Dungeon Life Quest (DLQ) 72 - Just Barely Updated In Time Edition

ARCHIVE: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Dungeon Life Quest
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CHARACTERS AND PLACES: docs.google.com/document/d/19gNVgtevar647l4ZumUaVH6GlJzvxLlDNKaH8DrQMWE/edit?usp=sharing

You are Nathan Bookchild, in a one-on-one fight with a half-oni, and gods, you fucking love it.

You throw Verve into the path of the charging demon and quickly side-step, drawing an iron knife from your belt. You eat a backhanded slap to the face for your trouble, sending you staggering back, but your enemy doesn't get it all his way - Verve slices a line of blood down his upper arm, making him howl in rage.

"IT WILL SERVE ME!" the huge man roars.

"CONTEXT WOULD BE NICE!" you answer, with equal fury.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're feeling pretty good about this. The demon's weapon is huge, clumsy, and - shifting shape.

Of course it is.

The club melts, splitting into a pair of smaller spiked clubs similar in shape but not in size. He parries Verve's next attack and grins viciously.

You draw a machete to go with your iron knife. He's got size and reach on you, and it's not like he's exactly slow. You...

> Have an idea
> Fight defensively
> Scan the room for something useful

And now, Gainful Employment. Votes are open until just after midnight EST.

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms remain welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating!

>> Have an idea

>> Have an idea

>> Fight defensively

We've got allies vs dogs; times on our side once his addons get taken care of.

>Have an idea
This sounds too fun to not vote for.

> Have an idea

>> Have an idea

Creative fighting, my favourite kind!

>Have an idea
Our shadow can fight independently, right? So us, our sword, andour shadow can attack the oni at the same time, and the oni can only block two of us.

Wait, do we have to contribute an idea in order to choose that option?

You don't. And Nate's shadow can't fight.

Has a woundseeker's shadow ever been shadowed by a necromancer?

What would happen to a woundseeker necromancer that makes a shadow?

Also would anything special happen if a necromancer made a shadow out of a dying woundseeker?


>Bri, if anything should happen to me, I want you to make a shadow out of me.
>Why would you even

>Go for the backstab!

It didn't take long for River to become skilled enough to make a shadow. Could Nathan learn? Then again, he may not have the stomach to create one. Heroes.

That's right, we have two of them. A few more and we'll be able to do some proper experiments.

The la Croix don't know, but they suspect that such a shadow would relate more to its owner - the woundseeker - than the death.

Nathan doesn't have the advantage of 24/7 training to spur him forward, to say nothing of River's previous experiences with death.

Two and a half hours and change to call.

> Fight defensively
Perhaps the goon will show an opening

One hour and change to call.

>> Have an idea

Home. Will call and write soon.

Called, writing.

You have an idea. You hurl your iron knife, forcing a swift parry that earns your foe a slash from Verve. You lunge, chopping with the machete, and bury it in the half-oni's wrist. You know it'll hurt him less than iron, but honestly, that's not what you need it for.

When it sticks in his bone, you /wrench/, topping the creature sideways as his joint torques.

"IDIOT HERO!" the half-oni bellows, already shifting shape to get away from your blade.

In answer, you press your prosthetic against his chest, making him howl in pain - and slip the amulet over his neck.

The results are immediate. The outraged sounds of pain coming from the part-demon's throat become terror and agony. He claws at his neck with one hand, fingers too feeble even now to rip the amulet from his throat. You see him wither, shrinking in on himself, screaming in terror. His flesh shrinks and blows away as dust, and soon even the bones are gone, leaving only the amulet sitting on a lonely pile of what was once a living creature.

He only stopped screaming when he no longer had a throat.

Stunned silence fills the room, until Amy cuts the throat of the dog she's fighting while it's distracted.

It's like someone gave you a cue. You throw up.

* * * * * *

You are Brianna la Croix, and it's been a long day. A long, trying day.

You can still hear the Diviner's accusations ringing in your head, chasing Trust's offer around in your mind. You remember the smoke of your grandmother's incense, the night you killed your first man.

The fear in River's eyes when you taught her to make a shadow.

At least Emily and Hatchet are safe, for the moment. Not that it matters, you're out fucking cold. You'll wake up when you wake up.

Lora silently passes you a cigar and sits next to you.

"Need to talk?" the angel asks.

> No
> I'd like to talk to my grandmother
> Yes. Gods, yes.

>> I'd like to talk to my grandmother

So thats what the amulet does. Wonder what it does for the thing inside the central room?

> Yes. Gods, yes.

....I just realized that I didn't vote.

>Yes. Gods, yes.
>Can you get tired when you're only a soul? What would happen if I drank coffee right now?

> Yes. Gods, yes.
Commence venting.

I mean, seriously. Why must Chosen make such terrible decisions. He could have just cursed the Pallbearer and crew with, I don't know, leprosy maybe? That's a classic. But no, he had to be creative. "Can only have the things you take." Fucking brilliant. Before that, they would have eventually just died from either the pirate lifestyle or failing that old age and been out of everyone's hair for good. But no. Someone just had to get all greek with his curses.



>> Yes. Gods, yes.

Let's not push to talk to grandma. Yeah, she could answer it... but I don't think we should really abuse this thing.

This user though, has a good point. Yeah, the bit with the Diviner rings in our ears, way too uncomfortably, but Grams seems the kind of person who has a reason for everything. If she didn't teach us, then we either weren't ready, or she felt that there was a reason we shouldn't know it. Maybe it's dangerous, or hilariously impractical.

But that Chosen's plan maybe wasn't the best thing to have done. It's greek, and I'm sure most people regret it, but... I don't think that's much comfort to the thousands of lives they destroyed after they got 'immortality'.

Called, writing.


You take a long puff on the cigar and let the foul smoke trickle from your nose. Lark's work is the absolute worst you've ever had, and it is, in its own way, comforting.

"Yeah," you murmur. "I think I need to talk." Your eyes go to Lora's blade, split in half down the middle, and the spectral screams and sobs that echo from it. "What was her name?"

"Gabrielle," Lora answers, softly. "Her story, I think, would be familiar to you. She lost her way and chose to believe light was a myth rather than accept that she settled for darkness."

You nod, taking another puff. "Yeah, I know that story."

"You're awfully calm," Lora suggests.

"How do you /want/ me to be?" you snap, the fury rising in your breast with sudden heat. "What am I /supposed/ to feel, Lora? Huh? I can't stop thinking about this place, and, and these /people/, and all of the /shit/ that's happened! Who in the /fuck/ thought that what they did to the /Pallbearer/ was remotely acceptable? Why can't I stop thinking about what /she/ said to me? I can't - /why me/? What did I do to deserve this?"

Lora pulls you into a one-armed hug as you start to sob.

"Why?" you repeat, helplessly.

"What're you trying to talk about, Bri?" Lora asks, her voice kind. She squeezes you around the shoulders.

> The /Pallbearer/
> Gabrielle's accusations
> Your family
> Write-in? (don't make me regret this, user, please)

>> The /Pallbearer/

gtfo faggots, you got your own containment board.

> The /Pallbearer/

>> The /Pallbearer/

>> The /Pallbearer/

Anyway, the Pallbearer thing, in general, was terrible. It's a curse, is all it is. It didn't protect anyone, didn't stop the raids, and made it nigh impossible for the /pirates/ to stop. All it did was make people miserable.

Which makes me wonder a little bit about the Quell, and just what it is. Most of the other gods, we've heard about being a he or a she. The Quell's always been an 'it'. Embodying law and neutrality. So, why'd it's Chosen do something that was pretty much just spite?

>She lost her way and chose to believe light was a myth rather than accept that she settled for darkness.

That's quite a way with words, you got there. I like it.

Goddamnit, we already know the answer as to why we "deserve this". Or we should, given our family. We know why there's evil in the world, because we can see the easy way out every time we run into a problem caused by Zombie Armies.

And we have to make that choice, because we're in the position to make that choice.

I guess it would be nice to know

> What we do DOES make a difference, right?

I guess.

I'm pretty confused as to why Brianna is breaking down like this. I would much more expect her to want to know if Lora is able to draw the line somewhere, if letting mortals have free will means unlimited capacity for evil with shit like this, if there's no middle ground.

> I'm pretty confused as to why Brianna is breaking down like this.

Gabrielle did a number on her mood. And you have to remember, from Bri's perspective that wasn't all that long ago - she hasn't even /slept/ since then. She's still wound up, still hurt, still...scared. Scared that the Diviner wasn't just fucking with her, that some, maybe even most, of what she said or accused was /right/.

When Bri passed on the shadow lore to River it was an event both of them regretted. And Gabrielle cast it as perpetuating a cycle of abuse and murder. That'll do a fuckin' number on a girl.

I need to hit bed. Votes remain open until the morning.

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms remain welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating!

Damn. It's like the Arc of the Covenant all over again.

I like it!

>The /Pallbearer/.
Though..I honestly think its more appropriate as a combo. Old hurt being compounded and exacerbated by the new hurt.

> When Bri passed on the shadow lore to River it was an event both of them regretted.

I'm starting to get that impression, yes. Shadows are apparently indeed among the most useful of servants, based on what we've seen so far. Useful in the "kill things" sense, that is. They're pretty messed up, as a concept.

I do wonder if we could even GET Kat to do things that aren't killing related. Fluff the pillows, make coffee, broom the floor, apply bandages... y'know, mundane things. Might make it easier to feel ok about them.

Kat cuddled with Nate's shadow almost immediately after Bri created her, so I think Kat can do at least some non murder related things.

If Kat and Nate's shadow fuck, will there be a shadow babby? I've read Game of Thrones. Shadow babbies are the shit.

You know, when Vox mentioned the whole "What are you doing? I created you!" thing, I figured that was just the shadow killing its creator. I totally didn't think that it might be a shadow humping another shadow, much to the embarrassment of the people that own/created them.


Well, Nate's shadow didn't do anything lewd with Brooks shadow. Except the only sexual taboo on Veeky Forums; hand-holding. Absolutely disgusting.

I really need to know the answer to can shadows have sex, the question.

Pic related

I think it depends on the angle of the light sources and the clothing status of the owners

I'm awake. Will call and write after preventing homelessness.


They can do something as lewd as holding hands but they can't fuck?

Nah, we're testing this.

Campfire lit sex. I wanna see those sentient shadows bang.

Homelessness prevented. Called, writing.

Oh, sure. In the dark, when you're sleeping and the lamp is off, they're banging you.

"Tell me about the /Pallbearer/," you whisper. "Tell me why this happened."

"It was a different time," Lora murmurs. "...I'm going to tell you something that was told to me in confidence. I'm going to tell it to you so that you understand, but I am asking you to keep that confidence."

You nod against Lora and listen. Your cigar burns unattended.

"When I was in conflict with my creators, various efforts were made to make peace with me. I never hated them, and entertained them when they came to call upon me." Lora takes a deep breath and lets out a ring of smoke. "Wren the Rhymer visited me, after a particularly bad argument. She was drunk."

"Gods get drunk?" you ask.

"When they want to," Lora agrees, nodding. "She was drunk and unhappy. Wouldn't stop apologizing to me. And what she said stuck with me, for a long time. She said, 'We're doing the best we can. There's no one here to teach us. No one to tell us if we're doing it wrong.' And she was so..." Lora looks at the empty bench, across the room. "So lost. That was a long time ago. That was before your species was created, actually."

"That's...a little surreal," you admit.

"I know. It's always rough to realize that your parents aren't perfect." Lora gives you a little smile. "What I'm getting at, I suppose, is that while the gods are wise and knowledgeable, they did not gain that knowledge, that wisdom, without trial and error. Without making mistakes. When the /Pallbearer/ sinned against them and their faithful, the Quell acted to make an example of it, both then and for all ages to come. By the time it was realized that the punishment was worse than the crime, it was already too late. The Quell's word is its bond. A deal was struck and cannot be un-done."

"So what happens when we destroy the chain?" you ask.

"I don't know," Lora admits. "I could destroy it and end the curse forever. But the Quell is a strange sort of thing, and I am not certain it would be grateful to me."


"We'll discuss it when we get there," Lora tells you. "It didn't ask to be involved in this, and neither did its crew. I bear them no ill-will."

"That's...that's good to hear," you admit. You tap a pillar of ash from the end of your cigar and take a puff. "Did the Quell learn from it?"

"It did," Lora agrees.

> What do you want to talk about?

> Ask about Emily, and what her duties might be.

>Ask about Emily, would teaching her our family's way of working with death be enough?

I may end up having to leave this one open. We'll see. The good news is, I've got the next two days wholly off. The bad news is, Professional Writing is kicking into higher gear again.

Yeah, gotta leave this one open. My apologies; today was busy (paycheck day tends to be).

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms remain welcome and appreciated. I'll address as much as I can from work but no promises.

Thank you all for reading and participating!

Slow day.

>Ask if souls need to take a break. It feels....odd, being completely wiped in body but talking to you like this.

Indeed, fuck thursdays.

>Ask about the pallbearer
>How long do we have to agree to be it's captain before it starts a murderous rampage?

Quite alright.
Stay cool.

Four hours and change to call. I may drive to a friend's tonight, which would delay the process a bit.

Three hours and change to call.

>>Ask about the pallbearer
>>How long do we have to agree to be it's captain before it starts a murderous rampage?
Seconding this

>"Emily. She's confused, and scared, and most of all, she's in mourning for the man she loved."
>"How do I help her? And what do /you/ want from her, as your Chosen?"

So - I keep hitting a wall on the divinity doc. What do folks most want to know about the gods, with the limitation that it must be something that mortals know or suspect?

How do they have sex

Their relationship with each other. Like, does the Forge god think the Quell is a dullard that can't do anything right without someone looking after it, or if Wren the Rhymer is working to, say, bury the God of Strife in small furry animals?

Hmm, what do we want to know about the Gods of your magical setting? Well, so far they seem pretty based.

>Go into detail about their domains.
Example being that Red Troth doesn't support mindless bloodlust, but honor and valor. No berserkers here.
>Their interactions, both good and bad.
Also any interactions, good or bad, between their followers. One example being the Forgemaster and Red Troth being bros most of the time.
>Notable champions and Chosen of the Gods.
For example, tell us more about the Chosen of the Quell we've been hearing about.
>Any powerful artifacts or relics.
We saw Heart's Ease in the side quest. Let's see some more.


but have any of the gods ever dated..... each other, maybe back when there were very few other beings to do anything with

What/If they have some sort of Proof or Essence of Divinity. Whether there is something common to all of them that "defines" what is a divinity.

We already know, but it should be good to note whether they are capable of Change.

Common and Exotic rituals/sayings/aesthetics, and what regions such are practiced.

How they feel about representations, depictions, and the worship of their subjects(angels, Chosen, etc)

Other Names/Aliases

Prophesies that may or may not be attributed to particular gods?

That was probably one of the awkward yet incredibly fun parts of Creation. Also, one of those awkward questions asked by every priest, cleric or Chosen ever.
>"Umm..This is a weird question for me to ask, but..Why did the Gods create sex?"
>"Because it's fucking fun!"

>"You mean it fun fucking, right?"
>"That too."

Oh, forgot to include;
>Some of the more widespread and recognizable demigods.

>nigga have you SEEN the booty on those angels
>because Me damn, them is some fiiiiine wimmins
>I was like, "I gotta make something you can do with that glorious ass that isn't shitting. It's too beautiful to waste."
>so I invented dicks, and shit was tight (yaknowwhatimsayin)

What's the bets that if we looked we'd be able to find erotic fanfiction of the gods in the big library

How about what makes the gods different from other beings? Can gods be created or die?

>The bad news is, Professional Writing is kicking into higher gear again.

I dunno, that sounds like Good News to me!

>there's an entire wing dedicated to smut curated by fetishists
>they're constantly engaged in scholarly debate as to which fetishes are best and in what combination
>has the best index and search tag system of the whole floor, with ratings!

Soooo there's an entire section of the Divine Library that is literally Veeky Forums?


The difference is that Gods have no place in Veeky Forums, and flaming works.

I'm gonna drive to that friend's house; update in a bit more than an hour. Discussion and questions still welcome.

>and flaming works

The problem is that it's literal.

I may end up needing more than one doc to answer these questions but they're very nice.

You could probably do one doc for each of the major Gods, with info on relevant events, places, followers, etc.

At long last - called, writing.

I'm seeing Civil War tomorrow; expect an appropriate delay. Well. Later today, technically.

Lucky trips from the Lich! They foretell great things to come!

By the way, how's Mourner's coming?

KS updated recently. We're still getting the cover settled due to...stylistic disagreements, between myself and the bossman.

"How long do we have until the /Pallbearer/ goes berserk?" you ask.

"Don't know," Lora admits. "A fortnight? Three weeks? Not long. But there are other matters to attend to."

"I can split my forces," you reason.

"...You'll do as you feel best," Lora agrees, distantly. She reaches under the bench and pulls out Feathers before carefully putting the stuffed griffon into your pack. "This is yours. Thank you for letting me borrow him."

"Lora...what do I do about Emily?" you ask, sitting up a little straighter.

"I don't know," the angel answers, looking away.

"What do you mean, you don't know? Isn't there something you want her to do?"

"Isn't it bad enough that I took someone at her lowest point and gave her the job I hate?" the angel snaps. "She can do whatever she wants. I don't care!"

"...I'm not the only one Gabrielle's been talking to," you guess, softly.

"You want a fucking cookie?"

> ...Fine. I'll let her know.
> Lora, what you are isn't /bad/. Remember?
> Leaving her without guidance would be worse and you know it.
> You could be her friend, Lora. I'll bet you anything she needs one as bad as you do right about now.
> Write-in?

Choose up to two.

> Lora, what you are isn't /bad/. Remember?
> You could be her friend, Lora. I'll bet you anything she needs one as bad as you do right about now.

That took entirely too long. Yay/curses for fucking insomnia. I'm gonna try to go to bed now and update whenever I wake up. Votes remain open.

I'm sorry this week's been fucking weird.

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms remain welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating.

> Write-In: Yes, I would like a fucking cookie. Gabrielle is a bad person. Listening to her is of very little use and just drags you down with her. She could even find bad things to say about cuddling with Feathers!

> Leaving her without guidance would be worse and you know it.


> Lora, what you are isn't /bad/. Remember?
> Write in: Leaving her without guidance would be worse; you've guided me through this, you can guide her through that. She's as much a victim as any of us but we don't have to let her deal with it alone.