Draw Thread: Cute! Edition

Post any art requests you have ITT. Keep in mind, the drawfriends are doing this for free, so do not be surprised or upset if they gloss over your post. The artists are here to draw what they WANT to draw, not what you THINK should be drawn.

Just be patient, and bump your request, one time every 24 hours from the time you posted the request.

Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can.

Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, and be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.

Mind your manners. You may not like another persons request, but that literally does not matter.

If you're migrating from a previous thread, make sure to read the new thread first and see if a delivery has been posted first.

Say thank you! We appreciate our artists and their amazing work!

>Do Not's:
Don't be an asshole and immediately repost your request because you don't like the FREE art you received.

Don't bump early, please. There will always be someone lurking, just waiting for an excuse to eat up posts and drive us to an early 404.

Don't respond to shitposts, they are pretty easy to spot and avoid.

>Artists and Artists-to-Be:
Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.

Books and Tutorials:


Figure Drawing:

Beginners Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art guide:

Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a young woman in her 20s, with black hair, a ponytail, and a long blue Victorian dress, relatively simple in design, wearing a blue shawl covered in stars and a big wide-brimmed hat similiar to Alucard's [Hellsing]. Also holding a cane that looks like this.

It's Ninja time mother fuckers!

Ha! Looks awesome.

Requesting a punk girl in sports bra and gym pants, german looking if you can, hair shaved on one side, long with a couple braids, couple eyebrows piercings and lots of tattoos along arms and stomach. She's fit and she has her fists covered by blocks of ice forming spikes, any other ice theme detail would be nice! If she looks like she's smiling because she's happy to get into trouble, that's even better.

Repost from last thread


A mothfolk Nahual from World Of Darkness

Nahual are basically shapeshifters, but are limited to the animal spirit they are bound to, in this case a leopard moth.

They have 3 or so forms but for simplicity based on merits taken, and aspects granted, the base being: Man-Guise (human), Primal (animal), and war-beast (some kind of fucked up werebeast)

Really only requesting the human

She's only about 3ft tall (a nuahals size is directly dependent on their totem, smaller animals being smaller people) but formidable no less. White hair with a tinted bluish streak (leopard moth spot color) and dark eyes. Her profession is marksman, and carries a H&K PSG-11 on her back and wears a hoodie far too large for her size. She always has a tired expression from lack of sleep, and kind of looks disgruntled at everything. She basically looks like an angry child which makes picking up ammunition rather hard, and authorities have a field day when she gets caught with the rifle.

The orange mothfolk is thrown in to give a base or something to work off of

I would love if someone could draw me a Tiefling girl with long (not twisted though) horns, wearing sororitas style power armor and holding a laser gun like a gatling, heavy and linked to a large charger back worn in the back like a backpack. Short mohawk, black hair and scar on right side of lip. If not too pick, avoid sororitas imagery like fleur de lis, and/or replace it with a triskelion

It's been awhile so I'll try again. Trying to get some more art of my Final Fantasy campaign character.

Could I get her leaning forward, one arm behind her back, the other held up with the fingers facing the viewer, index extended and a small ball of flame over it and a mischevious look on her face?

Anyone decides to take it up, thank you.

Requesting art of a skeleton gunman-type character with very old and worn out clothes, and some kind of mask to cover his skeletal features as well as some kind of fingerless gloves.He also has 2 small blue (or whatever other color you prefer) flames/lights in his skull where his eyes would be. the mask dosent have to be on the face for the drawing, maybe attached to his hat or something.
the 2 images of characters with masks is for inspiration but feel free to mix and match anything else you please.
I also added a gun wich i have no idea what it is but it looks cool so he could be shooting that.

If you're the artist that made the OP image, that was really kind of you to do for that guy. Dunno if he's still here, but it didn't go unnoticed.

requesting my blood thirsty ex nobleman to be drawn, he's around 6,1
skinny but wiry muscle, and lots of that kind of makeup onto his face. his wig and makeup can look disheveled if you want, or blood splattered. The cutlasses are his two weapons he uses, pose him however you like thanks Veeky Forums!

To the artist who started working on my request and delivered the WIP on the left, thank you so much and I love what you've done with it so far. I'm ok with waiting a week if I need to, so take your time! Thanks again!

what a passive agressive way of saying 'finish my shit'.

What a tryhard attempt at starting an argument.

You're mean. He's obviously excited and happy, not pushy.

(From last thread.)

Requesting my face/mage.

Looks very much like pic related but with medium length black hair, hazel eyes, slightly tan olive skin, and clean shaven.

Tie on his suit is red. Also wears black dress boots and leather gloves.

Could I pretty please get the guy on the left drawn with the colors on the right? As far as colors are concerned, I'd like if his helmet was the funky pink and his jacket the neon blue or have that funky camo pattern. Also, if he could be armed with a shotgun or lascarbine, that'd be awesome. He's meant for 40k, so adding an aquilla/skull or two would be appreciated. Thanks

It's cool, I specifically warned that it might take that long because I'm pretty slow. (Hopefully it will be done faster though!)

Glad you like it so far!

Sorry man. Girlfriend of three years left me today for an ugly chick. Being salty on Veeky Forums is all I have.

Are you a girl yourself, or are fa/tg/uys literally turning women gay now?

I'm sorry you're uglier than an ugly chick

Requesting my friend's warlock/wizard named Arbok (Yes, he shares the name with a pokemon).

Essentially he is a 94 year old evil wizard who was approached by a demon to sell his soul for knowledge and power. Before the monster could even explain the deal completely, Arbok cut him off and agreed completely. Unknown to Arbok, the wish included being cursed by the demon to be bound with him forever, and to become his puppet. The demon was surprised and impressed by Arbok's confidence, so he laughed and announced that he was cursed. Arbok did not change, however. He somehow resisted the curse completely.

Sometimes when the demon comes to speak to Arbok, he gets talked down to and told to shut up, and the demon just has to deal with it because Arbok resisted the curse.

His personality is essentially like Palpatine, and he speaks exactly like him. He is the Gandalf of our party, very protective and adult. His plans are always shite but he demands that the others follow his orders.

TL;DR: A comically evil warlock who loves being evil almost as much as he loves adventure. He also refers to the rest of the party as 'children', although they are all 20+, the oldest being 35.

OR here, saving WiPs as they come for the middle pic. Also, artist for right pic, still hoping to see what you came up with!

The last thread died before I could get to it and let you know I saw the most recent update mgc, your work is absolutely stunning! Cannot wait to see the final.

Plus, got confirmation recently that the artist of the leftmost delivery has another couple of bits of SFW/NSFW content in the works, so I'm keeping an eye out for that if you're here, goblinvomit. Interesting name.

If anyone likes 'cutesy' sort of stuff; could I get a Warhammer Beastman on his day off from being evil and wrecking shit, snuggling on the couch with his Beastwoman wife and daughter watching some cabalvision? Preferably with the wife nibbling/whispering filth in his ear and him blushing and trying to maintain composure while his daughter is safely oblivious. If you do colour, the Beastman would be grey-white with curly horns - one of them being broken - and the wife/kid would be a light tan-brown.

Holy shit kek.
Good luck user. This would be fun to see.

Could I get a gazer girl in an outfit like this (36.media.tumblr.com/c47f598f1cec4150d76caa0f4492d40b/tumblr_nwm0xq5Gqp1rqat58o1_1280.jpg), but carrying a golden staff instead?

I'd wana ask this cop arresting a female Blackguard. The cop in pic escorting the arrested Blackguard woman to a paddy wagon, the female Blackguard is giving an innocent and playful smile to the cop in pic, and the cop in pic just has a vindictive look towards the Blackguard woman.


I would like to request an Elventaurgasus for the glory of 3.5 gish transmutation faggotry.

They have the face and hair of 1 with the non-animanga ears of 2, wearing a bandolier like 3 and a two-layered shirt like 4 in the base color of 5 if color's relevant They also have a pegasus body below the waist (6) and barkskin (7) active on their head and humanoid torso.

In their right hand they hold a flaming (8) longsword with a hilt similar to the one shown (9). Their left arm is a twisting (10) serpent (11), either with the head poking out of the sleeve, or the sleeve anime-decimated to show the point of transformation.

>ELEVEN reference images

Christ alive.

Can anyone draw a wood elf archer and a human marksman glaring or staring competitively at each other from a distance? The human marksman with a sniper rifle would be like in the pic for reference.

can i get her wearing a bunny onesie? holding a bomb at her side while rubbing her eye with her free hand like she has been working all night.

could anyone redraw/redo this pic as a wh40K scenario?
small human child lost and is found and adopted by eldar

Make it Dark Eldar.

Mmkay, sure why not? Anyone do it please?

this guy and his dog in the scooby doo and shaggy pose. Where shaggy is carrying scooby in his arms and they are both are scared of the rust monster.

Jesus dude, give it a minute.

I need someone to draw up a Cleric of Cayden Cailean for me.

He looks like Roy Nelson (the UFC fighter in pic related) in just about every way, including the husky physique. He wears the outfit pictured in top center except without the black coat. Instead he wears a green high collar open jacket similar as the picture in the top right.

He wields a shield in his left arm like in the reference picture and keeps a rapier sheathed to his side and if he's not holding his sword, he's holding a tankard of ale in his hand raised high in good cheers. His belt buckle bears the holy symbol of Cayden Cailean on it, pictured bottom-right.

Bump from last thread

Hi drawfags could someone be kind enough to draw me my post-apocalyptic raider leader? Keeping with the ideas from movies like Mad Max she also has a feral human pet who is like a rabid attack dog. For the picture I need The Savage Svetlana (who is the leader) wearing gear similar to reference pic but also has a long coat with the sleeves torn off at the shoulder's. The pistol can be tucked into her pants as she does have a few rounds left for it. Some major changes I would like from ref pic is that the right side of her face be heavily scarred either from shrapnel cuts or burn damage, as well as her being slightly more heavyset but still muscular. Daisy the rabid dog girl (no she is not a mutant or furry just a feral human) has a wild look like her ref pic. She is muzzled with the mouth guard shown. She is is also wearing a tattered wetsuit with a severed dog/wolf tail (attached via belt to make her look more dog like) and a spiked collar, and clawed golves. Daisy is posed like the werewolf in ref and Svetlana should be pulling a chain tied to Daisy's colar, while brandishing her hammer. Behind them both is Svetlana’s flag for her raiders The Russian flag with a saw blade axe crossing a sledgehammer.

Thanks now if you decide to draw this.

Just wana ask these two slavvys redrawn as Tau personnel; one in left is a Gue'Vesa telling his Tau buddy to not bother shoot at whatever, and the one right who's told to calm down is a Fire Warrior.

Migrating from last thread:

Hey guys, do you think it'd be possible to get one of these nurgle cultists in sanitation gear? Not all bloated and deformed, but slightly shabby perhaps. I'd like to keep the point hat and gasmask if possible, but either replace the nurgle iconography with something more subtle or removing it all together. If you feel like coloring, they're mostly clad in white and mint green.


Requesting a tall synthmorph soldier standing between a sylph razor girl and a neo-gorilla. Costumes and stuff are just for feel -- I'd prefer if the razor girl had a bit more clothing since I hope for this to be a picture I share with my group.

Neo-gorilla is sitting down and is completely absorbed in tinkering with something mechanical. A hovering drone flits around him and helps with whatever he's doing.

Soldier is holding a rifle in one hand and looks like an operator. He is the big brother to the other two and is telling a long-winded war story that neither of them are listening to.

Razor girl is holding the soldier's hand and is standing up on her tip-toes to write "I'm boring

Reposting the image request as an anchor for the drawfriend taking a stab at it.

Same desu. Did an official name ever get picked, I only remember Ligh/tg/uard being suggested but I've missed a few threads. I doubt anyone will actually take up that work without a commission though that's a lot of work and Charlotte being included hardly makes it a desirable job.

Can someone draw a pro-Earth Government propaganda poster featuring a mascot of the Terran Military; a female soldier who looks like Lady Maria from Bloodborne, or is just a pretty looking pale woman with white hair?
Said Earth Government soldier-mascot in a propaganda style image is wearing the same or similar outfit as in the pic, but is holding her helmet in the side with one hand, and her other hand is giving a thumbs up and she should also be smiling.
Also the propaganda image features the message: "Captain Marzia approves of your enlistment to the Earth Government Military, enlist now and spread the glory of the Earth Government and its colonies and allies."

I only remember Charlotte and the one-armed one (Cata, I think?)

Who are the other Veeky Forums pallys?

There's that paladin of Hieronymous.

And yeah, Cata's the name.

I thought Charlotte was the Heironeus paladin?

Requesting the gentlemen on the top in the position and with the expression of the bottom image.

If he could be reading a copy of "Less Than Lethal" magazine that would be neat.

No no, I meant the one here

Oh okay, I didn't know about that one. Any good lore about her? We know tons of info about Charlotte and Cata but not really the others, which is what I think drew so many to them.

This may be a bit of a sizeable request but could I get some art of any or all of these NPCs from a campaign I'm DMing? Even just one would be good. If you could draws from pic related as members of the corresponding classes, working in the symbols from their images if possible. Thanks in advance if anyone does any of these.

Envy - Psychic/Psion
Wrath- Bloody Warrior
Sloth - Ghost channeling necromancer
Pride - Assassin/rogue
Lust - Dancer Bard
Greed - Cleric
Gluttony - Ooze themed antipaladin

Rerequesting this guy as a Khorne cultist with half of his face all torn up. Pompadour/Spiked Mohawk, if you feel so inclined.


Attractive woman, dressed in some sort of sexymagewear, sitting on a throne. Beside her, a man in armor kneels, his head resting on her lap. She might have one of her hands upon his head. She looks slightly smug, he looks serene.

tldr: knight kneeling next to sorceress on throne

The order was a few characters, though all I recall was Charlotte, her girlfriend and Dugh the Kobold. More may have been added later. I don't know if a name was ever decided on. Ligh/tg/uard was what I remember, but there may have been more.

Julia should be left out she wasn't a paladin iirc.

Cata's gonna be in it? Awesome. It'd be a nice chance for her to do a little bookwork again, when not fighting evil. We could do something cheesy like The Guardians or something for the name.

She could be an honorary member, like a squire or something.

>squire to charlotte

no way, $10 real money says julia is the dominant

also this whole ligh/tg/uard sounds cool and all but nobody will sit down and do it for nothing

But user...Dominant squire. Just think about it for a moment.

And I thought Ahklut might do it. Or if we were that desperate and cheap, just slap all the images next to each other.

I'm hoping goblinvomit comes back around soon so I can snag his commission info because his style is my favorite. I'm not the OR but I desperately want a drawing of Charlotte and Julia together. Sfw, of course.

lol u still requesting this shit, saw this ages ago

Not him, but quitting won't get it done either mate.

I think one of their smut pieces had Charlotte as the dominant one, so that's something. Whatever happened to that, btw?

One guy gave up on it and turned it into an unrelated fanfiction and the other is still in progress as far as I know but hasn't been updated recently.

Be patient. Remember how long that Bretonnian archer was at it? He ended up getting two pics.

I might try writing something for Cata, but I have no idea what I'd do with her. She's just the one character.

Posting in case Bog Roll is here.

Now that is one cute tiefling.

Posting as an anchor for the user who was drawing my cyber-elf mech pilot in the cockpit of her mech.

>middle pic

That artist is so fucking talented good god. I know it's been like 2 weeks since he started but well worth it to watch fill out over time

Requesting a 40k Lady/Duchess inquisitor outfit with similar features to this one, mainly the large shoulder sleeves and open-front gown.

However, would like a much wider/poofier skirt. Ruffled frills like the reference encouraged.

Plate-armored opera-length gauntlets and thighhigh boots/greaves.

Powerarmor corset as well. Cleavage is fine, but not the underclevage like in the reference. (and no nipple focus decor like spikes or skulls please) No helmet nor tall wide collars such as a gorgut.

Only wargear, if you want to include it, should be a Baselard, since it's guard/grip/pommel form an I-shape.


Since we're talking about paladins, I'd like some art for mine if it wouldn't be too much trouble.

The characters name is Alabaster, and she's a Paladin of the settings homebrew god of Fire, Summer, and Passion.(The other seasons have elemental gods as well) I'm bringing her in as a legacy character in an "after the apocalypse we accidentally caused" style campaign, and I'd like a bit of art to show how she's changed.

The image in the center is what I was using as a character portrait beforehand, and while it was ideal at the time she's been through some ordeals. She has a vertical scar across her left eye, has traded out her sword for the image on the right(It's a greatsword BTW), and is wearing a bearskin cloak like in the top left image. Her armor would likely be showing wear as well, and she has bags under her eyes from stress.

For a pose, I'd like her standing atop a ruined building, with a great desert stretching behind her (neither the building or the desert is really necessary if you don't want to do backgrounds, just mentioning it for framing purposes if nothing else). She'd be staring at something behind the, for lack of a better word observer, with a steely look on her face and her sword brandished to her side with one hand.similar to the image on the bottom right. Hair and cape billowing in the wind to the direction the sword is pointed.

Requesting a Valkyrie magical girl (Madoka Magica setting). Most of these details are flexible if the drawfriend wants to try something different or thinks something might work better than what's listed here, but...

A skinny, somewhat wiry Japanese or mixed race teenager in a Valkyrie outfit- maybe some flowing cloth and metal parts with colors of cream, gold and dark gray? Maybe red decorations/ribbons or something to break up the color? Whatever colors you think works best. Maybe a winged helmet/headband and/or winged boots?

Out of costume, she'd probably fade into the background easily- kind of a wallflower/hanger-on in her backstory. She wished to "find what happened to her friends", so a tracker or searcher motif to her outfit could be nice. She's a bit...evasive and not very sociable if that matters.

She has a pair of large, folding metallic angel-style wings with "feathers"- maybe bronze- on her back...and she can attack with them or do hit and run attacks. Her magical weapon is a partisan spear like the one in the picture.

Thinking she might have gunmetal gray eyes and hair, but feel free to change that or her soul gem color if you think it'd look better.

Thanks in advance if anyone considers this!

Oh yeah and she has lightning powers. Sorry, forgot that part.


Yo Eversor, hopefully you still remember the crafting tale of that elf lady with that nice outfit and having an relationship with a lucky average teen boy.
Continued from
>the class that Finnegan is attending starts and just as he enters the room he sees almost everyone and even the teacher to a certain extent looked at him; "Nice outfit you have there Mister Thicke, alright class take your seats as its time for another lesson on the history of our Continent of Jocreica and its five bordering countries."
>everyone including Finnegan takes their seats and just then he sees her, Verrona Valris; the elf woman Finn has developed a crush on and which he really REALLY liked, AND in turn seems to also fancy HIM
>Verrona takes her assigned seat that's always been right exactly beside Finnegan's, and while the lessons where ongoing Finnegan took a quick glance at her and sees her looking directly at him with that smug face of hers as she also emits a grin towards Finn
>Finnegan could tell her smug grin is actually of friendly intent as she obviously sees the outfit Finnegan is wearing; the very same type of elven outfit she is currently wearing and nods approvingly at him as it seems Verrona likes how the outfit she wears also looks well on a young and cute human such as Finn
>Verrona writes down on a piece of paper and throws the note at Finnegan, to which he promptly reads and the message reads: "Glad to see you're wearing the very same tailor made outfit I am wearing, it's elven made clothing and I had it made just for you sweet boy. It looks really good on you and makes you look more "desirable" with that adorable boy-face of yours I just hope none of the human girls in this school go after you now. Meet me in the cafeteria in recess after class. -XOXO"
>Finnegan's mouth is agape as he is done reading the note and he looked back at Verrona to see her grinning to him, and at that she winked at him and turned back to the lesson at hand.

I'll continue this as soon as ya see this, and because I like where you're going at with it, I'll be name fagging myself whenever I see you release another draw relating to:

So that we could "keep in touch?" Or something when giving a suggestion.


At least the paladinfags don't crowd the threads with their fanfic smut, they have the courtesy to post it elsewhere. Plus the writing is garbage.

>whenever I see you release another draw relating to
>"keep in touch?"
what, you think you've got your own personal drawfriend now? what you're talking about is a commission. also this

Looking for something d'aww worthy of this, please

I might do it, actually. I already have an idea of the Ligh/tg/uard being a sort of U.N./Avengers/Justice League kind of deal, where it's champions from multiple different lands, races and chapters all working together for the greater good of the world. Pooling resources, working in tandem with one another and spreading the word of peace through faith and strength. A different paladin (or paladins) for every need.

Some are good at doing the whole holy man thing. They go from place to place taking confession, leading in prayer, giving blessings and so forth. You also have ones that do good hard labor, building houses and shelters, helping maintain villages, doing charity work. Next you have ones who are good with their words. They end conflicts without bloodshed or fighting. They are there to keep things civil and safe for everyone involved. Then lastly you have the combat ones. Paladins who excel at fighting evil when diplomacy and divinity fall short. Sometimes a monster will appear that does not listen to reason, nor have any form of compassion. These require hammer, sword, shield and will.

Their home base could be a cathedral the size of a small city atop a mountain, reliefs of heroic paladins of the past could adorn every hall, filling it with their noble visages. Every paladin who falls, be it in combat or out, is promised a place there, to be admired and revered for ages to come.

Of course there are plenty of paper pushers and book keepers that work tirelessly for the Ligh/tg/uard. These are old, injured or retired paladins who can no longer go out into the field the way the others do. So, they serve the Light the only way they can and are well respected for it.

What do you guys think? I could probably flesh it out a little more given time, but it's currently pretty late, so I'll have to pick it up later.

Let 'em try, I've seen the previous thread containing that. Lets see where it will lead to.

I think they're talking about someone drawing a handful of the more popular paladins from recent weeks, is that what you're talking about? Because if so you're truly a god amongst men.

Specifically, a drawing of the lot of them together as like a group shot of sorts.

From memory, it was:
Dugh the Kobold
Cata (the one armed one)
An Oathbreaker from a week ago (name forgotten)
Cethelenn or however you spell it
And maybe some I've missed.

I don't know (or care) if you mean as a writefag or drawfag project, either way I'm going to save whatever it is and use it.

Writefag, unfortunately. Which is why if I do do it it'll be in a pastebin so not to muck up the thread with my bullshit. But don't hold your breath, I write slow and wait for inspiration to strike me.

Migrating with the request for my feral/feudal world sergeant for only war:

>Athletic build, dark blond hair, grey eyes, with the face, beard and hairdo of the ref
>gear: tattared carapace armor, a rather big chainsword and a laspistol
>he had a red cloak and tabard, but they burned in an explosion

Feel free to change things if you don't like something or have a particular idea in mind.

Here's some metal for the mood:

Thanks for reading and have a nice day

Doesn't matter, that's still pretty cool of you to do for everyone. I'm Charlotte's OR, by the way, and I would love to see what you come up with to see if I can tie it into our campaign (which still hasn't had its first game yet, but at least this time it wasn't due to tornadoes trashing the DM's horse ranch).

Uh, yeah! 100% the best thing I have ever been given by someone.

Yeah... Overwatch Beta happened. I have not touched it since. I Do want to continue working on it so keep an eye on the drawthreads.

Most of the requests I pick up go like this, sorry.

I will do that! I was playing the beta too the game is really fun.

Yeah, I'm DM for the campaign Cethlenn's in. I can give just a quick outline or I could give a full write-up. A couple of my players have backstories for their characters that span over a page (one player has a google doc for hers, it's so large), and Cethlenn's player is one of them. And that's without any of the events of our campaign

I would recommend starting with a quick outline, and then giving a full write up if there's further interest.

>Cethlenn's player is one of them

Not even surprised.

Requesting a Shadowrun Troll heavily inspired by King Shark from the Assault on Arkham movie, I wish for him to retain his upper body apparel but I want him to be wearing black cargo pants along with your stereotypical military boots
I also like another design of the jaw and face devised by a kind drawfriend. bless anonymac He also has cybernetic arms similar to that of Jax and a constantly crazy/ angry look that haunts his face along with his extremely small pupils and a reddish bloodshot look (as shown in the picture below Jax) If all of this is possible I would love him to be in the stance that the character right at the bottom is in.

Good luck to whoever accepts this, I wish I had as much talent as some of the anons here but alas I don't.

First off, i think somebody may have taken this up, but im not sure. If they have then thank you a lot! Ill leave my request here again as an anchor.

I request an image of several ogre gods posing at a feasting table (posing towards the viewer, as if somebody just came in), Jojo's bizarre adventure style(). The ogres are as follow: There is Togg - god of mirth and dancing. His elven wife (godess of fertility and nature), Mac, their son, god of songs and language, and Olgruff Pork-belly, the father god, and god of eating, like, a lot. There is another god, of alcohol, artistry and tattoos, and Grunn, the half-troll god of death.

Thank you.

Pic related is a reference image for the ogres. Also the only one of this pantheon not posing would be the elven wife, she'd probably just be stood off to the side laughing at the whole thing.

If anybody wants to, it would probably work even better as a two-panel thing, where they're all eating, but some look up and notice the people who just came in, the next one they're all posing over dramatically.

Requesting a monstergirl Bigfin Squid.
As cute as possible.

>that monster


Hahahaha I love it. God I wish I was an artfag, this sounds perfect.

I'd like to request this woman in an open palm monk pose. She has dark black skin, hazel eyes and a kind face, she should be dressed in a green dress (that is still practical in a fight). She has a youthful look to her, and she is likely on a ship, but that's less important.


>they'll never guess

I'd like to request a redrawing of this image. I'd like there to be no tentacles this time, and for the being to be dressed in clothes made out of... skin. Also, I'd like the head to be replaced with the head of the creature in the image I'll post next (don't have an editing program on my phone or I'd put them both in the same image).

I'd like it to wield a staff made out of bone, if possible.