We are a level 4 party and our DM gave
us the mission to kill a green dragon,
Any idea to survive?
We need help
We are a level 4 party and our DM gave
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Hire a level 20 wizard.
lure it into a trap
My group had exactly that encounter a few months ago, just with no warning (we rocked up to the ruined town it was in from the wrong direction and told it to suck a dick when it demanded respect). We killed it with no casualties and pretty terrible tactics, play it smart and you should be okay.
at least tell us your classes.
my generic recommendation is to arm a bunch of hirelings (or anyone who is avaliable, if some village owes you a favour now is the time to call it in) with crossbows. then it's only a question of whether the DM actually uses "misdirection and trickery" or assumes the dragon can handle it and just attacks you outright, in which case the hirelings will probably win.
Use dwarf fortress tactics to kill it without even seeing it.
Level 3 Bard
Level 4 Ranger
Level 4 Barbarian
Level 4 Sorcerer
Level 3 Wizard
And a Level 4 Rogue
If a 4th level party can't survive that, you such as character builders.
perhaps he expects you to get help rather than face it on your own?
Barbarian tanks up with wizard buffs and ragin' to lure it into a cave, where you've set it up to collapse on the dragon at the pull of a trigger. Then you quest to resurrect the barbarian.
This sounds like Lost Mine of Phandelver. In that module, there's a green dragon you /can/ talk to the and negotiate with it in order to drive it away.
Even if that's not what it is, I'd suggest trickery rather than a head-on assault.
Im not sure about it. Don't forget its Green Dragon, with passive perception 17+7. Chances to get him into trap aren't great
Party member here, the quest was given by some witches in the woods , and OP told my character wrong im a lvl 3 warlock, the rougue is light headed because he was aviable to ONE HIT KILL everything up to this point
im specting a TPK
You sure it's this age? It might be a wyrmling.
I'm just afraid the DM is sick of my antics and plans to have the lizard munch me a new one.
Have you considered stabbing it?
he said a dragon , we destroy an otyugh and from there the game complicate a little bit
If it IS young, then do you have the option to leave and come back later? You guys don't even have extra attacks or level 3 spells. A young dragon is out of your league even if you do have 6 people.
Get your shit together. You've got a party of fucking six and it's one creature without Legendary Actions. You know dragons have breath weapons, so don't clump together. You know they can fly, so get yourselves some fucking rope or chains and get that Barbarian to grapple it and restrain it properly. Stay out of its melee range and make sure only one or two of you (max) can be hit by its breath weapon. Turn the rogue invisible to help him get close to the thing before he attacks to get his sneak attack off.
AC 18 and 136 hp means you should be able to focus-fire it down in like two rounds, maybe three tops.
This. Coordinated squad tactics are terrifying to behold.
> Turn the rogue invisible to help him get close to the thing before he attacks to get his sneak attack off.
Iz you samefaggin'?
nop , im the sorcerer , and rouge 4 is the real rouge
Or, you know, just have melee fighters engage it and ready to fire on it with a ranged weapon within 30 ft. once they are adjacent to it, getting sneak attack damage anyway without risking yourself or relying on it not noticing you.
are you the sorcerer, wizard, or warlock? cause your name says wizard, you said you were the warlock earlier, now you say you're a sorcerer.
Go level up for awhile.
Dig two trenches in front of its lair, and hide in one of them. When it exits the lair, sneak attack coup de grace it in its less-armored stomach. Then quickly dive into the other trench to avoid being melted alive by its blood.
i have personality issues , im the lvl 3 warlock master of disguise useless in combat
At what level? Because it should have been able to simply kill all of you at once with it's breath attack.
No, AC 18 and 136 hp means that it'll take 3 to 4 rounds, if not more. At their level they don't have extra attacks or 3rd level spells and they have around a 50% hit rate. The only way it'll take 2 rounds is if everyone hits every attack and rolls good on damage.
Add in the fact that the barbarian is basically the only character that won't get one-shot by the breath or a full multiattack and you've got a recipe for a very difficult encounter.
>a green dragon is recognized by the crest
>not by being fucking green
Dragons have come to symbolify the ambition, greed, and triumph of man rather than than our fear of the unknown. You slay the dragon if your the hero not get burnt and eaten like a peasant.
Maybe dragons have a habit of painting themselves green to ruse people
>dragons painting themselves to fool adventurers.
Stealing this.
WotC, everyone.
"dragons should not bitches"
"dragons should not be bitches"
same thing really
but seriously you really shuold think of a good plan before facing a dragon at such low levels,
like ballistas or armys or make that witches give you some kind of advantage, asking 6 random persons to kill a dragon seems a like asking to much
You people do know that 1 in 8 men are colorblind, right?
Why are you reading the stat block as a player?
There's no reason not to. If the GM really wants to they can write their own monsters or fudge the stats if they want the monsters abilities to remain an unknown factor.
Do you watch movies with the Wikipedia plot summary open and only play games with walkthroughs too?
Sigard plz
If it's a particularly well known monster, there's nothing wrong with some general knowledge.
Exact details are going a tad far though
Do you go to take tests, write research papers, and repair electronics without ever studying up before hand?
I usually take tests without reading the test in its entirety beforehand yes. Your other two examples would be more like gathering info in town or speaking to a dragon hunter, not reading a stat block.
There was a thread about this the other day, except it was an adult dragon I think? I don't play D&D so the only solid advice I have beyond common sense stuff is apparently in AD&D it was noted that the only way to consistently hunt a dragon is to:
1.) Find it's lair.
2.) Hide and wait for it to leave.
3.) Barricade the entrance and ambush it on It's return.
The reasoning behind this is that dragons are intelligent, and very perceptive. If they suspect a trap, or think they might be in danger, the first thing it will do is fly away, and either run away or bathe you in magical mustard gas until you die. Therefore, you have to make it come to you. A chromatic dragon will never abandon it's hoard, not unless it's certain it will die attempting to retrieve it. And the inside of the dragon's lair is well trapped, and the dragon will have memorized, so fighting inside the lair is almost certain death.
Once you have the entrance barricaded, you need a method to keep it on the ground, no help there, ballista with chains attached to the bolts?
And a method to keep the poison gas away from you, I'm told Wall of Wind is very effective for this. Make sure to have it prepared for multiple casts, with some backup scrolls if possible.
Past that? Cohorts, I believe it's like 1gp per day for sellswords for dragon hunting? Something to that effect. Make sure they know what the plan is, and that it's not a question of if there will be casualties, but how many, and how bad it will be.
If these preparations are outside your capabilities, then I honestly suggest you abandon the quest, and deal with the witches and whatever ill will they may bear you. Because anything short of this will probably guarantee at least one of you dies.
You can't predict the entirety of an encounter by reading the stat blocks. While my comparison wasn't perfect neither was yours which is basically my point. I can understand your point but all this information is easy to access and telling a person they can't look at it if they want to is pointless. If i was bothered by a player reading the stat blocks I'd change the situation the players found themselves in to compensate.
Condition effects work on him pretty easily, use 'em to your advantage.
Try to blind him right off to give him disadvantage to basically everything.
Tank with the raged out Barbarian, have the rouge stick back and fire arrows so he gets that sweet damage modifier.
This fight will actually be a pretty easy one given you guys will be getting six attacks to his every one. He has a good chance of killing everyone with one go if you are foolish enough to stick together for his breath attack, so surround the area with everyone but your Barbarian and Ranger who should be in close and flanking the thing.
I have killed bigger things with less. Especially in 5ed.
ONE of you MIGHT die, but it is unlikely. The downside is the XP gains split six ways is kind of shit.
The good news is the DM better be rolling for random loot off that sweet, sweet hoard.
Whether or not meta-gaming by reading the statblock is wrong and they should be punished by the DM is a moot point now, it's already been done, and there's no way to undo it now.
So instead of derailing the thread with this argument, let's agree that some people are OK with doing this, and some aren't, and move on with trying to help these people survive their dragon hunt.
The dragon actually gets three attacks per round (Multiattack: the dragon makes three attacks: one with it's bite, two from clawing)
Seems like a pussy tactic
>Play a party of monks
>See a dragon
>Punch it to death in one turn before it can act
>Everyone keeps on tripping the bastard so all it can do is keep standing up on its turn, just to be tripped again so people still keep getting advantage to attacks
We felt like bullies that whole game because our go to tactic was to knock whatever was causing us trouble on its ass and just keep knocking it over and beating it to death.
It was incredibly broken, but also incredibly fun. Especially since our characters were modeled after and acted like 1950's greasers and we were called the Tunnel Snakes.
Yeah, but 44 damage (if they all hit) cut in half is 22 coming at the Barbarian who should be the priority target.
While that sucks, it won't be enough to save him.
Okay, that's pretty funny, and if they were all monks, I'd say do it for shits and giggles.
However, if the DM plays the dragon half as intelligently as he should, trying to run up and gank the dragon as you suggest will probably just get them gassed to death. We're trying to make sure the dragon dies 100% of the time, with 0% PC casualties, or as close to that as possible. If that means," pussy tactics" then so be it, they'll be pussies, with a dead dragon and a hoard to loot.
PS. Sorry for slow replies, on mobile
The discussion is valid given the initial topic of the thread. You wouldn't be complaining if we were talking about illicit encounters between the party and dragons.
>Everyone keeps on tripping the bastard so all it can do is keep standing up on its turn
that... is not how it works
Get a big net. Cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter. Immobilize dragon. Poke it until it dies.
That's actually a fair question: OP, how likely is it that you guys will be attacked by something on the way to it's lair?
I agree it's on topic, but it doesn't help them kill a dragon, and we can't stop them from looking at the block in the past, so other than telling the DM they looked it up and apologizing they can't do anything to improve that situation.
>implying the dragon doesn't just fly beyond your reach
>you such
Btw, a 4th level party or 4-5 characters can't survive that unless all of them go first.
>Barbarian tanks
It's funny, I was the bearbarian in LMoP...and the dragon drop me at 0 HPs with just one breath, and I was raging. Could have been worse though, the figther next to me died.
Stop looking in the monster manual.
I appreciate your post.
you can start by not looking at the monster manual
Well on one hand you're pretty much scum for reading the stat block, on the other I've had GMs that wont tell me if I'm not hurting monsters completely immune to my attacks, so whatever.
Anyway aside from just playing your roles in combat smart and not rolling shit all you can really do is in game shit like trying to hunt down poison resisting magic items first or just asking as much about the dragon as possible. Maybe lure it somewhere that gives you an advantage, but that always sounds sketchy to me as a plan when something can fly
The tricky part is getting there without the dragon waking up or being aware of them
I feel like unconventional exits are a problem for that plan, and green dragons would likely use those since they can breath water and fly
>The tricky part is getting there without the dragon waking up or being aware of them
>Perception +7
Is hard, not going to lie, at that level a maxed stealth rogue has stealth +7, so he has 50% chances or sneaking, rest of PCs are fucked, thouse with certain armors are triple fucked
Unless it has a dungeon between it and the front door with a shit ton of things to make it aware of the party. I kind of just assume dragon lairs come with those. If it's just a matter of sneaking into a cave or something then killing it at level 4 wouldn't even be that hard
That's very true, but one party can only account for so much, I think if the dragon flies off and uses an alternate entrance then you can't do much about it at 4th level. At that point I guess you could try to use divination of some kind to find the other entrances?
Like I said earlier, I'm not familiar with D&D
Honestly I think this dragon is probably out of this parties league
A lot of protection from poison is called for.
>just be babyed by your DM and you'll do fine
>Literally can kill you with one attack, all of you, at the same time, with meh rolls
>"we beat him easily"
Why would you lie on the internet?
The plan hinges on the barbarian succeeding with restraining its wings, which are large and difficult to restrain in the first place, and difficult to keep restrained due to its STR of 19.
Once it takes off it's just going to keep abusing its breath weapon and stay out of melee. Remember, it's a green, which are known to be cunning and treacherous. He's going to abuse the fuck out of your weak points.
Holy fuck, this.
I purposely don't memorize monsters for when I DM for the express purpose of not being a piece of garbage like this as a player
So you cheated or your DM wasn't aware of game mechanics? Wow, congratulations.
Seriously. One way to neutralize it's breath attack is to have the barbarian grapple it and twist it's head whichever way or just tie it's fucking' mouth shut.
That's not how it works, like at all, when tripped he can still attack, and getting up only takes half his movement. While down you haved advantage and he has disadvantage though, but poison breath doesn't have an attack roll, so he still can do that perfectly.
Getting up also donesn't provoke AoO so it isn't a problem.
You won because you forgot how the game works.
>Also, surrounding him in melee
>When he can poison breath you all
Not a great idea, I know because our two martials died like that
Build as airtight a barrier as you can and place it over the entrance to the dragon's lair while it sleeps. Just before you seal it shut, start a fire inside. Then wait.
Because DM's don't always make a point to breath attack everybody the instant he can.
if your DM isn't babbying you guys he'll TPK you in one breath attack unless you're lucky/ use tactics and spread out the party
Then don't say "play smart" like it means shit, say you were lucky it fought way below its possibilities, it actually has int 16 which is more than almost any PC at that level bar Wizard, so it shouldn't be fighting like a retard
>inb4 arrogance
Greens are cunning and trickery, they aren't the arrogant ones
>Play smart
99% of the time that means: Metagame like a mofo
We just built several cannons and tricked him into getting out, fired all cannons at him at the same time, each cannon ball deals like 40 on average.
>We just built siege weapons that take literally weeks each and then moved them to the lair which would take days without the dragon noticing
That's one heavy sleeper dragon
>ITT: All who say they won easily either cheated or the GM forgot how the system works
90% of these "LOL I FULL NELSON-ED A DRAGON XDDD" stories are either total bullshit or have a shit GM behind the wheel
congrats, you abused game mechanics that you and your DM didn't understand to beat a creature your DM didn't play properly
Oh no, we built the cannons next to the lair to save time. Our rogue did it, using stealth, and we gave him advantage thanks to Aid, so that's how the dragon didn't hear a thing.
The problem is not the trip spam, the problem is that, for some reason GM forgot the dragon can still get up, move and attack without penalties in its turn.
DM here. Now that I know you guys are metagaming I'll let you in on a little secret. That dragon just became a certain green metal kind of dragon.
That is literally the stupidest bullshit ever.
>Condition effects work on him pretty easily, use 'em to your advantage.
If you get through his saving throws, sure.
>Try to blind him right off to give him disadvantage to basically everything.
Dragons have blindsense, so they don't get a disadvantage on being blinded.
>Tank with the raged out Barbarian, have the rouge stick back and fire arrows so he gets that sweet damage modifier.
Dragons are not dumb animals, they're frighteningly intelligent and know how to adapt. Prepare for the dragon ignoring your Barbarian and going for the rogue and spellcasters instead. If you really start hurting the dragon, he'll take off and rape you with his breath weapon. Disengage = no AoOs, 60' of fly speed, and next round you'll be in trouble.
>This fight will actually be a pretty easy one given you guys will be getting six attacks to his every one. He has a good chance of killing everyone with one go if you are foolish enough to stick together for his breath attack, so surround the area with everyone but your Barbarian and Ranger who should be in close and flanking the thing.
Remember that it can move. It'll position itself so that it can get 4 people with his breath weapon at the same time, which is easy to do with a 30' cone. And remember, six to one attacks only count if they can make the attacks connect. Level 4 characters are hitting the dragon only around half of the time, and the dragon has 3 attacks. So you're tied on attacks.
>I have killed bigger things with less. Especially in 5ed.
I can easily breeze through games with godmode on too, user.
Your rogue built up siege weapons. With stealth. In a short amount of time.
Does your DM look like he's drooling a lot?
Pss, this is nothing, I bet a Balor with my 1st level wizard with elite array, on melee, you only have to be smart.
>It's a stupid idea because I didn't come up with it first
Stay mad
It worked then and it worked in echowave caves too
>be wizard
>Party went off to fight red dragon without me because I was spending time crafting stuff
>Party doesn't get killed, they get kidnapped after losing their fight
>Stroll up in there later
>Threats and taunts
>answer back with disintegrate
>Dm laughs: hah, you'll have to overcome it's spell resistance and saving throws if you wa-
>Brush dust off of me, tell them to get their shit together and gather the loot
DM fucking mad.
Do you have any idea how much a single cannon weighs, much less several?
The only way this could even possibly work is if the GM just handwaved the fact that just using a hammer to nail in screws would make a loud fucking *ping* sound.
I wouldn't be surprised if you bitched him out until he just let it happen out of simplicity.
Yeah, that giant rock falling from 900ft will only deal 1d4 damage considering how much of a dick the dm is.