Stat me, Veeky Forums.
Stat me, Veeky Forums
You need to post a pic, OP.
stat what?
Maybe try posting a picture next time.
Character gimmick taken entirely too far/10
I always thought that armor was ridiculous. It's so top heavy, and the pauldrons are absolutely nonsensical and completely restrictive.
I couldn't imagine anyone actually wearing that armor.
Stealth +9000
It's actually not pauldrons.
Because "pauldrons" implies plural. It's actually some kind of mono-pauldron.
can you explain the reference please?
The character's name is Kellam and he has so little presence that literally everyone ignores him most of the time, to the point where he could stand in the middle of a well lit room wearing his giant armor and people would just walk directly into him and then wonder what the fuck they just hit. Outside of gameplay, sometimes even enemies ignore him entirely and if he marries anyone during the course of the game, history completely forgets that he ever existed other than a footnote that says whatsherface had a husband. The worst part is that he actually has some personality and decent motivations for sticking around and it gets overshadowed by his gimmick of being the most ignored man in the world.
OP's picture is Kellam from Fire Emblem Awakening. He's a knight that has next to no presence, and is often invisible to ally and foe during conversations. His running gag is that no one can see him. Trumpets blaring.
This is that Yuruyuri meme, right? You post a blank image, and its supposed to be the red haired girl.
I think Fredrick is able to see him no problem, at least according to one of the DLC scrambles. His supports Stahl and Donnel both notice him too. Still hilarious though.
So, what would happen if Kellam there and "Me! Me! Me!" Succubi had a child?
The new FE Knight armor is absolutely horrible.
FE knight armor has always been kinda derpy.
The GBA ones at least were cool looking, but even they had that weird triangle breastplate that detached and became an oversized shield. The ones from before that had exaggerated armor, and the Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn ones had rather conspicuous gaps (Although so did all armor in those)
Panne could find him using her enhanced sense of smell and Nowi could find him with her dragon senses.
My god, that armor is fucking stupid looking. Typical jap shit.
I never thought I'd find pauldron's more retarded than 40K's.
I still long for the day when GBA Knight and General armor returns to us
I love the fact that the spear and axe animations have chains attached to the weapon so the general could pull them back.
The sword one from Sacred Stones was kind of weird though.
He looks like he's dressed in a Mirelurk suit.
>every character is Senpai