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CYOA general
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This is my first one ever please critique.
I like the smell of troll in the morning
CYOAs need more "be the little sword" options.
10/10 Best CYOA I have seen in 2 years
Hero Name: Cavalry
Bright World (90)
Tech Hero (75)
School (73)
Speed (63)
Durability (53)
Flight (48)
Combat Training (43)
Intelligence (23)
AI (13)
Technological Genius
No Fall Damage (11)
Unlimited Blade Works (1)
I'm equipped with a highly-flexible suit constructed out of nanomachines, capable of not only greatly enhancing my durability and speed, but restructuring itself to deploy any weapon I've designed at a moment's notice. All that before freshman year, too - who knows what I'll design afterwards?
>5, 9, 12, 14, 17, 7, 8, 13, 9, 4, 13, 20
>STR 5
>VIT 6
>AGI 8
>MAG 5
>5 Body underdeveloped
fuck that. One silver coin to be
>Well developed
If I'm gonna be a girl, I'm gonna have tits for days.
>9 Sound
One silver to get
Because that's awesome
>12 Ranged
Transformation phrase "I'm farking Zeez, brah"
>14 Elaborate
Okay, that's... not according to plan.
>17 Regeneration
That's amazing, but not that great with Ranged weapons.
>7, 8, 13, 9, 4:
+2 Agi, +1 Agi, +2 Luck, +1 Any
>Enhanced sustenance
>A way out
Oh cool. Immortality without a way out is dumb, and will only result in pain.
Spending the Gold coin on
>Power of friendship
Something something "Villains are actually Tsundere for the V"
Last silver coin on +2 Vitality
A simple girl built around making friends and fucking them. That Well developed body will be used to cause frustration in all the (female) villains, and fucking them into being heroes.
Harem ending best ending. Everyone is powerless against the V
And I just now realized I didn't decide on my age
fuck that, I'm happy with what I got, using the last roll to decide age:
So I'm 16. Perfection.
"A bombshell at the age of 16".
>tfw 2 deciliters of vodka still isn't enough to come up with a concept for a CYOA that takes less than four hours to make, that isn't just a waifu CYOA
My liver will die before I figure this shit out
Yes hello I would like 8 swords and ching pong das rayciss, thank you aspec raito god whatever.
Good taste
Actually, you know what? Let's modify this a bit. I'll go for the Crapsack world, and swap out Super Speed - I don't need two movement powers. In exchange, I'll be taking the following:
Camouflage (16)
Barriers (11)
Low Sustenance (6)
Uniform (4)
Disease Immunity (0)
Should be a lot more interesting. The villains may have won for now, but don't worry - the Cavalry is here.
I've always considered this version superior to the abomination it became in the containment thread.
Image Version:
Good news, I've finally gotten the week-end off so the next set of companions should be done tomorrow night with the hopefully please god last set of polls so I can begin putting together the next text based edition.
>tfw user won't roleplay with me
>tfw you will never be a busty Magical Girl who tenderly loves her underdeveloped little tsundere sister
Agreed. It got way overbuilt.
Does anyone have any mystery/modern day CYOA?
I hate that place. They made fun of me for being a mahou-oto. I don't want a vagina, okay.
aint that the fucking truth. how many god-awful .pdfs are there between the core and the add-on content? like a dozen? jesus.
The true mystery though is why people didn't hunt the author down for the sneaky memory death.
I know that one, but thank you anyway.
Purple eyes like Dany, magic, part dragon. Yes pls.
Gonna be king, gotta keep these monsters and rebels in line.
Fight'n magic.
>Reflect Blows
Teach you to attack your King!
>Arc Lighting
Bretty gud basic magic attack.
>Magic Armour
So I don't have to wear heavy armour to be protected.
>Mana Drain
Keeps me charged up and steals from bad guys.
>The Barbarian Army
Stand and fight! Good one for fighty build. King's ought to be able to lead armies anyway.
>College Experiments
That's where I'm from anyway, so ought to be relatively easy.
>Moth Dealers
Drugs gangs are terrible. Time for justice! Also good for fighty build.
>Harpy Raids
I think I could work this one out. Just find people who like harpies from around the kingdom and not make the orcs be the only ones just cuz they're closer.
>The Catspaw
Torture the truth out of him.
>Peasant Revolt (Combative)
How can I be king if I can't slaughter some upstart peasants?
>The Caravan
Time for some monster slaying. Will probably hire some help though.
>Cull the Cyclops
More monster slaying.
>The Dreadmines
Apparently monster-slaying is all I'm good for. Does the High King really want me to be his heir, or is he trying to get me "removed"?
>House Taurre
Gotta do one more diplomacy quest to prove myself to the King. Guess I can work this one out. Maybe they'll sell for a slightly increased price and lots of flattery?
>Angela Nonicus
>Tenyria Loregus
>Thora Vanjadottir
>Niyyeer Larchke
Pretty violent and dark bunch with lots of magic. perfect for helping me gain power.
>Wolfheart Choker
People better be afraid of my wrath, or else I'll give them reason to be.....
To long, continue in next post.
Much like the Power Armor group, I get the impression that those who are autistic enough to demand gameplay crunch from what's supposed to be a simple daydream imagination assistant (ie CYOAs) are assburgers enough to not be good company. We are better for their loss.
OP is making me realise that I actually like superheros. What's the best superhero cyoa out there?
>They must be opposite gender of you to bear children.
Oh, so this is what all that arguing was about before..... Well I REALLY want to be King I guess.....
>Prince Kymic
Have baby and then move to my own palace/homebase for launching adventures and military campaigns. Don't talk to "husband" anymore than I have to. Fight him if he causes me trouble.
>Final Stats
Might 5
Swiftness 6
Endurance 6
Charm 7
Willpower 8
Wisdom 8
Goal is to become infamous warrior Que- King and live life of adventure and conquest. Use magic, violence, and trickery to defeat enemies and keep peasants under control. Use resources of the Kingdom to support the magical college of my homeland and increase my own magical abilities and raw power. Don't go out of my way to be cruel or evil, but have moral qualms either.
Fun cyoa, but I don't understand the need for stats and using all the mmo terminology for the skills. I played Guild Wars, so I understand it all, just don't know if needed for cyoa that doesn't have strict rpg type rules. Pls no get mad, just some thoughts, I still really like making build.
*have no moral qualms
The hype is real.
Feel free to post a draft of the next batch beforehand so people can point out potential errors.
user, you might *think* you're a girl, but you need to have actual ovaries to bear children. Sorry hun.
Will do m8. With luck it should be done tomorrow morning.
This should have had a higher powerlevel. I'm a murderhobo on the throne and that's not very assuring. I want to go full Dark Lord and rule through personal might.
I don't think people realise how much regal feudal life sucks. Tons of rules, responsibilities and political intrigue.
Are YOU a bad enough meguca to get befriended by the Monster Lord?
() = human form
str:10 (5)
vit:7 (3.5)
agl:6 (3)
mag:12 (6)
lck:6 (3)
Age:11 (5)
Body:developed (15)
Specialization: Lamia (17)....shit
Melee weapon (5)
Outfit: Elaborate (13)
Powers: Power of Friendship (12) , very very lucky roll I figure
Big backpack
A way out
Enhanced sustenance
Enhanced transformation, another very lucky roll
Dump all coins into stats: gold>str, silver>luck, agl, mag
>le there's no women on the internet meme
Fuck off. You're just part of this misogynist internet culture that says women are being attention seeking whores if we do anything that shows our gender, but then you try and call us out if you see any hint of femininity in a post on an anonymous image board. I'm not posting pics to satisfy your ignorant ass, so I guess you'll just never know for sure.
Sure thing, dudebro.
Wow, what a fuccboi
This post doesn't say you're a woman, but a pillar of SALTY.
tits or gtfo
Reposting from the end of last thread, for the pleasure of /pol/lacks just waking up: the new year edition of the Jewish Conspiracy CYOA (NOW WITH MORE WAIFUS)
Or maybe he doesn't believe there are women that come on Veeky Forums
He'd be wrong, but it's still a belief that the female neckbeard dwells in tumblr instead of Veeky Forums
>the new year edition of the Jewish Conspiracy CYOA (NOW WITH MORE WAIFUS)
The way the options are structured forces me to go with "less waifus" or "waifus that aren't the ones I'd have wanted to pick".
You got to understand something, the "there's no women on the internet" meme was circulating on Veeky Forums when only awkward white guys from Something Awful browse and post on Veeky Forums.
Its fucking outdated inside joke, that has no meaning on what Veeky Forums has become.
Looks like you're gonna have to do some work for the Jews for extra gifts then.
How Jewish of them.
apparently there's only lesbian women, straight guys, "straight guys" and tranny men on Veeky Forums
You can also argue that being a amoral murderhobo isn't a easy life either.
So, we're off to a great start. Guess it's a bad time to post OC
But why was this post deleted? It's not like it was more off-topic than the other ones that are usually accepted in this general.
Nah, "start" is the best time to post OC. It turns good starts into better starts & bad starts into good starts. The only bad times to post OC, I'd say, are when OC was just posted or when it is real late in the thread. I'd post my own OC right now if it were finished.
God damn it, not this again. Next thing you know, it'll be "too late" or "too early".
Just post it. Never too early to post OC. Never too late. The only bad time to post OC is if there's other, more hated popular OC and even then you never know if yours will prove even better or not.
Timing user is like, my 6th least favorite poster in these threads.
It includes things that will get the lesbian feminist (or feminist, I suppose) to get cranky
Eh, fuck her. At least, it'll get people reading your CYOA to find out what the butthurt is all about.
Who is the more hated? Harem Creator, the Alice Shitposter or Angel?
Pls post it. I deleted offensive post anyway.
I guess I can post my WIP (blackmail, also posted in last thread) instead. Maybe then he'll post things.
Pictures/comments/etc welcome.
The guy I hate the most is the guy who posts invalid builds to random or non-existent CYOAs, without linking to them if they are even in the thread, and never engages in discussion.
He posts more often the more you talk about him, but I feel it's worth the risk to mention him here.
>Looks like you're gonna have to do some work for the Jews for extra gifts then.
Nah, I'll just stick to the old version.
What do the stats mean? Reading the responses in the last thread and just guessing off the page, Power is good while Cost, Time, and Threat are bad? What sort of budget does the player have to work with? Is mother/daughter incest strictly illegal, or merely taboo? I'm kind of curious to see what the final picture looks like.
Also, it does seem sort of weird that the player has a lot of agency over the actions of the target. Nothing wrong with the way it is now, but it might make more sense for the different victims to have their own material. You could even have different levels of blackmail that you unlock by increasing your Power over them, modified by what means you choose to work with and whatever other bonuses you buy. That would have the possible advantage of giving it a bit of gamey side which I think helps with replayability and pushing people into choosing a greater variety of options.
All that would probably require a rewrite of most of what you have now, though, so it's not really anything I expect. Just thinking out loud about design.
For some reason, this CYOA makes me hungry
>Eh, fuck her
can't, she's gay, and I'm not a girl with a feminine penis.
Power is basically how much power/sway you have over their actions. Cost is how much money you're essentially investing into the operation. Same with time. Threat being how likely are they to be found out by someone else, or how likely they are to go to the cops, or something similar.
My intention for the taboo fetish was that you could decide what the scenario is and it can overlap. If it overlaps you could potentially take both taboo and illegal or something.
As for agency over the actions of the target, maybe some specifications like you can only take her if you chose one of these blackmail materials?
Unlocking powers doesnt seem bad. I just have no idea at this point what the powers would be.
Then tell her to go fuck herself
Post CYOA!
Neckbeards need food badly.
I'm not really surprised that /cyaog/ dislikes what MGCYOA became. CYOA's as exhibited here tend to be simpler thought exercises and short imagination games.
AMGCYOA kind of steps away from just being a CYOA. My pink .pdf and it's single expansion has more background and setting info as it was intended to be primarily a writing prompt/setting document. The Blue .pdfs came about because a big chunk of the people using it wanted to actually roleplay their characters and interact - and since freeform RP often turns to shit, they built a rules system.
So yeah - it's massively bloated and huge when compared to the original since it's kind of ceased to be just a CYOA.
No. You can go sit in the naughty corner until you learn your lesson.
Really, you unironically used the word "misogynist". Can't let that shit fly.
I just did your CYOA, and I got so fucking confused i quit. Not even joking.
It's so disorienting, and backtracking is fucked.
I ended up not even spending my coins because I am not reading through 60 perks to figure out which one to take.
>more background and setting info
I didn't even see that, I quit before I got to it.
My autism isn't strong enough.
(though, in your defense, I used the blue one).
So, you're saying the one in the OP is less autistic?
Maybe it's not for you man. I had a lot of fun with the going back and forth and scratching stuff out as I went. It's certainly one of the more complicated CYOAs I've done but it didn't seem that bad.
Lily Izanami
Origin: The Dark Times | Hopeless Questant
Tech Understanding: Advanced
Skills, Perks, and Traits: Adokiri, Mathematical Genius, Nuclear Adept, Mechanical Adept, Biological Adept, Tech-Head, Memory, Experimental, AI Expert, Traveller Adept
Armor: Void Suit
Weapon: UPGDI
Knick Kancks: Flux Generator, Jet Pack, Unformed AI Companion, Multiversal Time Keeper, EMP Cluster Fucker, Stasis Guard, Traveller Soap, Hammer Closet, Toshamark Standard Computer
Little Things: Marked, Terrorized, Harbinger, Knee Breaker, Scattered Mind, Waste of Skin, Destined for Great Things, Govna’s Dolla’s x9
Faction: Experimental
Companions: Hildegard, Marco “Fulcanelli”, Temel’Parah, Paria Pasha
Home District: The Testing Grounds
Hubworld: Terra D2
Mission: Samplings
I'm vewy Sowwy user-kun~ Pls post cyoa.
I realize I overreacted, but why can't people just comment on builds like why it's good or bad build? Why they have to be all like "U make grill character but I don't believe ur rly grill, post tits to prove me wrong whore."? It doesn't add to cyoa threads anymore than the other stuff.
Forgot pic;_;
It makes anons feel uncomfortable about all the rape and sex slave cyoas I think.
Genuine question. What do girls think when they see stuff like Slavemaster where you basically mindbreak girls into being your sex slaves?
> My autism isn't strong enough.
You're lucky we're not living in an age where you don't need to be autistic to survive.
Will the image version be updated afterwards?
First time I came across the image version I think the mechanics of giving out the powers wasnt explained.
Azaria, Nanomachines, Healing Napkin, taking Megan as the complimentary waifu and office drone service in the IDF for an extra pic - I use that on the Alleged Submarine and now that I've made 2 IDF pics, I get Edna as an extra waifu.
I want to kill you.
Someone post the autism prison CYOA so he can see how fucked he is in a situation where he DOES need autism to survive.
Aye, it will, but it will take a while, Highlander said earlier he wants to do a few more editions of the text edition before updating the image version, and that will be a bitch to do.
Anyone have the newest version of the dragon cyoa the one that was remade (the one with color abilities)? Pic unrelated to the one I'm talking about.
Ok thanks for the update user!
There are quite a few girls into dom/sub, mind break, rape, etc. At least as a fantasy scenario. Even my blackmail would have a few girls into it, although it seems a lot more dommes than subs from browsing the interwebs.
There are girls on here?
Musical talent
Cute and innocent
Fairy friend
Fuck you for ruining my potential idol career by catering to my shitty fetish.
Happy to help.