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Did you guys have a good free comic book day?
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I didn't even even notice it happened
>still old Pastebin
step up fagness
I guess, if you count reading through mind and life arcanums to work in a players fetishes as a 'good day.'
I want to run Demon, but I don't know how to do espionage convincely. Is all-action viable enough for a chronicle?
How do you play online? Honest question.
Why placate a person's sick sexual perversions at all?
Watch three episodes of burn notice, and one episode of leverage. You'll do fine.
Roll20, Discord, Skype, even mIRC works.
I didn't get to take part this year, unfortunately. I did get to plan for my upcoming Mummy session, though. I think I've got a fun adventure coming up.
Person of interest. Enough said.
PBP Forum
Because it's fun? Like I may as well make the game as fun as possible for my friends, yeah?
Just fuck them if that's what this is about, don't be coy.
that guy just plays online, he doesn't have any real friends
Niggah I don't wanna have sex with them. Also yeah, I lost most 'real' friends when I moved away from the all. Good thing I got all these fake friends online :V
Anyone know if Dave's 3rd mage campaign (The Man Comes Around) ever got made into a pdf?
It was free comic book day?
it WAS, yeah, didn't bother to go since I gave up on single issues and just wait for volumes now.
Can't wait for Dracula to tackle Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom
Could you make an argument that Mummies could be immune or even more difficult to kill with Sympathetic Time spells, since even the Mummy in question wouldn't know his True Name, since they are locked away in Duet and the Rite of Return that made said person into an Arisen took place outside of time and space...possibly.
Just curious on Veeky Forums thoughts on this.
Oh fuck I never thought about that. I will pay many shekels to see this happen, it'll be 'great'!
>Killing a Mummy
They're called Deathless for a reason. Gets especially hilarious when you try to go back in time to prevent the start of its cycle and it just gets angry. Seriously, the Judges are Archmaster equivalent with their domain likely being nearly as removed from reality as the Supernal.
It doesn't matter if you don't know what your name is. Casters who don't have it have to deal with +1 Withstand level when casting at range.
Yeah I know you can't permanently kill on of the Arisen, but the Mage(s) in question might not know this and try and take this walking corpse out with time magic. Just wondering how it would be handled
you can, it's just tedious
who was the developer for geist?
No one.
Ethan Skemp developed the corebook, dunno who was Geist developer for Dark Eras.
Actually, they'll just come back as a Shuankhsen.
So interesting fact. Sleepwalkers can join a single mage order.
Other supernaturals are sleepwalkers.
Yep. Werewolves giving fat dick to your acanthus!
Hey /wodg/. I'm working on a homebrew Hunter Compact based on the Speedwagon Foundation. For those of us who don't watch/read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, they're a charity group who use their resources to study/investigate the supernatural, and help people who were harmed by supernatural causes.
Unfortunately, the Compact's Supernatural Department is horribly underfunded, undermanned, and underpowered. Worse, since a few of their agents have special powers of their own (mostly Second Sight stuff, with maybe ONE real monster on their side), other Hunter groups want to keep away from them in fear of being a Cancer Cell gone Cancer Compact. Or just shoot them.
Does this sound like anything you guys would like to see explored? Also, it could use a different name from the inspiration. Taking name suggestions.
JoJo fan here. What do you mean by One monster in a cell. Was there ever a Monster ally in JoJo?
Is it the bara dick or the futa dick
it can be any kind of cock you want, my friend.
While JoJo never had full-on monsters as allies, I'm mentioning not!SPW having one as a plot hook. Like, they secretly have a Ghost Wolf as a contact when they need an expert's opinion on the Shadow, or they are trying to help a Changeling who just got out of the Hedge get back on his feet. If any other Hunter groups heard about it, there's no way that it could possibly end well.
>Implying it's not both
>they are trying to help a Changeling who just got out of the Hedge get back on his feet.
They'd find it easier to dissect him if he was on his back, though
cause mages aren't good guys, you know? they're monsters
I mean JoJo did side with a Nazi and thats pretty monstrous. Hell Hamon and Stands are pretty much Mage powers anyway.
Honestly, I think most people overplay Hunter character's kill-crazy attitude.
MOST of the Hunter groups have some kind of contact or are even outright run by spooks. Malleus is run by a ghoul. The Lucifuge all are all spooky. I have no doubt that Cheiron has Mages or Vampires on the payroll, for the same reason the Mysterium has Mad ones. The Talbot Group already tries to cure Werewolves Rage (or werewolfness, depending on how you want to play that up). VASCU literally only care if you break the law. Taskforce VALKYRIE even has a Changeling Witsec. Not every Hunter-Monster interaction is murder for the sake of it.
We aren't talking about Mages.
This. I mean some Hunter groups may be more tolerant to certain monsters then others.
A local neighbourhood watch may find Vampires to be repugnent parasites that deserve to be burned out. But when they find that teenaged girl that went missing show up again but this time looks like a Marble Statue they might ignore them or even outright help them.
So, I'm going to pose to you a question. We constantly bicker about horror for the respective lines, and give general fears, so my question. What is YOUR character ACTUALLY afraid of?
current Hunter character's deepest fear is being alone in the dark.
Ooh, what's the story behind that?
Maybe he hates shitty video game sequels and shitty video game movie adaptations.
My Acanthus is afraid of the end of the world. He looked into the future and saw everything coming to an end. What scares him most is that no matter what he does to try and prevent it, the vision never changes. And therein lies a new fear. What if the reason he can't prevent it is because he's essential to causing it?
Time Parasites.
He saw one once.
Ate a man back to before he was born.
Nasty fucking piece of work.
I want to love you, Mage 2e, but there's only room in my heart for one horror RPG about people consumed by obsession who do magic based on the potent symbols that underpin reality, and that's Unknown Armies. Delta Green and Night's Black Agents likewise threaten to bury Hunter 2e before it even comes out.
The True Name of an Arisen is sealed in Duat and inviolate, but True Names aren't the same as Sympathetic Names. It's a whole weird thing in Mummy.
Lionheart was equally terrified of dying and never redeeming himself, a hellish cycle of cowardice and survivor's guilt driving him towards martyrdom. He wound up killed by his motley on the eve of a suicidal battle with a Charlatan.
Jesus Christ.
You guys do have a fair point. I'll narrow the focus so that its a charity group that secretly researches the supernatural, but is hampered by a lack of manpower and suspicion from other groups that think they're TOO friendly with the monsters.
Would letting them have Second Sight merits make them too much like a Conspiracy with Endowments? Maybe I can say they associate with people that have strange powers, but none of them are full time members?
She ended up getting lost, at night, as a little girl, while camping in the Cascade Mountains with her parents.
It took her parents an hour to find her, hiding in a hollow tree trunk and crying. She never really got over it.
It's come up a few times in-game, with the cell's nighttime expedition into the Shadow, and during a ghost encounter, of course.
Her virtue is Steadfast so she usually doesn't fold or have freakouts when dealing with monsters, but the cell have noted how *badly* she reacts to being in dark places.
I think you're overthinking the worry. A compact that's meant to be an occult society to help people Xavier School style or ease wounds caused by supernatural trauma is perfectly fine.
Maybe Hamon could be an endowment? Lethal fighting techniques to work against vampires and to a lesser extent other supernaturals.
Seriously. She's not yet deep enough into the mysteries of being a Mage to know what things are out there that she SHOULD be afraid of. But she's still damn well human enough to... well, have a hard time being human, I guess.
That's how I like my World of Darkness.
So Remote Control (Matter 1) seems a bit odd. It allows you to control a machine. The odd part is that if the action you wish to take requires a roll you treat the spell's potency as successes. Anyone else see a problem with this?
So most of the splats have all the usual aspects.
Theme, mood, power stat, resource, XYZ axis groupings, antagonists, etc etc.
What groups buck the usual trend in ways you like?
I'll start, I've always like that the moral system for Demon has nothing to do with the integrity breaking points. It shows they aren't typical, and let's them grow several lives at once. It was my favorite part.
automatic successes for "i drive his car off a bridge" is a little OP, yeah. Inanimate objects usually have a Withstand rating of 0, don't they?
Could this do things like turning off an alarm? Or do you still need the code or password?
Nah, it just cuts out the middle man when optimizing builds. If a problem could be solved with machines, you shouldn't have had a problem in the first place.
I haven't actually played him yet, but the way I intend to play my character in an upcoming V20 game, he's afraid of becoming too complacent with the whole 'Humanity' thing/becoming boring
It's a Camarilla game but I made him based on a character from a TV show, who, well, I'll just link a video
>I was promised eternal life. Do you expect me to live an entire life in BOREDOM?
>That's blasphemy. It simply won't do.
I almost had him use Path of Ecstasy, but my ST's protests and re-reading the info on Paths made me change my mind.
>During the protagonist's time there, feeling suppressed by their environment, the five form a group known as the "Phantom Thieves of Hearts", working together to explore the "Palace", a castle created by the hearts of people, and steal ill intent from others' hearts to help them: during this quest, they confront adult authority figures opposing them, along with a greater enemy revealed by their activities.
A band of thieves storming the collective unconscious to steal evil from the minds and hearts of humanity; is this a Mage Legacy, or a Hunter Conspiracy?
What's wrong with that?
Sekhem starting high and dropping is brilliant. It encourages players to be reckless and desperate with their powers while they still have them, which is perfectly in-theme. I also like that Mummy as a whole inverts the usual "you're the rookies in some big faction" and turns it into "you're a god with your own entire subservient organization."
Hey, my mage, , has that same fear as well! It's just not as fun to write about.
I don't like how the CofD books keep on using the term "fuck: instead of sex or love making
True facts: if you tell a CofD or WoD writer to never use a curse word when they write for the books, their brains will explode. This is how you can defeat any OPP writer.
IS your mage's vice "Aloof?" Because it should be.
Well, those vampires aren't making love, they're violently fucking each other's brains out.
It seems pointlessly edgy. Its also the issue I have with thew Daeva
>Look how cool and edgy we are! we swear and say naughty words and talk about things like sex!
Honestly oWoD was way less edgy.
Nah, he's not aloof at all, actually. He's sociable, but his relationships, romantic or not, are short term. He was like that before he even awakened.
Different things.
I personally hate that "making love" and even "lover" can have connotations that have nothing to do with love.
"Lover" these days just means the person you're fucking, but it should be a better way of saying "boyfriend/girlfriend" that doesn't make 25+ year olds sound like they're trying to keep up with the hip young slang.
You ever hear a 60 year old talk about their girlfriend? It's weird. That's a word for highschoolers. But "lover" just means the person you're fucking, unless you're trying to be super archaic.
They say fucking because that's what the characters are doing.
I'm mostly concerned about how this interacts with combat. What if I have a drone with a small caliber firearm?
it feels like 14 year olds are writing it
>drone with a .22
for what purpose?
lover doesn't mean person you are fucking. It's person you love romantically. Or are you one of those edgelords who think every person who is in a relationship are fucking.
sex is a sufficent term
I still think it bears mention in the 'what other Hunters think of this group' section.
I wanted to keep them as a Compact because Conspiracies generally have too many dark secrets and whatnots that get in the way of them helping people at a more individual level. Know what I mean?
Besides, I worry that a Conspiracy version of this would be "Not Evil Cherion Group", which isn't exactly what I had in mind.
>"communion of the cunt and the cock"
coming from someone who actually liked Requiem: why
Not that guy but if you are not having sex with someone you love you are a weirdo.
or you know you have different attitudes to sex like taking it slow or waiting for engagement/marraige
One of the characters in my current game is using drones with guns. If a mage controlled the drone could he autohit people?
When was this?
yeah exactly weirdos
Mages. I'm not even joking, he just learned Mages have been messing with his life for various reasons ever since he was born and he has no way of actually dealing with it besides from trying to ride it out.
>can't into cultural differences
not everyone lives in glorious western nations
Fuck, seeing the future can be harsh, huh?
Because they're trying to tie sex to religious ecstasy.
Man, my Mage is afraid of mages! They're manipulative bastards!
Barely worse than looking into the past. Watching gruesome murders to solve mysteries takes a toll on the psyche.
yes i understood what they were doing but it was really, really corny.
>When was this?
Reqiuem 2E's Daeva writeup.
>Reqiuem 2E's Daeva writeup.
Another reason to hate the Daeva
One of my example Mages is my fursona and no one will ever know!
atleast contain yourself to ruining the relevant game in werewolf you fucking degenerate.
while genderbending, non-binary folk and furfags are possible in mage I tend to keep mages who do those things as the outliers and eccentrics
Post writeup!
>in the society of outliers and eccentrics, genderbending and non-binary people are somehow moreso than others
o.k. normie
>being a mage immediately means you are a non binary gender neutral person.
Do specifically lgbtbqhwyf people become awakened or something.
Mages are just people with magic powers.
I can't imagine a young Thyrsus goes longer than four seconds before wondering what the other set of genitals feels like.
Can't be a bull in Werewolf unless you're an asshole Gudthabak.
Meh, I can see where he is coming from. I mean, being the black guy in a nerd group doesn't suddenly make you less of a minority. You are just a minority among a minority (unless that nerd group is the fighting game community)
seriously the FGC is just Japanese and black guys
>I can't imagine a young Thyrsus goes longer than four seconds before wondering what the other set of genitals feels like.
Are you sure you're not projecting?
If you can't handle a writer using the word "fucking" instead of "having sex with", I don't know what to tell you. People don't talk like that in the first place, especially not when they're trying to be emphatic and convey a specific tone.
No, that's what the word should mean. How it's more often used is like "mistress".
Because Also, in context it's nowhere near as bad as everyone makes it out. I think the way everyone flips out about it is honestly juvenile. We've all got genitals, people.
Isn't that super unworkable outside of Shadowrun? I mean, unless he's off in a bunker somewhere, it's not like he's going to be able to control them on the fly. You can't really easily control them while out and about. A gun drone, I mean, not drones in general.
I'd argue the very existence and popularity of tumblr proves young people are curious about gender.
Switching your body over with Life is the easy part; it's using Space to sever and reforge a Sympathetic Name where things get tricky.
Honestly, in my WoD games, if you're a normal person you're the stand out. Dying/becoming a werewolf/real ultimate power tends to make you a quirky weirdo.