Chaos takes on Marvel

The 4 gods of chaos have, through assorted acts of warp fuckery, become aware of a the reality where one of the major marvel universes takes place(616 probably). For their own amusement, they set about corrupting and conquering as many heroes as they can.

My question to you, Veeky Forums is who falls to which gods and who rejects the primordial truth?

Some ones that occur immediately

Wolverine falls to Khorne
Dr. Strange falls to Tzeentch
Banshee falls to Slaanesh

Deadpool falls to Malal

Other urls found in this thread:

that pic bugs the hell out of me.

One Above All kicks them out of the universe.

You're a bit late to the party OP

Cyttorak and Khorne stalemate each other for eternity, Thor tams up with Beta Ray Bill, Silver Surfer, Dr Doom and Hyperion to finish the other 3.

Franklin Richards ends them all instantly.

>implying Avengers didn't kick Warhammer in easy-mode

Why is Khorne smiling so happily?

Oh you poor child. You don't seem to grasp the absolute bullshit that is the powerlevels of cosmic level superheroes. At best they would be a minor disturbance for a month, but it's more likely that they don't even get a foothold in the universe before being beaten back like the reality breaking horrors that try to enter every other Wednesday. To top it all off Shuma-Gorath would take notice of the attempt and add 40k to his long list of conquested universes.

Until he is hilariously mutated and his tentacles turn to feathered crawclaws.

He heard the first decent joke told in his realm in the past 10,000 years.

>not bringing them to DC where they can fight literal Satan

You do realize you're talking about a being that exists outside of reality and has killed the abstract concept of Death in at least one reality, right?

I feel like DC would be a better fit in general. is right that the cosmic stage in Marvel is fucking ridiculous.

In the DC universe they'd be both more impactful and more meaningful. Hell, especially with how the Lantern corps operate. Half the 'bad' ones pretty much fit neatly into the 40k mythos.

>It was that marvel has anything that can come close to beating him

>Outside of reality
>40k runs on clap your hands if you believe
>Doesn't know he exists
>Ergo does not exist

Dude, the average Guardsman faces that shit on a daily basis. The thing that implanted death on to all the races of the universe is currently beign bitch slapper about by Marines, the one creature that was able to resist him placing the fear of death on to them is now the most popular race in the seting and is routinely fought in hand to hand combat by a man, like you, with body armor that you can buy down the road and a weapon marginally more useful than the one your grandfather used in WW2.

Chaos is not beatable, they are abstract concepts that take form in the physical universe and their own realm, which is the psyche of all living things.

For chaos to exist in Marvel you would have to connect the souls of the setting to Chaos itself, or else it literally doesn't work as intended, in which case the argument is pointless as its no longer proper chaos.

Understanding that, should Chaos be implemented, the Marvel Universe is fucked.

Fighting Khorne, the very act of fighting against Khorne, fuck it fighting period, sustains him and makes his existence absolute. Khorne, the chaotic entity, cannot be defeated through any kind of war fare as that concept IS him.

You can say "but ____ beat death, but ____ conquered universes, but ______ killed gods" and that is all as well, but Khorne is NOT a God, he is called it but from the perspective lore Khorne, and the other "chaos gods" are representations of all life. Khorne is war, combat, hatred, the whole deal. Fighting him doesnt work by his very nature. At best your going to be lost in the struggle and work for him, Hell one of his greatest champions is a deamon hell bent on killing him, as the action alone fuels the War god.

Even with the others its a huge maybe, Slannesh is the most likely to be beatable, since he plays upon emotions and is the weakest, but any being with a shred of mortality will be his/hers/its forever simply by looking upon it. .

Nurgle could be beaten back, but he represents the cycle of death and life, wiping him out involves ending the cycle entirely, probably not a "win condition" for marvel heroes.

Tzeentch, by his definition, can never be beaten unless he wants to be. He is magic incarnate. Yeah, all those crazy magic characters... fuck it they wield the pieces of his very staff with their spells. He has plans that always could ensure he wins, by his nature. Hell he could win the 40k setting immediately with a plan he has, but doing so would remove any more needs for plans.

Doctor Strange BTFO's the Chaos Gods in a single hour, status quo is restored.

Chaos Gods are fucking chumps in Marvel. Marvel frequently deals with gods who destroy entire universes in their wars.


Pic related sweeps up the Chaos Gods in a single fucking hour. It's literally Strange's job to kill incomprehensible unbeatable eldritch abominations. Strange is completely capable of sealing off the warp from all other universes and thus imprisoning Chaos in the immaterium for eternity.

I'm actually a massive 40k fanboy, but you people make me fucking disgusted.

Marvel has an actual capital O omnipotent god.

The One Above All says no, and Chaos stops existing entirely. Not that there isn't a shitload of guys that could also do the same, including old Odin, Strange, Mephisto, etc. Chaos Gods are chump change in Marvel. And no, they're easy to kill because anybody can simply erase the warp itself and thus get rid of Chaos completely.

Doctor Strange comes to the 40k setting.... and is immediately mutated in to a screaming mess of Spawn and tentacles.

-Your character is played by Benidicitus Cumbubblepuncher. Your argument is hilariously invalid

Author self-insert? Because it sounds very cheesy.

No he wouldn't. Doctor Strange is more powerful than both the Chaos Gods and the God Emperor. This is the guy whose job is to BTFO all the eldritch abominations of Marvel, who are also much more powerful than the Chaos Gods.

Cosmic superheroes are completely out of 40k's league and are capable of killing the entire setting pretty damn easily. For a comparison of scale, the Chaos Gods compared to the average enemy god of Strange are like the lesser daemons compared to the chaos gods themselves. They'd be a mook solved in single issue.

Ant-Man beats the snot out of all of them. Basically, kill yourself for thinking 40k is so high on the powerlevel list that it can tussle with capeshit. Nothing can rassle with capeshit except other capeshit.

Adding on to that...

Tzeentch is the fount of magic and literal creation. That puts him in the realm of The One Above All.

The material universe of Warhammer is not representative of the power of the Gods in their own realm, they are parasitic in nature. The very struggle against them feeds them through the paradox of their existence. The only plots that ever really had chances of stopping them were the Necron's old plan to close all gates to the warp and harvest all psychic "read, anyone able to do magic or psychic mind based powers" creatures into cattle of hopeless slaves, waiting to be devoured by the physical embodiments of entropy OR to kill off humanity right as they began feeding on them shortly after their births, starving them until they resort to the primordial warp stuffs they originated from, but seeing as humanity has constantly been threatened in the Marvel universe and each time the hero's save humanity from said threat... that aint logically happening.

Should a being of enough strength actually arise to challenge the "chaos gods" then they align and manipulate the mortals into achieving the downfall of their opponent.

Basically Khorne and Tzeentch, based on their concepts, are essentially unbeatable by the standard Marvel Universe, not without going "but this guy is supposed to be the strongest" and even then, once chaos is introduced, that character is only the strongest BECAUSE Tzeentch hasn't enacted a plan to overthrow them.

The only beings that threaten other Chaos Gods are each other, Tzeentch was once tag teamed by the 3 others when he crafted his rod of magic. But Khorne is also stated as able to kill the others, but doing so would fuck up the balance of the Warp entirely so he doesnt.

Bottom line, this is a dumb question. Chaos is designed to be inevitable, when you make it beatable it misses the whole point of chaos in the first place.

The One Above All isn't an author insert, he's literally -the- God. YHWH. Vishnu. All those omnipotent gods of humanity's mythology rolled into one that is the supreme being of marvel's canon. Nothing is more powerful than him besides the writer and editor. Although from a philosophical standpoint, one could say that he is the personification of all the writers, editors, and artists of marvel given his powers enable him to bitchslap anything he doesn't like on account of being all-powerful.

Could Marvel beat Powerman?


Dude concepts are completely beatable in Marvel. Marvel literally has a realm of concepts and they can totally be killed by anybody with the power. Death itself has been killed before so nobody could die. Marvel is the kind of place where you could kill gravity itself to make all atoms fly apart.

And no, the Chaos Gods are not remotely in the realm of the One Above All because the One Above All is omnipotent, by definition nothing is capable of coming infinitely close of his power because he is all-powerful, meaning nothing can rival him, or else he wouldn't be all powerful. The One Above All can end existence itself if he wanted, not only extinguishing the universes, but the very idea of it. He's YHWH. If he doesn't like it, it doesn't exist anymore.

>Says magic user can beat the being that is literally the fount of all magic.
>Tries to be serious

Nigga if Chaos is applied to 40k EVERY ONE of Dr. Strange's Spells, his very fucking spells, are Tzeentch's.

He literally cant defeat Tzeentch because his magic IS Tzeentch. He is awesome because Tzeentch lets him be.

Any "forms of magic" he makes are Tzeentch, any abilities he tries, are fucking Tzeentch.

His plans to seal the warp, ALL INVOLVE TRYING TO USE THE WARP TO DO IT.

Fuck I love Strange but seriously man... your missing the point.

By definition the One Above All is omnipotent, so yes. If the One Above All and Powerman met, they would have to be the same being, because there cannot be two omnipotent beings.

>itt 40k babbies getting assblasted because there are settings that completely shit on 40k

And you don't understand Strange. Tzeentch is WEAKER than him. Tzeentch doesn't have feats for the level of power Strange has, along with all of 40k. Strange also has zero connection with the warp, as the immaterium is a specific universe attached only to 40k's reality, and Strange by definition would be a pariah. As would all things not born in the 40k universe, as they have zero connection to the immaterium.

But Strange isn't coming to 40k in this hypothetical, Chaos is coming to Marvel. And Marvel already has magic, so Tzeentch by definition can't be the fount of magic in the Marvel universe. It's like how in JLA/Avengers, the Scarlet Witch could still use her magic spells but the feedback from using DC's magical energies fucked her shit up something good.

Chaos, is by definition, all powerful, omnipotent, and can even exists when it technically cant.

Following this logic One Above All is chaos as well...

Chaos is writer, poorly I might add, but written as unbeatable. Anything less then that and its no longer the concept of Chaos.

So if the best the marvel universe has is throwing The One Above All at it and stating "but he is unbeatable" then the paradox of two unbeatable beings exist, doesn't mean the rest of the marvel universe isn't fucked completely though.

What about the Flash? (DC, I know) but just him. How would he fare in 40k?

Does he have access to the Speed Force? If not, he's fucked. If he does, he's unbeatable.

FYI 40K fags, you know that game we played as kids, and there was that kid who said "you can't shoot me, I'm the invincible unbeatable hero Xorblox of Borblax"? Marvel is like that, but in regards to everything. There is always going to be some guy who is absolutely untouchable, unbeatable, and all powerful that can squash everybody else. Same with DC, but the number of those guys with unlimited power is smaller.

It's why reading comics is boring, because the status quo is impossible to change by act literal fucking god.

>Chaos, is by definition, all powerful, omnipotent

The hell it is. Only its worshipers claim nonsense like that. The gods themselves have demonstrated no such traits.

In the 40k universe where emotions have a direct mental link to the Warp. That shit don't exist in Marvel, or any other universe for that matter.

>Chaos, is by definition, all powerful, omnipotent, and can even exists when it technically cant.


Holy fucking shit I didn't know you retards still existed!

The Chaos Gods aren't omnipotent you fucking retard, and I'm going to be using that word a lot because you are legitimately retarded and know next to nothing about 40k. The Chaos Gods are stopped by the God Emperor of mankind from consuming the materium, which by definition makes them not omnipotent. On top of this Gork and Mork are more powerful than the Chaos Gods, and the Chaos Gods have fixed dates of creation before which they didn't even exist. If you had a time machine and shot the old ones before they could evolve, the Chaos Gods wouldn't even exist. On top of this you can't even read quotes right, because the Daemon Codex says the chaos gods are omnipotent.... IN THE WARP.

On top of this all 40k fiction is not canon and canon, as part of it is propaganda. Occam's Razor says that, from the obvious conclusions that the Chaos Gods have been foiled multiple times and even got beat up by a fucking psyker (AKA the Emperor), they aren't Omnipotent.

They also can't be omnipotent by the definition of the word, because only one thing can be omnipotent. You can't have four people that are all powerful, because they wouldn't be all powerful if somebody else also shared that power with them.

Jesus Christ I hate 40k newfags who don't know shit about the lore.

>The ability to access the Speed Force has been limited to only a few individuals in the DC Universe and when DC characters travel to the Marvel Universe, they are unable to access the Speed Force.

I guess he's fucked.

>Chaos is omnipotent
>Stopped by a single human psyker
>Ignored wholesale by Gork and Mork.

Dude, I ain't even touched a single codex and I know better than that. C'mon man.

see If Chaos existed in Marvel, then by definition all magic is a part of Tzeentch. It isn't actually Tzeentch if he isnt magic, because then its not Tzeentch and the comparison fades.

By that point the argument is invalid because your not "beating Chaos" your beating "an imaginary, not really, chaos in which aspects you dont want or find troublesome arent true" and thus any argument is pointless. I can just say "well thats NOT chaos then" and your arguments are wasted.

Technically, in 40k lore, magic existed before Tzeentch was made by humanity, but also by lore Tzeentch existed forever since creation as the fount of magic.

They are paradox concepts that are heavily involved in reality. You dont just "have" magic without his influence in some form.

The Immaterium as a whole would have to be considered as Chaos IS it. The Marvel universe would have to have its attachment for Chaos to actually BE chaos, otherwise you water down the point of it, again making the comparison pointless.

Tzeentch fucking IS. His actions allow him to, should he desire, defeat ALL enemies of him and reign supreme. He knows all and has plans for EVERY living fucking thing.

EVERY example of Chaos 'Losing' is based on the premise that Tzeentch chooses to lose, because once he wins there is no point. This is basic fluff right here. Your looking at the smallest points and missing the greater points that Chaos wants to be foiled on these short terms, as that fucking feeds it.

The point of the 40k setting itself is that the Emperor NEVER beat Chaos, the setting is in fact DOOMED to it. The Emperor failed in every manner and the empire he made has been feeding them for 10,000 years, because it was "just as planned"

This faggot right here is hiding behind the "its all not canon" and "muh propoganda" at which point the same holds for Marvel. All of Marvel is inconsistent as shit.

>Stopped by a single human psyker

You realize that Chaos won the Horus Heresy entirely with the Imperium becoming the way it did right? The Cabal already pointed out that the outcome was Chaos' most favorable one.

>This faggot right here is hiding behind the "its all not canon" and "muh propoganda" at which point the same holds for Marvel. All of Marvel is inconsistent as shit.
No it isn't. Unless it's been retconned, it's all canon. 40k however has no fixed canon.

>If Chaos existed in Marvel, then by definition all magic is a part of Tzeentch. It isn't actually Tzeentch if he isnt magic, because then its not Tzeentch and the comparison fades.
No it fucking wouldn't. If Chaos existed in Marvel it'd still be just the 40k universe with the immaterium leeched onto it. They'd be some obscure minor alternate universe that gets blown the fuck out by Strange the second it tries anything funny to any of the main universes, or gets swallowed up by one of Strange's enemies. Only people born in the 40k material universe have warp souls and are connected to the warp. Everybody outside of that universe would be a pariah and be poison to chaos. There is no "implementation". Marvel already has its own source of magic and gods which back up Strange and other cosmic magical heroes.

You -do- know what Marvel is filled with an infinite amount of alternate bubble universes like in the multi-verse theory which are their own self contained realms? Tzeentch is only the fountain of magic in 40k, and that would remain such. He wouldn't suddenly become a multiversal god of all Marvel's reality, he isn't even that shit in 40k. He'd be a minor deity from a minor universe with minor power barely able to throw a punch against the big time cosmic entities of Marvel. It's a goldfish intimidating a great white.

Do you know what omnipotent means ? the chaos could just wish the imperium out of existence if it was the case.
Or instantly converting any fucking people in the imperium to the chaos.

>>Stopped by a single human psyker

They weren't. Horus was meant to die.

In fact, the Emperor cannot come close to the presence of the Chaos Gods without risking death.

>Ignored wholesale by Gork and Mork.

The Chaos Gods are stated to be the most powerful entities in the Warp. Gork and Mork ,while powerful, are not on the level of the Chaos Gods.

>40k however has no fixed canon.

That's not true. (picture related).

Chaos doesn't really care about time, the Speed Force doesn't really matter.

If I'm correct the only character that could beat Chaos in DC would be Superman, what with the whole "Word of God" of the authors stating that Superman will always be able to solve any issue and overcome any trial, even impossible ones. But that involves reaching to the metaphorical aspect of Superman, far from the canonical Superman, in which case magic still fucks with him, and Chaos is pretty much all magic.

Still, Superman vs a Bloodthirster would be rad as all else.

>They weren't. Horus was meant to die.
>we take the words of daemons as evidence now

>The Chaos Gods are stated to be the most powerful entities in the Warp. Gork and Mork ,while powerful, are not on the level of the Chaos Gods.
God you newfags are annoying. Gork and Mork were noted to have bitchslapped Khorne.

Irrelevant. The word of an editor does not overrule the statement from the head of the Black Library itself. Not to mention that Laurie is well known for trying to twist shit to fit his own agenda.

Plus the word of an editor isn't a canon policy. He doesn't own the IP or employed to speak for it.

>Still, Superman vs a Bloodthirster would be rad as all else.
By rad if you mean "over before it started", then yes. Superman is way out of the fucking league of something that is given trouble by a primarch.

>Tzeentch is the fount of magic and literal creation. That puts him in the realm of The One Above All.

...not at all. The One Above All is capital O Omnipotant. The Chaos Gods are powerful but that is an entirely new level.

Do you understand what Tzeentch means? Because he CAN do all that, he doesn't WANT TO. He is the God of plans and manipulation. If he did any of that then he would no longer have a goal to plan for, and thus have no reason to exist which is distasteful for him. Its not a limitation or a weakness, its just his nature. If an enemy rose that was so powerful that needed to enact his great plan, he would.

Hell Khorne could end the physical universe with his own sword. Doesnt mean its what he wants. Same with The One Above All as well. As an Omnipotent being he COULD just end everything, but seeing as it all exists he clearly doesnt. Same with Chaos.


We take what was obvious and heavily implied in the fluff. From reading Vengeful Spirit you know that he was set up to die.

>Gork and Mork were noted to have bitchslapped Khorne.

Bullshit. That never happened.

You mean an editor who works with the IP manager on regular basis on the most important series if books.

His word > your statements

[Citation needed]

Which all means shit. Them talking shit means fuck-all unless they can be proven to be capable of doing so in the first place. Or are you too young to post on here and thus haven't heard of something called hyperbole and unreliable sources?

>Hey guys I could destroy the universe with this stick, but I won't and you guys should thank me!

If we are not allowed to take the words of the sources as evidence then The One Above All isnt Omnipotent, because characters in the comics say so.

There chaos wins...

>Gork and Mork were noted to have bitchslapped Khorne.

Never happened, Khorne is the strongest warp entity, unless your implying that Gork and Mork are stronger then all of Chaos combined, because Khorne actually IS.

Yeah, I'm gunna second this. Concidering Daemonfuge had Slanneshi forces going Pants on Head Crazy trying to prevent the Eldar learning the True Name of Slannesh with which to end him.

if both Tzeentch and Khorne could destroy reality if they wanted then by definition neither of them is omnipotent

>We take what was obvious and heavily implied in the fluff. From reading Vengeful Spirit you know that he was set up to die.
No it wasn't. In fact the fluff says the Chaos Gods fled from Horus' body in fear as the Emperor erased him from existence.

>Bullshit. That never happened.
>Waaah, I don't like it therefore it never occured
Too bad. It's canon as anything else in 40k.

>You mean an editor who works with the IP manager on regular basis on the most important series if books.
Is it his job to manage canon such as the hyperspace bros of old star wars? Was he given permission to speak on behalf of the IP in an official statement? Oh, he wasn't?

>If we are not allowed to take the words of the sources as evidence then The One Above All isnt Omnipotent, because characters in the comics say so.
We can't take the sources of 40k as truth because it has unreliable narrator that may be lying. No such thing in marvel exists, the narrator is completely unreliable. If you don't like it, bitch about it to GeeDubs. I'm sure they'll change the canon policy because your dad got beat up by somebody else's dad.

>so assmad he applies the canon policy of 40k to marvel

>Never happened, Khorne is the strongest warp entity, unless your implying that Gork and Mork are stronger then all of Chaos combined, because Khorne actually IS.
Too bad bitchboy. Ork codex says Gork and Mork laid into Khorne and smacked him silly. This is just as canon as statements that chaos is omnipotent, only more likely true because it's actually logically consistent unlike the loops you'd have everybody jump through for four beings to all be omnipotent (lawl).

>unless your implying that Gork and Mork are stronger then all of Chaos combined

Nigger, Gork and Mork are so ahead of the Chaos Gods that it's not even worth the effort. Remember: There are entire galaxies of Orcs, and really just only part of one galaxy of Chaos.

>If Chaos existed in Marvel, then by definition all magic is a part of Tzeentch. It isn't actually Tzeentch if he isnt magic, because then its not Tzeentch and the comparison fades.
Then why does he have Horrors going around, collecting the spells he lost?

Why did he need to throw one of his daemons into the time rift so it could see the future, something he was incapable of?

>completely unreliable.
Woops, fucked this up. I mean the narrator of marvel is completely reliable. A source in marvel is only unreliable if it's been retconned and is no longer canon in the first place.

Because Clearly Tzeench WANTED to be retarded!

Pay no attention to the flawed god behind the curtain! All part of my master plan!

don't even bother, this is just a refluffed version of the age old argument that 40k wins from all other scifi settings because everyone else gets instakilled by chaos the minute the fight begins because warp now overtakes everything

the "lets retroactively make a setting part of 40k instead of a neutral battleground"

>No it wasn't. In fact the fluff says the Chaos Gods fled from Horus' body in fear as the Emperor erased him from existence.

That's old lore and that's not exactly how it happened.

The HH books are re-writing the events and from what we know now from the series is that Horus is being set up to die for them.

>Too bad. It's canon as anything else in 40k.

Fuck you. Learn to read. I said It didn't happen because there is no source that states this. Don't be throwing lies around.

>Is it his job to manage canon

Yep, the HH canon for example and he gets to work with the guy that does.

So again, his words > yours.

It's hilarious how chaosfags drink the kool-aid so much they're no different from the cultists in-universe

Chaos has gone meta! Nothing can stop them now as they exist even in reality.

BOTH are big O Omnipotent, the reason this argument is stupid is that we are trying to put two omnipotent things into the same setting, which is a paradox.

The One Above All is in the same boat there. Both are all powerful in their settings and based on hyperbole. Fuck The One Above All is an artist insert at times, that's how fucking inconsistent that character is.

adjective: omnipotent
(of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything.

Chaos is still one thing fucktard. The 4 'gods' are all chaos, its a weird trinity kind of concept. "Chaos" is Omnipotent.

don't be too harsh, or this user will hang itself out of existence to a lost internet argument.

>Too bad bitchboy. Ork codex says Gork and Mork laid into Khorne and smacked him silly.

An outright lie. No Ork codex says this.

>That's old lore and that's not exactly how it happened.
>The HH books are re-writing the events and from what we know now from the series is that Horus is being set up to die for them.
There is no "old lore". Something is only non-canon when it is declared a heretic tome. Unless the old lore has been declared a heretic tome, it is just as canon as the new lore.

>Fuck you. Learn to read. I said It didn't happen because there is no source that states this. Don't be throwing lies around.
Yes there is dumbass, Ork codex.

>Yep, the HH canon for example and he gets to work with the guy that does.

Cool. Then show where it was stated to be an official release from the Black Library and how he was speaking on behalf of the head of the Black Library.


He wasn't? He was just stating his opinion piece on his forum?

You know, Outdoors must be pissed they get sent everyone's rejects.

>When 40k fans do it its wrong
>When Marvel Fans do it its right

What a retard

given that one of the chaos gods was created by mortal beings, no, no we most certainly do not have a god damn trinity concept
the 4 chaos gods are very much separate entities and as a direct result neither of them is omnipotent

>both are big O omnipotent

Not in the physical universe, fampai. Khorne in the Warp, sure. In the real world he's a big gayby who needs his diaper changed and a nap.

I know, right?

>Who the fuck are these asshole arguing about fantasy settings and saying that they put clips in their guns?

>BOTH are big O Omnipotent, the reason this argument is stupid is that we are trying to put two omnipotent things into the same setting, which is a paradox.
The Chaos Gods are not omnipotent. Not remotely.

>The One Above All is in the same boat there. Both are all powerful in their settings and based on hyperbole. Fuck The One Above All is an artist insert at times, that's how fucking inconsistent that character is.
Marvel doesn't have any hyperbole in the sense of unreliable narrators unless it's the theme of a specific story. But Marvel in general lacks hyperbole and is more absurdly powerful dudes in latex punching each other out with the power of gods but nothing changes because the status quo is eternal.

>Chaos is still one thing fucktard. The 4 'gods' are all chaos, its a weird trinity kind of concept. "Chaos" is Omnipotent.
No they aren't. The Chaos Gods are separate creatures which not only have creators (life), but came to existence at different times, but also are individual entities. Tzeentch has a body for fuck's sake and there are limit's to his knowledge.

>itt faggots who didn't read the Ahriman trilogy

haven't seen marvel fans do it
if marvel fans were actually doing it their argument would be
"the minute the fight begins the chaos gods die and the IoM can no longer travel FTL because the warp does not exist in the marvel universe"

>The 4 gods of chaos have, through assorted acts of warp fuckery, become aware of a the reality where one of the major marvel universes takes place(616 probably). For their own amusement, they set about corrupting and conquering as many heroes as they can.

>4 chaos gods
>enter Marvel universe
>thus, they are in the Marvel universe

You are a dumb fanboy.

Even in the warp, not really. The Chaos gods can all brawl with each other and all of them have claimed 'I'm totally the best one'

See >EVERY example of Chaos 'Losing' is based on the premise that Tzeentch chooses to lose, because once he wins there is no point. This is basic fluff right here. Your looking at the smallest points and missing the greater points that Chaos wants to be foiled on these short terms, as that fucking feeds it.

But to fully answer. The staff was broken by conflict WITHIN chaos itself. Entirely different argument then an outsider doing the same shit.

But you would know that if you actually read something.

>Unless the old lore has been declared a heretic tome, it is just as canon as the new lore.


Unless you can see into the future and can tell us how final fight is going to go down, then you have nothing.

The HH series changed plenty of things about the fluff. For example, guess where the Emperor got his powers from? The Chaos Gods granted him the power and elevated him to godhood. It's also stated that can vulnerable to their power.

>Yes there is dumbass, Ork codex.

You are the dumbass here because it isn't in the ork codex.


He is telling you how canon works in 40K. GW never made an official statement. So his word is as good as it gets and it's better than an anons word.

>EVERY example of Chaos 'Losing' is based on the premise that Tzeentch chooses to lose, because once he wins there is no point. This is basic fluff right here. Your looking at the smallest points and missing the greater points that Chaos wants to be foiled on these short terms, as that fucking feeds it.

Why would Chaos need to be 'Fed' if it's Omnipotant?

doesn't chaos requiring to be fed directly contradict your notion its omnipotent?

The point isn't that he won or lost or anything like that.

The point is that how is he the embodiment of magic if there are spells he doesn't know? How is he omnipotent is he can't see the future?

And Chaos is the pool of all sentient life, the fountain of all magic.

Are you saying that not applying aspects of Chaos and its immaterium to Marvel's universe on contact is NOT neutering Chaos and making it NOT a neutral battleground.

God your retarded.

They kick 90% of the heores asses, then that 10% of reality warpers and cosmic power/ gods come along, and the one above all thrown in there too and they rape the fuck out the chaos gods

>And Chaos is the pool of all sentient life, the fountain of all magic.

In 40k. In Marvel, other stuff is those things and you'd be neutering THEM if you declared 'No, it's really Chaos that's all those things!'

Hey, they're the ones who chose to invade a universe way outmatching their power levels. Scarlet Witch alone would give these guys a run for their money, let alone Franklin Richards or Dormammu.

>The HH series changed plenty of things about the fluff. For example, guess where the Emperor got his powers from? The Chaos Gods granted him the power and elevated him to godhood. It's also stated that can vulnerable to their power.
Except the old books have not been declared heretic tomes and are therefore still canon. Try to keep up.

>You are the dumbass here because it isn't in the ork codex.
Yes it is.

>He is telling you how canon works in 40K. GW never made an official statement. So his word is as good as it gets and it's better than an anons word.
>GW will never make an official statement
So his word is full of shit and worthless then because it isn't actually official, and when he takes off the hat he's just a normal person like everybody else. Laurie's word only matters when it's backed up by the Black Library/GW itself, not when he's just talking about what may be his own opinion. Not to mention that Gav Thorpe has said the complete opposite to boot.

>So his word is full of shit and worthless then because it isn't actually official, and when he takes off the hat he's just a normal person like everybody else. Laurie's word only matters when it's backed up by the Black Library/GW itself, not when he's just talking about what may be his own opinion. Not to mention that Gav Thorpe has said the complete opposite to boot.

It's like how it works with the pope. The pope is only infallible when he SAYS 'This is the official statement from god and now part of the canon of the faith'. Otherwise he's just a human saying human things.

It's why 'Trump is not a Christian' isn't Catholic Canon right now.

>And Chaos is the pool of all sentient life, the fountain of all magic.
>what are pariahs
>what are blanks
>what are eldar
>what are orks
>what are korks
>what are old ones
Chaosfags roleplay so intensely they become a blight upon reality just like their fictional counterparts.

Chaos didn't even exist until humans made it you dumb fuck.

It's really the perception thing that matters. If he can percieve the speed of light as if it were frozen he should never be hit by anything and could think days worth of thoughts in

Marvel Fag "Lets see chaos fight marvel! Dont worry Dr. Strange will Magic it all away!"
40k Fag " But if Chaos exists then Tzeentch is the source of magic due to his nature"
Marvel Fag "No its not, chaos isnt effecting marvels magic"

This shit right here. If Chaos is open to the Marvel universe it makes sense that its feeding on it and influences it the same way it effects 40k and Fantasy. There is no "one source of magic" in marvel, so Tzeentch isn't blocked from taking that roll in the setting. Its babies that dont like the idea of magic and psychic powers suddenly becoming dangerous to its users, which fucks the setting up.

>Except the old books have not been declared heretic tomes and are therefore still canon. Try to keep up.

You idiot.

Plenty of books haven't been stated as heretical tomes. They were just overwritten and overridden by the newer books.

For example, the Oldcron codex lore is not canon after the Newcron codex popped out.

>Yes it is.

Prove it.

>Laurie's word only matters when it's backed up by the Black Library/GW itself, not when he's just talking about what may be his own opinion.

His word, like i said, holds more weight than anons or someone that hasn't worked for GW directly for years like Gav.

As an aside, I love it when people don't understand what ex cathedra means and think every single word the Pope says is holy writ, somehow.


He CAN see the future, and a being limiting itself in a manner doesn't mean that it cant undo its limitation.