Smasha & Kunnin' edition
Archaon, Nagash, Gordarkk and ...Celestant-Prime!? He is too weak to represent Order.
Smasha & Kunnin' edition
Archaon, Nagash, Gordarkk and ...Celestant-Prime!? He is too weak to represent Order.
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Warriors being worse than Guard
Furst for lord and savior
First for third
Fourth for Skeleton Warriors being worse than Grave Guards
So, do Battletomes add any interesting mechanics or rules to a game?
Fifth for did nothing wrong.
Sixth for can love bloom in death?
Help me Veeky Forums
The people at my local store don't accept the lore of AoS
I try to use the proper names for units but the others won't respond if I don't use the obsolete terms. Like I was talking about my Deathrattle army and they won't accept the names. It really breaks the rich narrative, like when mom calls my PS4 a "Nintendo
It's true. The mortal realms are way larger and more inhabited than the world that was. In essence Mannfred created the mortal realms, the place where Chaos many finally be defeated.
Mannfred is the champion of life and hope.
Stop being a sperg, who cares what people call them
>Mannfred is the champion of life and hope.
And chaos warriors are worse than varanguard.
>In essence Mannfred created the mortal realms
I'm confused about something in Flesh-eater Courts warscrolls.
They list the leader of a unit as a Crypt Ghast, but then have another warscroll called Crypt Ghast Courtier. This is done for every Courtier unit(except the Varghulf Courtier)
Are these two the same thing or are they different things?
Those serve two different purposes and can't be directly compared
Guard and Warriors are almost the same but the former is strictly better
They're different things, the courtiers are like minor hero units.
Yes, he got Gelt which led to the winds of magic becoming free which led to them flying into space and becoming the mortal realms.
In truth it should be the Age of Mannfred.
He'd do a better job than that loser Sigmar.
Get back to your cage, Mannfred
Mannfred is like Sir Alexander Fleming.
He may have created the Mortal Realms by accident, but it was still his revolutionary act.
Nagash already tried that, but nothing he tries is Mannfred proof. He really should thank Mannfred anyway, without Mannfred there would be no Shyish for Nagash to rule.
First for free chain... aw wait fuck.
>There is nothing in the dreaded thirteenth spell preventing you from spawning an entire squad of verminus warlords every time it's cast.
The Warlord warscroll doesnt have "this unit may contain any number of models" sentence?
This thread-scroll now belongs to Skaven! All Clans welcome, flithy lizard-things stay out.
pff ya'll niggas don't know shit about the brave Skellingtons, they fresh until they drop and they give no fucks.
fuck outta here
What's the best weapon options for stormfiends and why is it Ratling cannons +1 grinderfist?
Return of Be'lakor when?
What happened to him anyway? Didn't archaon tell him to fuck off and then he disappeared?
Realm of Shadows update.
Well he almost became a God, then he tried to destroy the world tree, then he was imprisoned in a ruby until the end of the world, which wasn't long after.
Anybody knows if the lore says what a Mordant is?
I play a mixed Mortal/Daemon chaos army, and my friend has been getting more and more interested in AoS. He wants to start a destruction army with lots of goblins and a Maw Crusha. What would you suggest as the first models to buy? I have a very chariot heavy list.
Ghoul guy.
I was looking for quotes or something more specific, rather than just
>>Ghoul guy.
Ard boyz. More than you can shake a Waaagh stick at.
Hmm I think he just wanted a centerpiece model for the Maw Crusha and then some goblins to fill out the rest. Are 'Ard Boyz that good?
Guy who is a ghoul.
Well he'll want some Orcs to do the heavy hitting, a box of black orcs would be good, then i suppose a unit of gobbos and a grot hero.
He could counter you with the start collecting box as it has boar riders and a chariot for fast-moving units
An old school ghoul?
That sounds like a good idea. In the warscroll for the Ard Boyz it says Each unit is armed with an
array of weapons, but I assume all the unit needs to have the same one right?
Mordant are the "men at arms" of the Ghoul Kings. Basically the foot soldiers.
Try running them like people used to run rat darts in 8th.. Ull get better results
Guess there isn't anything else besides that. It's curious that a Varghulf is a Mordant, while the Abhorrant Ghoul Kings are Vampires.
Just saw this in Aos facebook page.
Kinda cheesy, but I chuckled a bit at the comma.
The Dracothian Guard box comes with a halberd option for the Lord-Celestant on Dracoth but there are no rules for it at all.
Was this an oversight or what?
Would you say it's okay to treat the halberd as a tempestos hammer instead since there are no rules for the halberd but there are for the hammer?
one could consider this as well: late 15th century: from French, present participle of mordre ‘to bite,’ from Latin mordere .
when will we get start start collection boxes for humans, dindus and ælves?
Once they are ready to repack these items. So once they sell oUT of back stock.
He like spiders?
Who are the dindus in AoS?
I think the spider riders were something he was looking at, but I dunno if it's the first thing he buys.
I just call them dindus because its as silly as duardin
I assumed it was the thunderaxe of the Lord-Celestant, since the regular axe on a lord would look boring, but I'd be down for using it as the Tempestos Hammer.
Tempestos Axe sounds pretty cool anyway.
Yeah, it looks like an axe but it has a banner flowing behind it and a blade on the top and the box art shows it on the back of the box and describes it as a halberd.
I have never played AoS but I am pretty pumped for Silver Tower of Tzeentch, really like that theres some weird Beastmen in there too
I'm pretty sure this is b8 but what the hell.
Yes, they do.
The Battletomes add several Battalions each (with Battalion rules being quite literally the only part of army building you cannot download for free (why yes that does basically mean pay to win, well spotted)) and they add Battleplans (re:Scenarios) which are usually meant to be used with the army the Plan comes with, but they can be adapted for other armies easily and most of these twist the rules around until it feels like you're playing a different game.
Battletome: Everchosen for example has a plan in which two demigod-like beings duke it out in the center of the board while their flunkies fight all around them. Meant to be used for Nagash vs. Archaon but you can use it for all big showdowns. It also has special rules to make the commanders' battle more cinematic (re:Anime-like).
Battletome: Fyreslayers has a great Battleplan that wants to remind people of those awesome Warcraft III missions where you have no base, just a handful of fighters and you have to dungeon-crawl to the BBEG at the end.
If you only want unit rules in print, skip the Battletomes and get a Grand Alliance book.
why would it be bait?
Yes. Actually, battletomes is the way Aos is supposed to be played.
For me, it makes an entire world of difference.
It was a legitimate question. Thank you, user.
>Battletome: Fyreslayers has a great Battleplan that wants to remind people of those awesome Warcraft III missions where you have no base, just a handful of fighters and you have to dungeon-crawl to the BBEG at the end.
That sounds awesome and nostalgic
Correction: thank you, anons.
remove sigmarines
A little leak. The blue horror special rule seems a longwinded way of saying how most people would run it as RAI. The ogroid dude is what I'm really interested in finding out more about though.
You convinced me to buy battletomes. Cheers user.
Really Sigmar should be Orders big super dude.
But he's squatting on the throne smashing lighting with hammers and such.
he's too busy lazering his people for not wearing the Sigmar hammer pin correctly oriented 90° to the left during Sigmday.
The fact that he names fucking everything after himself really pisses me off. They made him look like an egotistical asshole.
Which saddens me, because I fucking love Sigmar.
>D3 mortal wounds on the charge, no ifs, no buts
>minor but guaranteed regen
>three different weapons (two of them with Damage probably above 1)
>one unbind
>to-hit buff
I don't even care what his unique spell does, unless he's got awful to hit by default, that ogre mage seems great.
I'm really excited for these Tzeentch models being released, especially with normal rules, since they look like a really cool stand alone army. I'm curious though whether it's comparable to the Khorne army in the starter set and if I could field both equally if I and a buddy wanted to pit them against each other.
There's 29 Khorne models in the starter and 51 in the Silver tower, minus the heros, leaving 44 models that's left for a Tzeentch force, so I'm wondering how balanced that could be?
Either way, I'll surely try and get this for the awesome models alone.
I think the tzeentch forces are
>1 gaunt summoner
>1 ogroid mage
>6 tzaangors
>8 acolytes
>2 pink horrors
>4 blue horrors
>4 yellow horror bases
So 26 models for a tzeentch force. (Technically the 8 familiars are tzeentch too, but they may not be that useful for an AOS force.) Remaining 10 non-heroes are grots and skaven.
Sigmar is quite the asshole. He'd not just adress the new leadership anywhere, he's only doing that in the largest of temples they built FOR HIM. And then he berates them a little before placing them at a table shaped like HIS hammer (shit for actually discussing anything, least of all with well over 200 guys present) under a massive statue of HIMSELF. And then he tells that lot, y'know, the guys that were actually loyal to him during the devastating civil war that happend just a little earlier, the guys he picked HIMSELF, that if they don't do what HE wants them to do, he'll kill them all. Lovely. What a great leader.
It probably does not help that all those Lords were selected for *personal* strength instead of any sensible traits for what is basically a glorified secretary.
I mean, okay, we know that he was a dick when he lost Ghal Maraz by being a moron, cried 'All is lost!', abbandoned his remaining allies and went home to sulk for centuries, but still...
Do we know more about the Skaven? i thought he was supposed to be a hero acting as a merc, but is he just going to be a boss enemy instead?
I actually liked sigmar's portraied like an asshole.
Its subtle, something that a 12y old won't recognize but the writers probably wrote thinking
>fuck sigmar, i have enough of this shit
>ill make him an asshole
Hm. This
This is interesting to think about. I don't like the whole asshole spin but this is intredasting. Certainly its a mighty good change from the old "CONAN" theme. Niggas still Conan but he's a cunt while he's at it as well. A cunt with mighty hair
Thanks user.
Looking at this list gives me the impression that I'll have to include a few more Tzaangors to the roster, maybe even kit-bash a few more acolytes, before I pit them against the 20 blood reavers and maybe include another hero to match the starters three.
I guess I'll know once the rules come out so it's easier to decide what's balanced to include.
He's basically a assassin by another name, can clone himself (the shadow clone being the second, supposedly identical, deathrunner, and works towards a mysterious end. He gives no toss about the tzeentchian intrigue going on, he just wants to do his job.
Tzaangor box when?
Gryph-hound box when?
>tfw no Settra
Tzaangor box and I die happy
Probably never knowing GW
Where's the Korgorath box? Bloodstoker box? etc.
Fucking 40k Cultists and Chosen STILL don't have a kit or exist in non shitty snap-fit and dark vengenge is like 3 years old at this point
Ha-ha! I lol'd))) NIce one, user!
What book is it from BTW?
He's a stupid dick, but he's our stupid dick. He's also not a Chaos god, so there's that.
>Cygors and Bestigores are temporarily out of stock
they're next lads
I would kill for a Gryph-Hound box.
>Freeguild (empire) archers have been out of stock for the past month
GW plz I want at least 2 boxes before you dump them
First they came for the Tomb Kings, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Tomb King Player,.
Then they came for the Bretonnians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Bretonnian Player.
Then they came for my army—and there was no one left to speak for me.
>all the unit needs to have the same one right
Nope, Ardboyz, Stormfiends, Varanguards do not need to use the same weapon.
>Korgorath box? Bloodstoker box?
Facebook guy said, no more Bloodbounds in this year.
>What book is it from BTW?
Grand Alliance: Order, no scan, and it is cheap.
That is not funny.
That Fyreslayers Battleplan was what got me to start a Death army desu
Only got skellies and a box of zombies so far, but it seems like it might be fun once I assemble the lot of them.
I be downloading the Battletome to see what you talkin' bout but could you gimme a small elaboration?
I too have just started a death army and finally finished assembling my lads today. Going to be a while till I can paint them all but for now its my strong and heady force.
Hello AoSG
So I'm working on stuff for my League and...well... in round 3 I want to introduce Time of War elements to everyone...and I had everyone pick a home realm. So if your the "defending" player the mission takes place in your home realm with your own time of war set up....So I need to pick some for the players.
My Slaanesh army is from Aqshy the Realm of Fire...So I was thinking of just using the Brimstone Penesiala because it's already written and that lets me be lazy...
But then again I'm with Slaanesh the God of Perfection and Excess so shouldn't I be writing one for everyone?
So I need 1 for my Passionate Forces in Aqshy,
1 for our Undead player from Shyish
1 for a Skaven Player in Shyish
1 for a Seraphon Jungle in Azyr
and 1 for a Dark Elf lord and his duradin allies in Chamon.
So what does a good Time of War have? What suggestions can you give me?
Are these two lists approximately balanced against each other?
++ High Elves ++
+ Heroes+
Dragonlord w/ Shield and Lance
+ Units +
2x 5 Dragon Blades
2x 10 Swordmasters
10 Phoenix Guard
10 White Lions
+ War Machines +
3x High Elf Bolt Thrower
+ Formations +
Dragonlord Host
++ Stormcast Eternals ++
+ Heroes +
Lord Celestant on Dracoth
Lord Relictor
Knight Venator
+ Units +
2x 3 Prosecutors w/ twin hammer
3x 5 Retributors
2x 10 Liberators w/ shield and hammer
5 Judicators w/ Bows + Shockbolt Bow
+ Formations +
Thunderstrike Brotherhood
Hammerstrike Force
Looks pretty good to me, im not a fan of elves so im not sure about their fully potential.
All i know is that the stormcast eternal player HAS to deepstike to destroy those bolt throwers asap or he'll have a bad time.
And he can, but that also means there's a shitload of other units that are about to be in his shit and keeping him from getting to the bolt throwers. It creates something of a siege effect, which I rather like.
Divide battlefield into sixths (shitty MS Paint pic related). Black section isn't used, do whatever you want except play this game with it. Grey line is a cavern wall - no-one sees across it, no-one attacks across it, no-one does anything across it.
Fyreslayers: Always start first. Deploy in the leftmost section and work their way through the sections to the last one. They win by killing the enemy general, who must be deployed in the last section. General gets a command ability that lets him or anyone in 10" of him roll 2D6 to run.
Death: splits their army into equal quarters and puts one quarter into each square, but they don't set up until the Fyreslayers finish a move in their individual square, and when set up, they need to be 6" from any enemy models. If they can't fit (God knows how many models you'd need to do THAT), they're put in the next section. General has to be deployed in the last one, but can still use command abilities, cast spells etc. if a Hero from his army is set up (just measure range from the Hero). Also, zombies fall from the cavern roof after the Fyreslayers reach the second section (the one to the right of the black section). Roll a die every hero phase, set up that many zombies, then roll a die for each zombie.
1-2: Splat! Remove zombie.
3-4: Set up D6 extra zombies to form a unit of 2 to 7 zombies.
5-6: Set up 2D6 extra zombies to form a unit of 3 to 13 zombies.
On top of that, any Monsters in the last section count as guardian statues - they get +1 to saves. Death wins if their General survives.
Finally, all shooting attacks against targets 8" away get -1 to hit, increased to -2 if 16".
That should cover absolutely everything. It seems like it should be fun to play as the Death player.
Saurus Guard dont get a model bonus do they? I dont have the app atm.
Well, i would agree, but im my experience they have been pretty killy. Dont have much experience with saurus guard yet.
No they get more OP fucking formations to run that dwarf having warriors in your army at all
What formations would those be? I know of one that needs 3 units of guard and something else but I cant recall at the moment.