What happens when two chainswords clash edge-to-edge?
What happens when two chainswords clash edge-to-edge?
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Baby chain swords, and awkwardness between the owners.
They grind against eachother in an impressive display of sparks until one backs off and ripostes
Some metal looking imagery fit for an album cover.
The stronger or better-leveraged one will break the chain on the other sword, causing it to injure or kill its wielder.
Hey man even if the chain breaks its still a pretty cool club.
I'd imagine the chains lock together and the hilts are drawn together by the torque at which point they release.
Sparks mostly
One or both of the chains break, and is ejected by the motor at high speed, sending chain fragments into the eyes of every combatant.
Because chainswords are a very metal, but completely fucking retarded concept.
The wielder who is reverent and true to the Machine God will tear through their opponent and destroy him utterly.
could only find this, maybe relevant
The blades chew eachother to hell and become lodged together
As it was in "Chosen of Khorne" book about Kharn, the blades of chainswords/chainaxes chew into themselves together
Haha no. Gorechild disagrees.
GoW Chainsaw duel. Obviously.
Edge to edge! Edge to edge!
You don't parry with the edge
combi-flamer-guitars play in the distance
If both of the chainblades are moving at the exact same speed and the angle doesn't shift until they break away, the blades will never hit each other.
Why would anyone carry a sword that weighs like 2 when you can carry 2 same swords?
Because you're substantially larger and stronger than the people who get the half sized swords.
You must have been vaccinated as a child, because that post was autistic.
>Kharn's chain axe clashed with power weapons like Necron Warscythes and the Sword of Lion
>The chain axe has no power field this means it should have been smashed or sliced through
>none of this happens
It's one of my pet peeves in 40K.
>What happens when two chainswords clash edge-to-edge?
Isn't his a daemon weapon though?
Just master crafted.
Kharn's chainaxe isn't just any chainaxe. It's an artificer-crafted weapon made for Angron himself, modified over centuries by Dark Mechancium techpriests and blessed by Khorne.
That's just the power of Kharn's autistic rage.
Wasn't it shown in some short story or maybe audio book that after 10k years of massacre it developed a conscience of its own?
I dunno, but I bet it's loud.
Chainswords have the balanced quality in Dark Heresy. Can someone explain that to me?
Superior imperial steel folded a million times
rule of cool dictates that you get a cool clash of blades with lots of sparks flickering about
manly grunting and shoving optional
>somewhere, in the 41st millenium, there is a techpriest solely specialised in folding steel
Techpriest? Try an entire continent.
Centripetal force
Consciousness yes
Conscience, no
So are there power chainswords?
I think chain fists have a power field around the chain as well
>Pet peeve
>Actually one of the coolest fucking characters and part of the setting
Come on man, you're better than that
What happens when a chainsword and an eviscerator clash?
What is this from?
One of the Gaunt's Ghosts books mentions a chainsword duel. I don't have time to look up the exact passage right now, but there is mention of combatants changing chain direction then two swords clash.
>manly grunting and shoving
It's the second one with all the flashbacks. Ghostmaker, I think? As I recall there was a lot of big heavy swings, blades locking together and grinding and smoking then throwing each other apart for the next engagement with the teeth breaking constantly and spitting in all directions.
I believe the Frost Blades that the Space Wolves have posses a powerfield.
I think it's in one of the Gaunt's Ghost books where, after finding out how his father was betrayed by a psyker, he goes and has a chainsword duel with his uncle and details how usually you have to reverse the direction of the chains when clashing as a tactic or they just bounce off each other usually.
He then sticks his uncle with the sword and leaves it running in his chest.
Assuming you treat it like any other sword, bad things.
Proper technique is to avoid edge to edge contact as much as possible.
That's only ARMA, I think, most of the HEMA community says edge-on-edge is fine.
You don't know shit about swording.
Edge on Edge is specifically bad for chainswords because that would probably break both of their chains.
safe to assume that since this is wh40k, super tech. Assume a rotational speed of 8-10k RPM that has insane torque so it wont slow down on impact. It is effectivly a continuous cutting surface.
If two of those met eachother, they would never be able to find purchase because the teeth would keep bouncing off the tip of the other teeth.
In the real world, chainsaws teeth would find purchase into the linkage of each other due to slowing down, lower torque, and softer real world metals. not to say real world saw teeth are not hardened, but they are not wh40k hard.
I mean, what da zog. dats just ded 'ard and real killy like. lots choppa dakka if choppa had dakka, ya know?
Kharn's axe used to be Angron's, and it's made with special space dragon teeth. They talk about it in Betrayer.
You don't know shit about chain swording.
looks like "grim dawn" to me
both of these answers are objectively correct.
>Gropey being retarded
Nothing. The forces of the Imperium finally realized that chainswords are a terrible idea so they started using them as clubs. That's why chainswords are identical to billy clubs and kitchen knives in the crunch.
It's AP2 you moron. Why are you wondering why AP3 power fields bounce off an AP2 weapon.
Don't read Betrayer then. In it Kharn parries an power sword with a regular chainsword, the book says something like you can do this once, twice if youre bold but if you try three times youre gonna lose your chainsword and probably your life.
When you parry with a sword you do it just off edge then meet the edge with yours to form the bind.
This avoids both blades just smashing big dents into their blade edge every time they meet.
Because you're carrying two of those ones that are like two normal ones because you're that badass?
Play Gears of War and try to chainsaw one of the guys with another chainsaw. It's basically that, but with swords instead of guns.
How exactly is he being retarded? It's considered a good idea to avoid edge clashing as much as possible since it can chip the blade pretty fucking badly. The best way to go about doing that was generally by turning the sword at an angle or blocking with the flat portion of the blade.
Who made Gorechild? Just some Mechanicum dude or a Primarch?
>katanas are underpowered in D20 modern
Gaunt's Ghosts: First and Only specifically addresses this when Gaunt has an honor duel with the commander of the Volpone Bluebloods. He notes that Chainswords are NOT made for dueling and clashing them is a good way to get it ripped out of your hands. A Chainsword duel is thus more about dodging and feinting, at least as well as one can feint with a heavy chopping weapon.
came in here to talk about this specifically. The chains push and pull the weapons along each others lengths, at least in human hands, but if held steady I assume they would just break the shit out of each other. The duelists involved change chain direction on the clash to recover from their own swings by sending their sword in the direction they want and off balance each other.
Depends on the type of sword, but plenty want to avoid a bind anyway. And as for partying without proper edge alignment - that is, square on and directly edge to edge the parry often collapses given enough force and you're left with a shit guard and a slashed up face.
Wasn't one of Kharn's chainaxes wielded by Angron or something?