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Courtesan Edition
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Courtesan Edition
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What race makes the best Courtesan, mechanically?
Heal from minor damage and never get tired
>being a courtesan
>not being so pure they need a whole legion to contain your purity
Which is the best and most interesting Vigilante archetype and why?
Wasn't Fall-From-Grace the type of succubus that seduced you just by being an excellent conversationalist?
Shit, I think Wrath of the Righteous had that, where the succubus got you addicted to them simply by the wonderful conversations she has with you.
Why don't more succubi do that? Take a charming, scholarly intellectual route to get men falling for them?
Reminder that Magical Child Vigilantes can get Companion to the Lonely and have a lesbian OTP / harem.
Nah man. Falls-From-Grace gave up being evil to become a Sensate, which was a faction dedicated to experiencing all sensations/emotions. So you could pop into their HQ and hook up to a memory of someone coming home to find their children dead, or make an appointment to have an interesting conversation with a worldly (planarly?) traveler. Far as I remember FFG didn't do much seducing at all.
Unlike that saucy Tiefling rogue.
Fuck I love her.
>PrC triggering on Wis with Cha-based skill synergies
The Aasimar are knocking, will you answer?
Something tell me Catfolk for some reason, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
It's their nyack for getting into trouble!
But user, what if I play a male Magical Child?
You become the teenage heartthrob every lonely house mom wants to ruin!
You posted a bard / rubato and you know it!
Some succubi do seduce intellectually, but that's boring and no one wants to hear about it.
But user, my preferred flavor of Catfolk is Thunder
Good day, /pfg/
This is my 13th iteration of the fighter fix I am working on.
I call it the FIghter's Focus.
Please tell me what you think.
>Some succubi do seduce intellectually, but that's boring and no one wants to hear about it.
Nigga it's the single most effective way for a succubus to actually steal the soul of a wizard, alchemist, or some other worthless autist robot-tier intellectual type.
Reposting from the last thread for good measure; the Fool's Errand discipline is now live for playtesting.
The GitP thread for it can be found here:
And the disc itself here:
Still not sold on grasp existing at all
That's because you're a fujo and fujos love catboys.
Stat me, /pfg/
It looks like a Kitsune.
Looks like an Onmyoji Spiritualist to me.
>being swayed by a succubus
>not making several backdoor deals with the rulers of hell, heaven and entrophy itself to learn the secrets of the cosmos.
Psychic armory, perhaps prestiged into elocater.
When in doubt - PsyArm.
I think there was a Telekinesis themed Armorist or something similar n the Telekinesis handbook. Otherwise, I think a Psychic Armory Soulknife could work as well.
refluffed Summoner
Especially when they get a maneuver later that ignores effects that would render a target immune to it.
A shame that Polymorph Any Object probably can't remove the succubus's drain touch. Or specify whether you can turn a creature into a half-version without gm-fiat.
Because that's the kind of shit a wizard would do.
I am a level 5 wizard with Craft Wand. I need some suggestions for wands I should make.
>we've reached the pinnacle of a character class that can be rolled and refluffed into anything ever.
I like it. There's a nice mix of battlefield control, movement, damage dealing, and throwing a motherfucker between all the maneuvers. The Fool's Errand style and the Mithral Current/Fool's Errand style feats both look interesting and useful enough but the Elemental Flux feat seems really situational.
Grasp as a condition is kind of cool. It seems like, when facing enemies of roughly your size, you're always going to be able to Grasp them, but it's just as easy to break out of as a Grapple from someone not specialized in it so I don't see many enemies staying in it for long. Take all of this with a grain of salt though as I am very tired.
>robot tier
>have 50int as an alchemist for 20 hours each day
>literally so intelligent that you're 18 above "unfathomable"
at some point you've level robot and turned into some kind of GodAutist.
Bull's Strength / Cat's Grace / Bear's Endurance/ etc.
basically anything you know will be casted several times in a day, but not worth wasting a spell slot over.
The biggest issue is how it's pretty much guaranteed to Grasp, and you can't do anything to escape until your turn. So you've already been dragged away, and probably killed.
It looks like he removed the stuff that game grapplers the ability to grasp.
If your DM is using grasp AGAINST you, that's on them, not the PC mechanic. It's like being annoyed that the DM's using save or dies.
They have to custom-build a monster or enemy to be using Fool's Errand in order for that situation to happen.
Right. Especially if you take the Fool's Errand Style chain which gives you the +8 to Climb on top of whatever else you stack onto it. I guess what I meant to say was that I think it's cool conceptually but that mechanically I saw issues.
I'm pretty sure that's the intended result. I trust DSP to have run the math on it.
>It looks like he removed the stuff that game grapplers the ability to grasp.
Like... Grasp existing?
It's easy. Use a move that will Grasp, drag them up to half your move.
And of course the enemies are initiators, they have to be if they're going to represent any form of challenge or threat at all.
Or the succubus could pretend to be interested by whatever the wizard/alchemist/nerd is specializing in, without actually talking about it.
It's probably almost definitely just me, but I think there's some pretty neat things you could do with "grasping" that might involve chokeholds and the like.
Personally I see the difference between grasp and grapple like the difference between judo and jiyu-jutsu. Judo is about 'grasping', choking and throwing. Whereas jiyu-jutsu is more about pinning, restraining and breaking. A judo-ka is an almost perfect example of a "grip" character, their hands are terrifying, it's near impossible to break their grip on anything and they can choke you to death with your own clothing (makoto from street fighter 3 / 4 actually has a 'throw' based off of this, where she lifts her opponent straight up and off the ground).
I kind of think back to the assassins Celia and Lede in original translation of FFT: they had an ability called 'stop bracelet' (which was a really bad translation of 'stop breath') where they could basically just choke the life out of someone. Maybe some chokeholds that leave a person in various states of fatigued or exhausted?
On the ability 'to the skies' I think it would probably work better when keyed off of initiator level / modifier rather than 'climb skill', because there's a lot of ways to boost climb (natural climb speed is +8, trained class skill is +3, + ranks, +skill items, +feats like skill focus) it becomes very easy to launch things potentially hundreds of feet in the air. Same problem with sky shattering throw... 100 ft per rank is *insane* when you can do stuff like dip 1 level of aegis to get a climb speed for 2 customization points thus allowing you to throw a target somewhere in the realm of a whole fucking kilometer (3280.84ft) into the air when combined with various feats, items and high skill ranks.
Enemies being initiators is on the DM. I tend to give my monsters counters and that's it.
>Trinia Sabor
>Ameiko Kaijitsu
Which one is *actually* the cutest?
Unfortunately, the math on all of the Skill vs Whatever DC is that it doesn't take long before the skills can't fail anymore.
I know that some people enjoy it that way, but I personally feel nothing from winning a fight with a class and powers that basically cannot fail.
Stop coddling your PCs.
It's the only way they'll learn to play smarter at medium or high levels.
user, RANK
Not points of bonus. It caps at 20 ranks. One per level.
Laori Vaus
Our Kitsune beguiler is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
I'm pretty sure that's the intended result. "You always grasp them, but they can escape on their turn."
Well, neither of them is a stronk !notRussian Awoo, so I couldn't say.
But the spikes tho.
She's an adorable sunbeam but she's applying it in all the wrong ways.
Counters can extend a combat, only giving the whole package will it be interesting.
Counters = it took longer to beat down the guards
Initiators = Shit, we actually got a little dinged up and might need healing later if this keeps up!
Ameiko's shyer little sister Amaya.
Greta is sexy, she's not cute.
PsyArm and Aegis, literally the only two classes you ever need again.
Amaya is also a higher level and (slightly) better built, by which I mean she doesn't have useless NPC or Rogue levels. Straight Bard (Investigator archetype).
Boosts that allow you to inflict damage (either choke or pain holds, maybe even 'limb breaks' that reduce mobility / attack) could be pretty cool. Initiate a strike to grasp, then use a boost to choke.
>But the spikes tho.
The ones outside the armor, or inside? And you just have to work to get her to apply it in other ways. Helps if you're up for stuff that might require a Regenerate spell later though.
But who's the most handsome?
If it keeps up, you might need healing in the middle of battle.
>"You always grasp them, and your allies kill them before their turn."
Wait Im confused I know Leadership gets you companions but waht is the Lonely?
Amaya is awkward? I thought she had the same Kaijitsu charm as her sister.
Ah good, I don't need to hold back then. Prepare for the Scarlet Throne strike teams!
It's a vigilante talent to have sex and get a pool of re-rolls for Will and Cha skills. No cohort needed, any hobo will do.
>Amaya knows what it is to feel alone and afraid in a crowded world, and while she has trouble expressing that empathy, she hates for anyone else to experience it.
>She is less personable and more studious than her half-sister Ameiko—whom she has met only twice—but the two still share their father’s passion and good looks. But while Ameiko prefers to flaunt both, Amaya keeps them as cherished tools to only bring out when needed. Still, among friends her dry wit comes out, often unintentionally enhanced by her own literalism.
>Amaya once entertained suitors at her mother’s insistence, but romance makes her deeply uncomfortable. Her difficulty reading the emotions and intentions of others further stymies her interest in sharing the most intimate moments of her life with another. While she treasures her friends and allies, the presence of other people forces her to wear a mask and dance an unfamiliar dance—all exhausting tasks she can leave behind while shaping glass, reading books, and hunting the beasts of the night.
She's got a bit of it, but she's definitely shyer.
So i'm interested in retiring a character that no longer fits into the party paradigm by rp or mechanics, and i'm interested in making a warlord to replace her. Was a full build ever posted for the nuclear warlord that was around a few weeks ago?
If not, is it the standard 2 level dip into paladin for smite/lay on hands/cha to saves, or does it go deeper?
You don't find her cute?
... God I miss pathfinder craziness after coming back from 5e!
... Wait, is Amaya autistic? Some of those sound like real strong indicators of autism.
Physical intimacy! It does not have to be the sexual! It could be holding the hands or the cuddling!
Companion of the lonely does not have to into sexual
Wizards may have put 5e on the furthest of their backburners, but here at /pfg/, we're getting new meido cosplay and Will save butt stuff every day!
No? She's tough and sexy, cute is something totally different.
Does not have to, but the RAI is obvious from the fluff text.
Try the Cursed Razor strike teams.
Can you describe the nuclear Warlord?
How was 5e? Were there any seduction mechanics?
Kitsune Spiritualist?
Crappy childhood.
She spent it shuffled back and forth between parents but with almost all the raising done by nannies and tutors, was forced to play the role of a neice or distant cousin, and was very removed from her family, so she never got a chance to develop social skills. She also spent most of her time in Westcrown, which is very gloomy, and was ostracised among the nobility for her illegitimate status.
I suppose you could say she might be mildly autistic, but it's very strongly aligned with nurture rather than nature.
>Calistria approved
>acts of physical pleasure
>not sexual
What next, you claim that handholding isn't the worst form of deviancy out there?
I'm still not sure what a PsyArm is. I'm like 99% certain it's DSP but it's not on the SRD so I'm at a loss.
5e was ok as a "back to basics" sort of thing... Basically we played for the 4 new people we got and it was ok.... Problem is if your not new 5e is just DREADFULLY dull in terms of options and capabilities
Also no seduction mechanics.... honestly their were barely any mechanics in the first place
She's also Chaotic Good but with WIS 12, so she DIDN'T DUMP WISDOM like her sister.
Out of those two? Always Trinia.
DSP its from the newest Soulknife expansion. It's pretty dope.
What if we just give pseudo-maneuvers to each creature type based on their racial hit dice? Isn't that way easier than custom-making every damn monster with PoW shit?
Suddenly it seems like a better idea to let Ameiko become empress, rather than see her "accidentally" die and take Amaya over to Tian Xia.
Looks to be a charge based warlord, stacking flat damage bonuses with vital strike to roll buckets of dice with some shenanigans. Looking to adapt it to be a little less dangerously cheesy and more viable for a lower end party, but that would require actually seeing what the full thing is supposed to be.
I enjoyed 5e, though partially because it was the only game around. The lack of all the options ever isn't so bad and the general level of balance meant no one was left out. It crashed and burned but that is more a failing of my group than any system we play (though Shadowrun's d6 system was specifically blamed when we gave up on that).
You...I like you.
Why not both?
That's partially what the Martial Training line is for. Just replace one or more feats, choose only the maneuvers that are readied (and stances), and that should be that.
Its DSP, its from Psionics Augmented: Soulknife
Its on pathminder with the relevant stuff here
The Playtest doc is here
Its awesome.
Don't worry user, the same shit happened to me when I first asked about something similar. Once you finally start cobbling together where to go to find stuff, it's a whole new world.
> Carnal desire
nope. It has to be sex. Even handholding wouldn't work.
When I was running a 3pp game I built rank and file enemies with a couple thematically appropriate maneuvers, but when it came to major villains they all got their own homebrewed stances and maneuvers and ways to recover them. I'd say it worked out pretty well but we stopped playing before the party could interact with any of them.