Tundra civ thread ep.55

Welcome everyone, new and old players alike! This is Tundra civ, a civ thread series in a fictional, non-fantasy setting where you play as the rulers of the White Republic, a nation in a world similar to our own.
Check out the pastebin for story, technologies, stats etc.
And an archive of previous threads if you want to skim through some of them.
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.tg/subject/Civ/username/Civ bulgar/page/1/

Previously on Tundra civ:
It is a time of war. The God-Emperor of the Kaichou Empire is missing. Crises erupted in both of our allied nations - the Sunset Alliance and Kaichou Empire. Their colonies on the continent of Eyerdar - with about as much population as their respective homelands - rose up in rebellion, led by the skilled General Naebigi. We, the White Republic, intervened and now war rages in Eyerdar between Naebigi's rebels and the Occidental Axis.

In the second month of 1161 AE the NPU declared war. They had been negotiating with General Naebigi for a long while, but have finally joined on his side. The rebellious colonies combined have 47 million people, the NPU has 51 million. On our side we have our population plus 68 million Kaichou and Chink allies.

Stats for our nation:

>Population:130 000 000 (80% white, 15 % chink,1%hibibi, 2% darkskin,2% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 21 600 000 Eyerdar 11 000 000 Veita 11 000 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:7/10
>Food production: 7/10
>Political Stability: 7/10

Pre-war world map.
War situation in the next post.

Technology-wise we are in late-WW1 stage roughly
With the addition of the New Pajit Union, this can accurately be described as a World War. We have no information on NPU fleet and army locations at present. Aside from the western coast of Eyerdar, they also hold several smaller islands west of it and the Barniju Archipelago, east of Aymsland.
The war has been going for over a year and a half now.
Command over the entire Axis military is in our hands now. In Eyerdar alone we have close to 2 million troops deployed, most of our ships as well.
The snows will be melting soon. We outnumber Naebigi's forces 2:1, but the NPU has changed this now.
What shall our next course of action be?
A.Dig in, assemble more forces and gather more intelligence on the NPU before acting further
B.Send agents to scout the NPU's positions, but continue a steady advance against Naebigi's positions in the east and south

The stars represent armies. Ours are black and green.

>B.Send agents to scout the NPU's positions, but continue a steady advance against Naebigi's positions in the east and south
We need to keep pushing while trying to keep our front on the NPU's border stable.
Also let's hope for high rolls for us today.

B. Gather Intel before we move.


Rolled 85, 77, 30, 36, 98 = 326 (5d100)

We'll keep advancing while gathering more intel on NPU forces.
1.Southern front
2.Eastern front
3.Northern front
5.NPU activity

>5.NPU activity

Band make sure our supply lines are secure and keep up with that army

I'm here

>NPU activity 98.
they sabotaged our plumbing haven't they

While we've fortified the area around New Millport, the NPU have instead focused their offensive to the north - the troops we had in the area were smashed by a large enemy force, now headed for Port Vareg, center of the Northwestern Region.
NPU fleets have been identified supporting both their northern offensive and harassing our supply lines south of New Millport.
We've made gains in the eastern and southern front. Our armies are now advancing and planning on encircling the major port city of Shinkoto.
It is mid-spring.
What shall we do now?

Engage the NPU's Fleet directly and then proceed to send soldiers from the mainland by boats to the Northwestern Region, maintain the offensive on all front and try to scout heavily the NPU northern and southern fronts

Take out their navy
Give NPU pressure in the south while we set up trenches in the north
Also send troops to northwestern region by boats and push them out

Rolled 53, 3, 14, 77, 47 = 194 (5d100)

We'll maintain a reasonable course on other fronts while also sending reinforcements to the Northwest, fortifying Port Vareg and dispatching our fleets to deal with the NPU's own.
1.Advance in the east
2.Defence of the Northwest
3.Northern naval action
4.Southern naval action
5.War efforts elsewhere

Bad rolls for us

We might need to mobilize more troops to the continent I don't think we can hold it with what we have.

Rolled 48, 46, 43, 51, 54, 84, 63, 58, 99, 52, 7, 95, 80, 33, 77, 34 = 924 (16d100)

>2.Defence of the Northwest
inky we have to enchant the dice to get rid of such a terrible curse.

Port Vareg and the Northwest were lost. The most we managed to do was evacuate some of our troops and civilians from the area. We lost ships and troops, while the enemy has now established a wide front across the continent.
On the bright side, we dealt the NPU's southern fleet a heavy blow and have continued our advance in the east.
Propose plans of action now.

Liberate shinkoto, and launch an offensive on the southern western front with the next reinforcement coming from the main land,Veita and Ocras.
Also main plan of action, roll above 50 for our rolls.

But also reinforce our navy to the north, our south navy try to cause damage in the south blockage/bombing
Also keep up the artillery all the other fronts dig in
Send more men

both of these are what we need to do also can we get any of our spies behind enemy lines to cause trouble for the NPU

Our forces in the south around "New Millport" should begin fortifying along the river, to free up troops from holding the NPU back, and prepare to push north to cut off the enemies front-lines from easy resupply.

Our armies in the south-east/north-east should attempt to cut off shinkoto.

The navy should harass where possible and seek open engagements only when they are certain of victory.

Also remember to concentrate our land-ships and planes into a spearhead for any assaults, so as to maximise their effects.

we probably already have some, heck we probably had some for a few year, but the problem isn't sending spies Centurion, it's making sure they're not compromised and are able to send back reports and for this we must strike chaos in their military and administration, then they'll be vulnerable.
Back in WW2 prisoners of war that were officers were known by the enemy, name, age, family history, work history, studies you name it they most likely knew it, it's as simple as this intelligence isn't hard to get, it's just taking too long to get and only technology will solve this.

what information have they got on the military and economic importance of the southern port cities. Our navy could do some serious damage in the south.

>Our navy could do some serious damage in the south.
looking at the map i don't think only the navy could do some damage.
Securing the area from Smaktun to Britapar would lead to having a tight easily defensible choke point.

Rolled 7, 24, 68, 25, 18 = 142 (5d100)

High Command has approved the plans for the Summer Campaign.
1.Southern navy
2.Shinkoto offensive
3.Northern front, reinforcements
4.Southern front
5.Enemy initiative

Not invade but scorched earth the territories specifically the cities to lower the enemies war capabilities if they have strategic value

>1.Southern navy

I see our Southern Navy upholds our proud naval tradition of being trashed.

so did the navy try and ruin the southern coast cities by ramming the ships into them?

I guess they ran into a minefield while trying to evade fire from hostile coastal batteries before they got ambushed by the entire NPU navy & the Kraken.
Also they ran out of coffee.

At least the enemy initiative is low

they try to locate the enemy's loo's for tactical bombardment, this task was failed and took so much time they ran out of fuel and sank.

It seems we overextended our efforts. We've lost ground in the south and east. Worst of all, we suffered heavy losses in a large naval engagement - our southern fleet entered enemy waters, encountered a minefield and was then attacked by what must have been the entire NPU navy as we found ourselves outnumbered! The enemy has superior submarines, a surprisingly strong main battlefleet and better seaplanes - their aerial torpedos proved very effective. It wasn't just tactics, though - our forces were stretched thin as enemy submarines have been raiding supply lines elsewhere and our lighter vessels have been occupied.
Our navy eventually withdrew to New Millport. With the help of coastal defences and reinforcements we managed to cause some losses for the pursuing foes, thankfully.
The frontlines haven't moved much in the last month as we are now in mid-summer.
A.Dig in, regroup and reinforce for a while, defensive strategy
B.Total offensive on all fronts!
C.Keep our current course, reinforce those armies and navies that have taken damage and continue our current land offensives
D.Other plan

A.Dig in, regroup and reinforce for a while, defensive strategy

>B.Total offensive on all fronts!
Fuck it let's go, I'm betting it all on a dice roll.
Let us charm the dice gods by trusting the dice.

A.Dig in, regroup and reinforce for a while, defensive strategy

We have a numerical and industrial advantage, we don't need a lighting war. Let them try to breach our lines while we make precise raids and advances, cutting off armies and capturing cities!


>B.Total offensive on all fronts!
With our naval superiority compromised our logistics will be trashed by enemy subs.
With our logistics in disarray our ability to sustain the war will decline.
Thus we need a knockoutblow in order to finish this before our men starve.

A and
D ramp up our own sub warfare capabilities or the front will fall apart in the colonies

Rolled 90, 30, 55, 93, 15 = 283 (5d100)

Our industry has been fully mobilized for military production.
More ships, submarines, guns, landships, aircraft, artillery, munitions - we will show them the power of White Engineering!
Broad offensives have proven to be less effective, we shall fortify the frontlines and focus on separate attacks and an overall war of attrition.
5.Enemy initiatives

what new tactic or technology do we have from innovation

Good rolls for us
>90 55 93
>15 for the enemies

>5.Enemy initiatives
that's perfect, only wished we had more innovation and started getting tanks.

Those are some fairly nice rolls.

Our navy could learn a thing or two from the army.

I like to think the reason the navy fails is because they keep rolling the dice on the boat, which since it is rolling from the waves and shit, results in a strange distribution of numbers.

That or the navy is filled with women, which are supposedly bad luck to have on a boat.

New and superior bomber designs have been approved by Command. We can match the enemy's seaplanes now.
While we've fortified the southwestern and northern front, we successfuly encircled the enemy in Shinkoto. The city fell shortly thereafter and with it many of Naebigi's best troops.
Our industrial production has amazed even the Council! Our damaged ships were repaired and reinforced by more submarines, dreadnaughts and cruisers, both naval groups are back to full strength.
Most importantly, we've recieved many more reinforcements from the other continents. Our combined Axis forces in Eyerdar are now over 7 million.
What shall our next course of action be? We've taken the entire eastern coast and our forces are ready and able to fight once more.

Take Naebigi out of the war before he can reorganize his troops, drown him in blood if needed.

Attack the NPU's navy once more, give our fleet a chance to redeem itself, and if they succeed go directly for the NPU's mainland.

Organized offensive across the entire eastern front and if possible another naval offensive in the south if we can figure out where the mines are it is my hope that this offensive will stretch enemy resources so thin at some point they will break a hole in the enemy defensive lines which we can use to attack them from behind and use the momentum to defeat the enemy

Maintain a strong front-line and concentrate our best forces in such a way as to cut off enemy armies, destroy factories, disable bridges or just gain ground.

>From 2 million to 7 Million
We need to take out the NPU navy and bomb the NPU, and it's time for a full force attack on all fronts.

Those that were deployed were mostly the professionals. Now that we're in total war, the reserves make up a larger part of our forces.
We'll take the initiative now.
1.On land
A.Total offensive on every front, don't give them space the breath!
B.Focus our attacks on the rebells first
2.As for our navies
A.Defend our logistics, support our armies wherever possible
B.Go on the offensive as well

>B.Focus our attacks on the rebells first

>A.Defend our logistics, support our armies wherever possible

>A.Total offensive on every front, don't give them space the breath!
>B.Go on the offensive as well

>B.Focus our attacks on the rebells first

>A.Defend our logistics, support our armies wherever possible


Let's take a risk

switching to
It's a winning combination.



Rolled 75, 6, 75, 75, 28 = 259 (5d100)

The navy will act in support - our ground forces shall advance on every possible front!
1.Northern front
2.Plains front
3.Southern front
4.Naval participation
5.Enemy initiative

>6 Plains
>75 75 75
>28 Enemy

Poor chaps at the plains

>2.Plains front
otherwise that triple 75 and the 28 for the enemy is pretty nice.

Naebigi pulled most of his forces out from the jungles to reinforce his central positions. He successfuly defended those positions, which led to heavy casualties for our men on the Plains front, but that came at a heavy cot for the enemy as we've gained territory in both the north and south. Enemy naval raids were repelled, overall a good end to the Summer.
It's now autumn. Suggest plans of action.

Keep pounding Naebigi with everything we got until the snow falls.
Then we offer him terms for an honourable surrender (provided he still stands).

After that we can focus everything on the NPU.

Use our overwhelming numbers to circle the plains while fortifying on the NPU's border.
Also attack their northern fleet, they didn't have time to repair since our last attack.

I suggest we get some forces and supplies ready incase this goes war goes into winter but for now it looks like our offense is still working there doesn't seem to be much cover for the enemy armies in the plans to use

>subscribe for victory
>National bank of loans
Seems a bit too spire like for me "Trusted" Councilor

>Then we offer him terms for an honourable surrender

no he dies

bomb them to hell on the plains, push into the center while trying to encircle the rebels

also try to take yuminkoto

Honorable surrender mean sodoku

I don't read french, I claim ignorance!
If we can take the rebels out of the war early it will save thousands of lives, letting that old fox go into exile is an acceptable price for that.

We shall continue our advance, but in what direction?
A.All fronts, full forward!
B.Attempt to encircle and surround Naebigi's central positions(risky, but might just work)
C.Focus on the northern and southern fronts while occupying Naebigi's attention in the center, taking what we can
D.Throw everything at Nebigi's positions

>D.Throw everything at Nebigi's positions

>B.Attempt to encircle and surround Naebigi's central positions(risky, but might just work)
A devastating blow if it lands, they will surely surrender because of the winter and ammo shortages due to the lack of logistics.


B Let's hope the rolls are on our side

Rolled 44 (1d100)

A grand strategic undertaking that will utilize our superior manpower to its fullest extent! While the reserves will focus on manning the defensive lines, our best troops will make a pincer from Green Mountain in the north to the Michiki River in order to cut Naebigi off from the NPU.

why can't anything nice happen.

Could be worse.

Okay guys new rule, when we can avoid it, never. Ever. EVER. ROLL WHEN WE CAN HELP IT.

Damn Naebigi and his neverending bag of tricks.

No matter. our new secret weapons will surely destroy him.

Let's hope our manpower and tech lowered the DC by at least 6

Nonsense, crazy rolls are the best things about our bizarre civ-adventures.

We gained ground on every front, but it was a costly offensive - Naebigi took notice of our plans soon enough. He left some of his forces in the east and redirected others to attack our pincers in the flanks. Together with NPU reinforcements they were able to stop our grand maneuver.
It is late autumn. This winter is promising to be less harsh than the last two, at least.
Our losses are within acceptable ranges, the enemy's most likely more exhausted, especially Naebigi's rebels.
What shall we do now?
A.Continue offensives as long as the weather permits
B.Dig in, regroup and reinforce and prepare for a large spring offensive
C.Keep up the pressure - attack, attack, attack!
D.Other plan

That's not how it works.
Modern society has made a bad habit of idolizing the risk 0 concept.
It's cowardice that drives us to believe it is the solution.
I feel a great hatred for all people that refuse to put all their work and their honor and reputation on the line to try to provide better results.
If we wanted to not roll ever, we should have stayed in the damp caves and died of there, Not risking anything for we had nothing to risk.
Risk management isn't something that should be driven by the goal of the disappearance of risk, but instead the control of the risk/reward ratio.

>B.Dig in, regroup and reinforce and prepare for a large spring offensive
The winter is when we prepare and fortify our position, we better stay prepared for spring, the NPU might try something.


B Spring is when we risk it all

>A.Continue offensives as long as the weather permits

Pummel Naebigi until he's begging us for terms, if he surrenders to us we can have him hand over all former rebel land to us rather than the Kaichou.
Then we can send him into exile and focus everything on annihilating the filthy NPU-bolchevik-menace.

B keep shelling them

Rolled 12, 79, 32, 5, 13, 96 = 237 (6d100)

We'll solidify our gains and prepare for spring
4.Last couple of offensives for the year
5.Enemy initiative
6.????(not necessarily good for us, DC over 66 for event)

>shit roll apart for innovation.
>strange event

Apparently our soldiers are refusing to go over the top until they get health insurance

>DC over 66 for event
hype intensifies

At least the enemy is not pushing

Dammit man you made me feel bad and I've been here since the second Fenn war, consider this old ministers heart touched, From now on we go in for all the most risky of shit and reap the golden rewards and the dreary ends! Glory to the north!

>Dammit man you made me feel bad
sorry if i went a bit hard, it's just my political conviction, I'm French after all, who dares win and we've learned that the hard way in WW2, also now we've got 80% of electricity coming from nuclear power, not giving a fuck about fukushima.
My whole country is living on the edge at some degree and I feel it's not enough in some domains.
I really hope we will give birth to a daring civilization who honor those who failed but do not regret their actions.
Every failure that doesn't become disabling is a small step toward success.
I wonder if we'll keep the same philosophy in the conquest of space era...
After all with absolutely no political enemy after we win this war, we will not risk our political stability by reducing the amount of safety in our research.

Production was focused on the new designs of landships, now referred to as tanks.
We suffered many losses this year, given our logistics,we have been struggling to keep our armies at full strength.
The front settled down for winter as both sides went on to lick their wounds.
Shortly after New Year's Eve of 1162 AE, we recieved news.
The God-Emperor has returned to Kotoima.

President Igmar has been invited to come to the Imperial Capital for an important meeting to determine the future of the World. Until it is over, hostilities are to be suspended.