Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest

The continuing story of violence and desperation.

Upgrade List, Robot Stats:

Your last bout pocketed you 40 credits, 10 of which belong to you personally.

You also got a kitty out of the bargain.

There's a lot of upgrading to do with this dosh. Check the upgrade list and go shopping!

Other urls found in this thread:

YES! It's back!

Was wondering when it'd come back.

Will check the list now!

Can't look at upgrades and stats without signing into Google.
Could you or someone else already logged in and viewing it make a pastebin or something?

Also fucking fantastic to be back.


Psst, Book, there's no files in that drive you posted...

This. Don't feel like signing in.

Make a pastebin/list them here.

You hold the piece of marble in your hand and in your short life you've never experienced a feeling like you do now.

You want to hit something but have nothing to hit. You think its called "rage".

"God damn it, are they trying to set off a mob war?" Mr. E yells dragging himself out of the wrecked limo. He shakes his fist at a group of onlookers. "What the hell are you looking at?"



Sorry about that, I'll get a pastebin.

Suppress Rage, until we get back to the base.

>Now is not the time for rage. That comes later.

Save it for when we're fighting Diane's mechnapper.

We have class that can crush damn near anything.
Time for a little healthy expression and a reminder that we are still a hilariously lethal kill-bot.

Until we acquire a target

Express Rage, punch something,.

>Suppress Rage
Now's not the time.

cannot WAIT to take our kitty home and play with her!
also: didn't our first girlfriend get kidnapped by ninjas?

Also good to be back dude. And happy to not have to catalog until ghoul quest time.

Also don't engage the enevitable /qst/ stuff. I like /qst/ but it does nothing to engage.

ragefuck the fake marbling off her hackport?

Heavily implied. Yes.

As for playing. Maybe wait until we mend relationships. We kinda did force her to bow after we promised to protect her.


Sorry it took so long, here are the hardware upgrades. Feel free to suggest any weapons/upgrades you don't find on the list. Mr E is very flexible in what he can build.

It's a shame that I want both of these, but it's probably more accurate from a character perspective, and better in the long run if we opt for

And here's Lesath's upgrades and stats.

>Sight Beyond Sight

I will withold my opinions for now. But corrective vision is a solid choice.

Oh man, I wanna buff Will and get the stealth generator!
Full Predator, baby!

I'd like to request a prehensile tail.
if nothing else so we can coil it around our girlfriends and be kinky
>Tail Upgrade: The Blade
>An incredibly powerful vibroblade that uses the entire tail as a generator.

vibrations, you say?
Would we be able to turn those vibrations on during hacking to further uh...stimulate our partners?

And here are the stats and weapons of our latest kitten.

Hacking her gave us a scant 2 points of EXPERIENCE to spend on skills. She was undefeated until now, and BTFO all of her opponents, so she never had to "work" at fighting until she met us.

What is truly impressive is how we resoundly out willed someone vastly superior to us. Would be some consilation if we weren't feeling hollow about the win.

>would we
Oh yes.

Little ERROR here, we don't have one-two punch yet, but with one more point of experience we can acquire it.

Are these built on each other? Can we save up for sight beyond sight are do we need to go through the first 3 upgrades?
Sorry if this has been explained before.

Anyway here's my opinions
>Corrective vision
Solid upgrade but probably not a good choice right now. We just annihilated the famous master of illusions, no one is going to attempt to trick us with their relatively shitty holograms immediately after that. Our upgrades would be better spent on something else.

>Steath carapace
>render us invisible to visual means
I don't think that will be too helpful. Without some padding or something we will still be pretty loud when we move around. We are pretty heavy.
Even then, there are any number of means sci-fi killer robots could posses to detect an invisible and silent foe. Heat vision or sensing disturbances in the air or something crazy but probably fairly common in this setting.

I do, however, think it would be worth it if it is required to get SHADOW BOXING and similar light-based abilities. SHADOW BOXING sounds ridiculously helpful in a close-quarters fight, which we are always going for. I'm a little worried a way to detect which fists are real could be developed but by then we should have more upgrades built on top of it to compensate. And we just got our illusion specialized robot friend, I'm sure we can get plenty more light-based upgrades from her.

To sum that up, I believe we should get the STEALTH CARAPACE, but end our stealth upgrades there. There will always be a way to counteract them. But from that we branch off into more light-based upgrades.

Whatever we do I think we need to keep it flexible. We are already a powerhouse and we can enhance that with other upgrades in other areas. A flexible tail serves not only to bind enemies but to give some contrast to the rest of our bulky body, it makes us more balanced as a fighter.

Again I'm not an expert on this system, just starting a discussion on what to do with upgrades.

>Suppress Rage

You fight it down like you fight everything down. Rage feels too much like a hack attack. It feels like you could lose yourself to it.

You hate losing, period. Even if its against an emotion.

You hold the marble hunk in your hands and remember how smooth Diana felt.

"...It can't be..." Fox Fire gasps as she stumbles to your side an reads the challenge to a duel. "No...Not Yurei. They'll banish you for this Yurei, what have you done?"

"Great. They want a war we'll give them a fucking war. The mob knows to protect their investments and damn if we aren't a good investment!" Mr. E rants to no one in particular.

"No." Mr. S grabs his shoulder and points him toward Fox Fire. "See? I know what this is. Plausible deniability."

"I-Is everyone alright?" Mr P asks without getting a reply.

"The one that attacked us, they'll deny her. Ban her. It's their best move in their situation." Mr S says.

"Oh, mother fuck me..." Mr E groans. "They'll actually going to try that? It's crystal fucking clear they're sending the bot after us!"

Fox Fire kneels and struggles with fresh tears. "No...Yurei...they'll kill you for this..."

"What they've actually done is not important." Mr S says. "What is important is what they appear to have done. We'll just have to be careful from now on."

Fox gave the walking dead bot a name. Yurei. She knows her.

She knows her.

"Please..." Fox says grabbing a hold of our hand. "Goddess Lesath please...have mercy on her. I don't know why she's done this thing to you and your friend but please...promise me you'll be merciful to her?"



No, we don't need to buy in any kind of order. We can skip to the big hardware if we want.

She will get her beating. She threatened our Dads, kidnapped Diana and attacked us after a fair fight. And it'll likely be a rough beating that is not undesserved...

However, we won't kill her.

Nyeh, not so much as vision, but a better computer that would allow us to "predict" our opponent's moves and to react would be awesome
That Sight Beyond Sight looks apetizing but the cost is prohibitive

>Stealth Caparace
Only for dat shadow boxing, mang

>Thruster punch
Thruster punch
Thruster punch
Thruster punch

Don't know, those have amy vote

Also, heyo QG, how you doing?

Tell her that we will take mercy on yurei by not crushing her heartsoul underfoot if she tells us how to make contact.
we're gonna have to punish her real bad for this, give her a taste for pain if ya know what I mean

Promise we won't dismantle her sister, regardless of the state she leaves Diana or our dads in.
Other than that everything depends on what state she leaves Diana or our dads in. But please don't actually be mean.

yurei that is

>Remind her that we are a goddess of conquest, not forgiveness...
>But we'll try
>For her
>Hug kitten

"I'll promise to talk to her before i initiate any combat. But i need to know everything and you have to tell it to me... Because i can't promise anything if we aren't the first ones to reach her"
>Put our forehead on hers as an affectionate gesture

Disregard .
I read the thread wrong and assumed we were out for blood and the best we could do is not kill her. Didn't think this many people would be OK with hugs and promises. Seconding these

You eventually learn that Veeky Forums is full of pacifist pansies at least when the chance for a harem is on the table.
I do hope we get some violent violence, tho


>remember what we put FoxFire through with the mob boss
>remember we didn't like doing that
I vote we try to comfort Foxfire, assure her that we'll be merciful.
We have to fight this girl to save Diana, but we've already pushed our new girl friend into doing something that hurt her pride, I don't wanna hurt her anymore
>confirmation that vibro tail can increase pleasure stimulation in partners
I vote for this upgrade.

Also voting for prehensile and vibrating tail upgrades.

I expect we will still get to be violent. Let out some frustration and anger. Smash her head into the ground/some puddles. But we do want to make Fox Fire happy. And we don't know the situatuon in full yet.

That and having a ninja to help us with wetwork seems pretty damn awesome.

Oh, also let's not forget to dry those tears... With our tail, i suposse

>drying tears with tail
eh...maybe wipe her tears with one hand, hold her shoulder in the other

I'm doing alright. Got blind sided after finals with some personal drama, but things seem to be leveling out.

You kneel down and hold her arms. "Fox...I promise I'll talk to her before I initiate any combat. But I'm a goddess of conquest, not forgiveness. You know that. I need to know everything about her and how to reach her, because I can't promise anything if we aren't the first ones to reach her."

You touch your forehead to hers tenderly. "Fox...I know I've asked a lot for you. I know I've...hurt you. But please. Help me."

Fox Fire stares down at her lap. "...I...I...I need you to promise you won't do to her...what you did to me. I was prideful, I deserved your haughty spirit deserved to be humbled but Yurei...she is nothing if not a humble servant to our people. A real samurai. She does not deserve it." Fox Fire presses her head to the ground. "Please goddess...tell me that you'll be more gentle with her than you were with me..."

"Oh great, someone want to tell the gynoids to stop kissing so we can get the hell out of here before the cops show?" Mr. E says.

"Let them talk. We might learn something, and the cops can't touch us, you know that. Not with The Big Man protecting us." Mr. S says.

"Yeah..." Mr. E says uneasily. "But they might take me in for things that don't link to all of this Mr. S. I sort of cheated at blackjack over at the EarthRise and I'm not sure if they caught me..."

"Then that's on you." Mr. S replies sternly. "As is the bail. Now shut up and listen."


>Promise to keep her as whole and untouched as we can
>Ask about her skills, how she fights, how she thinks

"I promise to stop the moment she stands down"
>Put hand on cheek
"But you know exactly why i can't let this attack against my friend, against my parents, unnoticed. Can you?"
>Push her into our chest
"I need to know that you can do two thing for me. That you'll help me find her and convince her not to do something stupid... And that you'll be ready to accept what happens if she forces my hand. Can your goddess ask that of her kitten?"
>Pet her

Point out how quickly we ended the fight with both her and Diana once we got a grip on the situation and knew what we were doing.
Fox is an experienced fighter, she knows how ugly things can get when the fight is close and both are putting everything they have into a vicious brawl desperately trying to win. She must understand that the only way we will have the luxury of being merciful is if we have an overwhelming advantage, and that that is possible for us, but only with her help.

This is probably the closest to middle ground we will get.

>noble warrior archétype
>possibly reserved
>probably very disciplined and principled

bondage plz

>gently embrace foxfire
>assure her we won't dominate her sister like we did her
>ask her if she'll forgive us for the mob boss thing is we don't dominate her sister

I kinda like the idea of having Diana and Foxfire being Lesath's girls. maybe Lesath can develop a taste for classy ladies

"I promise to stop the moment she stands down." You touch her fluffy cheek and stare into her eyes. "But you know I have to avenge Diana. I can't let what she did go. And you know as soon as she's defeated I can pull back. The sooner I subdue her, the quicker I can stop hurting her. Help be subdue her quickly."

You pull her close and pet her. You feel her chest swell with a sob. "...I don't know where she is. She would come to my temple, and we would talk. I never went to wherever she rested. We talked...and she wanted me to forgive her. As a goddess. Because she had killed for our people. Robots and humans alike. And I did and promised her that...I would always bless her and welcome her to my temple. That I would always be...her goddess."

She looks up at you. "What I'm going to tell you I tell you because I want you to help her, not hurt her. I promised her I would always be her friend..."

"Finally!" Mr E groans. "Some data we can use!"

"She uses a sword. Named raindrops. It's her most prized possession. It has a simple AI. It keeps her company when she's...gone long on assignments. If you can get it away from her she'll do anything to avoid having it broken. She's also very skilled in using it defensively. She lets enemies punch at her just to let them cut herself on her blade. But she has a blind spot. Her legs. She doesn't protect her legs very well."


I think the best option to get someone like Yurei into our harem is to have her ask/beg to join.
Mr S says that she'll probably get disowned for this stunt, she'll have nowhere to go


So far we've managed to get her to spill secrets while dancing around actually promising her what she wants.

>Praise her
>Absolve her of her sin and comfort her that she is doing so for the best of reasons
>Ask about Yurei's personality? Anything we could use against her in a fight? Would her devotion to kitten break her focus?

No, no promises
"Tell me about her... What is she like?"
>Absolve her of her sin
Do this as a catholic priest, just to mess with her

>ask her about it in person, say that she did good, and though we de require repentance, we are not unnecessarily cruel. Because of their connection and her testimony we will only inflict as much damage as it take to subdue her, plus a slight marking to show who she should worship..

Just wrap this up with a "thank you" and a hug. Let's wait to ask anything personal until we are alone. Mr. E's will only continue his merciless slaughter of the moment.

>It keeps her company when she's...gone long on assignments
is this lewd or has my mind been poisoned?

Let us move to the next scene. I think we can ask Fox about Yurei in private in our room.
I'm unsure about making promises. I don't think we can fully keep them. The rage is still inside after all. We're still plenty pissed at Yurei for what she has done.

With that said. We should thank her for her help. And then skedadle out of here before the fuzz gets here. And let out some frustration with punching and arts.

I think you have been poisoned. Its probably more samurai related rhetoric. Who knows though?


>thank her with a kiss on the forehead

Looking back I see how you could come to that conclusion, and I have no doubt that if we beat her someone is going to suggest exactly what you're thinking, but no. Fox Fire just said "gone on long assignments" to avoid saying "Off in the solar system somewhere stalking and killing targets for the Yakuza"

Assassination is very ninja, I know, but Yurei is essentially Ghost Dog...who happens to be a catgirl...ever read Usagi Yojimbo? Like Tomoe Ame.

As I said when you first called her Tomor Ame...she is going to he called Fox or some approxination of the word. Kit, perhaps?

We can't be the only lewd robot in the world. There has to be more like us. There has to be more fighting robots who have engineered additional uses for vibration-based weapons.

And speaking of upgrades we will have a pretty steady, helpful supply with her. Fox gives us upgrades with multiple prehensile tails and holographic distractions, Yueri gives us vibration upgrades. What more could a lewd pitfighter ask for?

Is her name some kind of pun?

"I absolve you of your sins in the name of the tail, the fist, and the other fist."

Fox blinks.

"You're doing nothing wrong Fox. You're helping everyone here and your goddess is proud of you for it."

You scratch her behind her ear. Fox smiles and presses her cheek against your chest. "Thank you...goddess Lesath."

>wrap this up before the fuzz gets here.

"...Come on." You say lifting Fox off her knees and carrying her in your arms. "We got to get you home."

You look up and see a white and back police car lowering itself between the road-bridges, sirens whining as it descends.

"Don't run." Mr. S tells you. "Don't. They know who we are and what we do. They won't do a thing to us."

Mr P nods at you.

"Ah shit." Mr. E says. A little child pulls on her pants leg and points at your tail. "Is she one of those Jupiter explorers mister? Is that what the tails for, for spelunking?"

"The tails for spearing brats. Now buzz off."

Police. You don't like police because they don't like what you do. They want to put you in the "Quiet World" where there's no fighting and no duels.



Let pops do the talking

>Calling her kit

I want this to happen. Not just a fox but a fox puppy. It's going to drive her samurai honor crazy to be called a kit.

Don't run and let the dads handle it.
Maybe focus on Fox for now, we don't know how well she will handle approaching cops. Make sure she doesn't do anything rash.

Don't run. Let our dads take care of this.

That and then we have the adventures of Kit and Kitten.

This user raises a good point. Keep an eye on our friend.

>Ask kitten to distract us from authority figures who actually matter

Don't run, let them handle the situation.
If spoken to then break out into sacharine cutesy robot maid mode

can we be cutesy yet threatening?
Like, if someone asks about our claws and tail, just look them in the eyes and say "they're so I can take out the trash that much easier!"

Put on a show of force.
With Fox's help.

I was thinking more like "Infuriating airhead" than "That maid from Tsukihime"

>let dads take care of it

Hey Booker, you said combat bots were illegal... What about sexbots? Because i have a few ideas to mess with the poleeze then

>Is her name a pun
I wonder if my subconscious is starting to write this quest for me.

Yurei is just a Japanese ghost.

>Check on kitten, make sure she doesn't do something rash.

You feel her one good arm start to heat up. "Woah. Kitten, chill."

"They are the police. They're the enemies of both our people, aren't they?" She replies gravely.

"Trust your goddess. They aren't going to take us in but we aren't going to fight them either."

You feel her arm start to cool down. "...Do I have to bow before them?"

"No." You whisper in her ear before kissing her tenderly on the forehead. "No no no. Never again."

>Let the dads do the talking.

The patrol cars float to the ground and land with a hiss of force-jacketed air. You can see logo of the Nexus police force on the door-the white rabbit against a golden moon. It's some old Chinese story about a rabbit living in the moon. The cops adopted the symbol to stand for vigilance and community.

The doors open, and several officers in armor get out and being to herd the crowd away from you and your crew. They look at you with a mixture of horror and disgust. When they look at your fathers Mr P cringes, Mr S returns their steely gaze, and Mr E rolls his eyes and turns his shoulder to them.

A robotic police officer designed of course, after a rabbit with long ears and a smooth white body walks toward you just to be cut off by Mr S. "You know who we are. You know who we work for. You know what we do. This was a simple transport accident. Drone error."

The rabbit-girl scrunches her gently glowing pink eyes at him. "So confident you're getting out of this, aren't you robot abuser? You think you can have your slave flash her weaponry like that in broad day-hour light and just walk away?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

She tightens her hand into a fist and glares at Mr. S who just stares back calmly. After a few seconds she loosens her fist and sighs. She knows she can't do anything. Not really.



>I wonder if my subconscious is starting to write this quest for me.
Next opponent will be called Sho Joai surely

We can use our very own fox on her!

ours is not a subtle QM, but we love him nonetheless.
The hypersigils compel us to.

We should tell the officers to stop looking at us like that. Let them know that we LIKE the way we are, thankyouverymuch.

Sex bots are a tightly regulated industry to make sure none were "built to be" sexbots. A robot has to choose to be a robo hooker.

"That tail is clearly a weapon."

"An art project. If you check your records you'll find that she's designed to be an artistic fusion of scorpion and human. You certainly don't intend to violate her right to personal expression do you?"

"If I check her I'm going to find a shit ton of illegal hard and soft ware. We both know that."

"Do you intend to diagnose her in the street? When she has done nothing but be a victim of a drone accident? Don't officers need cause to force an artificial to expose her inner workings?"

"I got all the cause I need. She looks like you dolled her up and Frankensteined her into a pit fighter, and the one she's holding looks like a sexbot, and you look like the scum of humanity."

"Really? Do you think that'll hold up in court? Just because we look suspicious? If you think it will then by all means officer go ahead and do what you want. I can't stop you."

The officer darts her eyes at you and then back to Mr S. "...I want to talk to her." She says in less aggressive tone. "Just let me talk to her."

"Only if she wants to talk to you officer. She's a free robot after all. I don't speak for her."


>We also have a fox that can fight her

Oh shit, you probably won't believe me but I did not intend this. I just thought the rabbit would be a neat logo for the police force because MOON.

Talk to rabbit cop.
And keep in mind that in any other case rabbit cop would be in the right and showing some resistance to a corrupt police force by trying to help an unwilling enslaved robot. So let's be nice.

>Tell her our kitten is NOT a sexbot, she's clearly a dutiful worshiper. Or something.
>Ask if she's ever fought before? Does she have any weapons? Have you ever killed someone?

She's got five minutes. We've had a very...trying day...

>Oh shit, you probably won't believe me but I did not intend this
That's your answer for everything

Let's go full disrespect mode
>Extremely exaggerated and forced sexy voice
>"Hello there office. Mind going a few rounds with me? You can take that as you preffer"
>robot wink
>"Will you squeak if i squeeze that pom pom you have for a tail?"

>Tell her she's wrong, only Mr. E is scum, the others are... decent enough, if a little... fleshy.

Mr. E is scum indeed. Our favorite dad is best dad though!

Seconding this.

That's fair. Mr. P just wants a daughteru.
He even encourages our self-expression!
He's a credit to his species.
And Mr. S taught us self-defense! And if they ask about the weaponry, we just say he taught us how to WIN at self-defense.

Clear voice "FUCK OFF PIG!!!"

>Mr. P just wants a daughteru.

>tfw Mr. E just wanted us to gain money
>tfw Mr. S just wanted to relieve some of the glory from his past by leading us to victory
>tfw Mr. P wanted us to replace the daughter he lost due to a terminal illness. Our personality is almost a 1:1 match to hers or at least how he chooses to remember her


The amount of money he put on us as an investment was the money he was saving for his daughter's treatment. But it was too late by then. He didn't even manage to get enough

But seriously, have we asked our dads about themselves?

We have not. This is the first doentime we've had since birth.

I don't think so.
Maybe we should get to know them after getting to know Fox when we're both too tired to do much else