Jumpchain CYOA Thread #828: Angry Fish God Revolt Edition

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cthulhu fhtagn

Oh. OH. UM.

Shit shit shit. Let me just add a note that you can apply those modifications to yourself as well. Sorry, Regor-user! Fixing my mistake now!

10/10 for both outdated PDF and butchered last thread link someone kill me

Jumpers, what's the best meal you've ever had?

>Best meal
Why you user.

>inb4 Blood of the innocent
A sandwhich, a basic BLT cooked with the nothing but regular ingredients and a few of my cooking perks. I had at around my 70+ jump, in To Aru. It reminded me of who I was in my normal life, the family dinners I would have. Tears were shed, companion group hug was on point though.


user don't you realise what you've done

You ate the best meal

You digested the best meal

Logically that means you are now the new best meal

You are what you eat user.

But I'm not best girl...

Thanks, Red. Means worlds to me.
And to the Queens too

You are now.

So, Jumpers, when you've cheated Death for the last time and meet your end... How many different beings will show up to claim your soul(s)?

Pure sunlight.

A full-course traditional Chinese feast replete with old recipes adapted to new lifeforms. Phoenix self-cooked in the style of Peking duck, dragon tendens braised in a delicious ambrosia-seaweed sauce, world turtle soup (no, not Great A'tuin. We cloned its' hatchlings and farmed them near another world's sun).

Though an honorable mention goes to the tears of our enemies.

We talking pre or post Spark here? Because if the former, none since we'll just be sent back to Earth.

As for the latter-too many to count, potentially including every Planeswalker out there. The smart money's on the Great Will or Jubileus coming to recoup their investment, though. We've made arrangements in our deals with them to prevent Umor from flaying us into the crowning piece of its' collection.

Jubileus has the greatest claim and probably the most justified given the whole Lumen Sage thing.

Other than that there a probably a ton of eldritch abominations that would happily try and claim my soul.

well ive been a Dark Eldar so slaanesh and probably also a couple deadric lords

I try to avoid selling my soul. So it'd just be Death from the Discworld coming to get me personally. Being a Wizard and all.

I don't sell my soul, and my soul is an involute and powerful thing on its own, I'm not all that weakened by losing my body and can reform the thing.

I didn't write that WIP. Digger did. Ask him.

None. I bought my own afterlife, why would I go anywhere else?

Were I a better writer, all this talk of death would make me think of writing a Donnerjack jump.

>Diesel Punk Jump

The link above is to the most recent version of the file I could find. The jump maker, Drunkard, said he was going to continue working on it, but this is the last version of it I could find.

Where did you get a personal afterlife?

Man, you know, I want to fly to Alola during the pokemon jump.

Actraiser. I bought Heaven.

A bagel.

>Sotek and the Old Ones
>The Water Elementals from Athas
>The Hist (?)
>The Northern Pantheon from OOTS
>Sucellus (?)
>Armok (?)
>The Titans from Age of Mythology (notably, Gaia, though Ouranos might also make a bid)
>Several incarnations of the Abrahamic God (if any of them care enough)
>The Chaos Gods (more out of desire, since they have no legitimate claim)
>Sobek (collecting on my Job Offer AND being my dad)

None, hilariously, aside from issues with horcruxing. I'm hoping that having a ridiculously strong soul prevents me from being like Voldemort, but I have honestly done my best to be a good person over my chain as I could be. No making promises for power.

>cthulhu fhtagn
What a wonderful phrase!

Technically speaking, I'm kinda immortal thanks to time-related bullshit, but if I did bite it. I suppose one of my companions, who became a Blooded from Darkstalkers lays claim on my soul.

Or I become a Djinn.

Or a shinigami.

Or become One with The Force.

But the most likely scenario is that Blooded companion will keep my soul with her, along with those of the others if they ever bite it.

In PMMM Jumpchain, does "Screw You Kyubey" option allows one to make a wish later on?

Not trying to Wish my way into omnipotence or anything silly like that, but I'd like to use that as an excuse to fanwank some relatively minor additional MG stuff in later jumps.

An explosion. The universe has no idea how to process the death, so it defaults to 'explode'. Soul included.

means no sanity, for the rest of your days

Sure. It's supposed to be a bad thing because Kyuubey will keep nagging you about it but technically yes, you can make your own wish later on.

The spirit of the background's idea was presumably to prevent undefinably powerful wishes ("I wish to be omnipotent! I wish for all the waifus!") but it's a moot point anyway, since Madoka's ascension was only caused by a glitch in reality from Homura's frequent time loops building up a lot of energy for her to expend in her wish so the scope of the girls' canon wishes is probably more in line for what the incubators can grant you.

Exactly what's so special about your soul that the universe doesn't know what to do with it.

You guys have your very own board you know

o u

Its our reality free, Philosophy, Cthulhu fhtagn

Ahhh, yiss.
I can count the number of jumps I take something other than Drop-in on one hand, and this is added to the list.
No moral reasons, I just wouldn't be able to handle five thousand years of abandoned families. I also like the stranger from nowhere thing.
Tenno will not be an easy life, or a comfortable one. But it will be a good one, and it seems like a life I would be honoured to live.

Well I'm glad you like it so far! I'm hoping to actually get it done soon, I've figured out the format I want to do for the tables and I'm working on the Infested customization table right now. So we'll see if I manage to actually do it right or if I'm just gonna fuck it up.

Yeah, sorry about the confusion beforehand. Hopefully that helps things.

I always love your customization tables, Would you mind going in a little more detail about it?

...ho boy. I was hoping to keep it a surprise, but...

For Infested and Warframe Customization, there's going to be an initial section, then there's going to be two sections you can choose. One will be primarily combat/offense oriented, and one will be support/utility oriented. You choose one section to receive full discounts in every option under the section, but ONLY that section.

So for example, say you went Infested. And you're a rather PROACTIVE kind of person, so you choose 'Role of Destructor' for what will be discounted. Everything within that specific section is discounted, but the other section 'Role of Creator' will be full priced for any option you buy.

It's going to be 100CP to buy your way into the tables if you're not an Infested or Tenno. But to make up for it since those backgrounds cost 200CP, they're going to get a few specific bonuses that apply to ONLY them. So it's kind of a "what are you willing to get" sort of thing, just what are you willing to sacrifice to get what you crave.

Also I kind of cheated and added an exclusive 300CP extra budget only for items. This way people actually look at the bloody things and feel like they've got a bit of flexibility, as test builds so far, while you can buy your whole tree for 1200CP, still scream unholy terror.

>It's going to be 100CP to buy your way into the tables if you're not an Infested or Tenno.
So, wait, if you buy into the Warframe customization table, do you get a Warframe or would you customize your own form?

You get a Warframe. But Tenno would get a BETTER Warframe.

>when the Lotus does that background balance just right

Fair enough. I just really wanted one, doesn't really matter how good it is. Just on principle.

But I was really digging all the other perk trees more, so being able to buy it as something else sounds really awesome.

Jump 11, which was Shadow Ops. I rolled physiomancy and began experimenting with my taste buds. I baked a lasagna, and after a few failed or gross attempts I found the setting that made me go "Holy Fuck Falcomon, hold me".

I guess that may be cheating, though.

Infested is a customization table for your own version of the Technocyte Plague. Warframe customization is a customization for what is essentially your remote body.

Before anyone asks, yes you can still channel out of setting abilities through the Warframe. But to balance that out, your Warframe is more closely tied to you. If it goes down, YOU go down. At the end of the jump you're given a choice: Desync it from the Transference Pod and make it armor... or keep it as a remote body. You can't channel out-of-setting powers through it anymore if you make it a remote body, but it's not a fail condition if it gets blown up. If you make it armor... well. You can channel powers through it but it's ARMOR. It's not a remote body anymore.

This way it isn't just a "I can never die anymore" tidbit.

I'm not putting in a Weapon Customization because two customization tables is going to be crazy enough as is. Plus have you SEEN the amount of weapons in there? There's a lot. I'd never fucking be able to handle it all.

Yeah, that's kind of what ticked me off about the original version, so I wanted to rectify that. Like I said before, if you get a Warframe as a non-Tenno or a Strain as a non-Infested, you still have options... you just don't get the exclusive bonuses in order to make it fair.

Hm. Making it armor would make Mindful Transference kind of a waste after the jump. Remote body it is, I guess.

Can I desynchronise from the warframe during jump? Or is it possible to move my body, I'd rather have it on my LoT than in the moon.

Okay so I want to run a Native run starting from Mega Man Classic, but I'm not sure which of these concepts to pursue:

>A deadpan construction bot from Megamix-verse
>An enthusiastic Light-bot from Archie-verse
>A loyal Wily-bot with no indoor voice, also from Archie-verse
>A firefighter bot who doesn't talk much from Ruby-Spears-verse

I'm leaning towards 2 and 3 but mostly because I'm biased towards Archie-verse in general.

Not really? You're still getting one hell of a mental upgrade along with a mind that can handle things that would leave most people with their brains oozing out of their skulls. Plus if you end up getting the capstone booster it isn't mere multitasking, but tried and true parallel processing. I mean if you're looking at it strictly from controlling a body it seems diminished but it's hardly a waste.

Gotta wait until Lotus yanks the Moon out of the Void, before you can move your body. But it should be possible.

Orokinology can probably get it Zandastu Approved, and the reflex enhancement and parallel processing perks are still on my end. Should still be cash as fuck.

Would it be asking too much to add a "Keep it as an alternate form and be vulnerable because it's your real body" option?

I like it.
I'm still keeping it as a remote body, but I can see the merits of this, and armor form.
My opinion; Remote>Alt-Form>Armor

Thanks, don't want anyone getting a hold of my body.

If you're going to do it in thread, I'd rather read 2 or 3, as 1 seems like it's effects on the story would end up either very subtle or be obnoxious without being endearing, and 4 seems like it defeats the purpose of a native run.

If you're not going to do it in thread, 1 seems to be the most fun to think about and like it could involve a lot of creativity if you write it out. Like one of those Every Man stories where a guy has to use his own narrow field of study to figure out a solution to a problem, or overcome that habit.

...I... don't think I can do that. I mean the only reason I was offering the armor option in the first place is because people kept demanding it as some kind of hold-over from what they did in the original version. And I can't think of any way to justify turning it into some alt-form somehow.

That kind of feels like going to a Gundam jump then asking the jumpmaker to make your MS an alt-form.

Are there any perks that make a jumper immune to addiction/addictive effects?

And the funhater shows her true colors. Just do what you're fucking told or give the jump to someone who listens to people.

Holy shit dude. Do you even have a life or is it all spent stalking this one lady?

I think in fallout. Haven't looked lately, though.

You need to be 18 years old or older to post on Veeky Forums.

it's and you're seriously overreacting, She makes a good point about it being more of a drone than a person so would you kindly fuck the hell off.

Fuck off.

So, sorry if this has come up before and I'm just blind, but can you buy your way into both Customization Tables? How big of a special snowflake am I going to be as a fake-Tenno sorta-Infested WARRIOR OF JUSTICE Drop-In?

Also, thank you. So much. For letting me get the Boltor and Akbolto with CP insurance. I adored those guns during my time playing Warframe.

I've gotta agree. That was just a bit too fast for comfort.

Do you ever stop being a cockwaffle?
Wait, don't answer that. Of course you don't.

Didn't we already establish that he had a major hate boner for her a while ago?

This video always makes me feel bad.

Check 'em.

Meh, the only reason it makes sense to me is because you already put your mind into it.
It doesn't really matter to me, because I'm going with remote body. Worst comes to worst, I can posses it with the various digital alt-forms. It's not exactly fun braking.

I understand that, user, but it doesn't have to. If AI and robotics research is going to move forward then those types of tests that you see in the video are important.

New starter Pokemon, you game?

Rowlet (cute spiffy owl) >> Litten (bleh cat with dumb symbol) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Popplio (boring ugly clown)

Okay, that grass type is fucking adorable.
Like my own little razor-blade wielding football.

Rowlet a cute.

>it's got a little bowtie

This post shows a major misunderstanding on the difference between listening and obedience.

Well, you guys have fun with your fuzzy owl or whatever. I'm going with the fire cat personally.

Fire cat isn't for me, but I think it's a respectable choice.

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Thanks for the heads-up! Now to see which side Folke (I'm not good with names, okay?) is on!

>1 - Light
>2 - Wily

>Waaaaah, my waifu is getting hurt!
Fuck this hug boxing. How is it that we always hoist up this nerf bitch every time she kills power.

She breaks her LoT, she nerfs Macross.
She doesn't want to be god, she nerfs Bayonetta.
She hates people breaking settings, she nerfs Matrix.

She forces her "playstyle" on everyone and you people let her. She bitches for not having her "opinions" heard and you coddle her.

She is a cancer. Her jumps are cancer. Remove the fucking cancer and let someone who won't shit on our fun do something while she rots in a dumpster.

If you think this thread is a hug box, why don't you leave?

Okay, but seriously.
Rowlet looks great, though I'm most curious as to how the egos are going to look. Depending on those, I might have a new team member to fit in somewhere in my jump.

Litten is...eh. I don't really like it's design as a three stage, I'd rather it be a two-stage like Meowth or...whatever the other ones are called. Still, has potential in evolutions. That being said,
>flaming hairballs
fucking gross but also metal.

Popplio can fuck right off.
>watch me eat my words and have the final stage being amazing

It's adorable. Tiny kitten, so cute.
The seal is ok, too, but the round owl and the lit kitten blow it out of the water.
Blaze it!

I pity you man.

Just go back to space battles already!

holy shit a baby found it's way to Veeky Forums and can type

You need to be at least 18 years old to post on Veeky Forums.

Bruh. I barely even like Red. But you're just being a massive faggot.

Eh, I'm mostly gonna reserve judgement until I see the evolutions. But damn water got the short end of the stick this time.

Water ALWAYS gets the short end of the stick. Like, ever since Totodile.

You shut your mouth, Mudkip was great.

She's annoying.
You're worse.
You are not chemo.
You are arsenic.
Fuck off.

Yeah, I think the designer figured 'clowns!' would fill in the theme, little did he realize that most of the west hates clowns now and literally making it the simplest possible seal design otherwise isn't appealing.

Froakie is like the new Pikachu at this point.

Here's the trailer.

This guy is probably your rival, or a gym leader.

Please Gamefreak let me remove her chicken hat

I repeat.

For those of you that have purchased magic immunity of some sort, a question:

How do you deal with magic that is beneficial?

In D&D, if you have Spell Resistance you can choose to lower it as a Standard Action, which is to say you can shut it down if you spend a round doing so. But lowering it is a conscious decision, it's something you have to do. SR isn't treated as a smart barrier that knows what spells help you and harm you. It's more a gate or a shield you have to raise or lower at will.

So do you treat your magic immunity / resistance like the mechanic mentioned above or do you see it and treat it as more of a smart barrier? I ask because I'm starting my D&D run, but I picked up magic immunity in Negima and Dresden. So I thought I'd get a little feedback before I start slumming it in Faerun.

Izzat JWittz?

My magic immunity says I can let beneficial magic through.

What is it with water and clown-seals anyway? Black and White's Water was a clown-seal too.

Which one didja get?