Tfw a non-official hive cult is more effective at rooting out heresy than the dedicated department itself

>tfw a non-official hive cult is more effective at rooting out heresy than the dedicated department itself

Inquisitors on suicide watch

I can't be the only one who thinks then gauge on the side of his chainsword looks like a smiley face.

Yeah, and Judge Death deals better with crime than Dredd.

For there is happiness within the cleansing flame

>a lumberjack with a chainsaw cuts through more matter than a surgeon with a scalpel

Doctors on suicide watch

'xept the lumberjack laid down the biggest tree in the fucking forest while the doc is too busy sticking their head up their own ass to care for their patients

Inquisitor's shills BTFO

Someone get this hothead out of here.

The Redemptionist crusades sent out into the underhive are pretty effective at rooting out heresy because, to them, pretty much everything is heresy. Set somebody on fire? They were a heretic. Shoot somebody in the face by accident while fixing your weapon? They were a heretic. Shoot some priest in the face by accident while fixing your weapon? Not only was the priest a heretic, but we better go fucking burn down his church just to be sure.

An question. How is a non-official cult not considered heresy?

I don't into 40k but I couldn't help but be confuse.

simple the rules on cults in the imperium are pretty easy as long as your religion focuses on the worship of the big E they are mostly cool with it.

Who is this hot new meme and why should I care?


Just fuck off this board, take your "meme" garbage with you and die in a fucking fire.

Klovis bless you, brother

Long as you stroke yourse..I mean long as you pray to the Emprah, it's all dandy

Only cults to the gods of Chaos or xenos are bad. The Imperial Cult, and all the little splinter factions thereof, are good.

>More effective at rooting out heresy than the Inquisition

Literally doesn't read the lore.

Categorically untrue.

Redemptionists are USEFUL and not Chaos/xenos aligned, which is why they are tolerated.

>Image spammed on the board with other garbage
>Somehow not a meme
Get real faggot

It looks like the bottom part of his robe was painted onto the fire.

>Newfriend acting tough because we've caught him being a newfriend

Kill yourself.


Only thing here that's new is you fag.

is this some king of baneposting comeback? Or have I become conscious enough to recognize it?