Are all Tyranids controlled by the same Hive Mind? Or does every hive fleet have its own?
Are all Tyranids controlled by the same Hive Mind? Or does every hive fleet have its own?
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Seriously? You couldn't just google this shit? You have to spoonfed?
They're all controlled by the same hivemind, but individual hive fleets have their own genetic make up, tactics, and "personalities"
Last week's white dwarf question section attempted to answer that question.
It's not a control so much as a combination of every Tyranid synapse. The Hive Mind isn't an external entity ruling over them, but a massive Tyranid mental network. However, because tyranids can be separated from that network by distance, I'm led to believe that each Hive Fleet has its own. Especially since Fleets tend to murder and consume each other whenever they meet again after some time apart. I guess think of each Hive Fleet as a different split personality of the same mind fracturing and recollecting itself again and again as it consumes more biomass across galaxies and repeats the process infinitely over time until all life and matter in the galaxy has become a part of its intelligence.
meant to say
>until all life and matter in the universe has become a part of its intelligence
No. I'm interested in this shit. I don't quite get the Tyranids. I'm new to Warhammer 40k. his question makes a lot of sense. You google this shit, and paste the results, you faggot.
What said, basically. I didn't make the thread to get answer to a question, it's for the sake of the discussion that often pop up as the topic advances.
>overentitled manchild, the post
shut it fucboi, the ass pain only gets worst
>damage control
>on an anonymous image board
Pretty sure they are the Hive Mind. Much the same way a computer network can process more data the more nodes that are connected, the more the Hive Mind can 'think' the more organisms there are. Personified, the Hive Mind is like an animal, each organism a cell, and Hive fleets are like limbs, moving through and manipulating the 'cells' within it.
The hive mind is one and multiple the same way the internet is
The hive mind is technically one being formed by the sum of data of the tyranids psychically communicating and commanding each other; there could be instances of separate hive minds in cases when a large group of tyranids is isolated from the main swarm ending up looking like 2 parts of a same brain that are incapable of interacting and sharing information efficiently if at all.
Relatively speaking each hive fleet is closer to its own tyranids than the ones of other fleets and each synaptic creature is more linked to the tyranids around it than the tyranids on the other side of the planet, as such every tyranid is not the hive mind as a whole but a mere node and separate hive minds could be.
When 2 different fleets encouter it is seen that the synaptic nodes need a small amount of time to recognize each other as a single hive mind, implying the nodes are not linked efficiently and the hive mind is separate in those cases, but once they align they return becoming one.
Hive fleets are in fact, despite having a small but present psychich connection with the others are somewhat independent and mantain a competitive stance for the purpose of development through controlled contrast.
Trolls, traps, annoying memes and all. It's chaos and sometimes your mom will find remnants of the old memories in your hive mind and bring it up at embarrassing times like at the dinner table WHICH IS THE WRONG TIME TO BRING IT UP MOOM. I WAS LOOKING THAT UP FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY CLASS!
>one mind or by fleet
Each fleet is a network node; the entire race is a hive network. That's why they're scary yuge, but just one Admech virus away from kernel panic.
You mean infecting them with a disease? Usually only works for a few days before the nids develop an immunity to it.
Has Games Workshop ever reveal by any slightest detail what the fuck the Tyranids could be running from? There's a lot of random speculation but nothing too concrete.
Can't imagine what these guys would actually fear considering they're one of the few Lovecraft-esque type races next to the Necrons.
>Especially since Fleets tend to murder and consume each other whenever they meet again after some time apart.
They don't try to ERADICATE each other. They just take some of the best mutations to make themselves stronger.
its never explicitly said that the tyranids are running from anything rather that they could be either running from a greater threat or searching for more food/more biomass to further their evolution, which also could lead to them wanting to further evolve so as to combat this greater threat
I thinks they don't have an explanation. The whole idea of "Ultra-powerful force sweeping through the galaxy wrecking shit is actually running from something outside the galaxy" is just yet another idea they stole from Dune.
They are running from Gork n Mork, who are literally galaxy sized orks.
They aren't running from anything - they're being drawn to this galaxy by either its biomass, or the Astronomican.
>they're coming here to see one of the greatest cinematic achievements in the universe
>"Ultra-powerful force sweeping through the galaxy wrecking shit is actually running from something outside the galaxy" is just yet another idea they stole from Dune.
I'll admit I haven't read all of Dune. Which force is that in Dune?
Holy shit, that story is kind of terrifying. Is there more on that, or is that it?
tyranids probably aren't running from anything. The idea comes from in universe speculation by an imperial scholar. He also speculates that they're an unbeatable force of nature as old as the universe.
The level of defeatism in this guy, seriously.
Veeky Forums posters in particular has this retarded trait of someone posting a sourceless statement, then everyone running with it as fact.
>Story is just a rumor by traitor admech
>No proof that it actually happened
>just a throwaway plot hook for an FFG rpg game
>people wank this to hell and back
People are such sheep.
Its what the Honored Maters are running from. It was never exploredmin the original 6, and I haven't read the new ones after the first two sucked so hard.
Robots. The AI that caused the whole jihad thing survived and is now coming back to seek revenge. If I remember correctly, they appear for about a quarter of a book and accomplish absolutely nothing before being destroyed.
Everyone knows Arnold Schwarzenegger is the Emperor, when he decided he wanted to try out a movie career during M3.
I love these morsels of lore that are scattered around the 40k universe. Stuff like this and the Ghoul Stars is what I love so much about 40k.
One of my dads wargaming friends has a cat, and when it sleeps on his gaming table he uses it as Impassible Terrain.
>Ghoul Stars is what I love so much about 40k.
It's just Necron acting spoopy.
It's not actually attributed to a single specific source, though of course that doesn't make it any more credible, since it's only presented as baseless speculation to begin with. Much like their "Penance of the Elder Gods" title, or the belief that they've been sent by the Emperor to punish mankind for its wickedness.
>Whether the Tyranids made this perilous journey because they had already consumed everything of worth in their home galaxy or in flight of another, even more fearsome race, is unknown.
>Some have even speculated that the Tyranids are in flight from an even greater threat, be it a galactic disaster or another fearsome race, and have risked the nothingness between galaxies rather than face extinction.
Try the Necrons' original introduction.
>Or such at least is the tale that men tell. A tale of things I had never expected to see, to witness for myself the Seal of Terra flicker red in the globe-light, or glimpse with my own eyes those terrible watchmen, or feel the waxy touch of ancient records made in black ink upon human skin. Who could have foreseen the discovery, time-after-time and throughout human history, of such evidence of unmistakable malice. Now I hold in my shaking hands a revelation of such magnitude that all human endeavour seems vain and the flame of hope flickers in the wind of despair.
Nope. Although they've never confirmed that they're running away from anything. Or that they've consumed multiple galaxies.
All just interesting Imperial speculation.
Why do you think psykers get mad near the shadow in the warp?
>Or that they've consumed multiple galaxies.
The 5th edition rulebook did this one:
>Behind the Hive Fleets lie the barren husks of a dozen galaxies already consumed.
It's just a throwaway line, but it is there, so when you see people claiming that the Tyranids have eaten 12 galaxies, that's where it came from.
They aren't controlled by it or enslaved by it so much as they are it. They are all one unified mind just using trillions of bodies. But yes there is only one hive mind
Fuck off you Jew. You could say that about any thread ever created on any forum ever.
This one nailed it, covered all the bases.