I am sick and having a sick day, let's make a thing.
Roll 1d10 for the nature of vow
I am sick and having a sick day, let's make a thing.
Roll 1d10 for the nature of vow
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 3 (1d10)
And. Here. We. Go.
-Strategic Prognostication-
We swore our vows in order to defend the imperium from a threat percieved by the Emperors tarot.
Next up is 1d100 for when we first were contacted by the Imperium.
Rolled 40 (1d100)
-The Time of Rebirth-
We were rediscovered by loyalist during the dark times of the Horus heresy.
Next up is 1d10 for our sovereign.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
-The Adeptus Mechanicus-
We serve the Omnisiah and the masters of Mars.
now we need a 1d10 for our succession Laws
Rolled 5 (1d10)
I don't really like knightly houses serving the Zd Mech, but okay.
All titles and Knights are given to a member of the House (who may then distribute them as necessary) chosen by the current member of the House.
Next up are the gender laws for these rules, 1d10 if you wouldn't mind.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Both males and females are eligible.
Now it is 1d10 for whether we have stupid amounts of ceremony, or very little.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
We don't care all that much for ceremony. We have giant death robots of mechanical glory!
1d10 for our demeanor.
also guys please slow down, i'd like for us to have a few more people when we finish rolling.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
new to the thread here! rollin'
-Brothers in Battle-
We care a lot about family, and would maybe even remove our own knights from frontlines, just to help a brother in danger.
1d10 for house flaw.
We seem like a reasonable tight-knight family. I'm feeling a martial arts clan, but with knights.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
rollin' again, then i'll let other people have a turn.
-Local cult-
The practices of the House are weird and probably quite unsavory.
Oops forgot the next bit
1d100 for figure of legend.
Rolled 35 (1d100)
-A True hero-
Our hero serverd the Omnisiah during the Horus heresy.
now roll 1d100 for what he did.
Rolled 40 (1d100)
Rolled 12 (1d100)
Newbie rollan'
I have to do some errands, be back in a bit!
I vote our hero did both, whatever they just rolled.
OP, how would you feel about or Knight House being called House Addams?
Violently murdlized Orks AND Chaos...I can dig it.
He's the hero Forege World Graia needed could he have earned his heroic status during the canon invasion of Graia during the space marine game?
I like it.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
That sounds good, Imma roll for our domain size before OP gets back.
Wait, there are tables for this?
Where can I find it?
disregard this, i suck cocks and can figure out google
Multiple sar systems
next up is what our homeworld is like (1d100)
He from 30M not 40M
>He from 30M not 40M
Titus or the Hero?
Rolled 87, 48 = 135 (2d100)
The Hero.
On another not 30M is also when we were found.
Uninhabited desert world, but i would apreciate it if you only had rolled the first one.
Did we ever decide what our hero did to earn his herodom? I don't think OP ever posted results.
well, uhhhh, what if our weird cult believes he was reincarnated repeatedly into the same knightly house?
Like an Eldar exarch?
also if we are going to keep desert i have two things to say: first a part of our insignia be pic related, and that the next roll is house hierarchy, which is on a 1d10
I thought we ahd him do both
It's okay
Thats "bretty gool!
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Man I was trying for a sphinx/manticor theme on my knight house, but then GW cut the tomb kings stuff I'd convert from
good thing we are a cult and we keep it to ourselves.
Sometimes the lower ranked knights get to have fun stuff too.
homeworld rule 1d10
Shit sucks!
Question, are knight houses ever founded after the great crusade or are they merely rediscovered?
Rolled 6 (1d10)
We have some other dude keep track of the world.
Combat doctrine 1d10
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Forgot picture
Because giant robots don't mean you can't sneak up on someone
also next roll is 1d100 for preffered knight variant.
Rolled 33 (1d100)
-knight errant-
and another d100 for the thing that we refuse to use. (please re-roll if it's 31-40
Hidden thermal cannon technique!
Rolled 86 (1d100)
-Knight Warden-
now 1d100 for some more house beliefs.
Rolled 34 (1d100)
-The Emperor above all-
apperantly we are a part of the admech, but we worship big E more.
1d10 for house strength
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Oh snap! we are over strength. we are the owners of tons of knights!
now 1d100 fo our friends in the imperium.
Rolled 4 (1d100)
who'da thunk that people without all that much bureaucracy, could even begin to like these bookworms.
Anymways next up is 1d100 for our greatest foes.
Rolled 92 (1d100)
-Dark Eldar-
It would appear the our current foes are angry flying bdsm enthusiasts.
That's a good counter balance of dogmas
They probably do great smoothing out all our paper work and ensuring we get to doing our jobs, this house has a very practical feel
is there any other kind?...don't answer that.
Now all we need is:
>A name
>A more defined bacstory
>To make our coat of arms
>To make a color scheme
>And a lot more stuff that i don't know.
Colors are lapis blue with bronze/gold highlights
I'm pushing for House Addams, because we're creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky, altogether ooky.
Just for clarity, I don't care if they aren't called House Addams, it was just the first thing that sprang to mind upon seeing that we are tight-knit family of Knights with strange customs and stealth tactics.
I was thinking more of a sandy yellow, in honor of our homeworld.
I was thinking of the stones used in Egyptian headresses
Maybe something like this?
I can tell that one of three things are happening. Either everyone fucked off the second that we finished rolling, Everyone is writing some absolutely massive, or everyone is waiting on each other to make something.
To the ones that are stil on this thread, please tell each other what you're doing! on another note I'm going to sleep, I expect great things from you anons! don't fail me now!
watching, I've already participated a lot and am waiting for other people to submit ideas. so #3 i guess.
playing darksouls
So a bit like this? No sphinx emblem
I'm typing as it comes:
So we're a tight-knit Knight family, coming from a barren desert world and possessing several star systems. We're not really into laws and rules, but the Administratum (who delegated one of its member only to take care of our worlds) likes us, probably because we don't usually question orders and follow them to a T. Except when a family member is in danger.
Although we officially serve the AdMech, we often turn to the light of the Emperor, mostly because we believe in the superiority of the human body and mind over the machine. A belief coming from the most ancient times of our family: we always believed in reincarnation and there are several myths telling of appearances of our beloved ancestors during glorious battles, many years after their death, coming back to protect their offspring.
Our home-world is a sanctuary on which only the family and a few chosen ones are authorized to set foot. It is also where we store all of our currently unused Knight armours, which were left there and more or less forgotten by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Once every ten years, our family reunites on its world to celebrate our fallen brothers and sisters and hunt the giant sandshark, a beast so gigantic only knight-sized opponents can rivalize with it.
We are well-known for being able to hide our armours in almost any type of terrain, and we favor the elimination of big and impressive targets. We consider the delibarate use of glorious Knights against feeble infantry and light vehicles to be dishonorable.
>So we're a tight-knit Knight family, coming from a barren desert world and possessing several star systems. We're not really into laws and rules, but the Administratum (who delegated one of its member only to take care of our worlds) likes us, probably because we don't usually question orders and follow them to a T. Except when a family member is in danger.
>Although we officially serve the AdMech, we often turn to the light of the Emperor, mostly because we believe in the superiority of the human body and mind over the machine. A belief coming from the most ancient times of our family: we always believed in reincarnation and there are several myths telling of appearances of our beloved ancestors during glorious battles, many years after their death, coming back to protect their offspring.
Gives me a house Atreides feel.
>We are well-known for being able to hide our armours in almost any type of terrain, and we favor the elimination of big and impressive targets. We consider the delibarate use of glorious Knights against feeble infantry and light vehicles to be dishonorable.
Actually a reasonable tactic when the main weapon of our main knight variant is a melta-gun x 100. We would need to sneak close and focus on the larger vehicles and creatures.
>house Atreides
I don't know what it is but I like that picture. So I'm gonna say yes.
>what I keep thinking when I read this thread
It's the protagonists noble house of origin from Frank Heberts "Dune." I would recommend it along with starship troopers and the foundation trilogy as the three of them provide at least 90% of the ideas that 40k draws from and at least 50% that the rest of science fiction does.
You're adorable user.
So theme ideas we have for our knightly house.
1. Martial arts clan. 2. Addams Family. 3. Sphinx themed? 4. House Atreides Any I missed? Any additional? any votes?
T-t-thanks user-kun!
What reference was used to roll this?
For the record, i'm in favor of of combining options 2, 3 and 4. A house of wildly divergent "creepy kooky" character types like said pic . The act noble but use reasonable and sneaky tactics drawn from the native people of the planet the not!fremen . Also lots of sphinx imagery.
We could even do a mild dune parody if we wanted.