>Veeky Forums is already massively improved thanks to the addition of /qst/
Veeky Forums is already massively improved thanks to the addition of /qst/
Firstly, meta thread, fuck off.
Secondly, it won't make a difference. It'll always be Veeky Forums.
No because mods don't enforce migration and questfags shitpost on /qst/ so it will fail
I'm filtering out posts with "quest" in the title so it doesn't make much difference to me.
At the end of the day, the decent threads can actually survive the hourly round of bait threads so. Y
we're gonna need some migrant enforcement for it to be a proper fix.
Perhaps we should build a wall to keep them out.
It's already loads better. I can't wait for it to stick and be properly enforced.
Making a meta thread about it is shitty though.
I never read those threads, so it's nice to not see them all over the front page yeah.
lets make Veeky Forums great again
But who will pay for it?
You fuckers doing victory laps is the worst new addition to Veeky Forums, but otherwise nothing has changed.
So I'd say no.
We haven't had six faggots come in and complain about quest threads in this thread yet. 10/10
There's still ~20 threads tripping my filter so the migration to /qst/ isn't yet complete.
>You fuckers doing victory laps
Get this; we'll make the questfags pay for it!
No, since I still have 9 threads filtered.
9 is better than 30
I just went in and used the search feature. Five actual quest threads.
The rest were using the word "question" as far as I can tell.
Veeky Forums is no longer the only board I'll ever need. That makes me sad.
/quest(?!ion)/i should filter quest without filtering question
Alright. Fair 'nuff.
Yes, BUT I still have 9 threads filtered.
I just searched the word quest.
I don't use the filter because I'm not a regular here.
There's just politics going on and I like to be where they are.
Don't forget "Request".
Fucking yes.
Although /qst/ needs better mods/policing to deal with shitheads, have no desire for them to come back here when it collapses.