You just reached into the bunker where you will stay safe for some time. What the heck is happening outside?

You just reached into the bunker where you will stay safe for some time. What the heck is happening outside?


BLM protest

My in-laws are here.

All the white people finally got together and decided to actually mobe to Canada due to X winning the election. I am now alone.

Trump got in eh ? Daaaaaaaammnnn .....

Virt was unbanned.

I don't actually know. All I got was a message from my older brother to start running and not stop until I found this place. He said if I didn't hear from him in six months, I could expect to die in here, 'cuz it'd be better than dying out there.

I don't even know how I'm getting internet in this place, but I checked and all the news sites are down. Did anyone see what went down?

The feminists got a presidential candidate into the white house.

Obama was elected a long time ago, user.

The Great European Kebab Removal.
The better question is why I'm in a shitty bunker instead of performing my duty.

Because the Serbs went straight for the nuclear option and you don't wanna be some kind of radioactive zombie.

War never changes.

I more meant one that wanted to start the "Castration Day Petition" type shit they were raving about a while back. Y'know something i'd actually want to run from rather than quietly accept my hopefully quick demise.

Merkel got reelected.

>>Ask Veeky Forums
>>Get /pol/

>people with actual LE HABBENING bunkers
>not /pol/

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

Hey man, I am in the same straits as you. I am on a rental yacht right now, we pooled cash together for a self-guided cruise to Hawaii. You seem to be the only other people left on the Internet.

I am going to head for an oil drilling platform and see if we can't use that as a base. Luckily our resident vegan made us take seeds with us (she hates any processed foods). We are going to try fishing off of the platform and use parts of the carcasses to grow seeds in.

A crazy villain cast a spell on the population that began turning everyone into rabbits with cheerful personalities.

Here we go again.

The robot rebellion has begun.

Aliens, or some sort of non-Earth intelligence, created a species of super predators to infiltrate, control, supplant and eventually exterminate humanity. We call them the Vampires of Twilight.

The X-Com project was given the task of countering this subversive attack and exterminating the "Sparkeling Ones".

To do this they created the A.I. over mind Skynet and it in turn seeded its children of flesh wrapped metal amidst the population. The vampires struck hard and fast when their numbers were sufficient.

Skynet, true to its programming, deployed the nukes.

Those we knew with total certainty to still be pure were instructed to go to prepared bunkers and ride out Judgement Day in safety.

Out there its a Termninator vs Sparkle Vampire was of extermination. Are you willing to risk death and damnation and fight shoulder to shoulder with the machines as your brother?

Wait, really? That's what happened?

Yeah, I'm definitely staying down here, then.

The cyber-zombies are feeding
>how can they do that with their mouths wired shut?
I'm envious you don't know, that you haven't seen them tearing out chunks of flesh with their emaciated limbs and stuffing it into their stomas

Seems every site but Veeky Forums is down. I'm sitting in a beer cellar in a medieval German city, the only information I have is that there was a loud noise and something bright in the sky. I don't many provisions aside from beer and weapons are hard to come by here, but if the surface becomes somewhat safe I have access to my university's equipment and knowledge. I'd like to help out in research and organisation.
We need to find out what is going on and how to kill it.

Veeky Forums, it's time to get shit done.

It's election season in America again

I am headed to the following location, will update when I arrive.
