As someone who has never been drunk, and has taken strides to avoid the party scene and drunk people, how do I portray a character who is drunk? A character that's an alcoholic? To be fair, most of my group is in the same spot more or less, but I don't want to be tasteless.
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There's lots of different kinds of drunks. Angry drunks, jolly drunks, sad drunks, and just plain stupid drunks.
Sleepy drunks, horny drunks, functional drunks
He does stuff that would seem stupid to a sober person.
Lowered inhibitions (i.e. you want to do this but normally you know better, but your drunk sooooo)
Poor coordination (this is why cops make you walk a straight line and touch your nose and shit, pro tip you can't)
All that is listed above, though in my opinion a lot of those have to do with lowered inhibitions. You probably will do some really really stupid shit.
Mormons kids go to Veeky Forums? Or just that underage?
But basically everybody is correct thus far. The type of drunk you are depends on the person you are, the mood your in, and how drunk you are. Alcohol usually just enhances the mood/personality traits.
The only constant is that the drunker you are the more likely you are to do something righteously stupid. (I've done a lot of really stupid things while drunk).
You should probably just avoid roleplaying a drunk if you can, it's going to be painfully obvious that you don't know how drunk people act and awkward for everybody. Sort of like if a /pol/ neckbeard tried to roleplay a woman despite not having contact with any he's not related too.
>Lowered inhibitions (i.e. you want to do this but normally you know better, but your drunk sooooo)
This is the biggest thing. Drunks tend to have a high tolerance level so they can drink a lot without necessarily being physically impaired, but lowered inhibitions is the quickest thing to sneak up on you.
Depending on your general mindset, you will pick fights, insult people, gush about how much you love someone, try to impart the wisdom of the universe on someone, etc. Generally, shit you want to do, but when sober know that it isn't a good idea to do, you will now do.
When you get more heavily intoxicated, you lose balance and coordination. Your sense of prioriception doesn't match the data your eyes are telling you and you lose precision in non-practiced movements. You can still unlock your phone with your usual swipe passkey, but you're going to jab the socket with the charger 25 times before it finally slides home.
Your speech starts to slur. This isn't just 'sh' phenomes thrown in everywhere as depicted in old cartoons - I've seen people become Mushmouth, some people's drawls become exaggerated to the point of intelligibility, some folks descend into grunts.
People start to pass out. This isn't an abrupt 'thump,' people nod in and out, their head slowly descends to their chin, or they do the 'head down, then pop up' bob a few times. Sometimes people can feel it coming and just go lay down somewhere.
And the high end, if people get intoxicated enough, they vomit to purge the stomach of alcohol before more can enter the bloodstream. If this happens when you've aleady passed out, it can lead to death. Your body triggers a reflexive purge but you are unable to move and passed out face up - you choke on your own vomit.
When I get drunk I say a lot of half formed sentences, high five a lot, then get really sleepy or ill and pass out.
Be belligerent, like ignore all arguments and logic that contradicts you. Repeat yourself often. Don't enunciate all your words and slur, hard to explain if you haven't seen it first hand. Probably easier to just look up a video on youtube, I'm sure theres plenty of drunk rants there.
A hangover is basically a migraine plus an unsettled stomach, and is caused by dehydration from processing alcohol out. Experienced drinkers don't get them because they're smart enough to drink water with their booze. Medieval drinkers? No idea. Their booze was harder but their beer softer.
As for roleplaying a drunk - You will be abrasive. Pick a general mood - surly, happy, gushing, combative, etc. That will be your mood until something drastic changes it. You act out more while drunk.
For an alcoholic - if you don't have a few drinks in you, you don't have the lowered inhibitions necessary to get through your day. You drink to give yourself the courage to cope, but then your lowered inhibitions say 'Have some more. It couldn't hurt.'
Watch some videos of drunk people, then tone it down a little (at least until you find some uber booze to get wasted on)
>Mormons kids go to Veeky Forums? Or just that underage?
I'm 25, only got really drunk once in highschool and don't remember anything being different because was drunk.
So I don't see a point in getting wasted and don't drink enough to get effect on my behaviour.
I'd honestly recommend you spend some time in bars and clubs just observing cause without actually experiencing drunkeness and drunken people you'll never have a clear idea.
I'd also recommend experiencing being drunk with friends at least once. And don't call it quits at 1 beer cause why even bother?
Of course this only applies of theres serious reasons for you to avoid alcohol.
Veeky Forums might declare some cringe, but this video is right. Inhibits, doesn't go full retard. Your just more likely to say yes or be more impulsive. That's it.
You could perhaps sleep less, it can have similar effects.
Never seen as good an explanation for anything in Veeky Forums. You sir, you deserve a medal, even if that could be straight from Wikipedia.
Play as if your character had half his wisdom, dex, and some penalties to charisma, too
vomit. vomit and blackouts
>Not having a bonus to charisma
Booze is the natural social lubricant.
Disgusting, go to a bar with a pretty girl ffs
>how do I portray a character who is drunk?
>some penalties to charisma,
have you never been drunk/been around anyone drunk/heard of anyone being drunk/watched a movie with someone acting drunk/read a book describing someone being drunk?
Why would you even want to portray a drunkard if you have no interest in alcohol yourself?
>be stuck up pussy like op throughout highschool
>go to a party in college, get fucked up
>one of the best nights of my life
go out with some friends and drink you lil bitch
I don't know, drunk people when you're sober can be pretty annoying sometimes, which is probably what that user is thinking of, but yeah, a charisma penalty wouldn't be the way to do it, unless it was situational.
Also, something no-one has mentioned, being drunk gives you pretty good pain resistance, and can stop you bracing for impacts, meaning falls do less damage
I can't believe it took so long for someone to ask this. This is how OP sounds:
>I've never met a skateboarder, or tried skateboarding, and I really have no interest in skateboards. In fact, I actively try to avoid going to places where people skateboard. So, I want to run a game about skateboarding, any tips???
If you want to learn more about this thing, it's really not that hard. You can just, like, go to bars. They don't force you to get drunk, you can just order a soda and hang out with drunk people for half an hour. Or you can watch videos of drunk people. Or just fucking buy a bottle of rum and start chugging.
But if you actually dislike drinking, why do you care about putting it into your game? What kind of RPG are you playing where accurately and frequently portraying drunkenness is important?
remember, all real drunks carry at least 3 glow sticks on their person at any given time and WILL rave the fuck out at the slightest opportunity.
The party wizard casts color spray? Those sticks better come out and your alchoholic character better get the fuck down.
Being drunk and being an alcoholic are two completely different things.
People already answered the drunk question repeatedly and at length. I'll answer the other one. How do you play a character that may or may not be drunk, but who is A drunk? An alcohol addict?
It comes down to motivation. An alcoholic has the same motivations as everyone else, but with the addition that he HAVE to get drunk. It's what makes life bearable. As DM, I'd slap a penalty to all stats if you stay sober too long, since abstinence sets in. As a player, you should make decisions based on your addiction, for example, if you sit guard while everyone else is sleeping, you might end up getting drunk and dozing off instead of keeping watch. This can also be a positive thing - you would spend more time in taverns than the rest of the party, so you may overhear rumors easier, etc. And then maybe forget to tell the party about it since you got drunk instead.
Bro. For fucks sake, go get smashed with some mates at a party.
Good god, has anyone in this thread ever actually had a beer? Most people have one or two and get a pleasant buzz on, you don't leap straight from zero to smashed. At most people usually get kinda loud and excited about bad music.
OP, I also have to join the chorus of people asking why. It's fine if you want to be straight edge, but either do some research by buying a six pack or just abandon this character concept.
>you don't leap straight from zero to smashed
No-one said that you do.
Though some drinks can sneak up on you, usually spirits
No but OP specifically said drunk AND a drunkard. You ever meet them they basically exist in that fine line between drunk and smashed just to stay alive, sometimes literally.
not in straya
Look for a couple of videos of drunk people and study their behaviour
Dumb alcoholics. Just as bad as stoners.
I'm the first guy and i was merely saying its not an easily explainable experience and observation is lack luster in translating the experience when you could have firsthand knowledge.
Its like weed or skydiving or any other crazily different from the everyday experience that everyone should experience at least once in their lives. Beyond that i'm not saying he should get blasted just enjoyably drunk and in good company as thats often the best experience to have with alcohol. The only thing that should wholly bare you from trying these types of things, again at least once, would be religion.
It doesn't have to be a frathouse party or a way of life, it can just be a nice way to occasionally enjoy your friends company or relax after a long week at work.
OP asked for advice on emulating an incredibly common experience that he could reproduce for himself for less than five bucks, so people are telling him to just try it. Having an occasional beer isn't gonna kill you, buddy.
Typical alcocucks.
You're why people hate mormons.
I'd bet that you're fun at parties, but I'm sure that you'd proudly assert that you don't go to parties with "degenerates" who drink (assuming you go at all).
Besides, it's "normie" to drink, literally everywhere.
Probably the most "normie" thing you can do, and unlike, say, watching a sport or something you need exactly no knowledge or anything.
And OP might learn about what he's asking us about, and maybe even, god forbid, have a good time.
I don't have a problem with people not drinking, I personally don't because I'm usually the designated driver. If someone asks me what it's like to do something that's easy to do, though, I advise them to just try it for themselves.
>What's it like to hit a baseball, user?
>That's pretty easy to set up, let's just go to a batting cage.
Same thing here.
>he's being cucked into subservience by corporations that sell dependency-creating drugs
>f-fucking m-mormons
Hehe, good consumer drone.
Nice argumentum ad populum, alky.
>If you want to learn more about this thing, it's really not that hard. You can just, like, enroll, go to Middle East and shoot some terrorists. They don't force you to defuse bombs, you can just sit in your Hummer and hang out with /k/ommandos for half of a year.
>But if you actually dislike wars, why do you care about putting them into your game?
Yes, because everyone who drinks is an alcoholic.
Your parents were drunk when you conceived, weren't they?
>functional drunks
We call that being an alcoholic.
Imagine an asshole.
Got it?
Holy shit that's nasty.
Nah. They're like the one high dude in the group who can somehow act sober enough to talk to cops convincingly.
He's that chapper dapper who's chatting away amicably at the bar that no one knows is blasted until he simultaneously vomits and shits himself and goes on like nothing. No alcoholism needed just like the violent drunk need not have a violent background.
His mum was certainly drinking throughout the pregnancy.