Resistance Quest 2

Take two as RWB is manic-depressive edition!
Previous Thread
Character sheet
Rules and glossary

The museum gardens are still beautiful, even left to grow wild. A few choice saplings, bought at great expense, or gifted from foreign states and Elven groves, grown into full trees stand beside borders of flowers just starting to bud and broad lawns of green. Although not a museum dedicated much to botany, the art of landscaping was still a focus of a handful of exhibits. Here, you can almost forget that a war was fought at all, until you noticed the torn ground where steel treads had ripped up the turf, or where abortive attempts to dig trenches had been made, before being hastily abandoned in the retreat. You tear your gaze away from the wounded grounds and instead re-focus on your task. There has to be a way in here somewhere!

After a half-hour of diligent searching, you are starting to lose hope. The museum is locked tighter than a miser's purse. It's both a blessing and a curse, as at least you know the works inside are likely to be intact. Taking a seat on a nearby bench (dedicated with a verdigrised plaque to some donor to the museum's fortunes), you look up and re-assess. Birds are nesting under the lip of the guttering, likely tending eggs that are soon to hatch- Hmm...

Other urls found in this thread:

The flight of the birds carries your eyes upward, until you are once again regarding the burned clock-tower. The fire started high, blowing out the glass clock faces and collapsing the brickwork in places. Some of the gaps between the scorched stone and mortar and the iron numbers looks like it might just be big enough to fit you and because the damage happened after the museum was abandoned, there's little chance the breach has been secured! You trace your route carefully and decide on the tree that you'll need to climb to reach the gallery, before you start your climb up the tower itself... You can already feel your muscles aching, but there's nothing else for it, now your mind's made up!

The tree itself is the easy part; a venerable ash stands close to the wall, its branches providing shade for visitors on the path in better times. There's even a low-hanging branch so smoothly-worn that you're certain it must have been a seat for tired museum-goers for decades. You haul yourself up heavily, scrambling in to the branches and struggling to keep your balance as you have to edge away from the trunk. The branches grow thinner, the further you go and your heart crawls into your throat as you stretch out a hand for the guttering. It's so close- If you just brace your feet on these two limbs-


With a brief yell of shock and fear, the branch under your left foot gives way and spins some seven meters to the ground. The only thing that stops you following it and earning a broken leg for your troubles, is a handful of twigs that are already bowing and shedding their new green leaves under your white-knuckled grip! In a matter of moments, you'll plunge down and you can already feel the wet, green-branch snap of your ankles shattering-!

No! Not like this, dammit! You tighten your grip and heave, throwing yourself up and gripping the thin, whip-like branch above you. Even as it bows and your right foot leaves its anchor, you swing your body weight forward and let go! The edge of the roof looms much faster than you expected, slamming into your chest and driving the wind out of you as you grip on tight and your legs scrabble to push yourself up. You finally heave yourself over and lay on your back, panting for breath and nursing your bruised stomach. You're starting to doubt your wisdom in choosing to climb the clock tower, but it's too late to turn back now! After a chance to recover, you pull yourself up and creep along the buttressed gallery. Through the lead glass windows, you can see the exhibits and paintings, covered by dust-cloths. Not long now and you'll have your chance to liberate your nation's heritage!

You brace yourself between one of the decorative columns on the outside of the tower and the wall itself, edging your way up until you can work your fingers into the carvings. These looked a lot more prominent from the safety of the ground, as the wind picks up and tugs at your dark hair and clothes more suited to a walk down the road, than climbing a building. You really need to invest in a much better pair of shoes... Maybe some gloves, if you're going to be doing this routinely. Finally, the clatter of the loose rope against the flagpole that sill valiantly holds Awsbet's flag, alerts you that you're near the end of your climb. You reach out, looping the rope around your wrist and tugging to check its strength, before pulling yourself up.

Sitting on the top of the clock tower, elation fills your lungs after your arduous climb. On a whim, you stand on your precarious ledge and salute the flag, before lowering it and folding the singed cloth, tucking it inside your shirt. Oddly, a sound reaches you from far below, causing you to look down and instantly wish you didn't. There's people in the streets! A small crowd applauding your actions and cheering! There's no sign of soldiers yet, but it's only a matter of time before the twenty or so students and civilians draw their attention. You'll have to move fast! You briefly wave to your adoring crowd, thankful that you're rendered as indistinct by distance to them, as they are to you, before slipping inside, through the shattered glass of the clock. Inside the gear room, everything smells like burned oil and soot, causing you to choke and reach for your handkerchief to press to your nose and mouth. The floorboards creak ominously as you edge your way to the steep stairs and work your way down.

Halfway down the tower, the gears suddenly creak and shift and you freeze, praying the multi-ton, spiked iron wheels don't fall and bring you to an early grave in the twisted wreckage at the bottom, but to your relief, they stay in their lofty housing and you hurry on.

Inside the museum, everything is silent, but for your footfalls on the marble floor. Dust cover after dust cover is pulled away under your eager hands and soon you are standing amid relics, books, paintings, artefacts and treasures that mark your nation's history and that of the entire continent over the many years that followed the fall of Eorten. There's so much-! And you're only one person and you have little time...

What will you take?
>The treasures and valuables, so the Federation can't steal them and melt them down to use as funds for their war-chest
>The momentos and paintings of Awsbet's history. They tell the tale of your nation's rise and brief history and are of great value to its people's pride
>The Restorationist relics and tomes from the last three monarchs of Eorten and their rule. If the Orthodox Federation forces get their hands on them, they'll be destroyed for sure!
>The sacred treasures of the Golden Age. They're small and simple for the most part, but of great value to the Federation. Keeping these legitimising exhibits out of their hands will be a real blow to their prestige

And answers to the questions, in case they were forgotten last thread.

>We're a student right? What was our focus/major? What classes have we taken that could possibly be of use?
Your major before the war was Political Science, with a minor in Mathematics and Accounting. Sadly, neither is of a great deal of use to you right now. Enzo's greatest strength is his way with people and earnest, ingenuous personality.

>What are our resources? Do we own a house?
Your ration card, revolver, 24 rounds of Awsbet pistol ammo and you and your brother's personal effects. You rent a single-bedroom apartment on University Road; a popular student residential area before the war.

>Is there any way we could have saved Karlo?
Maybe? Maybe not. It's probably doubtful. All you can do now is look to the future and try to save others.
No, you couldn't. That first section was character generation and trying to set the mood for the threads

>If we had picked a different character, would have affected our relationships with other people? Some of those names don't really jive all that well with the others, leading me to believe that they are foreigners in Awsbet, or at least children of immigrants
They could well have been foreigners, but they're citizens of Awsbet all the same and your brothers-in-arms. Plus, by selecting Enzo's name, you've helped define a little bit of the country and nail down its ethnicity some. Keep in mind that in this world, those names could all share a common region, for all you (and I) know!

>The sacred treasures of the Golden Age.
Take this, I think it's the most important since it legitimising our country.

Don't quests have their own board now?

Yes, but it's still a trail board so it's not enforce yet.

>Golden age stuff
Nice to see you back

Go there, then. We made it for you. You have a reservation. You're not supposed to be here. This board is for civilized people. You people are not civilized. You people are a malignancy upon this board, a remnant of a bygone age.

Begone in the name of prosperity and manifest destiny.

Going to go with
>Golden age
Just because they are simple and small to take, but I would like to preserve the founding of our nation.

Maybe if we just scout it out, we can plan better heist to be done in few days. Maybe even with help.

Sadly I can't follow the thread now, but I will surely read this in morning. RWB keep up the good work!

Yeah I kind of lapsed last night... I'm getting stronger meds on Tuesday.

Ahhh Jackson, I have to tell you, this is the very reason I made this quest in the first place. The more you try to force us out of our home and into that gulag you call a board, not designed, asked for, or desired by the people who are supposedly meant to use it, the more you validate this resistance.

Awsbet is more born out of republican ideals and the like, while the Federation is trying to style itself as the 'successors to the Kingdom of Eorten' making relics like that very valuable to them, as it helps the cultural idea that they are 'meant' to be in charge, due to their links to the ancient realm.

Vote still counts though!

> golden age

>The sacred treasures of the Golden Age. They're small and simple for the most part, but of great value to the Federation. Keeping these legitimising exhibits out of their hands will be a real blow to their prestige.

I mean, it's won anyways, but maybe how it was described is somewhat confusing it seems.

This is important to the FEDS, not our nation particularly; they wouldn't destroy them when they come here.

I think how RWB describe it, it's support to legitimising Federation grand idea of controlling the whole continent.
Without it they look like a power hungry country. But that from me, so it could be different from RWB view.

Post quest threads on the quest board only. These threads do not belong here anymore.


I understand that, and it'd certainly be a blow to them, but I'm slightly put off that we aren't grabbing something that we can use as a rallying cry.

also in terms of chronological order
it's golden age first, then restorationist, then the momentos. (with the treasures just being everything gold we can find.)

I don't know why people report stuff. It's not aganist the rules to make a quest on /tg.

Yeah, I mean every comment I've ever seen complaining about quest threads has been deleted as well and it's only a matter of time before a bored or annoyed mod adds a ban with that too.

Votes called and writing now!

Quest threads are off topic for this board, as this is not the Quest board. Off topic threads are actually against the rules.

Take it to your designated board.

>The momentos and paintings of Awsbet's history. They tell the tale of your nation's rise and brief history and are of great value to its people's pride

Your eyes greedily linger on the golden idols, silver chalices, the jewel-encrusted gauntlet of Duc de Lacey; the statues edged in gold leaf... A primitive urge to possess the precious things wells inside you, before you shake it away, like a clinging cobweb. As appealing an idea as smashing the cases and making off with a king's ransom in treasure is, there are more useful things you could be doing (and how would you carry that much gold anyway?) You immediately make for the museum's smallest, but unquestionably most prestigious wing; the exhibit of Eortite Art and Society. Much of what's on display isn't even slightly as impressive-looking as the treasures display, but it matters far, far more to the Federation and what's valuable to them is definitely something you want to keep out of their hands.

There's little time for subtlety. You wrap your light jacket around your hand, cock your arm back and drive your fist into the thick glass surrounding the displays. You immediately regret your decision and start swearing, shaking your hand and regarding the small crack with annoyance. A fire extinguisher proves much more effective however and soon, shattered glass litters the floor and empty stands. Much of what you snatch, neither you, or any of the eminent scholars of Eortite antiquity have any idea how it works, or even what it was for in some cases. No miracle of modern science and advance has been able to decipher the esoteric workings of a certain few of Eorten's marvels, while others are simply centuries ahead of their time, surpassed only a generation or two ago. It's a testament to how well they were built to last that even the small book you pull from its resting place, or the delicate embroidery that once graced an Eortite loom, feel as sturdy as if they were made yesterday.

>>The momentos and paintings of Awsbet's history. They tell the tale of your nation's rise and brief history and are of great value to its people's pride
This would be best. The Golden Age relics aren't likely to be destroyed, but our nation's relics are!

You don't exactly have time to examine much of what you throw into your pockets and bundled coat, but display card next to the hand-sized book mentions the 'Tears Period Pieces'. From what little you know, they were supposedly works of art of unsurpassed beauty, made in memory of Queen Lillia the Lovely after her death. If only there were one for you to steal, you could almost end this invasion without a single drop of blood more needing to be spilt! ...Or at least, so the legends say.

You search the last corners for more, but your pockets are already full and you have no idea how you could ever get away with the examples of Eortite masonry and architecture... If only you'd had the foresight to at least bring a sack- You're startled out of your reverie by a sudden, booming crash echoing through the deserted halls. It seems the military police have arrived at last and your time has run out. You turn on your heel and sprint for the hall, options for your escape jostling in your mind, even as your haul does in your pockets and under your clothes.

What do you do?
>Go out the way you came in. You know that way's clear at least
>Hide and wait for the troops to pass you, then sneak out the main door
>Make for the basement and lose them in the service corridors, then break for a side door
>Break through a window and make your own way out

>Hide and wait for the troops to pass you, then sneak out the main door
There must be hundreds of places to hide in a museum, hopefully our brief ransacking won't be so obvious as to start a manhunt.

>>Make for the basement and lose them in the service corridors, then break for a side door

>Hide and wait
Going back the way we came is just a tower which has no way out.

I'm sure we could bumble our way out the tower; whether we do it with or legs, or more importantly, the artefacts intact is another thing entirely.

The votes are still divisive... Without a clear winner, I'll roll a die in a couple of minutes.

Why not explain your choices in the meantime? Or I don't know... Call some friends to play. I don't mind.

Hide and wait
This place has lots of placea to hide with

The museum's big and sprawling and it's got plenty of places to hide. Honestly, the only way out you know you'll even have is the door the military police are coming in by. The only difficulty will be finding somewhere they won't see y-

The boom of a shotgun jars you out of your pondering with a start. The Federals must have got tired of waiting for someone with the keys and just blown the lock off the museum. You need to find a place to hide NOW. The dusty shafts of sunlight that stream through the cracks in the shutters dart over you as you run through the halls. The echoing footfalls of the Federation's military police and the rattle of their weapons always sound uncomfortably close...

>Roll 2d20+2 (Wits) to hide from the guards

Rolled 3, 4 + 2 = 9 (2d20 + 2)


Rolled 9, 19 + 2 = 30 (2d20 + 2)

Rolled 9, 17 + 2 = 28 (2d20 + 2)

And thirty's the best we've got! Writing!

It takes a little while for you to get used to the echoes, but once you do, you manage to start counting. One, two, three... You reach a dozen voices in total, before they catch sight of the broken glass.
"What the..? Hey! He's broken into the exhibits!"
"Son of a bitch... Maybe it'll slow him down at least?"
"Yeah, look at all this glass; he's got to be carrying half his own weight in loot."
As you lurk low behind one of the cases on the balcony over-looking a hall near the grand entrance, you hear the soldiers calling to one another, clearing the different rooms one by one. A pair of swift footsteps pass so close to you, you can practically smell their cologne.
"The hell's he thinking breaking into a museum anyway?" grumbles one. You catch his reflection in the glass, glancing in your direction, but missing you in the shadows.
"Damned if I know," shrugs his companion. "Maybe looking for something to sell on the black market?"
"Doubt it. People want food and blankets in this city; not gold and paintings."
"Maybe he's looking to flee, I don't know! Just keep your eyes open."

The voices fade and you stealthily creep out, first on all fours and then in a low crouch. Every little shift and clink of the stolen artefacts inside your clothes sends a creeping rush of fear that you'll be discovered racing down your spine, but you make your way to the entrance. The stairs are watched, but you've not come this far to give up now... And the small child inside you's always wanted to try this... You climb onto the balustrade overlooking the entrance hall and reach out, grabbing a handful of the heavy, rich, green curtain that would ordinarily be drawn across the huge windows at night. The boards that have been hammered into place cast everything in a strange twilight, broken by the streaming sun through the open door.

You carefully shimmy downwards, only slightly disappointed that you'll not get to dramatically swing to freedom and peep around the door once your shoes reach the marble floor. Four more guards hold the perimeter, beside an idling army truck, its canvas cover pulled away to reveal the bare flatbed of the back. At least the civilians have been shooed away, so no excitable pointing will give you away. You'll have to time your move carefully, but...

You curse your stiff shoes and try to keep their tapping quiet as you seize the moment and sprint for the truck. Throwing yourself behind one of the wheels, you check to make sure everything is still secure... There's way too much open ground between you and the safety of the streets around the museum plaza however. If they turn and see you, it'll be a single warning before the air's filled with bullets. If you're caught with the relics on you, it'll be a swift execution...

What will you do?
>Crawl under the truck and try to hang on. Wait for them to drive away, then drop and break for the alleys before they can stop 2d20+1 (Body)
>Run for it and trust to luck 2d20+1 (Luck)
>Try to time your movements to their blind spots and go un-noticed as you cross the plaza 2d20+1 (Agility)
>Head back inside and look for another way out

Rolled 5, 13 + 1 = 19 (2d20 + 1)

Is it easier to hand under a moving truck, or sneak undetected past guards at least somewhat on the alert?

I'll go with clinging onto the truck.

critfail, here we go!

Rolled 16, 4 + 1 = 21 (2d20 + 1)

>Hang on to the truck

Rolled 19, 13 + 1 = 33 (2d20 + 1)

Truck time
Also OP can we use a luck point here so we success in this.

Rolled 19, 17 + 1 = 37 (2d20 + 1)

>>Try to time your movements to their blind spots and go un-noticed as you cross the plaza
See if we can get far away enough to pass as a civilian just passing by.

Luck's a useful beastie. You can choose to use it after your roll or before and it can be used to either improve your roll by your luck score (so... One. Not great) or to re-roll a single die, but you MUST take the second roll.

But the votes seem to be 3 to 1 so I'll call it and we'll go with a roll of 33! Your rolls have been amazing.

Last update for tonight coming, then I'll start again in the morning.

A plan comes to your mind. It's desperate, but then, you're in a pretty desperate situation. Dropping to your belly, you squirm under the belly of the truck, rolling onto your back and looking up. The drive shaft and dangerous components are in full view and if you screw this up even slightly, the Federation won't even have a chance to try you for your 'crimes'. You decide not to make your move until the last moment possible. It's a good hour of lying, blinking dust out of your eyes and trying not to cough from the combination of the gentle sprinkle of grit from above and the pungent reek of motor oil. Finally, you hear the guards emerging from the museum and watch their feet approach.
"No sign of the intruder. He must have slipped the net somehow."
"Dammit. No-one came past you?"
"No sir. We've had the entire plaza on lockdown. No-one could have crossed it without one of us seeing them."
"Kings and Queens... Fine, well... Teams 1a and b, you keep the area on guard. I'll send someone to relieve you soon and ask the Lt. to set up a proper watch rotor. From now on, the museum is off-limits for all civilians until the cultural commission's surveyed censored the entire inventory. Understood?"
"Sir, yessir!"
"Very good. Alright, squad 2, load up."

Now's your only chance. You heave yourself up and squeeze your eyes shut as a half-dozen men climb into the truck bed above you and send a fresh shower of dirt into your face. But you daren't sneeze, even as the engine starts and the drive-shaft spins, threatening to tear your skin from the bone, or exhaust fumes clog your lungs. Your limbs soon burn from the effort of holding yourself off the ground and time and again, you feel your back bending and your stomach sagging, threatening to drop you onto the cobblestones that blur past beneath you.

Once you've gone far enough, you seize your only chance. The truck slows at a corner and the fall won't maybe be quite as fatal. You pull your burning limbs into your torso and roll as you hit the ground, half-expecting a shout of alarm at any moment. By some miracle however, the truck roars away and you have a chance to get your bearings. You daren't lie still however and scramble for a side-street. Once under the protective cover of the shadows, you pat yourself down. One or two of the precious relics maybe shook loose during your ride, but for the most part, everything is still there! Perfect!

The rest of your route home is fairly mundane. Although you go out of your way to avoid patrols, through sheer paranoia, you reach your apartment without incident and empty your pockets onto the table, regarding what you've snatched. The museum will doubtless be more tightly guarded from now on, but by stealing away the cultural relics the Federation would have no-doubt appropriated to fit their narrative of 'successors to the kingdom', you've struck the first true blow against them. An excellent start all around! Karlo would be proud of you, you're certain.

And that's it for tonight. I'll start again the moment I wake up. Now though, I need sleep. Good night and I hope you're enjoying this so far!

I'll drop a post on twitter once I start posting again.

Good job RWB I had lots of fun.
Have a bump

I was forced to be away for most of the quest but god damn this is good. I can't wait for tomorrow.



You finally have a chance to look over what you've taken. Most of it is broken old pieces of pre-fall paraphernalia that's worth little more than academic value, but would still be valuable in the hands of the Federation's cultural propagandists. The three small books you picked up are utterly indecipherable to you; you'd need at least a master's degree in Ancient Eortite to make any sense of them. The few illustrations however, are as clear as any photograph; more so, in fact! What you're guessing is a locket or pocket watch refuses to open, no matter how much you prey at it. The embroidery is lovely, but doesn't exactly match your tastes. You suppose the intricate, inter-woven designs of varying colours had some deeper meaning to them, seven hundred years ago. You're not sure why a writing brush and quill set needed to be quite so ornate, to say nothing of the now-empty ink pots that were nestled in the same case, but you're certain that they'd still work perfectly, if you were to test them.

Overall, the small treasures are probably worth more than your whole apartment, but where to hide them? For now, you slit open Karlo's mattress and luck them inside, before replacing the sheets and hiding the damage. It's hardly secure, but then, your entire apartment is one no-knock raid away from disaster anyway. Satisfied with your work, you set to fixing yourself a meal. No sooner have you finished the hearty broth and fresh bread however, when the day's exercise and the lingering effects of your flu catch up with you and you crash into bed fully clothed. The thin mattress and cheap pillow feel like the clouds themselves as your eyes close and you fall asleep almost instantly.

The days pass as you try to lie low. You're certain no-one got a good look at you during your museum heist, but you still don't want to risk it. Within a few days however, there's a knock on your door. Your heart instantly leaps into your throat, as you grab the revolver and cock back the hammer. You wish to the ancient kings that you had some kind of peep-hole on your door, but you're forced to just call out.
"Who is it?"
"Enzo? It's Louis. Came to make sure you were alright."
Your shoulders sag as you let out the breath you hadn't realsied you'd been holding. You ease the hammer back into its safe position and quickly stash the weapon under your blankets. "Right-! Right, just a second." You know Louis; he's part of the group that agreed to help look out for one another. His checkup on you is an encouraging sign that their eyes and ears are sharp enough to at least catch someone like you vanishing from public. Then again, if theirs are, others probably are too. After his brief visit, you resolve to get out more.

You're starting to learn not to avoid the patrols quite as much; it just makes you look suspicious. There is one element of good news however, even if it is mixed with bad. A billboard has been set up in the university commons. On it are posters of various people wanted for 'questioning' or outright crimes against the state. Several professors and graduates are listed for 'suspicion of subversive activities' but there's nothing concrete. A handful you don't recognise are wanted for crimes such as hoarding food or possession of firearms, but more to the point, your face is not among them. It seems you've got away scot-free.

Which means this would be a perfect time to act again...

What will you do?
>Tap the students for any information you can find on the occupiers activities
>Find an isolated military policeman and end his life
>Go back to the museum and see if you can take any more
>Look into that democratic society... Maybe they've survived the first round of arrests?
>Try to find the faculty that escaped capture and see if there's any left

>Tap the students for any information you can find on the occupiers activities

>Try to find the faculty

>Try to find the faculty that escaped capture and see if there's any left

Normally I'd wait for a few more votes, but given that it's slow at this time of day, I'll call it here.

Writing now!


I'm awake, it was just slow since most of america was asleep when you posted.
Find the faculty

With the Federation starting to crack down on potential dissidents, this might be your only chance to find allies and potential resistors among the staff and students. Tracking them down proves a little difficult however. None have gone to ground yet, but most haven't been seen since the posters went up. With no classes, you're forced to track them down to their homes, which finds you standing outside the townhouse owned by the head of the philosophy department... And no-one's answering the door. Typical.

You're not about to give up. Professor Tullio's name wasn't among those wanted for questioning, so unless he's been taken already, you can't think of any place else he could be. You raise the tarnished brass of the door knocker again and slam it down loudly. Again, no reply.
"Professor?" You cup your hands to your mouth, but calling gets no response either. Frustrated, you decide it's time to take a less direct approach. Around the side of the house is the servant's entrance. While by no means a mansion, anywhere this size employs a housekeeper and you've never known a housekeeper not to leave... You lift a flowerpot on the windowsill and snort. Too easy. The lock opens with a quiet click, letting you into the scullery. Judging by the dirty plates on the side, you were right to assume the professor's at home. It only now occurs to you that perhaps you've been growing a little too used to breaking into other people's property of late, but nothing's going to get done if you continue to behave as though nothing has changed in the world.

The professor's home is very comfortable. You hadn't realised being a teacher paid this well... But then again, the philosophy department was always well-regarded in Awsbet. It was an 'education' after all; not merely learning a trade. A lovely, dark hardwood floor doesn't even yield a creak as you slowly make your way further inside. You're fairly sure your apartment could fit in the dining room alone, even without the high ceiling, complete with a chandelier you're convinced is fake crystal. There's no way Professor Tullio's THAT well-off. At the base of the stairs, covered by a rich sea-green carpet, you hear voices and let out a small breath you hadn't even realised you'd been holding. The professor must just have guests. You make your way upstairs and follow the voices to a closed door, which you rap smartly on.
"Professor Tullio? I hope I'm not interrupting anything..?"
The voices immediately cease. You couldn't count how many were discussing something in low, serious tones, but clearly they weren't expecting an interruption like this.
"I just wanted a few words-" you begin, but suddenly there's a shout of alarm from inside and you step back just as the door is wrenched open and a metal poker swings down at your head!

>Roll 2d20+1 (Combat) to attempt to block the attack!

Rolled 2, 2 + 1 = 5 (2d20 + 1)

Still here

Welp... If that's the best we've got, I think Enzo's about to get a concussion.

Rolled 18, 11 = 29 (2d20)


Rolled 14, 10 = 24 (2d20)

Don't write yet here my roll was alseep

Rolled 2, 19 + 1 = 22 (2d20 + 1)

I'm back RBW, just finished my workout. But take this rollSince that user's roll is in the first three.

I'm aware.

I'll start writing as soon as I'm over this latest beakdown. Why do I even run quests when I'm constantly at risk of simple bullshit shutting me down for up to the next eight hours?

Take you time RWB. We'll be here when you come back.

I recommend working out, it really work to work off stress and thoughts of depression. If you ever get tired of using meds, you could work out. Just a thought, get well soon.




Sorry for the delay. New meds tomorrow, I hope.

You have barely a split second to respond as the heavy iron stick starts it descent, but time almost seems to crawl as a sudden, primitive burst of fight-or-flight response kicks in. Your legs tense as you grit your teeth and hurl yourself towards your attacker. With one hand, you grip his wrist, stopping his swing dead, while the other goes for his throat. Your weight sends him staggering backwards, tripping over the edge of the rug and crashing into a table, scattering drinks across the floor as you wrestle.
"Franky! For the king's sake, stop, STOP! He's just a boy!"
Multiple hands grab you and haul you off the large man now struggling for breath as your gripping fingers are pulled away from his windpipe. Now you're not blinded by the sudden need to protect your life, you recognise one of the lecturers from the university.
"Enzo? Enzo Aloisis? What in the name of the kings and queens are you doing here?!" One of the men holding you back apparently recognises you and once you've been released, it's mutual. you couldn't easily forget your lecturer for political science.
"I could ask you the same thing, Dr. Rigas," you pant, your adrenaline rapidly crashing. "I wanted a word with Professor Tullio. Does anyone want to tell me why I was nearly bludgeoned to death?"

There's a lot of awkward shuffling and the man with the poker hides it behind his back, looking distinctly sheepish.
"Now now," Professor Eugene Tullio, an aging man with a bald spot and scraggly white beard stretches out his arms and motions everyone to back away. "I realise we're all on edge here, but Mr Aloisi is right. That doesn't excuse acting like savages."
"I... Really have to apologise," grimaces the one someone called 'Franky', "I thought there was no-one else in the house and I panicked. Professor Francisco de Gassa. I hope you can forgive me for... Well, assaulting you."

"Don't worry about it," you laugh half-heartedly, "It was probably my fault for sneaking in. No-one was answering the door and it was rather urgent..." You trail off, taking in the guests. Besides Francisco's imposing height (and even more imposing gut); Professor Tullio; and Dr. Jayr Rigas, now cleaning his spectacles; there are just two others, presumably also faculty members, regarding you with a mix of shame and suspicion. Your eyes then slide to the hand-written document lying on the table, steadily soaking in the spilled alcohol that one of the instructors is trying to ineffectually mop up with his handkerchief. It has the look of an official letter and a quick glance is enough for you to get the gist of things. "By the looks of things, I'm late to the party though."
"Whatever do you mean?" asks Tullio, his eyes narrowing dangerously.
You nod to the letter. "I came hoping to find someone opposed to the Federation moving into our country like it owns the place. Instead, I've found five."
Dr. Rigas sighs, "Mr Aloisi, I'm not so short-sighted that I don't realise there is a lot of indigence and hot blood within a great deal of the student body right now, but I think you have us slightly wrong. Let me immediately put a stop to any dreams you have of violent resistance; we're academics, not soldiers."
"Speak for yourself," grunts Francisco, "I did a spell in uniform before I took this post-!"
"So you keep reminding us," your teacher sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "But we've been over this, Professor de Gassa. Criminal acts will only make things harder for ourselves, the students and the university as a whole. There is a reason we chose to act as men of learning, rather than brash young hotheads running off to get slaughtered-!"


Professor Tullio coughs softly and breaks off the tirade, "The decision has been made already. Mr Aloisi, if you're interested, we can certainly add your name to the petition and I'll over-look your little act of tresspassing-"
"Wait, petition?" you blink, "I thought... Aren't you rallying the lecturers and seniors here? Isn't this supposed to be some form of resistance? A PETITION, professor? Really?"
"Finally, someone else speaking sense around here..." chuffs Franky, setting the poker back by the cold fireplace.
"We have determined that the best course of action would be to not antagonise the Federation any further," Tullio nods, "If we behave like civilized humans, I'm sure the Federation will see no reason not to let us continue harmless academic study in the same manner we have since the founding of this institution. It's not as if we're posing a threat to their political or economic ambitions, after all."
"But what about their cultural plans?" you counter, "It's common knowledge that the Federation stamps out anything it deems counter to their own ideals-!"
"There is no reason to suppose they will do so here," Tullio brusquely disagrees. "We'll make our point as men of culture. If we prove that we are not disruptive to the Federation's ideals, we can negotiate for better conditions for the university and its residents. Now, will you add your signature?"

What will you do?
>Sign anyway. There doesn't seem to be much harm in it, even if it amounts to nothing
>Tullio makes a good point. Perhaps this is a better way to oppose the Federation than armed attacks. Offer to join their group
>Refuse to sign. It'll just be a list of dissenters the Federation can keep under surveillance
>Attack the very idea! This will do nothing but draw the Federation's eye and heavy hand to the University's doorstep! 2d20+3 (Fellowship)

Rolled 9, 10 + 3 = 22 (2d20 + 3)

>Attack the very idea! This will do nothing but draw the Federation's eye and heavy hand to the University's doorstep! 2d20+3 (Fellowship)
Probably not the wisest idea but I'm taking the (possible) bait.

Well, shit.

>refuse to sign
Siging will draw the Federation view and I don't want us in a list to be watch for.
Also I think armed resistance don't work either since they destory our nation army easily.
We have to use our time wise, destory the Federation from the inside out.

Concered-Kun while waiting for plans here my plan or generally idea.
Armed resistance don't work, they flush us out and kill us.
Peaceful protests don't work a tank will run over us.
Siging this will put is on a list and hurts our resistance.

So here my plan a bit crazy and it could not be even possible.
We join the Federation, allow me to explain, join the army and inside it we rise up in the ranks and over time we get chances to get official files that will hurt the federation.
In the next war the federation gets in we can supply the enemy armies with the positions of the federations troops. Since were going to need help from a great power to free us.
That my plan pretty basic but it could ve great to move in this direction being a spy.

>Refuse to sign. It'll just be a list of dissenters the Federation can keep under surveillance
Telling the Federation we're aganist them is dumb.
Inky's plan sound cool, we can be like a soivet spy. Stealing and sending the Federation secrets to their enemies.

I felt the same way up until the first paragraph ended. First off, getting in the Federation Military and then achieving a rank in which we could pull off your plan would take years, possibly decades, by which point the federation will have settled into the country and most young adults won't remember having a better life before they came. Secondly, if we involve another country (or group of countries) that are strong enough to take on the federation, there's a chance they'll come in, fight the battles, and then just claim the territory as their own, assuming they'd even fight to free a tiny backwater country that's been dead for 7+ years.

We need to focus on controlled espionage and resistance that is carried out by citizens of Asbwet against the federation. It'll be quiet "behind the scenes" type of resistance for awhile, but we must plant the seeds for revolution. Maybe we could encounter sympathizer sin the Federation Military, but our destiny is greater than working as a foot soldier in the army that enslaved our country.

Finally, let me just reiterate on the fact that your plan would literally take YEARS to pull off, and that's assuming we ever even achieved an officer position.

But it's the best cover up. The leader of this underground resistance is working for the Federation. We can do the stuff your saying but with us in the army it's like their noone will think we are the leader of the resistance. Let's work in the shadows.

>Refuse to sign Since refusing to sign is winning.
Hi RWB can't stay and play. I got to go, but what ever happens this military idea, i like it it's something different.

I don't think you read the entire post, how would we possibly be able to organize a resistance movement while under the scrutiny of the Federation's government and military forces? Also, you do understand that we'd be entering service as A recruit, correct? We won't be an officer working in the intelligence department or whatever, we'll be carrying a rifle and walking around all day. I also want to make sure you know how long it would actually take us to achieve a position where your plan could actually work, especially in a military as large and advanced as the Federation's.

Joining the Federation's military is a bad idea, and will waste so much time we could be using to go full resistance mode.

There are many ways to run a resistance. I have to make this much clear though:

If you fuck up, you'll suffer. If you're found out in the Federation and it may not even be something you can control, you will be shot.

Just consider that. Hell, the French methods worked in WW2. You all don't exactly have much to go on at the moment anyway. The occupation's barely even over. Sooner or later, other armed groups will spring up, as the Federation starts to tighten its grip.

I still stand by my choice. I think it would be more fun if this happens. If shit hits the fan we can desert.

Are you trying to give us the hardest possible time? Or are you just burning bridges when you come to them?

I just got here and am catching up. What did you do....?

Give it a quick read-through. Basically, Inky's advocating joining the Federation military to fight it from within, but the current question is if Enzo is going to sign a petition to ask the Federation nicely to not interfere with the University.

I'm looking for the most fun possible route to go. Also I like a challenge. Also we just need to get through bootcamp just to get that sweet stats boost. Learn how to clean and shoot a rifle.

This really isn't a good idea, but I'm sorry you don't understand that.

It's a good idea, at least give it a try. The federation still has to approved our appreciation to enlist.
Live a little.

m8, this is RESISTANCE Quest, not infiltration quest.

M8 this would work. It'll be great. Give it a try. I know what I'm talking about

There's many ways to resist an invasion. It's not a completely un-doable approach.

>>Refuse to sign. It'll just be a list of dissenters the Federation can keep under surveillance
Perhaps we should mention we swiped a boatload of cultural artifacts from the muesem too. These guys seem like the types to know of their significance.

Look m8s I'm going to give you all a more detail plan.
1. Ensign
Our name is not in the list to be question so this is the best time. Anytime later this don't work.
If we get ensigned, we go to bootcamp where we learn the basics to kill people. Like shooting, cleaning, and other stuff about weapons valuable info in our place.
3. Private
At the start we'll going to be a private, unless they like the modern army where you can take a 2 month course to be a officer if you have college degree.
But as a private we get standard gear which includes a rifle.
4. Spys
As a private we'll guard some stuff, help in the transport of goods (food, water, boots, guns, ammo) to soldiers. We can get a few for later use
That the plan so far but it's sound like a lot of fun to do. So let's do it together

>Refuse to sign. It'll just be a list of dissenters the Federation can keep under surveillance
Can't have the Federation watching us

That's literally the worst and least thought out plan I've heard yet. This isn't "infantryman quest", It's resistance quest, why do you keep pushing for this?