Just went to buy some recast 40k minis after years of not buying anything from Jew-Workshop, only to find them all closed down. What recasters are used nowadays, which ones are cheapest and best quality?
Just went to buy some recast 40k minis after years of not buying anything from Jew-Workshop...
There's a leddit dedicated to this, you can find catalogue and some older emails on it, but they still use them
>t. Games Workshop's Piracy Department
recasters have utter shit tier models.
>buttmad GW shill detected
>pls send all emails to [email protected]
Back when people in these threads would give their emails and then an user would send them the caster info I'd get my email in and then send that information to Games Workshop.
Fuck off recasters
>+1$ added to your next GW purchase
This is free market, fagget
and I freely employed my services
and it looks like it worked too since I see people complaining about how all the recasters are gone
There are still plenty, no more money for GW
Nice just like how video game and movie piracy killed both of those industries
They bringed that all upon themselves
Recasters are still going strong people just don't post about them here and you're right it is because of faggots like you.
I just bought about £1000 of stuff for £300 and I'm very happy with the quality of all of it.
This what you get for blatant price gouging and treating your customer base with nothing but contempt, they abandon you for alternatives even if they are illegal because you've done nothing to foster any form of brand loyalty from anyone except the most frothing autistic neckbeard (that's you by the way).
damn straight that computer games and movie industries are dead. yup, not one new game or movie from any of the big companies in years.
>abandon you for alternatives
Abandoning for alternatives would be going to play Kings of War or Warmahordes.
Going to recasters and calling it an "alternative" because "muh GW is mean" is how an autistic manchild tries to justify stealing
I don't usually condone stealing or pirating, but when a company charges something so exorbitant and treats their player base so poorly I understand the frustration.
I also understand why you are so pissed that people are basically stealing. But really man? Do you have nothing better to do than snitch on people on the Internet. That's almost as bad as the time my roommate ratted me out to the school for pirating books on the WiFi.
>ratted me out to the school for pirating books on the WiFi.
How could such a loathsome creature come to exist?
>Buhu, if you don't pay the same as me, you are a cheater
Grow up faggot, if you want to pay games workshop, thats your problem.
Say shit about GW price gouging, but they don't hold a candle to textbook companies. Pirating those books is by far the lesser evil compared to continuing to support those companies. It's right up there with those fucking scientific literature companies who hide massive amounts of collected data and studies behind prohibitively high paywalls, stifling scientific progress with greed.
>You want to pay the people that designed and made the miniatures the price they ask
>Grow up like me and buy counterfeits and be a thief
okay pal
>Paying an artificial inflated price
>Paying the just price
I'm not the retard here
My, what a high horse you have. I bet you're a vegan, too.
>jack up prices
>be surprised when a black market forms
It's like no one at GW has read a basic economics textbook. This is high school level shit.
you're the retard who said the grown up thing to do is go to counterfeiters because "Waaaahhhh I don't like Games Workshop I just love everything they produce so much that I can't actually stop enjoying their products so I just fuck them out of any money"
ah yes, the high horse of "don't steal shit"
>so I just fuck them out of any money"
If he wouldn't have bought the minis at the higher price they didn't lose anything.
Wrap your head around that you double retard
But he would buy the minis at a higher price if he wasn't a thieving rat
Now that Games Workshop is lowering mini prices with their new CEO and they're going to hit reasonable levels I can't wait to see all the casting fags who do it "because muh unfair prices" keep doing it because it turns out they're just cheap assholes
No, I would never buy minis at GW prices, I'm not a retard. If recasting weren't an option I'd just spend more with Mantic.
No different than the high horse of "meat is murder" or the high horse of "god hates fags". You are literally no better than a vegan Westboro Baptist Churchie.
You know what? Fuck GW. Every last penny I can fuck them out of I do gladly. The more you go on and on about how much buying from recaster hurts GW the more happy I am with doing it.
They're a shitty company reaping what they've sown.
You're a cunt. Simples.
Not the guy you're replying to, but no it's not you autistic retard, lol.
How is literally stealing the same as eating meat or hating people for their sexual preference you intellectual dinosaur?
If you seriously think like this you must be some retarded tween. No wonder you play 40kucks. You're so cucked you can't stop playing a shitty game and go so far as to steal the toys you need to play said terrible game.
I should screenshot this post.
You cannot make this shit up.
>Every last penny I can fuck them out of I do gladly.
I mean, you could just not buy the products, then you don't support them at all.
You're like the retards that cried about fantasy dieing yet did everything under the sun to find alternatives so that y'all didn't have to buy from GW.
El classico.
>I freely employed my services
>Goes on to bitch about others freely employing their services
Cry harder bellend. Buying from a source that produces just as good quality models for much cheaper is just logical.
buying from recasters doesn't "hurt" GW, since they weren't getting your money to begin with. You buying everything online does probably hurt your FLGS, though.
being an unlikable cunt certainly isn't going to help the local scene either
>How is literally stealing
Because it's not stealing, you double nigger. It's piracy. It's copyright infringement, which is not fucking theft. It's clear you're buying into big media's idea of infringement = theft, but it really fucking isn't, because no physical item was stolen.
Frankly, someone buying from a recaster is still a slight net benefit for a gaming company because it increases the player pool for an area. Obviously they would have made more money if someone bought from them, but if that person would not pay their prices in the first place, they're getting some benefit whereas before they got nothing.
You know what's considerably less common than 40k recasts? Warmahordes, Infinity and Malifaux recasts. Because they don't charge prices that are whacko bonkers, thier games are not structred so that you need 6+ boxes of the same troop kit, and they go out of their way to try and build consumer loyalty. GW doesn't do any of that shit.
Most a pretty shit, some are actually ok and indistinguishable once painted.
Your thumb looks like a penis in the thumbnail. That is all.
Ah you're one of those semantics loving mental gymnasts. How cute.
It's still stealing. You can call it whatever you want.
When I torrent shit I don't have to convince myself I'm in the right.
You're just a pathetic kid lol.
What other companies do have no bearing on GW. So cutie strawman too.
Let's find Lion and Tin man now.
Were yours from Z?
I'm planning to make a £100 order from him soon. My friend says about 10% of Z is unusable.
If there's a better quality caster who is still about 1/3 price I'd like to know I can find them. I'm not asking for details here.
There are better ones, but Z is getting better. He is best described as 'the worst quality among recasters who have a reason to be bought from'. There are worse casters, but they don't have Z's sheer catalog. Other people have higher quality, but are more expensive and have smaller catalogs.
What models did you need?
Z - cheapest stuff, worst quality
Miranda - most expensive stuff, best quality (better than FW in some cases)
Heyyou, CCON, Sylvia White, and Pillpitt all fall between but all have solid quality.
Not sure why I'm giving this info to a guy who unironically used the phrase "Jew-Workshop."
>ah yes, the high horse of "don't steal shit"
I'm giving money for a product, I am not """""stealing"""""
>It's still stealing.
No, you dumbfuck. It's not theft because no physical money or property is taken. You could call recasters criminals - because building a business out of infringing copyrights is a crime. But they're not thieves, they're compyright infringers. Buyers of recasts aren't even criminals because on that level the issue is civil rather than criminal. Use the right fucking term for the job.
Other companies take steps to have their customers reject piracy on their own. GW takes steps to encourage piracy, and to make piracy profitable for recasters. Just pointing that out.
Yes i'm stealing
What are you gonna do bout it, GW rich cunt? you can do nothing
Enjoy your 50 dollars models, i will enjoy the same for half the price.
Legally it has never been theft. It is illegal for the recaster as it is copyright infringement(Not like China cares anyways) but it is entirely legal for those who buy counterfeits. I have worn a knock off Armani suit in public and no police officer has tackled me to the ground for doing say. Stay mad GW shill, I will enjoy my $5 dreadnoughts and $16 tac squads that are indistinguishable from the real deal once properly painted and assembled.
>implying I care.
>implying I buy GW models
lol just calling a spade a spade you poor tween
Again, you chucklefucks think I actually give a shit.
You have to go through some mental arithmetic to steal your plastic toys.
Good for you champ.
>Knock off Armani.
Ahahah holy shit you're actually a pretentious bitch wannabe. Not even good enough to be a pretentious bitch know what I'm saying?
That's rich kiddo.
Thanks for the laughs.
>Doesn't even argue back
How cute. Thanks for reaffirming that GW drones hold views that have no basis on reason or even what the law actually states.
>implying I care.
>Again, you chucklefucks think I actually give a shit.
not any of the people you're replying to but if you didn't care you wouldn't be posting over and over, buddy
I don't argue back because you're mentally handicapped and my point got made so you're adorable GOTCHA! moment just makes you look even more retarded.
Not to mention you're adapting my speech patterns because you're getting your ass ravaged so hard you're developing stockholm syndrome.
For the recored, I haven't played a GW game or bought a GW model since you've been out of diapers me wee chuckles.
Carry on champ, don't hit your head when you get off the short bus.
You must type and read very, very slowly buddy.
>60 dollars and another 60 in dlc for vidya is ok
>hundreds of dollars for a standard format mtg deck is ok
>40 dollars for some space marine? Wtf money grab????
To be fair 40kucks just can't stop playing their shitty game. Despite hating it and the company that makes it.
Literally the battered housewives of gaming.
But you can get games for next to nothing thanks to Steam sales (DoW with all of the expansons went for $8 earlier this year)
And Magic can be played casually with the $30 dual decks, you don't neccesarily need to be competitive
To play 40K even casually you need to spend a decent amount on models. If you can choose to save money, why not?
Just look at this cuck.
>I COULD play these other things for cheaper.
>But I NEED to play 40k ;_;
>Why company charge more than my allowance for toys? ;_;
>To play 40K even casually you need to spend a decent amount on models. If you can choose to save money, why not?
40k isn't just the game but the whole hobby
And technically you could play casually with just the dark vengeance starter box, just nobody does
Also MTG starters are 30 usd now? Ten years ago they were 10 usd, as per inflation they should be about 13 dollars. How come nobody whines about that?
They do though, Chinaman MTG counterfeits are a thing.
And then they get mad when you tell them they could play hearthstone for free.
That's another whole group of battered housewives. I'm surprised mtg played and 40kids don't get along better tbqh famalamabanana
I would like to play 40K, and if I am given the option, then why not? Frugality has always been a virtue. In the end they are just pieces of plastic/resin. I certainly don't need any of these things, but it is fun to have little figurines rather than just flat cards or something on a screen.
I am talking about the duel decks, not the starters. The duel decks typically have two decks with a lot more in the way of rares and mythic rares. I got the bitchin alt art Soren in one of them, and split it with a friend who wanted the cards that came with the Tibalt deck. I believe that the all starter decks are about the same price.
The DV box is of course limited to two armies, and a lot of people like the other factions and want to use those models.
>I hate people stealing 40k, but i don't play i troll you all ahahahahaha i'm smart, you all are idiots i don't cae i just buch about what you are doing for fun
Your next line will be: i was just pretending to be retarded
>Thinks buying counterfeits is theft
He's not pretending.
Did Christ steal from the baker and the fisherman when he took one loaf and one fish and fed a whole village?
Don't put words in my mouth you underage twinks.
I called you out and you admitted you're battered housewife cucks so the discussion is ogre.
I don't think you understood the message of that particular fable lil guy.
>using ogre instead of over
Ah I see we are being invaded by reddit today
Than why the hell do you care if people "steal" from GW?
>This whole damn thread
>Implying you're not some pasty bitch.
If the shoes fits mon cheri.
I don't.
It's more the attitude, like you're doing robin hoods work against unjust tyranny.
Get over yourselves lel.
The thread is literally.
>How do steal.
>Figure it out.
>Lol you're all cockmonglers.
Pretty average friday really.
I can confirm. A few weeks ago, there was some user that was brave enough to stop being anonymous and show his real email on the 40k general to ask for the chinaman contacts.
After a quick session of Doxing his ass, I decided he was a real enough person to send the contacts to. I wasn't the only one apparently to do this, as it turned out there were 3 people willing to send him the contacts.
Now for the problem with that. I know his name, street address, and email. You really gotta be desperate to let a hundred anonymous assholes know where you live. Right now the fear is that if you give the contacts out online, some GW shill will get them, and that'll be the end of everything.
>you're doing robin hoods work against unjust tyranny.
hmm I never thought of it this way, that's literally true
>The definition of unjust tyranny is making your plastic kids toys more expensive.
>How do steal
Since when has buying chink knockoffs been a crime?
Let's be real.
Supporting a filthy chinaman in any way should be grounds for deportation. Literally a land of filthy monkey people.
Build wall.
But god does hate fags
Yeah it's Z, maybe I just got lucky but all my stuff is great.
Z has a better track record than FW themselves since everything I ever bought from FW was miscast.
Hi Vert
>You upset me! ;_;
>You must be this other person who previously upset my delicate sensibilities! ;_;
Try not to embarrass yourself anymore.
Plus I'm obviously not vert because I'm eloquent enough to keep verbally bending you kids over like two dollar whores.
So now you're changing your argument that buying recasts does support GW?
I guess I don't need to feel bad about buying them ;^)
Oh piss off you self righteous prick.
But those things aren't OK and people complain about them pirate games and proxy cards or buy reprints all the time.
Both of your examples have the exact same issues.
>Plus I'm obviously not vert because I'm eloquent enough to keep verbally bending you kids over like two dollar whores.
Whatever you say champ.
>So now you're changing your argument that buying recasts does support GW?
The product of American education ladies and gentleman.
Let's break this down;
>So now you're changing your argument that buying recasts does support GW?
Is a reply to said post;
>I mean, you could just not buy the products, then you don't support them at all.
Which of course was a reply to this post;
>You know what? Fuck GW. Every last penny I can fuck them out of I do gladly. The more you go on and on about how much buying from recaster hurts GW the more happy I am with doing it.
Now, if we examine the language of this lil tyke we can see he's clearly enraged. Obviously GW has done some terrible misdeed to his family and future generations.
But wait. Our friend here NEEDS to buy GW toys.
See, it's not a choice. He's been bound and chained to his painting desk, his lips flecked with the pigments of licked brushes. His eyes only truly focus when a New Release from GW is announced. His flock encrusted finger nails move his dilapidated mouse to highlight the once icon on his desktop. A Internet Explorer link to a small known shop. He licks the paint off his lips and savors the taste as he clicks "Chinaman".
Like I said, you hate the game and the company but you can't stop yourself from wanting more.
Literally battered housewives.
Imitation is high flattery, you should develop you own speech patterns so you don't look like I cucked you into talking like me.
Food for thought chum.
>being an unlikable cunt certainly isn't going to help the local scene either
You'd know all about that.
Not american.
There are disadvantages to having a distinct posting style.
Waiting up for "work" again are we?
>And then they get mad when you tell them they could play hearthstone for free.
Probably because Hearthstone is utter shit, but who's paying attention to details like that?
Da fuck you on about retard?
It's the weekend. No wonder you need chinaman if you don't have a job.
>Can't change his typing style.
Bruvleim, you are the definition of tryhard. Step up your game. You've thought I'm like three different posters already.
Your dumb god maybe does.
>You've thought I'm like three different posters already.
And what are you doing right now?
>Plus I'm obviously not vert because I'm eloquent enough to keep verbally bending you kids over like two dollar whores.
>doesn't even have actual arguments, just poorly executed ad hominem and sad attempts at redefining words without changing the implications
It's like watching an SJW try to pretend to be Poochy the Dog.
Calling you a dumb bitch.
Walked right into that one wee man.
I've never been accused of being an SJW before. That's awesome!
Not to mention I told you guys to build a wall in this very thread.
Stay in school buddy, you need it.
>Calling you a dumb bitch.
>Walked right into that one wee man.
Such biting wit.
Shame the archives offline, I could start posting previous threads you've shitposted in.
Where well on course for your typical "L0L I troll you" special move so why not do it now and get it over with?
It's funny because you're so convinced that you're right.
You should do that though, worth the laugh. And I know you have literally nothing to do tonight. So when I leave in a half hour I expect to come back to many screencaps.
Don't disappoint me now.
Besides, who's trolling? I'm straight out calling you a bitch and you've acknowledged that fact, so as far as I'm concerned we're friends.
Now pucker up cutie.
>all these words
>not caring
choose one, fagatronic
When did the Put words in your mouth virt? You did say lol and kiddo. and also did say that Buying counterfeits is theft.,
Which is why I play Age of Sigmar with an army made of entirely none GW models. No one at my FLGS even cares so long as they look reasonable. Also why I give so much money to Raging Heroes. Even backed their Kickstarter. Their Sister's look like they'd make great female storm casts. Might even use the Sci-fi Sisters to start up a SOB army if I get into 40K again.
Since when is Thursday the weekend?
But god does hate cigarettes. Tobacco is for carrying prayers to him, not for recreational smoking.
Not really. depending on which one you go to they are nigh indistinguishable from forgeworld barring the unprimed color.
If any of these Recasters can do Seekers and Daemonetts of the Juan Diaz variety I'd give them my money.
Not paying money for the current crap sculpt wish I had kept my old ones...
>be a thief
Cool, cheers for confirming for me.
I know I'm right, you have a limited but distinct Vocabulary. It's very easy to search the archive for keywords and find a lot of your posts. One word you use in particular when put into google only brings up results from Veeky Forums and they are all obviously you doing your whole "hardman on the internet" routine.
It's cute really.