Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
The current Modern Metagame.
The metagame is awesome right now. Jeskai is truly a rising star and is tons of fun to play and beat. It's a matter of time before we find the best list and it hits Tier 1.
Eldrazi is still pretty good. Sure, it mulls a lot (about as much as Affinity does), but Thought-Knot Seer remains a monster to prepare for. I particularly like the RG Version with World Breaker, since it has crazy utility in exiling dangerous lands (and troublesome artifacts or enchantments) as well as providing a huge body with Reach. At least it's definetely more fun to play against than the Eye versions. I definetely expect to see this deck hit Tier 2 in a few weeks.
I will admit I am disappointed by the lack of a Thopter Foundry deck. To be fair, it's the trickiest unban the format has seen so far, alongside Bitterblossom and Golgari Grave-Troll, so finding the right deck may take some time or may even never be found, like BB and GGT who belong in Tier 3+ strategies. Time will tell.
>Jund on top
As it should be.
Why is Ancestral Vision there? I don't see how it fits in to Sword of the Meek and Thopter Foundry's combo.
Enjoy while it's there, Jund is the best king the format can ever have because it is so fair. It's a matter of time before people shift back to Tron. It looks very solid in this meta, considering how high Jund and Abzan Company are.
It's both blue and good so people throw it in.
Ancestral Vision was unbanned at the same time as Sword of the Meek. And showing Sword of the Meek without its partner in crime would be weird.
I'm currently building eldrazi. Shit looks cash. I saw Gerry Thompson played it at an scg open, but I can't find a list for the life of me
What's the chances of collected company dropping in price when it rotates. I don't really want to pay $30 each.
Maybe $15 if you are lucky, but likely $20. People know about its power.
none, its seeing active modern play. Jaces will drop because the supply will rape the demand, hes going to be a commander allstar for the same reason snapcaster is. CoCo demand will only go up while jace's will have a temporary massive drop.
That's better. When does dragons rotate anyways? This summer or fall?
Not much.
> I don't really want to pay $30 each.
Try to find the Origins Clash pack instead, if you can. Gets you a minty fresh one and a free Windswept Heath.
just bought the last pieces I need for Ad Nauseam, hoping they all come in before tuesday so I can run it blind at my LGS's next modern tournament.
Fall. But really, you're better off grabing them now if you want to play this summer. My predictions aren't law.
Meh. I already have 5 windswept Heath's and frankly I have too many cards so I don't want to have anymore useless cards laying around.
It's literally the same price you'd be paying at your LGS provided they aren't complete scum, you really might as well.
I think I might. $30, whike not ideal, isn't that bad of a price. Especially when compared to flip Jace.
If they have it that is.
Mine had three until I decided to go all in on my previously casual as fuck werewolves standard deck last friday.
It's worth a check, at least.
My favorite matchup in Jund is the mirror. Jund vs Jund is so fun.
How come this doesnt see more play?
Run this as a curvetopper in Jund
Fair enough. Do you play company?
I play abzan company in modern, get fucked up by tron. Any suggestions against it besides siding in artifact hate?
My experience comes from playing pod, which is a different deck but similar, but path to exile is pretty good taking care of the bigger threats especially wurmcoil.
Just finished the meme Rally deck. Looking foward to destroy some non-interactive decks next week.
Path does not kill planeswalkers. Hand hate with Stony Silence (Kataki is terrible) is what will make a Tron player wish for death.
Damn, Affinity's day 2 percentage is abyssmal.
Yeah, I felt that was pretty straight forward, but toughtseize is a great card. Try and combo off as far as possible. Tron has virtually no interaction.
A guy on MTGO insulted me for playing thopter sword and conceded the match, only because he got me at 2 life and then i jerked off like 10 tokens.
MTGO is so full of pussies
I made this deck which looked good on paper but sucks in practice. Could you give me any advice? I was going for a madness theme since it was really fun in the prerelease.
7x Swamp
2x Bloodfell Caves
4x Mortuary Mire
5x Mountain
4x Temple of Malice
2x Foreboding Ruins
3x Avatar of Discord
2x Desecration Demon
3x Elusive Tormentor
3x Heir of Falkenrath
4x Reckless Wurm
4x Call to the Netherworld
4x Dark Withering
4x Faithless Looting
3x Lightning Axe
4x Neglected Heirloom
2x Tormenting Voice
Hatebears has been my deck for a while and im taking it to gp Charlotte in a few weeks heres my list
Any ideas on what I can change for the expected meta
I had a guy on MTGO quit on me as soon as I dropped an Island next to an Urza's Tower.
>insert creature card into sleeve
>it never falls off
not legal famalaman
How does this deck look good on paper? Which synergies do the cards have between them to make you think this is a good idea?
Not trying to be rude, but I don't see an actual common theme between the cards here. Doesn't help that I don't know all the cards, but still.
Holy fuck I got 4 of these when they were $3 bucks apiece for my modern elves deck. I knew they spiked but I didn't know they spiked that high.
only 4? i picked up about 125 copies at around 3 dollars each from various shops around my region shortly after the set release.
Yeah probably should have gotten more. I did get 8 swords for about $1.50 each and 8 foundrys for like cents a while back because I thought they would get unbanned.
RUG Scapeshift
CoCo Slivers
>Favorite deck
In Modern? Probably Splinter Twin
>Next purchase
Mox Jet for 93/94.
8rack and Jeskai control
UB Faeries
>Favorite Deck?
UW gifts tron
>Next MTG Purchase?
3 AV and 3 UB manland
How can I even get these Holiday cards?
Tron is dead user, you're not immune to discard anymore.
MonoBlack Infect
Brain in a Jar Mill and Torpor Thing in the Ice Horror
>Favorite Deck
Legacy MBC
>Next Purchase
Probably a few more Spellskites. Fuck BUG Infect.
Legacy Dredge, selling out of this shit format, will maybe buy Ad Nauseam later on to collect tears with, it's pretty cheap.
Nothing, going over sideboard options for Dredge
>favorite deck
I'd say manaless dredge if they never printed Grafdigger's Cage and/or DRS, you can beat hate though if you play 4 mainboard Dryad Arbors and side in Claims/Decays and Lotus Petals. Belcher is pretty funny and exciting if you're going in blind vs almost certain Force of Will since it's very possible to play around it. Lantern Control when people don't pack hate it, blind milling their silver bullets and telling the other guy they have no outs left after a certain point but they still want to keep going (rather than try again with sideboard bullets) is among the best feelings in mtg.
>next mtg purchase
LEDs and Cabal Therapies, currently loaning them from a local player, Belcher stuff, will maybe get ANT as well before UG seas start costing 500 a pop.
>5 braindead aggro decks one of which is the new twin and a dead shell of a control deck followed by more aggro and a+b combo
Modern just doesn't have the old tools that make for interesting mtg.
>Storm Scale suggests that they probably won't print Suspend stuff again
>but Baneslayer is a definite possibility
Affinity in Modern. ANT in Legacy.
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
Nothing really. I have really all I need. I thought about getting into Standard before I realized that that was a retarded idea.
Eating food is part of the cost right?
Is that Goblin riding around on Doran?
All he had to do was wait for you to time yourself out while trying to kill him at a glacial pace with the mindslaver lock
In light of the lack of success that the unbanned cards have shown to be, what other cards might come off the banlist? I honestly think SFM might be safe now, which is something I thought was just out of the question before. Almost all of the tier one decks can beat a turn 3 batterskull, if not just outright ignore it.
I know right? The deck is fun but not great online. I lose to many games to time when I essentially have it locked up. All the decks I like to play are shitty to play online. Utron, bubble hulk, jeskai ascendancy all require too many clicks.
Nah, it would make abzan company way to ducking good. They'd have a real legitimate way of putting beats down now, I think it would just make the deck too good
Your mana base is awful. At least try with shocks and fetch lands. The Black Red ones aren't even that expensive.
Reprint counterspell
Fuck me that's right, Abzan Company is still a deck. No one in my LGS plays it so I never think about it.
Why top?
Sensei top's for modern miracles
A man can dream, but I doubt they'll unban that card. It's the only card on the banlist that's there because of logistical reasons and not because of power reasons. I honestly think Jace has a better chance of coming off the list than top.
In my perfect world I'd love to see Jace, BBE, and pod come off the list. They'd keep each other in check fairly well in my opinion. Jace and BBE are the most likely, but I could see glimpse come off the list too.
I'd love that because Tron is cancer, but the truth is that Tron is still very good without Eye of Ugin. People are underpreparing for it and it shows.
Tron had as many copies as Jund in SCG Milwaukee in the top 32, with the best score being 2nd by Joe Lossett.
Can someone explain to me why Tron is regarded as cancer by many players?
I'm not baiting is just that I mainly play draft and I don't understand how an aggro deck can be so bad to play against.
But there is no more modern pro tour
Because they can't mana leak a karn on turn 3
collected company maybe and beast from within to deal with planeswalker
easy there champ, it says eat some food, not a lot
people are babies
Personally I'd love to have a card like that in modern, but there are a few problems. First of all people complain that fetchlands slow the game down, which is retarded, but top tends to slow down games. In addition to that it's a cheap and colourless card which means several decks will run it which slows down the game and will drive the price like crazy.
>several decks will run it
Only one specific deck runs it in all of the formats it's legal in
>It's the only card on the banlist that's there because of logistical reasons and not because of power reasons.
>Second Sunrise
Top is "logistically problematic" because people are fucking idiots and refuse to call a judge when their opponents take 30 seconds to spin a top.
>I don't understand how an aggro deck can be so bad to play against
>Not baiting
Is Thopter sword a complete meme?
Has Anscestral Vision done anything to help the decks its being ran in?
I guarantee you that several decks in modern would run the card, even burn would run it.
I forgot about second sunrise, but my point still stands. People might be idiots when it comes to top, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem for tournaments. It's probably easier to keep top banned than to educate people.
Top is played as 1 to 2 of in most grindy decks in legacy because of how good the filtering is. Only reason it isn't played more is because sylvan library does the same job in green decks. CounterTop + Terminus is the most powerful thing you can do in legacy, so much so that it was in contention for a ban before eldrazi showed up. Do we really need to have that in modern? Idgaf about logistical concerns, Counter Top is just too good in a format without powerful t1-t2 combo decks to go under it.
>America Control has higher percentages than tron, and way higher Day 2 than Affinity
>Tier 2
Isn't Tron an aggro deck?
From what people told me it plays fuckhuge creatures early thanks to the urza lands and wins by attacking with them.
>I guarantee you that several decks in modern would run the card, even burn would run it
On what fucking planet does Burn/aggro want to spend multiple iterations of mana and a card doing literally anything than burning the opponent?
Aggro's signature move in Modern is running out of gas, which is why CoCo is so well positioned.
>but that doesn't mean it's not a problem for tournaments
It isn't a problem for tournaments because all it does is extend the turn and thus the game, whereas the only other card "logistically banned" literally created 20 minute long turns that physically had to be played out. Top is only even "problematic" in the last 5 minutes of a round when you can play 40k style.
>CounterTop + Terminus is the most powerful thing you can do in legacy
No. Not even close. Counter Top also wouldn't do anything in modern, its not like you can predictably hit the cmc your opponent wants to play.
>so much so that it was in contention for a ban
>before eldrazi showed up
>plays fuckhuge creatures early thanks to the urza lands and wins by attacking with them.
What in the fuck is your definition of an aggro deck? Aggro decks aim to play on curve and rapidly overwhelm the opponent before they have a chance to establish/come back (aggro) or even fully respond (hyperaggro).
A significant portion of Tron's deck is filtering, defense, and tutoring, and the deck is only capable of deploying a threat on T3, and often times in the T5-6 range. Thats not really aggressive.
Dude, your favorite card isn't gonna get unbanned. Just play legacy with all the other casuals
Burn would 1 main, 1 SB. Top helps the deck not run out of gas, or at least filter the draw step. Why wouldn't burn run at least one?
It's not like miracles consistently goes to time.
>Countertop is just too god
>In a format withtout duals, so you minimun take 4 damage to have counterbalance on t2
>in a format where all blue decks maindeck 3-4 copies of spell snare
>in a format where there is no brainstorm, so if you are trapped with a terminus in your opening hand you have to mulligan
>in a format where every GB deck already runs 4 abrupt decay
>in a format where sideboard stony silence is almost mandatory
>Top helps the deck not run out of gas
With the two mana you spent playing and spinning the top, you could have hit them with two Bolts or a Boros, and better yet, because you didnt put a card that does absolutely nothing, you actually have a Bolt or Boros in your hand.
>Been trying to win with Burn
>Always end up with a 50% win rate
>Tried to win at a Modern Showdown at a GP last Friday, went 3-4
>Every game felt like an uphill battle
Is there anyway that I can change the way that I play, or is Burn just that easy to beat?
Been thinking of switching to Naya Zoo since I have most of the cards already. Would it be better/worse than Burn?
It depends on how you're playing. Burn actually has a much higher skill ceiling than people make it out to be. Sure most of their games are draw 7 and lay them down, but the ones that aren't are the difference between 3-4 and 5-2.
In all honesty you're probably just oversimplifying playing with the deck, and not exploring lines of play that someone unfamiliar with playing Burn aren't used to seeing.
Look as I said I have little to no experience with constructed formats, so I apologize if I got the deck's strategy wrong. What I still don't understand is how it can be so bad to be defined cancer.
Going into an unknown meta Friday because I want to check out this new card shop, what do I take?
BW eldrazi
Living End
UG infect (kinda budget don't have all the lands)
BR vampires
Legacy burn occasionally plays top. Why would modern burn be any different?
Perhaps, But I've been playing with this deck for almost a year now and not much has changed.
My friends tell me that I should be going for as much damage as possible per turn, but sometimes I end up considering possible removal spells that my opponent may have when they leave mana up.
Example: If I have a Swiftspear out and a bolt, I could cast the bolt and have the swiftspear gain a prowess trigger, which will let me deal 5 damage for the turn, but if my opponent has mana up, triggering prowess on the swiftspear may prompt my opponent to remove the swiftspear before it get in any damage, which means that I would only do 3 damage for the turn. So what I may end up doing is just to swing with the swiftspear and get in 1 point of damage and hold my bolt for later, just so that I can get in an extra point of damage in the event that it would be removed. Is this the right kind of play for a situation like this or should I be going for as much damage as possible?
If you cast multiple copies of part the waterveil do you gain all those turns? Like you cast two does it reward you with two extra turns? Or just give the one.
Depends on the stage of the game, the deck they're on, and what removal you are anticipating.
>So what I may end up doing is just to swing with the swiftspear and get in 1 point of damage and hold my bolt for later
>going for as much damage as possible
I can already see the problem here, and you seem legitimately interested in learning so I won't be demeaning.
There's an article from a while back on I think CFB called "Who's the beatdown?" it gives a lot of insight on the potential and ideal "speeds" of aggro decks and the concept of inevitability. Its a good read to start.
To talk into your situation directly, if your opponent has removal up, and they feel that the Swiftspear is a threat, they're going to cast it, regardless of the Prowess (otherwise they're likely going to lose). So yes, triggering it is likely a good idea unless you have something better to do with the Bolt.
Going forward with it, if they do Path is or whatever (typically they won't, but it depends), it means they considered it a threat, and don't have that given piece of removal for your next threat (Guide, Eidolon, whatever).
They may have other pieces, but you can only typically play around any one given piece of removal (or however many threats you have). Burn is built to have more threats than they have answers, and Swiftspear is on the bottom as far as I'm concerned.
Burn is a deck focused on creating problems and forcing your opponent to take bad options. Forcing removal means that you've succeeded in doing that, even if you lose out on some damage. They will typically run out of answers to your problems, and each Path on a Swiftspear is one less dead Nacatl/Guide/Eidolon on average. The trick is creating enough problems to win before you run out of gas (too slow) or get cracked back on (too fast).
Memedern players think they can compare the two formats as if it were the same shit
Always save bolts until you're ready to win the game. The role of bolt in the burn deck is to be a removal spell that also can deal three, not a deal three that can also be removal. You have to math shit out when you're playing burn and pay attention to the board state, burn is actually great because it has inevitability against most decks if they don't directly interact with your plan, you force other decks to race you. The good burn players take things slow and don't just blow all their burn at once and leave their opponent at 5 or something, that's how you lose games. Always be thinking a turn or two ahead, when you cast a spell think of what your next turn is and how this spell helps that plan.
I'm not saying burn is hard because this is stuff that you have to do with every deck, but it does separate good burn players from bad ones.
Thanks for this, sensei.
>Why would a deck without targeted answers run a card that does literally nothing but find those targeted answers.
Legacy Burn has access to multiple "I win" buttons that win in different stages of the game. Like PoP and Vortex. In the mid stages of the game, using Top to filter and find exactly the tool you need to push the "I win button", and almost as importantly, do it several turns before you get blown out by something else, can be game winning
What the fuck are you topping for in Modern Burn? Do you really need to differentiate between your Bolt, Rift Bolt, and Lava Spike? Between Skullcrack and Atarka's Command? Even if you could realistically dig for lifegain hate, the mana and cards you spent to get it would invalidate the damage.
Went back to the old bw processor non tax build since it's fun and I can't afford vials.
For the record, "who's the beatdown?" Is old as shit, and was from The Dojo, not CFB. However, it is a classic and required reading, so I forgive you for not knowing it's ancient origins.
Thanks, I was hoping someone would link it. I like to bring it up whenever a Burn opponent smirks at a T2 Bob.
Dryad militant is good against snapcaster mage
Some of the cards are strong for the mana cost, but require discards, while some of them have cheap madness costs.
The problem with your deck is it has neither the ability to race proactive combo/aggro decks nor a plan to deal with them reactively
It's the worst of both worlds, a slow aggro deck