So my friend and I decided to get in to W40K and I just bought this as my first army... whatever. I downloaded the 7th edition codex as well. What else do I need to get ready to play?
So my friend and I decided to get in to W40K and I just bought this as my first army... whatever...
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(I'm kind of annoyed it shows a librarian dreadnought on the side but it actually comes with a furioso dreadnought)
i bump this since my gf and i want to get started, we're planning on buying one of the starting armies.
Go pirate Codex: Blood Angels. It has all the info you need to play with Blood Angel models.
I recommend using Codex: Space Marines instead unless you really like BA.
>What else do I need to get ready to play?
modelling/painting tools
a second troops choice
Download the blood angel codex. The 40k thread should have a mega link or something.
I have it. It says this army is around like 280 points. My friend wants to role Chaos, specifically those that worship Nurgle. What can I suggest for him that would be equal to what I just got? I'm currently downloading the rulebook and will be spending the next few days reading the Blood Angels codex as well as the rules of the game.
It's the same kit, you know.
No... I don't. Do you just take some parts off and replace them with a librarian one? The details on what it comes with is kind of vague.
The dark vengeance box is around 100 dollars and comes with some very sweet chaos stuff
it comes out to more points than that, but he can always take some items out.
>I suggest he use the following from the DV box:
The lord from the box
one squad of cultists
the helbrute to match your dreadnaught
four or five of the chosen
the box also comes with more chosen, an aspiring champion, the core rule book, templates, dice, another 10 cultists, and a selection of dark angels
>No... I don't. Do you just take some parts off and replace them with a librarian one? The details on what it comes with is kind of vague.
that's exactly it
You need dice, a general rule book, a SECOND army, and the codex for them. The game also needs specialized dice which Games Workshop (and ONLY Games Workshop) sells. Grab yourself a tape measure because the game needs that a lot. You need a large table and about two hours free. Expect to spend a few hundred on this all up. Welcome to games Workshop, we accept paper or plastic.
Daemons or Chaos Space Marines?
For Daemons he'd want a Daemon Prince with wings or Great Unclean One, then Nurglings or Plaguebearers, and then Plague Drones.
For CSM he'd want either a Chaos Sorcerer, Chaos Lord, or Daemon Prince with wings, or Typhus, and for troops Cultists, Zombies (if Typhus), or Plague Marines. After that, Bikes, Chaos Spawn, Obliterators, and Forgefiends are decent.
CSM is weaker than Daemons. Even if you go mainly Nurgle you will benefit from taking some Tzeentch/Undivided support such as Be'lakor and Fateweaver.
You'll find that various 40k kits can be assembled two or three different ways, and will include the parts for any of them (though the different parts will be minimal usually).
For instance, the Furioso can also be assembled as a Librarian Dread or a Death Company Dread.
>The game also needs specialized dice which Games Workshop (and ONLY Games Workshop) sells.
The only specialist die is the scatter die, which plenty of other manufacturers also make
>Expect to spend a few hundred on this all up.
the dark vengeance box includes all that shit for 125 MSRP, get it cheaper on amazon or your friendly local game store
You're gonna need another 20 Tactical Marines, three Stormravens, and a nice fat squad of Death Company. Then you'll be able to skill your way to victory by assaulting out of no-scatter deep strikes.
Dreads are terrible.
When the fuck did Games Workshop become AFFORDABLE?
I think CSM for now, he dug up a chaos predator tank from long ago so I was going to see what else for him to get.
Why the hell do I need a second army? I just dropped a hundo on this battleforce (only later found out amazon has it for 80) and you're telling me I need another group to play?
When people grew up and got full time jobs.
Predators aren't great but you might as well use it if you have it. They're also not bad at all if you're just playing for fun rather than super hardcore, with okay guns, okay price point, and fairly high frontal armor.
If you can, I'd recommend removing the guns and using it as a Rhino. That would be infinitely more useful for any marine units. Unless he chooses to go full weenies and spams Cultists/Zombies on foot.
have you SEEN their start collecting boxes?
they are bundles that actually offer a discount compared to buying the models separately, and in some cases it is pretty sizeable (in a few cases, it is over a 40% discount)
The various army books, the main rules, and painting supplies are most important.
If you and your friend aren't going to a store, then it's also important to have a pretty sizable table to play on, and you'd also need terrain if you're doing that. You can make simple walls and stuff fairly easily out of paper or cardboard.
You'll also need a set of dice and templates for various weapons like flamers and explosions.
The old 6E Campaigns like Shield of Baal gave you exclusive HQs, two smallish armies, and had over 75% savings.
>The only specialist die is the scatter die
You can approximate a scatter die by having the side the "1" face is pointing be the direction of scatter. "1" facing up or down is a hit.
All their new boxed set deals.
>painting supplies are most important.
>not crafting brushes from split twigs with hair bound in the crack as bristles
>not gathering and crushing beetles and berries for paint
Fucking pre-made supply crutcher. Might as well just airbrush all your shit you noob. Get some real skill instead of pulling out mommy's wallet.
If you account for inflation they're pretty close to the same price as they were back then, the high end has creeped up pretty damn high though.
they were the snap fit models right? the start collecting boxes are the real deal
I mean if you compare Dark Vengeance to the full kits it is like 80% off or something, but they aren't normal models so it doesn't count
A small bucket for your tears- uh I mean your dice.
>If you account for inflation they're pretty close to the same price as they were back then, the high end has creeped up pretty damn high though.
this is true for space marines and a few other armies, but not for some
Guardsmen are the same kit as back then, unlike space marines which have a wonderful new kit.
Space marines cost pretty much the same now as then with inflation, guardsmen, with their shitty old kit, are 50% more expensive.
My advice? Enjoy their new kits. The detail on them is incredible.
No, they were full models with all extra parts, which is why it was an amazing deal.
The catch is that all the models were shit nobody buys, like terminators and gene stealers and tyranid warriors. That's why they were cheap: it's leftover stock.
As a new player, I strongly recommend the reference sheets... they make playing a lot faster while you are getting the swing of things.
^Co-op 40k for when you want to practice without wrecking each other.
It's not even true for space marines. They used to have 30 dudes for 30 pounds. But accounting for inflation and improved quality/parts count, it is relatively the same. You can get similar rates for marines on eBay.
Certain shit isn't in line because GW literally cut the box in half and then RAISED THE PRICE. I.e. Cadians, Dire Avengers, etc.
I think he was trying to say that you and your friend would both need an army in order to play, though I think he just phrased it poorly.
Since kirby got fired and Based Kevin Rountree, a guy who actually enjoys the hobby and plays the game, took over as CEO
The guy brough back specialist games, gave licenses for DoW 3, total warhammer, space hulk deathwing, gave AoS points and gave us the start collecting boxes.
He's doing his damnedest to fix GW as much as possible
>Since kirby got fired
He wasn't fired, he's still the chairman.
He's in a senior advisory position. As I've heard from the ever-churning rumor mill, senior management meetings have been deliberately scheduled when he has been unavailable. They're basically paying him off to keep him from fucking up the company any more.
But that means he's still getting money. It means he's still in a position of power and the rest of the company literally has to cower and offer him tithes to stay his wrath.
This is unacceptable to me. On a personal level.
They had to oust him from a CEO position. You really can't just fire someone with that firm a grip on the balls of the whole company.
Not saying it's right, that's just how corporations (especially public ones) work.
Yeah. At the very least they've shuffled him away from being able to muck things up. With a big company like this, any change is going to be slow in the making, but they're taking steps.
With some options the army is way more than 280 points.
>Tac squad x10 - 165pts
Combi-plasma, plasma gun
>Furioso Dreadnought - ~120pts, I forget
Some options or others would add on more.
>Captain - ~140+ points
Artificier armour, power weapon/valor's edge, maybe veritas vitae
It can close in on 450 points if you push it. Grab a death company squad and you'll pass 500 easily.
For that cost Your friend could use the DV side of Chaos, which can amount to almost 600pts if you really bling out the Lord.
>Kranon the Relentless - 175pts
> 2x 10 cultists - 100pts
> Ravagers - ~200pts
> Helbrute - 100pts
>A hundo
You act like $100 is a lot of money.
It is to poorfags. Most players, especially new ones, are poor for whatever reason. The ones with jobs never whine about prices.
Hell, I'm a fucking high school teacher and I can afford to play 40k. Are all of these new players unemployed teenagers or something?
You are so dense to the 40k fanbase you should go enjoy your 2,200 dollar 1.7k army in the basement.
Death Company, son.
It's the only thing in my Blood Angels that consistently carries it's weight.
We also have access to heavy flamers on our tactical squads.
And you should stop being a poor whiny bitch. But we all know neither of these things are going to happen.
Blood Angel's can't take more than one relic anymore according to the new FAQ.
Sucks since Veritas Vitae is a steal for the price in standard 1500 point games.
That and Assault Squads. A five man group with jump packs with 2 meltaguns creates a large bubble of "fuck your vehicles/t4 multi-wound models".
Oh, and check out Cassor the Damned. 140 points for a Death Company Dreadnought that goes in the troops section and is a character to boot. You can't customize him but he comes stock with Blood Talons, a Magna-Grapple, a Storm Bolter, and a Melta gun. He can become an absolute blender in close combat on the charge, even more so when Quickened. I got him up to 9 S10 AP2 attacks at I8/WS4 once, rerolling all failed to-wound rolls. He nearly killed the Swarmlord in a single Assault phase. He makes a great distraction when drop podded in.
Oh, and remember to get a Vindicator and buy overcharged engines. You won't regret it.
Ulp god damn it, now I have to go over my lists all over again.
Don't worry, almost every list I made i have to change now too. I always ran Valour's Edge and Vitae on the same model. No more Chaplains duel wielding melee weapons while seeing the future.
Let's spruce up OP's list, adding a single assault squad box.
>Captain - 130pts
Artificier armour, valor's edge
>Tac squad x10 - 165 pts
Combi-flamer, flamer, heavy flamer
>Cassor the damned - 140pts
Fast attack
>Assault Marines x5 - 105pts
Jump packs, melta x2
Total - 540pts
with the DV chaos army in both sides should come out roughly equal.
Hell, you can spruce it up even more. Run it as a Flesh Tearers Strike Force so you only need 1 Troop choice, use Cassor for it, and run the Tacticals as a Sternguard squad.
The faqs is a rough draft- you don't need to change shit...other than your faction bc BA suck dick. Trust me. Started playing in 5th. Chose BA bc I watched Jawaballs play them on youtube. Seemed like a fum assault-centric army, so I went all in. 60 JP marines, 9 rhinos w Razor turrets, baal preds, preds, vindicators... even kitbashed a stormraven, then bought two mote when the kit was released.
All shit as Blood Angels.
Go with Space Marines instead. Bikes and Centurions are the current hotness. But there is a lot of alternative in that book that is fun and viable.
>you don't need to change shit...other than your faction bc BA suck dick
Savage as a FT
>leftover stock
Protip: You're full of shit.
Citadels are made of infinitely recyclable thermoplastic, so there's a big grinder in the foundry that does nothing make tiny plastic pellets out of left-overs and fuck-ups and lob them back into the feed hoppers.
Shill better.
>30 SM for 30 pounds
>gwidf, people
Bullshit. I bought 30 beakies for 30 burgers back in the Stone Age when WD adverts showed most metals going for 50p.
Inflation, my anal circumference.
Get some reading comprehension faggot.
It costs less money to remove low selling kits like terminators and put them in another box and sell it for a mark down than it is to melt it down and repurpose it.
So even if what you say is true it proves nothing.
A friend of mine is like $6,000 in on this game.
Assuming the BA codex wording is the same as the CSM codex, you're allowed more than one artifact. CSM wording is the same as the wording in the Crimson Slaughter supplement, which had a picture of Kranon telling us to give him like four different artifacts if we wanted to run him.
The newer plastics are pretty amazing desu senpai.
I bought a set of the new eldar jetbikes last week, they are much better than the old ones.
It's a steep starting price, once I figure it out I can buy another squad or two. My friend is a poorerfag so we're trying to keep this simple at the start until we learn the game and know what army we want to build.
So I need another Tactical Marine Squad ($40-50), and an Assault Marine Squad (30-45)? I downloaded the codex and started reading it.
>So I need another
Your box already has the Tac squad, the captain, and a dreadnought that can be assembled as Cassor.
You could grab the 5-man assault squad box and double down on melta guns (anti tank) or flamers (anti infantry) for mobile ranged support. Alternatively if you favor some close combat goodness you can grab a 5-man death company box like suggests, and tool them up with jump packs and a couple of power fists for crushing everything that they can get close to.
Also, for your reading pleasure:
Get a copy of Dv from ebay, and you'll spend less then 100$. split the minis, and you're good. If you'd prefer spess marines over dark angels, file off the dark angel shit. if you'd prefer chaos, use greenstuff and convert the DA stuff. also it's got the mini rulebook, which is great.
I already bought the Battleforce, just got the email saying it shipped. I just mainly need to know what my friend should get in the $80-$100 range that would be equal to my battleforce so we can play if it's enough to get started. Links would be preferred.
Would this be more or less equal to my army?
It would be a little weaker but close enough
Chaos marines are not quite like ordinary space marines. Some of their best units are the least like their space marine counterparts. Hence why we were suggesting the chaos units in the Dark Vengeance box, which is also in that same price range
As said, if you can Ebay the Dark vengeance Chaos minis they'll all form a cheap and roughly competitive force against your dudes. The Helbrute alone was sometimes bidded for as low as 1USD.
If you want a roughly analogous force in workable plastic, try what you listed (seriously, seriously consider ebaying the helbrute) and count the aspiring champion as a Chaos lord:
Chaos Lord - 150pts
> Mark of Khorne, Sigil of corruption, Axe of Blind fury, Combi-melta
Again, if money is really an issue for your friend, seriously consider ebaying the chaos army components from Dark Vengeance for at least the starter army. I'm still kicking myself for buying so much stuff from GW when there were so many cheaper outside sources.
Honestly, if you're starting Space Marines and you're friend is starting Chaos Space Marines, you guys should really just split a Dark Vengeance. That gives you a second Tactical Squad for a CAD, plus a lot of other good units. It gives him a good base to add whatever else he wants. If splitting the Dark Vengeance isn't an option, swap the Aspiring Champion for a Sorcerer and Helbrute for anything that isn't a Helbrute.
trips speak the truth, maybe 5 minutes after the order went through my friend said he found the same battleforce on amazon for $80 instead of the $95 it is on GW. Ugh just checked Ebay, see it for $75.
What would be the closest to my furioso dreadnought? A defiler?
Fluff-wise it would be a helbrute, since both are dreadnoughts.
Role wise, the Furioso is a semi-mobile melee vehicle smasher that moonlights as an infantry killer. For CSM, this would be a Maulerfiend. The downside is that the price tag of the Maulerfiend is not friendly to beginners in the least.
Just because you can afford to be taken advantage of, doesn't mean you should excuse it or allow it. If the convenience store started charging $15 for a doughnut, I could still afford to eat it, but you better believe I'd complain loud and long, and curtail my doughnut consumption.
New faq came out saying no army can stack relics now.
Honestly, I think you're kinda going about this the wrong way. Don't build two identical forces. Build two forces that can compete with each other but emphasize the differences between the two.
Start with the Chaos half of Dark Veangeance, then add on a Daemon Prince and a box of Chaos Space Marines.
Incorrect. The FAQ said you can stack relics if your codex says you can. None of the codexes really state it as such, but Kranon shows that the wording of the CSM codex is intended to allow stacking relics. Tau Codex never comes out and says you can take multiple relics, but some of the relics mention how they work in conjunction with each other.
Congratulations son!
Your best bet is the Imperial guard (astra militarum) set!
Send waves after waves of brave soldiers against the enemies of man!
True about the identical forces, I just want to know what would make for a fair and fun game without either army being able to easily overwhelm the other.
Oh so I just noticed it's 70 points for 1 Tactical Squad of 5 (4 SM, 1 Sergeant) and 14 points per SM after that, the Tactical Squad in the Battleforce comes with 10 so I gues the new basic total of the army is 120 from the deadnought, 140 from the Tactical Squad, and 90 from the Captain (until I figure out what I'm equipping them with or if I rather the librarian dreadnought since it... alludes the Battleforce comes with the parts to make it)
That being said, to make a fair battle would I tell my friend to keep his army around 350 points like mine?
That's not 350 points.
It's 350 points in just base unit cost.
All the other possible upgrades to the units will easily get you to 500 points, which is ussual the starting point level.
Don't buy shit for full price unless you're doing it at a local store you want to support.
Your analogy is retarded. A better analogy would be convenience stores charging $1 for donuts when they used to cost $0.25 not too long ago, or $5 for a small cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Oh wait, that's how much they do cost right now.
This is the pricing for the 28mm miniatures market. Deal with it or shut the fuck up.