Previous Thread: Pastebin:
And before you think about it, don't. No one cares, and it will only kill the thread again.
Be civil, you fucking mongoloids.
Previous Thread: Pastebin:
And before you think about it, don't. No one cares, and it will only kill the thread again.
Be civil, you fucking mongoloids.
>you fucking mongoloids
Wow, how uncivil, double satan.
I'd really like to see some more builds for this one! Especially dungeons, but you adventurer nerds can try too!
>those satanic quads
We're off to a great start already.
crown quest 1.1 is homophobic
666 is Satan. Adding one 6 does not make him double Satan.
>High-elves Cha: 2
>Orc and Goblin Cha: 2
What the fuck is going on
Around elves, watch yourselves
Sexy shortstack goblins and amazon orcs.
Mantis AI (84)
Humanoid Chassis (74)
Grasshopper Spring (73)
Bipedal Mounting (69)
Phantomshell (58)
Scorpion Piercing Arm (33)
Missile Launcher (14)
Nanobots 2.3 (4)
Team Leader (1)
Personality - Friend (0)
Missiles for small and weak robots, and to pepper fast ones. Scorpion Piercing Arm for the big, tough ones. Nanobots to greatly save on repair costs.
I remember this one. In the end, I became the loli vampire god-king, good stuff. Didn't save my build though.
hey guys check out this awesome CYOA
Don't fuck with the fish, "no curse/no sacrifice/no grapple/min quests" edition.
PER: 13
STR: 10
END: 15.5 (17.5)
CHA: 8.5
INT: 5
WIS: 5
AGI: 14.75 (17.75)
Race: Merfolk
Perks/Features: Slim,, Muscular, Social
Titan: The Unaligned
Spells, Bonuses and Proficencies: Boiling Blood, Stoneskin, Spacial Awareness, Medical Knowledge,, Gunpowder/Ballistics Research, Enhanced Smithing, Enhanced Literacy, Silver Tongue, Hunter, Merchant, Warrior, Barbarian, Vanguard
Armour/Attire: Skimpy Wear x2
Primary Arms and Equipment (x3): Multitool x4, Light Polearm x4, Blackpowder Rifle
Companions: Shrogglee Alsaneth, Sachiko Takahashi
Life Titles: Renegade
Great Quests: The Roving Horde
>average stat over 10
This is just silly.
Someone save me from this autism.
>Don't fuck with the fish
But can I fuck the fish though?
I'm still irked no one has figured out the follower easter egg I've hidden.
If you're brave enough.
I don't give a shit about , it's just not a very well designed CYOA.
It was more meant to be sarcasm cause of the shitstorm it caused.
I didn't think people would take everything so literally, but I guess I overestimate people too often.
Why do wildkin suck so much?
Can I buy multitool more than once?
Do you mean Beri the Kind?
Well, you come off as an arrogant asshole, so it's hard to tell.
>Someone save me from this autism.
Only Lurl can, if he bothers to update the cyoa and rebalance all the options.
There's no indication that you can't go full multitoolception like did, but you're not likely to get a definite answer from the author as the CYOA has been abandoned for a long time despite needing a few fixes.
-50 due to being an Exalt's pet.
Face: Boyish (-48)
Body: Slim(-48)
Height: Child (-42)
Chest: Flat (-42)
Ass: Petite (40)
Penis: Average
Age: Child (-36)
Hair color: Other natural because I can't think of what difference would be between Other and Other natural; white (-32)
Eye: Heterochromia + Black Sclera (-26)
Skin tone: Natural Skin Tone (-26)
Voice: Childish (-24)
>Mutations & Mods
Infertile (-26)
Tools-Make-Craftsman (-24)
Laughing at the wind (-26)
Man-Pelt Amendment (-25)
P-P Inversion (-20)
Tattoo * 4 (Calligraphy, -16)
Ardor Glance (-15)
Elemental Body (-10), Elemental Fount (-8), Element Weapon (-16)
Eternal Virgin (-15)
Biomotic Cleansing (-18)
Wet Dreams * 2 (-12)
Fetishized Temperance (-7)
Mating Dance (August 4th, -6)
Extended Frenzy * 3 (0)
Maiden-Mind * 2 (+4, Descending Mars and Ascending Jupiter)
Lengthened (+9)
Maiden Tears * 3 (+6)
>Major Entanglement
He seems pretty likeable to me.
Just wanted to be able to buy one more weapon to balance out my stats.
To be honest, I don't know why you'd take Season of the Lich when you can take The Coming and Deform yourself into immortality. I mean, they're both very tough opponents, with great magical power and thousands of immortal soldiers.
Two Sisters ( Historical Revisionism, + 16) on Monday
Empress on Tueday and Wednesday (+31)
True Love on Thursday + Friday (+46)
Erotic Automaton on Saturday (+61)
Engineer Dom on Sunday (+76)
All gain my partitioned loyalty, (+85)
Two Sisters + Engineer Dom (+90)
True Love + Empress (+91)
>Minor Entanglement
True Love + Linked lifespan (+ 61)
Entertainment (+61)
Health and Hygiene (Basic care * 2, Healthcare package, Maid and Naughty, 43)
Mortal-Taming Collar (+47)
Courtesan (+62)
>Enlightenment, everything costs half and gives twice as much for me.
Enlightened Essence (+60)
Essence Refinement (+53)
Great Dragon adoption * 3 (6 cost and I'm already at max. I think I could have hit this with just two purchases I think. +47)
I choose to buy essence refinement twice more here. (+33)
Longevity * 3 (+12)
Time denying Kata (+7)
Here I'll go back and pick up Hybrid Dharma and take up Thaumaturgy (+17) and Libidinious corruption * 3 (+26)
Immortality + Behemoth (1)
I can see through your lies, serpent.
Someone post Power Armor CYOA.
Well, that is one of them yeah.
You come off as pretty misinformed. You say group of 4 when the group is clearly 5, call them WoW skills when they're Warcraft 3.
And unlike you, I'm putting hard examples behind my views.
I don't think who you think I am. There's more than one person named Anonymous, you know that, right?
And you come off as an asshurt faggot. Hard to tell.
>There's more than one person named Anonymous, you know that, right?
Condescending attitudes get you nothing.
I'm assuming you're the same user from last thread who called it mediocre.
And of course you could just be lying about not being that user.
Go, tell me what's badly designed about it. I'd love to hear it.
I just wanted to repost the CYOA and my build to get critiques and to edit it a bit. Since it's free/already paid for, I'll add in 'Eternal Servitude' for the points (+15)
Marvelous Arcane (10) + Empowered (6)
Eternal portraiture visage Kata (4)
Sutra of Desired Maiden (0) + Burning Truth (+4)
Sutra of the Pleased Maiden (0) + Burning Truth (+4) + Consuming Wisdom (+8)
Sutra of the Patient Maiden (+4) + Burning Truth + Consuming Wisdom (+12)
Now what else did I want?
Taboo defying attitude could be useful (+7)
Ascending Venus (+9)
Cleanliness-Near-Godliness + Eater of Bricks + Vitriolic-Gut-Digestion (0)
Literally the perfect being right now, senpaitachi.
I'm actually , but I'm of a similar opinion as that other guy. It feels like a generic "make a team of dudes" game, with little to nothing dedicated to the "you're going to be a king" concept. You only get one choice that helps with any diplomatic challenges as well, which makes being a magic user the obvious choice because that'll actually help you out. The skills are all generic MMO skills, with nothing interesting or unique. The princes and princesses are all variations of the same archetype. It's just a mess.
>take lu
>contrive ways to get models to do photo-shoots in the city
haha time for harem
Slim, Androgynous, Affluent, Social.
Delpheri, Maharani of the Sun.
Science: Gunpowder/Ballistics Research.(freeform points) Air: Wind/Tornado Conjuration(5), Spacial Awareness(6). Light: Light Armoury(10).
Noble Wear(93). Blackpowder Pistol(78).
A Ship(38), Elemental Affinity(18, Floating)
4 Companions. -1 for +15 Gold. Buy a Cannon(3)
Companions: Christopherson Ram, Herschel Ironbinder, Azul Razorgate.
Current Stats:
PER:7 STR:2.5 END:3 CHA:8 INT:5 WIS:3 AGI:3.5
Princess Rescue so I can fuck one of them. The Great Voyage so I can cast more spells, Talons of the Owl for Money and Unalligned Points, The Rogue Titans so I can become famous. I hope Azul Razorgate is gonna be useful in the last one.
I had a reason for my build other than "HAHA SKY PIRATE" but I completely forgot it so pardon me.
Actually, I did save it.
Parentheses are w/armor+weapon
Str:16 [18.5]
End:6 [8]
Cha:10 [10.5]
Wis:5.5 [7.5]
Agl:8 [7.75]
High Elf
Androgynous Spiritual and Social
Emperor Koba
Boiling blood (+1 str), Temperature, Hover, spacial awareness, feast, fire production, smoke, necromancy, rot, mind manipulation, demon summoning, deform, sacrifice, greater demon summon, greater deform (become little girl hue), shadebend
Occultist armour and Noble wear
Exotic weapon
Home cloak
Staff multitool (1 wis):
Cure Tome
Gargoyle Jewel
Kae'na Dariphes
Shrogglee Alsaneth
Roving horde:+3 unaligned point(str)
Great voage: Gorgon Jewel, Fae Jewel, Sire Jewel
Talons of the owl: 1 unaligned point
Blood feud: TAKE THRONE
War of the ways: Gib castle
The Coming : All occult and Cunning tree
-Get free companion now for cha, sacrifice with occult tree +5 str
Well it is about earning kingship rather than actually ruling as the king.
You only get 2 companions captain.
Just posting something a little simpler.
See >Gaining 8+ charisma grants you an additional companion
No, wait a minute
Erbium (If I am going to be Empress of the French, I must be fashionable!)
Krypton (desu batman is better)
Curium (I must teach the savages true culture!)
Hydrogen (Mostly for other trans people with carbon.)
Lutetium (I promise to only be a minor intrusion in people's lives, other than all the blatant amount of lewd I am going to promote.)
Rheinium (Who wouldn't choose this?)
Carbon (As mentioned above, this will actually make me an Empress.)
Francium (Of course.)
Palladium (So that I might have Athena's blessing in my rule.)
Chlorine (Immortality, and with modern science, eternal you, what is not to love?)
8+ Cha gets you another.
Oni Mage (Ogre)
Per:7.5 Str:12.75 END:8 CHA:4 INT:9 WIS:9.5 AGL:5
Masculine: +0.5 Str
Muscular: +0.5 Str -0.5 Per
Social: +0.5 Cha
Spiritual: +0.5 WiS +0.5 STR
+2 Int +2 Per -1 Cha
+3 Unalligned Points
7 points to spend on Occult spells
Demon Summoning
Mind Manipulation
Sacrifical Offering (+5 INT, WIS, PER)
Greater Deform
Silver Tongue: +3 CHA
Mystical: +1 Int, Free Runes
Barbarian: +2 Str, Free Skimpy Armour
Equipment: 6 gold
Skimpy Armor (Free): +1 Agl +0.5 Cha
Enchanted with runes to protect against Fire and Lightening damage
Learn Martial Arts (10 gold): +0.75 Str +0.75 Agl
The Vile Tetsubo (Combination Staff & Heavy-Mace, 32 gold)
+1 Wis +1.25 Str +0.25 AGL, Enchanted with Runes for lightening damage
Gauntlets: +0.75 Str +1 Agl
3 Runes (22 Gold, One free): Enchanted Armor and Weapons
Ghost Jewel (Feast Spell, 20 gold)
Old Maps (10 gold)
Brew-Stock (Free)
Warpaint (Free)
Life Title: Renegade (Free warpaint and Brew-Stock)
Great Quest: The Coming
Ah, well, merely pretending and all that. Go get em captain.
Also I wish it wasn't so hard to factor in and keep track of all the neat shit you can get through the quests.
I don't quiiiiite understand the rules for this one. So basically I choose a master with a preset influence setting, and I can pick things that change the influence, and neutral/positive influence allows me to escape his spell?
>little to nothing dedicated to being a king
About the journey, not the end. Stated in last thread.
>Magic user being obvious choice
Legitimate balance issue. I'll rectify that.
>all generic MMO skills
Blood Pact, Sanguine Armor, Spellsteal, Psionic Storm, Slam, Explosive Corpse, Ball Lightning, those are all generic ones too? I don't recall any MMOs having HP and MP boost each other or having me be able to steal buffs from enemies to put onto allies.
I mean yes, there are many generic ones to fill up some of the trees but that's hardly all.
>princes and princesses variations of the same archetype
If you mean whether they'll rule beside you or buzz off and let you do your own stuff, no. Half Giant King gives insight to you, though he doesn't insist he's in charge of your people.
Also, Kymic doesn't mention much on him leading, but there's nothing indicating he's the warrior king leaving ruling to you. He's even firm and outright won't help you if he disagrees with you, that doesn't sound much like him leaving things to you.
For the Princesses, Helena is the only one that isn't "let's rule together" one and I suppose that is a legitimate concern.
So I say you got 1.5 points, but calling it a mess isn't what I'd call it, a mess to me is something that is more prevalent and not a few balance issues and some of the choices being similar.
Take Lueteus and the Exodia ones. Name every city Paris, do so in the fantasy world with Wolfram Alpha. Revolutionize the world with modern knowledge and absolute power.
Time to max/min for old time's sake and its stupid as fuck.
Race: Beastmen
Rugged (0.5 STR)/Disfigured (0.5 END)/Social (o.5 CHA)
Vampirism (3 STR/3 AGI/1 CHA)/Dullahan (2.5 END/2 PER)
Titan: Unalligned
Warrior (0.5 AGI/0.5 STR/0.5 END)/Barbarian (2 STR/skimpy armour)/Vanguard (1.5 PER/Shield or ranged)/Assassin (1.5 AGI/Grapple Hook)/Faithful (1.5 END/Lantern)
Silver Tongue (3 CHA)/Thief (1 AGI/10 Gold)/Merchant (1 CHA/10 Gold)
Enhanced Smithing (+1 END per armour)/Enhanced Literacy (2 INT)
Sacrificial Offering
Stoneskin (2 END)
Spacial Awareness (4 PER)
Boiling Blood (1 STR)
Total Gold: 255
[Free]Skimpy Wear (1 AGI/0.5 CHA/1 END)
Primary Arms/Equipment:
[245]Multitool (Free Light Shieldx2) (2.5 END)
[215]Multitool (Gauntletx2) (1.5 STR/2 AGI)
[185]Multitool (Gauntletx2) (1.5 STR/2 AGI)
[155]Multitool (Heavy Polearmx2) (2 END/1 STR)
Misc. Items:
[Free]Gorgon Jewelx2
[Free]Gargoyle Jewel
[Free]Grapple (0.5 AGI)
[001]Grapplex22 (11 AGI)
CHA over 8: Additional companion
Duzelle. Cella. Pence Owl
Yoho and Dregg Ba'Hando
Any 2 other companions
Life titles: Warden (Shield)
The Coming (Custom Companion/3 in Any stats)
Prion Break (Another Companion)
Talons of the Owl (1 unalligned points/20 Gold)
The Great Voyage (3 of any jewels)
Blood Feud (65 Gold)
Operation: Gravedigger (50 Gold)
Total companion body count:9
Total stats from sacrificing all companions:45
>sacrificing every single companion
Never thought of that, but I guess it doesn't say you can't. I sacrifice all 100 servants from war of the ways quest, and add ~73 points to each stat in .
The text version is fine, but is there an NSFW one? I've been digging through the pastebin for a while to no avail so I'm just wondering if my search is in vain.
I really never liked the idea that you automatically succeed your quest. No matter how meticulous your plans are or how easy the quest appears, shit happens.
The only way to change that is to include rolling and that is generally disliked.
Why do people not like rolling?
If you take summon animal companion from nature magic school, you can have infinite stats.
Making all the choices pointless and redundant.
Holy shit we have a winner
Because then it's no longer about choice.
Seems a bit (more) of a stretch once you get into non-sapient territory. What kind of occult god wants your ground squirrel sacrifices?
That and Rollfags come in and waste posts simply rolling, pissing off the mods-that-be. It's what killed /d/'s CYOA community, and brings down the wrath of mod when somebody tries to get it restarted.
Just don't do it. You want rolling? Make a one-page rpg. For some reason, that's acceptable.
There's not NSFW exalted version, but the pastebin has a link to SLanon's mega.
>what is ambiguity
The auto-success really doesn't bother me, and I doubt anyone else is imagining failing at the quests, but there are options other than that or rolling.
I just going to take the literally rules of the cyoa at face value and assume that the option that grants you minions and people have to state they are "companions" in order to be valid for sacrifice.
You can use your own interpretations, it doesn't really matter how you define what can't and can be sacrificed getting over 10 per attribute is still fairly easy.
If you do that then you can't list rewards or have multiple quests. IF the level of ambiguity in Titanlands isn't acceptable, and I think it is. Nothing is stopping you from imagining you failed and died instead of winning the reward and moving on to another quest.
Sorry, I tend to bury rules under unnecessarily flowery prose. You're about right. The master gives you a starting influence, and from there you try to get to 0+ influence and get away with the most goodies without being turned into a living sex doll.
Reposting my incomplete PACYOA reskin, looking for feedback/verbal abuse.
Everything is up for change!
All I intended to indicate was that ambiguity was a suitable alternative to auto-success or rolling. Honestly I was kind of surprised that people assumed Titanlands has auto-successes for the quests, though in hindsight that didn't come across in my post.
1.) Living/symbiotic armor
2.) Energy-based armor
3.) Glorious ball master race armor
>About the journey, not the end. Stated in last thread.
Yeah, but the journey doesn't feel related to being a future king. It feels... Like you're doing random quests to entertain the current King. So if he's insane that's one thing, but few of them feel like a "this is supposed to establish you as a successor" moment. Especially regarding the combat ones, because they feel like small squad tactical warfare when what he should be testing are how you handle mid- to large-scale challenges. Like, with a company of soldiers behind you.
>Legitimate balance issue. I'll rectify that.
But that's not even my real point with that complaint. You have a maximum of six combat challenges, and a minimum of four diplomatic. But it's all focused on the combat challenges - the squad-based tactical warfare.
>Blood Pact, Sanguine Armor, Spellsteal, Psionic Storm, Slam, Explosive Corpse, Ball Lightning, those are all generic ones too?
Blood Pact and Explosive Corpse are straight out of Diablo. Sanguine armor feels like a generic "+Def as HP goes down" power. Ball Lightning is a very standard overdrive. Slam and Psionic Storm are somewhat interesting fluff on a generic "do damage" power, and Spellsteal is interesting, though I've seen it in Pokemon and D&D. But these are a handful of techniques out of a hundred, most of which are just filling out trees. Honestly I almost wish you'd cut them out entirely.
>If you mean whether they'll rule beside you or buzz off and let you do your own stuff, no.
Except that is how it feels. Princesses rule alongside you, and don't do anything in battle. Princes fight alongside you, and let you handle the ruling. You should seriously just gender-swap a couple of them, because that would make it a little more interesting.
>calling it a mess isn't what I'd call it
But it is what I'd call it. The fluff is "king's heir," the CYOA is "generic RPG quest-solver," and there's just nothing to fire the imagination.
Tangentially related- someone pointed out that Crown Quest assumes you succeed so that it can then let you pick your spouse, but that's a necessary part of the CYOA, so I think that's forgivable. You can always just imagine it as "if you succeed, then pick your waifu/husbando" anyway.
Most of the icons and spell abilities come from Warcraft III, DOTA and League of Legends.
I don't know what you're trying to say here. Is this what you want? It's already in there.
One of my favorite partial builds I came up with was Hero-class feral with mount, exposed, and regen.
It's a horse! add anything more you want to it!
The idea of the quests is that you're gaining the support of each race, but I get your point. Those quests are more "hero of the land" quests than "future king" quests. In stories, you usually have the hero being rewarded with kingship or marriage to the princess or something, but it does eschew the whole point of being a king. I still like Crown Quest overall, though.
Pretty much. Trying to make things more ambiguous than that and force a "WHO KNOWS WHAT HAPPENS!?!?!?" severely limited CYOA writing options and what sections can be included.
END 7.5
CHA 5.5
INT 10.5
WIS 4.5
AGI 6.75
The Unalligned
Portal Manipulation
Produce Arcane projectiles
Arcane Creation
Mind read
Skimpy Wear
Multitool x2
Great Maps
Gorgon Jewels (Stoneskin)
Eva Chadwick
Marian the Bloody
Sister Jesseline Wanda
Scholar (Enhanced literacy)
The Roving Horde
Talons of the Owl
Princess Rescue
The Great Voyage
The Coming
Blood Feud
Alright, so obviously I want to fix my curses. Stats are nice, but weird crippling conditions are not. That's an overarching project over the course of the journey, I suppose. Marian and Eva should be interested in helping me with that, and will be useful to begin with. I originally went with Sachi to cover things out, but that meant I was on healing duty. Jesse can take care of that better, and her religion shouldn't be much of an issue, which left me free to swap my starting jewel from Glow to Stoneskin, for tremorsense. My sword is pretty awesome too; it's a sword, magical focus, and musical instrument all in one.
From there, I do my missions. The first two give me four generic points which I use for Return to body, giving me a nice auto-revive to boost my odds of survival something fierce, as well as twenty gold which I'll use on a Siren jewel for Glow, boosting my allies as well. I figure the Talons would come after me because I'm one of some number of people rising to power and I'll need allies, so I took the Princess Rescue for cute girls, getting in good with the elves. Hopefully their resources will help me fix my cursed body, and fund my Great Voyage in the search for neat shit. I'd use the three jewels here on Boiling Blood, Light Beam, and I don't know. Probably Rot/Lightning/Shadeblend. After that, I'll have to help fight off a demonic incursion, appropriating powerful wind and occult magics, and then take over the vampires.
Dear God that autist lesbian in the other thread was terrible. Hope the whore gets raped by a pack of wild niggers.
Looking to continue the argument, Hmm?
That depends are you the lesbian autist whore? Then I might not be able to control myself.
Please don't respond to yourself like that. It's pathetic.
Nope, just a random user tired of the shitposting Let's talk CYOAs. yes?
No, I'm not the fish annon. I got a name for myself that I find ironic.
Whatever happened to enjoying cyoas for the escapism and adventures?
Who is your favorite companion in Stardust
Those people are quiet and industrious. The salt of the earth, but they often go unnoticed.
Like hobbits.
eeh, I usually tailor them to fit my build
I usually don't like companion-heavy CYOAs I also don't like character-driven wargames.
I like telling my own story, and NPC's with stories of their own get in the way of that. Stardust is brief enough to not step on my toes, so I don't mind it as much.
Hey guys, forget this was a board about CYOA's?
Wait. Did I miss an Angel thread?