Warhammer 40k General

Grim Dark Watercooler Edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index

>White Dwarves

>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)

Way to early for this.

Cry harder, old thread is passed the bump limit and it won't matter ether way in half an hour. This one hasn't been liked to the old thread yet.

I want an army where I drown everything in fire.

Sisters of Battle or Salamanders?


Sisters are cool but a bit more gimmicky and a much bigger pain to collect than Astartes.

>Play Salamanders
>Run Vulcan by 1500
>Melta and Flamers on everything you can
>Melt it.

There's an SoB formation that gives you a torrent hellstorm heavy flamer.

I claim this thread for Oldhammer/Vintage minis.

Post your oldest models.

Question, If I had to pick between these two for an assault squad, what is the best weapon to shot before Charging into combat?

Flamer or Melta?

Rate this nob unit please.
Nobz (398pts)
'Eavy Armour for Mob (40pts)
'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Mob Rule
Battlewagon (145pts)
2x Big Shoota (10pts), Extra Armour (10pts), Kannon (10pts), Red Paint Job (5pts)
Boss Nob (51pts)
Bosspole (5pts), Power Klaw (25pts), Stikkbombs, Twin-linked Shoota (3pts)
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Nob (18pts)
Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs

Considering I couldn't find the other general due to it's shitty image, it's not early enough.

Salamanders, +1 strength flamers across the board is amazing. Also toughness 4 instead of toughness 3.

You're charging into things you can hurt with chainswords. You don't need to thin their ranks before you go in and it only makes your charge harder.

>Considering I couldn't find the other general due to it's shitty image, it's not early enough.

I like 021609, 021621, and 021619's paint jobs.

Figured as much, thanks mate!

too expensive and get lascannoned until footsloggin/10

Work on your formatting.
Right now you're just copy pasting from Battlescribe and putting no effort in posting your list, why do you expect others to put any time in giving you advice.
>10 Nobs with Choppas, Boss with Klaw and Bosspole.

Okay message for this poster
Here I'll make it simple

Chaos orks 1
Warboss x2 pk eavy armor
X2 mek w/ kustom mega blasta
Vanilla nob squad with one ok
17 chopper boy squad
17 chopper boy squad
17 shoota boy squad in eavy armor
11 Gretchen with runt he added

5x deffkopeters

Looted wagon with scorcha
X2 big shoota
Extra armor

Battle wagon
Kannon x2 big shoota
Extra armor

Chaos Lord (145pts)
Gift of mutation Ichor blood Mark of Khorne Plasma Pistol Murder Sword Veterans of the Long War

20 man Mark of khorne chaos cultist

7x chaos marines with Mark of nurgle

Vanilla multi melta helbrute


Okay how about this deffkopta unit?
Deffkoptas (150pts)
'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Hit and Run, Mob Rule, Scout
Deffkopta (30pts)
Choppa, Twin-linked Rokkit Launcha
Deffkopta (30pts)
Choppa, Twin-linked Rokkit Launcha
Deffkopta (30pts)
Choppa, Twin-linked Rokkit Launcha
Deffkopta (30pts)
Choppa, Twin-linked Rokkit Launcha
Deffkopta (30pts)
Choppa, Twin-linked Rokkit Launcha

>Considering I can't read feed me moar.

Yeah, I'm looking at it in the codex now. It's Apoc only and you have to mix weapons on the Retributor squads, which is pretty annoying.

Still pretty awesome though.

Yeah, they look really cool. I'd love to get some of the Horus Heresy Salamander models. I love when Marines go super gimmicky in their appearance. A lot of people complain about Space Corgis, but I like them, super-Roman Ultramarines, super-cyborg Iron Hands, etc. I want very idiosyncratic zealous warrior monks. Marines are too vanilla for me otherwise.

How is the HQ Dreadnought? He seems really fun with all his "ignores your special anti-armour" shtick

Not him but...

>keeping the special rules and individual models
>not saying 5 TL RL Deffkoptas

Wew Lad, you just don't learn.

Still hoping you get no help for being an idiot

:^) / 10
Would welcome to WAAAGH!halla

>you have to mix weapons on the Retributor squads
You don't nee to mix IN the units, you can mix between them.

Dude stop
That's not me
Your just copying what I just posted

I've some second edition plague marines up in the attic, but I'm not arsed going up to get them.

Also it spares me showing you the awful paint+basing job on them. I'll get around to stripping and re-doing them soon.


Tough break.

I have the first one.
That is the first mini of the Emperor's Children ever, I had to have it.

Also the one on the bottom left.

I send them to a pro-painter together with the Noise Marine w/ Guitar and 2 CSM from Space Crusade... and I'm waiting.

A little too much wait.
Damn he's slow.

i have the warhammer cards of alot of these models somewhere, i wonder how much they would be worth now

Oh, I think you must be right. It doesn't say "must include one...etc EACH"

Yeah that's much better then.

Still Apoc only. Though my mates may be okay with me running it. I mean, if I run it minimum sized then all they'd have to do is take out one Immolator or Ret squad to take away the Wall of fire option. Doesn't seem TOO overpowered, right?

>My OP poster can't be this stupid sub edition

Chaos ork 2

One warboss fully loaded evay armor , pk, attack squid git finder ammo runt cyber ork

10 man nob squad with two pks and the rest big choopas

18 man shoota boy squad in heavy armor two big shoota , boss with bosspole pk combine shoota rookit

10 Gretchen and runt heardr

22 stormboyz boss with power klaw

4 killakans

Looted wagon with killkannon scorcha big shoota Extra armor grit riggers and ram

1 single mekguns a kannon

Huron Blackheart with
22 chaos cultist of nurgle with autoguns

21 more chaos cultis of nurgle with autoguns

Forgefiend 2x Hades autocannon

Around 4£/5$ each

He isn't the OP but you can stay mad.

So my CSM suck hard right now, and I kinda wanna start loyalists or maybe stand-alone Daemons. What should I start?

Vs !

Some type of space wolves , I don't know I know he won't have wolf calvery or flyers or Logan or anything real expensive like that

But Now about.the army I want to big to this table

Legion of the damned I don't know what I'm doing unlike other armies that I'm familiar with IG guys just have so many different toys I don't know what to get

Sorry, you meant the card, not the models.
I read that wrong.
No idea of the value, but I think is very low.

Previous OP
And why the fuck would I be mad? Now it's much easier to spot the general thanks to the image revert. You god damn chicken lovers are always shitting up these threads.

Loyalists, and you will always be pampered

My only other post was the second one in this thread so its you and your ilk that are shitting things up.

Are the skyhammer and shadowstrike kill team as bullshit as they look on paper? I want to use vanguard and assault Marines, but I don't want to step away from fluffy melee fanatics into That Guy territory.

Okay. What kind of loyalists? There's so many chapters I think are cool, I don't know how to decide.


you got me all excited there, i must have like 80 ish cards

If you have a favorite one, choose that one.
Fluff is full of awesome chapters.

Look at FW ones too. They have unique tactics and characters that are very interesting.

If you don't have a favorite and you are a creative guy, you can make your own, so you can switch between different tactics and try them all.

I don't recommend first founding chapters. They are boring and everybody has them.

That shit can be condensed into

Deffkopta x5 - 150pts
>Rokkit launchas

Seriously, if you had made your stuff legible from the start, chances are you'd have gotten your answers by now.

>rfw you have fallen in love with a stillborn faction
is this kind of what it's like to be a sob fan ?

Those guys are their own faction?

I saw their models last night and thought they looked cool, I'd never seen them before that. Figured they were some IG unit.

Semi-serious list for a FLGS tourny
>Why nids
Picked it out of a hat

Tyrant; Wings, 2x TL Devourer w/BLW - 230

30x Termagaunts - 120
Tervigon - 195
3x Warriors; Barbed Strangler - 100

Zoanthrope - 50
Zoanthrope - 50
Venomthrope - 45

>Fast Attack
15x Gargoyles - 90

>Heavy Support
3x Biovore - 120

they are guard elites but have their own codex with exactly 0 unique units it it (scions count as a troop choice)
also no relics
but they do get their own unique orders which are neat
i use them as allies for my IG since they really don't have enough meat on their bones to form a full army

I feel like scions, SoB, and inquisition should team up to get some love from gw. Scions fill role of acolyte box, maybe with a bolter/shotgun sprue, 3 sisters boxes, clampack inquisitor, and a codex and we'd be all good.

What about this something like this

I don't know

Renegade Command Squad (305pts)
Carapace Armour
Fanatic, Feel No Pain (6+), Uncertain Worth
Arch Demagogue Lord of Change (285pts)
Carapace Armour , Covenant of Tezzy, Frag Grenades, Laspistol, Power Fist , Primaris-rogue Witch (Level 2) Warlord
Disciple w/ Banner of Hate
Disciple w/ Command Net Vox
2x Disciple w/ Lasgun
Disciple w/ Plasma Gun
3x Disciple w/ Shotgun
In Renegade Chimera
Extra Armour Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile 2x Lasgun Arrays, Multilaser,

Please let me know if any of these squad options are worthless for what I want to do

5x Rogue Psyker (175pts)

Infntry platoon 1
Command squad
Militia Training Sub-flak Armour
Demagogue (48pts)
Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon, Covenant of Tezzy, Laspistol, Power Sword
Lascannon Team
Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
Renegade w/ Command Net Vox
6x Renegade w/ Lasgun
Squad 1a
Subfak armor
Renegade Champion (28pts)
Bolt Pistol, Laspistol, Power Sword
Renegade Chimera (55pts)
Heavy Bolter, 2x Lasgun Arrays, Multilaser,
Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
Renegade w/ Vox-caster
Squad 2a
Military traning and subflak armor
Renegade Champion (48pts)
Bolt Pistol Laspistol, Power Sword
Covenant of Tezzy
Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
Renegade w/ Vox-caster

Platoon 2
Military traning subflak armor
Demagogue (48pts)
Bolt Pistol, Laspistol, Power Sword
Covenant of tezzy
Lascannon Team (26pts)
T, Lascannon,
Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
Renegade w/ Command Net Vox
5x Renegade w/ Lasgun

See squad 1a

Squad 2b
See squad1b

Oh god see what I mean how does Ig players do it

Renegade Tank Squadron (320pts)
Battle Tank
2x Heavy Bolter sponsons Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter,
Demolisher Siege Cannon, Heavy Bolter,

Chaos demon allied detatchment
Lord of Change
Exaulted reward
Lvl 3 psycher

11 bloodletters
13 deamonettes of slanessh

But this army just dosnet feel right it feels off

Yeah it'd be nice if storm troopers got rolled back into Inquisition. I feel like SoB are on the edge of being worthwhile as their own army. Maybe with an update...


So how are Elysians doing, both in regards to their balance and legality after Death from the Skies came out ? They still seem to have Vendettas (are they now FW exclusive ?) and Valkyries for 100 points (should I replace the datasheet with the one from the Death from the Skies) ?

I want to build a small, non-Astares elite army that's heavy on deep strikes and aerial support. At the moment I'm torn between Scions and Elysians. Scions have their own official codex which is up to date and I don't have to take some flashgun wielding scrubs to fill out my troop slots but have almost zero options and can't deep strike turn one. Elysians on the other hand have plenty of options (including many awesome looking flyers with various functions vs just Valkyries) and can deep strike turn one, but their troop choices are big and not elity enough, plus they're a FW army so the balance and legality can be taken into question.

Tau. Farsight enclaves.

Commander with double twin linked flamer

All the crisis suits you can cram into whatever point limit you have, all outfitted with double flamers.

Cry when anyone brings AV models to the table then laugh again if those AV models are open-topped transports

>Not Shit List Formatting Edition

I miss the days where we had containment threads for list spammers.

What is the cheapest source to run mass big Shootas in an ork army?

Ork codex when?

When, damnit?

They're about to relegate the codex to "so weak it can only legally play against other Ork players" tier with the coming FAQ, we need a new book.

>Cry when anyone brings AV models to the table

then you add the webber and gauntlet then laugh as you open tanks with your bare hands while enemy squads blow themselves up trying to stop you

Wait for 8th edition as you sure as hell aren't getting another in 7e before the timer runs out.

Probably looted wagons. 52 points gets you 3 big shootas, giving you a grand total of 9 before you run out of heavy support choices and have to get a second CAD.

Why do you want to spam big shootas anyway?

CSM update WHEN?
I just need better TSons rules

Get trip so we can filter you out you gigantic faggot.

I agree, we should get a new Witch Hunter codex.

>scions, SoB, and inquisition should team up
New Release: Inquisitional Forces
Retails at $180 due to its combined dataslates, fluff and "art work"

>You can take a decurion, but you can't take CAD+Formation or Formation+Formation

This is retarded.

You're basically saying you can't build a formation based army unless you spam the shit out of them and get a free bonus.

It's dry sandpaper covered anal rape.

Sounds fair, I'll just pick it up for $0 like all my other books.

Iron hands are fucking awesome
I suppose it's what style you want to play though

December, when Horus Heresy: Inferno comes out.

I hate formation based armies. They're usually hulking messes of rules from different sources and loads of shenanigans that shouldn't be allowed.

I think every book should have its own decurion, the option of a standard FOC, and have to choose one of the two, plus 0-1 allied FOCs (and not of the same faction).

They need to just bite the bullet and release the digital versions for free. Keep the paper ones and sell those, but newbs need to be able to get into the game without spending $100 on just books.

>tfw I couldn't make a CAD if I wanted to
>I own 0 troops

It was pretty lame when RW had to bring Sammael to unlock Bike Troops since at 1000p he was near a fifth of your army (I can't remember if he was still 200p back then) same as Belial for Termi troops in DW.

To each their own though.

I just bought a venerable dread and was going to pick up a couple extra arms from forge world for it.

Am l meant to get MarkIV or MarkV arms here?

Decurions are worse than two random formations boyo.

Looks solid enough.

>mfw I have seen this list a thousand times
I hate my codex

How's my 700 (698) points of Necrons, Veeky Forums?

Overlord with Warscythe
5 Deathmarks
9 Immortals
10 Warriors with Ghost Ark
3 Wraiths

I know Deathmarks are pretty shite, especially in small squads, but I love the models so I'd rather keep them. Not sure what to do with the Immortals or lord though - replace with something else, maybe? I like having friends so bringing a Night Scythe below 1000 points is probably a no-go.

replace the marks and immortals with 20 warriors and give your lord a Staff of light.

700pts is pretty odd and you can call your deathmarks immortals if you like the model enough.

>700pts is pretty odd
Is it? I thought 700 was the standard for when you were just starting out. What do people usually play?

>you can call your deathmarks immortals if you like the model enough
Not a bad idea actually, might run them as counts-as until I can build a decent squad.

>give your lord a staff of light

Do you not know what a Cryptek is?

When you are starting out it seems to be starting at 500 and taking steps of 250 at a time. (750,1000,1250)

So you aren't off, just throw 50 more points.

500-750 is about right for starting out, it's just most people go up in 250 point brackets. There's nothing inherently wrong about starting at 700.

What's the current tier list
I know the top is

I was trying to work with what he had there, his 20 new warriors were almost covered by using his immortals and Deathmarks but yes a Cryptek would be the more appropriate choice.

Also I only play my Necrons in a Reclamation Legion :^)

Going for helmet head front? Go 4.
Going for not helmet head front? Go 5.

Both fit either or, 5s are more boxy than 4s.

You're missing Marines up there with Eldar and Tau.

Clever bait and all but with no drop pod allies Ad Mech is no long that high and SM are above necrons and if not tied with Tau, above them as well.

Veeky Forums what should i do about a player who cant decide his army? Weve been planning on playing and everyone else have their list and he has gone through multiple different factions. Im all for a person choosing the fluff they like but he seems to change ecery week on whose fluff he likes.

Question, why are there feral Orks in 40k if mekboys have a genetic predisposition to build 'modern' technology?

Play without him?
Let him do his own thing?
Don't allow yourself to get held back by an indecisive player?

Pretty simply stuff here mate.

Thanks for the help guys. I've bumped it up to 750 and juggled a little. The only things set in stone are the deathmarks (or something as a counts-as), the warscythe lord and the wraiths. Haven't bought anything else yet.

Overlord with Warscythe
5 Deathmarks
15 Warriors
10 Warriors with Ghost Ark
3 Wraiths

That's 740 on the nose.

because not every ork is genetically predispositioned to be a mek boy?

>SM if not tied with Tau, above them as well.

apologies for the huge pic but here's my oldest

one is a baneblade my dad built when white dwarf released the plasticard templates for it, the other is an armorcast baneblade/shadowsword

>That's 740 on the nose.
cant the lord get the flamer glove or something for 10 points?
Might as well, assuming you have your wraiths properly equipped.

A decurion is just a codex-specific FOC.

That's why every book needs a decurion.


>if mekboys have a genetic predisposition to build 'modern' technology
They don't, feral & snakebite meks on low tech worlds become either pigdoks or boiler boyz.

Reason I left it at 740 was to look for advice about what to add, but I forgot to actually ask.

And the wraiths are naked at the moment actually - what's "proper equipment" for them?

Obviously, but if a PDF was simply unable to get its shit together the chances of one mekboy popping up would be fairly high I would think. Plus doesn't the lore mention something about boilerboys, I.e. Steampunk mekboys in feral societies.