Why are wizards the worst characters?

Why are wizards the worst characters?

Because you touch yourself at night

>Why are wizards the worst characters?

Behold, the refuge of the uncreative mind! If user can't come up with a way to make his wizard interesting, he can just call them the worst kind of characters and expect you, Veeky Forums, to come up with reasons why that just isn't true.

Because an angry bro-dude with a sword makes a pretty lame campaign villain in a world where demons and dragons exist.

Because you're a fag OP.

Because wizards care more about their 200 spells and how to organize their entire arsenal along three pages of inventory space staples to the character sheet. While they're doing this for 60% of the session the other characters are actually roleplaying.

Have you tried not playing DnD?

Hell, even 3.PF is a thousand times with any magic system besides the default one...

I was talking about GURPS.

No so lame if the bro-dude with a sword commands an army that will fuck you up. And that army has wizards in it.

Because when you can do everything, there's no real point to your character.


Yeah, I hate Clerics too.

>Not making the wizard specialize and stick to a single school of magic
>Not making the wizard an apprentice-level Harry-Potter-Tier noob
>Not cutting the spell list off after level 4, maybe level 5 spells

A teenager at the most selfish and thoughtless stage of his development suddenly gains godlike powers and no one around him is strong or knowledgeable enough to teach him how to use them responsibly.

Instant Hitler.

Imagine someone taking a superhero from the silver age of comics and throwing him into the Protestant reformation. That's basically what wizards are.

Except that Hitler was a martial with everything pumped into charisma.

and he wasn't instant form.

>Except that Hitler was a martial

if you believe the official accounts

Are Bards considered Martial or a Caster Class?

Please, Hitler was an NPC class.

This 110%

Imposing no limitations on Casters is like letting someone play a DBZ character then complaining monks are overpowered. Sure, the rules won't let you do that, but if they did it'd be easy as fuck to just claim Rule #1 as the GM and put some reasonable restrictions in place.

Firstly caster, but you can build them to be more martial-ish

Because GURPS Magic is fucking bonkers.

There is a reason I use the symbol based one, and a super heavily modified verbal one based off of how Ars Magica organized their magic. Divine magic is good though.

I sense a butthurt martial!

Is it because of the "all wizards are randumb sociopaths" meme, because I'm slightly tired of it at this point.

Because your playing the wrong system.
protip, it's not a system designed by WoTC nor Paizo.

That's sorcerers, not wizards


>using a sword and complaining about attack radius
>when you could wield any number of polearms or even a fucking bow instead

Game balance is the game designer's job, not the GMs.

If I buy a multiplayer video game, I shouldn't need to mod it or create a custom server to make it playable. That's what the developer is for. If they failed, then they're a bad developer.

Games are games - the same logic applies to RPGs and board games.

Is it because it is difficult to role play high Int characters? You either spam the game with Knowledge checks making the DM say something that many already know on a meta level, or you have to assume that whatever you say is correct because you are smart, grinding all party discourse to a halt. You could be smart and quiet, but then you just never say much and it feels like you aren't there. You can't love your spells to much cause then the game becomes you hording spellbook time. Plus many players who play wizard take way too long with their turns. At low levels you are a leech on the party, and at high levels you are either overpowered or tapped out for the day and want your nap.

Shit, i need low level dnd 5e advice. Also an elf, and i can only seem to roleplay that as gay.

No real flavor or theme. Wizards, at least in the D&D sense, are something that really ought to be multiple different classes. The necromancer with the army of undead, the beguiling enchantress, the pyromancer leaving fields of scorched earth in his wake. The Wizard takes all of these distinct, interesting concepts and rolls them together into a single class.

It'd be like rolling all the martial character concepts into one class, we'll call it "Badass", who can wear all armor, use all weapons, fight without weapons, rage, track, sneak attack, find traps, build traps, move super fast, pick favored enemies, and get a shitton of skill points while having a d12 hit die. It'd be relatively overpowered, sure, but the bigger problem is it'd be boring. There's no central theme; it's just a bunch of completely unrelated superpowers all thrown together in a bucket.

That's why you rarely see do-everything "wizards" of the D&D sort outside of tabletop and videogames, and when they do exist, they're usually gods/divine beings (Merlin, Gandalf, etc).

Isn't the default magic in GURPS just skills like everything else?

If you kill yourself, you win

Wizards in general are fine with rules and constraints in place, and as long as they're physically emaciated. Muscle wizards on the other hand are pants on head retarded. There is no reason a character should have mastery of both magic and heavy weapons, and all the people who try to build these characters are generally cancer incarnate.

That's no truenamer, OP.