Why he looks like Danny Trejo?
Why he looks like Danny Trejo?
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He looks fuck all like him. For a start he's not Mexican nor does he have a massive moustache. You're thinking of Pedro Kantor.
Or does he?
God dam, I'm a guy and I got to say his face looks amazing.
Maybe one of the coolest mofos that ever walked this planet.
Only problem: IF he was the Emperor, then that means that the Emperor wasn`t stronger than heroine and OD`d....
Aortic aneurysm, not heroin overdose.
user, I apologize and admit I was wrong. I looked it up and you`re damn right. He even lived drug free for 9 month before he died.
On the other side: There is a high possibility, that his cause of death can be explained by the usage of hard drugs over a long time.
We will never know for sure.
But thank you for changing the myth I was told into the true story.
If he's the Emperor he obviously faked his death in order to assume a new identity or something.
And I understand why every other species or god feared him after watching this...
Beaner please.
He looks nothing like him.
Christ, that face is nobility.
No, user, not at all...
Hail Satan?
Very much.
Honestly: He was a very, very, very, very...... dark and heretic artist.
Sounds rad as hell.
>y he look like danny t
Does Newman's face appear to have been moulded from undercooked oatmeal? No? Then get your eyes checked, pendejo.
inb4 moar liek EJ Almos
imo he looks like the lead singer of Manowar
Well the Emperor has masqueraded as many influential characters throughout history.
OP tries to start a thread about nothing, Veeky Forums instead pops completely comfortable boners for Peter Steele's perfect god damn face.......today was a good day.
Well, canonicaly, the God Emperor is fucking Turkish.