What's the most french setting you can think of?
What's the most french setting you can think of?
Musketeers, crossbows, pistols, rapiers and a ambitious cleric that advices the royal seat.
first post best post
An entire continent of kingdoms who are constantly at war, but nobody has actually been killed in war in centuries because everyone keeps surrendering to each other, all while everyone you meet seems like a condescending ass with a weird accent.
>Pic related
Good game
>le funny french only surrender maymay
Holy shit, go sit for an hour in Veeky Forums and educate yourself, you stupid fuck.
>getting triggered by lazy banter
step it up, frenchie
All disputes are resolved by rapier fencing
>educate yourself
>in /pol/2.0
While he's a faggot for getting so butthrut and a retard for suggesting /pol2.0/, you are also a faggot.
Then again, this is Veeky Forums, so everyone's a faggot and none of this comes as a surprise.
French were seen as hardcore until fairly recently. I remember reading a note by a general warning his soldiers to stay back when fighting the French because if they run out of ammo they will chase you down and bayonet you.
All disputes are resolved by baguette fencing.
Better than Veeky Forums2.0 tbqh senpai
Regime diabolique
They stopped doing that in the 1900s. (Last duel to the death was actually caught on film, but it sadly ended with one guy running away after realizing he really didn't care about getting cucked that much.)
Bayonet charges were a really big thing historically. Because armies fired in volleys if you charged while everyone was reloading they'd run away.
The French government surrendering in WW2 condemned them to forever being remembered as cheese eating surrender monkeys despite their stellar record as a nation until that point and overlooking the entire badass French resistance movement.
>"lose" a single war
>instant meme status obtained
WW1 france
wait, what happened to Veeky Forums? i thought it was a cool place
Well, 2 people just called it /pol/ 2.0. What do you think that implies happened?
Also FYI, france has always had a strong military, germany just has a stronger one.
>"lose" a single war
>instant meme status obtained
One instant of inattention brings an eternity of heresy.
A kingdom ruled by a literal Sun King with an intense love of winemaking, petty warfare between dukes and excessive amounts of perfect weather!
Well, they didn't exactly win 100 Years War either.
>One instant of inattention brings an eternity of heresy.
Just like America deserves to be remembered as hotheaded assholes for invading the puckered anus of so many undeserving countries in the post-USSR world?
Their interwar evolution from winners to a blob of cherrypicking and logical fallacies is pretty incredible. I never get tired of reading about it.
>Being this triggered by bants
Frog detected
Oubliettes & Serpents
Arabian Nights
This makes me realize, there isn't really a space marine chapter that high lites being an ohn hon hon, is there?
>thinks history cares about his feels
brit detected
Perfidious Albion
I mean the thing there is that we keep doing it.
iirc, the French Resistance in WW2 did the least compared to any other resistance movement during the war.
There is a Guard Regiment though.
The Scintillan Fusiliers. Napoleonic French based, I believe. With all the fancy outfits and powdered wigs as well, they were made for FFG's Only War game.
France has been getting BTFO in war since the 1300's. Napoleon is the only part of their history that they actually dominated.
and thats because he wasn't actually French
>we only surrendered in 1 war
>the biggest war in human history
>lasted 6 years
>France gave up after 2 weeks
And then collaborated shamelessly with the Germans, can't forget that.
Those are some pretty sweet glasses.
I wonder if they come with Freedom lenses.
That applies to most of continental europe tho.
French as in 'the French are like this' or French as in 'the French designed this'? These are two wildly different things.
The French took to it with unusual gusto and gave a very poor showing when compared to the rest of Europe.
Is this what Parisians are like, Veeky Forums?
If you mean the freest country in all of Europe then you're God-damned right.
God Save the Queen!
>overrun by third worlders
Yeah, right.
Wars of Louis XIII and Louis XIV don't exist.
Try harder at least.
>safe under watchful eyes
Khaos 1795
French Revolution meets Chtulhu.
They are far too high-born for napoleonic troops, and a bit tooo fancy for musketeers IMO.
The Elysians, Death Korps and Voystroyans all have french elements, but they're based on specific conflicts rather than countries.
Sisters are the french faction, using fleur-de-lys and have Joan of Arc as their main inspiration.
Nope. If there is one thinh the french are EXCELLENT at it's killing people, admittedly often themselves.
Fuck, fight, feast = FRANCE
>French Revolution meets Chtulhu
sounds fun
>What is WWI
>What is WWII
>What is Vietnam
>Their most fearsome and respected military force is made entirely of foreigners
> French surrendering is just a meme
>And not the truth of a once great country
> WW1
> the French
> surrendering
Do you even dress yourself, user?
>What is WWI
Isn't this the war where they litteraly send thousand of poor soldiers to be slaughtered wave after wave, just so they could keep some desolated city ?
Not exactly smart or commendable but I wouldn't call that surrendering
>Veeky Forums
I am sure you know your history well
If I remember the numbers, one in five french under the age of 25 died in that war.
The Elysians are my favorite, honestly. Hardcore pseudo-French paras in the tradition of the men at Dien Bien Phu and in Algeria. Good shit.
Mad angloshit
>all english possessions in France removed
They won fair and square.
>and a bit tooo fancy for musketeers
Musketeers were fancy as shit
Hell, half of the Three Musketeers is about shagging wenches, gressing well and borrowing money to everyone to pay for the expenses.
Flashing Blades.
It's literally "The Three Musketeers - The Setting"
That high collar uniform though HNNNNNNNNGGG
If you're interested in WWI I'd recommend you reading up on the battle for Verdun, because that's a meme to some extent.
>Isn't this the war where they litteraly send thousand of poor soldiers to be slaughtered wave after wave, just so they could keep some desolated city ?
Verdun was pretty even in terms of losses, and the french morale was much better due to the superior troop rotation management.
Frenchfag here.
René Ribière provoked Gaston Deferre (two politicians) in duel because he said to him "Taisez-vous! Abruti." (Basically Shut up you idiot, but classy)
It was a duel to the first blood, or until one of them retracted from it (apologizing for the insult or letting go off the honor loss). René was cut, but asked for a rematch. He was cut a second time the next day and wanted to continue the duel (which is hardcore and technically legit), but the referee put a stop to it.
In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas is a satire on 1990s France and doesn't pull any punch, and features a fight between asshole demons and fascist angels for mankind. Its first edition has excellent sandbox modules such as "Arrête de sucer mon gros crayon" (Stop sucking my big pencil) which is about angels trying to prevent a deviant pedophile from taking over a christian tv channel full of children, or the demons well, making things worse. Most module works for both angels and demons, even though demon gameplay is mainly "let's be mean sons of bitches and make everything fucked up" but can be done very good.
COPS is a slightly cyberpunk game set in L.A. though it transpires a lot of critic sense for the french government and society (same author).
Rêves de Dragons is an almost arthurian RPG about, well, Dragons' Dreams, which are basically heroic fantasy adventures, but classy.
Memes and banter aside, this would be a pretty funny region in a setting.
>such as "Arrête de sucer mon gros crayon" (Stop sucking my big pencil) which is about angels trying to prevent a deviant pedophile from taking over a christian tv channel full of children
What the fuck, man?
Holy shit, bless France.
I recommend you'll learn french. They have a ton of great RPG. Try Malefices, Hurlements, C.O.P.S., the new Elric game, Bitume, Brain Soda, Pavillion Noir.
>open language settings on my computer
>set language to "French"
Privileges is a game about social struggle and terrorism in modern France.
It's pretty silly and contains lots of backstabbing, political nonsense, and stupid ideologies.
Your character is the caricature of a ranting frenchperson, it's hilarious.
I can't believe I forgot about this one. Shame that the american edition removed most of the humor.
This one is excellent. Gipsy werewolves in low middle-ages France, what's not to love?
I'd recommend Z-Corps (Zombie apocalypse in openD6) and Shadows of Esteren (celtic medieval fantastic setting, with a relatively advanced tech) too.
Esteren alsogot nice very music.
>success in mass murder and destruction
>good way to rate the greatness of a country
holy shit what the fuck you guys
Lanfeust de Troy is like a crossover between D&D and Astérix
gritty humor and colorful, child-like aesthetic
Yeah, but it's the fancy of provincial elite, the bravado of young noblemen; the Scintillian seems more like macaronis, IMO
They also get the Extremely Abundant Ressources traits that means that they can pilfer the warehouses of the Administratum as much as they want to, while musketeers had to pay for their equipment.
They could be inspired by the Gardes-Francaises, though. But it's a pretty obscure corps for non-specialists, so would people at FFG really know of it?
>gritty humor
You mean constant fart jokes?
At least fucking quote it right you turbo faggot.
"A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy."
> constant fart jokes
No just humor based on healthy life principle such as drinking and fucking like it was the last day you lived
Peacemongering has only really been a thing after WW1 and so far the most significant thing it got us was WW2. Go figure.
>You mean constant fart jokes?
That's covered in child-like aesthetic.
Ya. I too remember that the FFA was merely an illusion.
Incal did this and wasn't so low brow. Tao Bang has a teenager going on a quest to finding mermaid prostitutes to revitalize a brothel and it wasn't so low brow. The Fires of Askell, also by Arleston, had way finer humor (and that says a lot about his recent productions) despite containing much more sex, violence and debauchery.
"Risky" subjects or aesthetics are no excuses for lazy humor. The first three issues of Lanfeust of Troy are decent, the rest of Troy and and early Trolls is tolerable, Lanfeust of the Stars and Odyssey is milking-the-cash-cow garbage without an ounce of novelty.
On the other hand, the Song of Excalibur is actually very good.
/rant, user is going back to /co/.
>Mouth violated by farmers and women from the laziest place of the universe after a severe delusion and general shitness of state
>While the drunkest just destroy your anal-pussy
>Literally have your epicalest general 6evah DAH BEEESSSTTTT brother's bullied into abdication and exile
You're a joke.
Copy spain, but make everyone extremely fucking smug and sissified.
Gotta throw them triggers m8.
Never not a good day with a proper trigger, I'll tell you what.
A setting where they mix up "military" leaders, for example Napoleon with Hitler, would be interesting.
The kingdom's soccer team is terribly mediocre
Warhammer 40k
Space Marines don't work with historical armies. They're better when they're semi-ridiculous and based around a strong theme.
One of the reason IG are more interesting.
Ha. Get that weakass Cyrenaic shit out of here. Stoics for life!
Good lived stoicism and Epicurean ataraxia are nearly indistinguishable.
It's not even a trigger, there are people out there who honestly and unironically believe this shit.
Indeed, but I was referring to Aristippus. His views focused more on maximizing pleasure, rather than limiting displeasure through a simple life as Epicurus did.
I can't figure out what the fuck is going on to the catcher in this image
is this an OFF thing?
>French Revolution meets Cthulhu
Because, y'know, the Terror wasn't madness enough, I guess. Jesus Christ.
Honestly, if you look at it from an outsider's point of view, it looks like nobody won.
Surprised nobody's mentioned Wakfu/Dofus' Monde de Douze yet. It's already the setting for an MMORPG so I'm sure you could adapt it for tabletop play.
There's also the Archipels campaign and setting for DnD. I don't know the general oppinion about it, but personally I really like it. Well, I'd like it better if I could be a player for once. I'm stuck DMing it but it's a highly heroic adventure and I'm more at ease with lethal stuff like Traveller or DH.
Also Wastburg. I bought it recently and it looks quite nice, even if I'm usually wary of games that pretend to "put the story before the rules".
Then there's a really cool german-french supplement for Shadowrun called SOX, which is about Luxembourg after it has been abandonned following a nuclear catastrophe.
And a whole bunch of others I can't think of right now. The french RPG scene is pretty good.
I really hope Raise Dead are gonna make a revised version of Bitume.
Nah, not enough surrendering or long bread. 40k is a mix between the worst aspects of Germany and Russia during WWII, with a dash of America in the form of a shattered dream of a better future.