull in a unit of anything' Chaos lord compares, but nothing else does.
>you can use missiles in close combat
Because GW CAD modelling hates more complex textures and they prefer to have flat or absent fur
Give me 5 reasons to why the beastmen aren't the superior chaos race/faction!
Honestly, I wouldn't want any of the courtiers in melee with a tyrant or a lord-celestant.
Yeah, just like IRL.
I hope they'll do this for 40K.
Or a Duradin, or any Aelf... or the new Megaboss...
The court isn't as op as it seem, they are a good middle tier army
Melee is already pretty damn useless in 40k.
Adding this rule would make it complete garbage.
yeah but it's realist. Imagine John Wick without close combat Handgun...
What's a good HQ for spooky skeletons and ghosts?
They aren't favoured by Archaon.
I must admit I have not see that movie.
Also realism has never been particularly strong side of 40k.
Five? My, aren't you confident in the superiority of your champions.
Yes, well, I wouldn't want *anything* in melee with the new Megaboss.
In all seriousness, the Courts seem like the have a lot of very neat synergies and a unique pseudo-summoning, but if one is looking for melee powerhouses there are better factions.
They don't even have their own god, or daemons. Beastmen a shit
Yeah it's retarded.
It made sense with pistol users in WFB but now we're supposed to believe that it's feasible for a crossbow user to reload and fire whilst a chaos beast is clawing at them AND be able to fight in melee.
It's basically made picking units that don't have ranged weapons a waste of time because you can offset the weak melee by attacking twice a turn.
Beastmen never had a good update, for one.
And no played them in forever, the other.
you are all slaves to the children of hashut
It makes sense fluff wise if it's a unit of 10 models against a single hero or monster, but for equally sized units they should just forfeit their shooting phase. Or something like, "if your unit has 5 or more models than the enemy unit, you get a shooting phase while in close combat"
no more Nagashes
I don't really like any of these.
The priest isn't bad. But the rest are such shit, its embarrassing.
Seriously, those fucking Elves are jokes and Skaven should NOT look like that.
A skeleton on a large base using the rules of Nagash.
>bottom right
>Skinks and Nigmos need to hang from trees.
>Slicker than your average Nurgle killer
I grabbed my first few guys a few days ago and wanted to make an ice themes undead army, my friend who was helping me get the stuff because I'm new got me the paints he thought I'd need for it. As you can see they don't really look very ice-y so I was wondering if you guys had any ideas on how to fix this or even make it into something different looking that's better. I'm thinking maybe just paint the others like normal undead but with blue metal and cloth areas?
>I foresee no changes, Every single Duardin is just the same
>lose another mine, and it's ratmen they blame
>They're all dumb and short, that's because their wack, they're all starving, looking for ur-gold to snatch
>I don't give a damn about you stunties
>pull the trigger kill a digger, i'm a hero
>put a knife in these manlets, who the hell cares, one less greedy dwarf on the Silver Stairs
>We gotta start making changes, learn to see me as the moon, instead of a stranger
Is it possible to create faction creation tables in Age of Sigmar? Like the ones for 40k?
Me too. They look really powerful and the fluff is nice as well. Also Ushoran is back.
Why would you want that? It's the laziest way to create stuff.
Wait, he actually *is* Ushoran? That's cool.
I really dig the direction ghouls are taken in, I must admit.
Kinda tempted to start a small court.
Who's the other guy? a skeleton or another ghoul?
That's kind of cool, like more agreeable Skaven, almost like clan pestilens where they get along, at least to further an ultimate goal
I had assumed it was another ghoul, that one a servant of the other ghoul king.
Sup tg, as promised I went to an Aos tournament and I came back.
All the scene had list tailored on the format: 50 qounds, only one named guy, only one monster and minimum 20 models. Also, only infantry(aka non monster-non heroes)could take objectives.
Want a bat rep? I don't have many photos because I was lazy, only a couple from the second game.
Sure, I'm always curious to hear a good batrep.
Any photos would be neat, too.
That photo is absolutely potato quality. For ice maybe try to use transparent hardening glue and use that for icicles etc, and add some snow flock to it. The colours honestly look pretty good desu.
What's their excuse?