So what does Veeky Forums think of Mortasheen (or what we've seen of it)?
Are you excited for it's inevitable, although unknown date of release?
Which monster class is best monster class?
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That motherfucker's been working on that shit for years and I've seen hide nor hair of applicable progress.
So I think he needs to up and release the thing if he wants to keep people interested.
I don't think he is ever going to make it a game honestly.
Biomecha, war birds, and devil birds are the best though
Satan confirmed for keeping the finished mortasheen rules hidden deep within his hell mansion
I wonder if the studio making the rules is either completely incompetent/lazy or is purposely not releasing any information.
I think Bogleech himself once said that the studio is making a whole new ruleset unique to them for more systems then just Mortasheen, so maybe that's a part of it.
Wojic originally came up with it as a hypothetical game setting (ie. "if I could make a Pokemon-style monster-battling game, this is what I'd do"), and mostly posted stuff as an excuse to draw monsters. Then some publisher actually approached him to make it a game. I'm pretty sure any release date or lack of is not in his hands, but those of the publisher.
I do like his monster designs, so I do hope it eventually does get released.
A publisher approached him? When did that happen!?
harlequeen porn when
A few years ago, I think. Earliest thing I remember is some stuff from the publisher (Laser Cat Studios or some shit like that) from 2013.
Bogleech is an SJW cuck who also has good content.
I'm a grown enough man to enjoy the work someone puts out while still disagreeing with its creator.
He knows his monsters and bugs, I'll give him that much.
Jokers, Based Devil Birds, most of the Paradimensionals/whatever are sick
It's possible that we might get some, her new design is getting popular.
What is this?
I think Bogleech is a shitter who needs to stop ranting about politics on the Internet and get back to working on cool stuff.
He's explicitly said that he thinks arguing with people on the Internet is more important than getting work done, though, so that's not going to happen.
an RPG setting (the game itself is in progress) that's like a super grotesque body horror pokemon that isn't an edgy mess.
It takes place on an irradiated continent called Mortisheen, where starneg monsters are common and every 'human" is a horribly mutated mess. Monsters range from everything to the OP pic (part of a race called the Jokers, maddened membranes filled with colorful gas) to monsters that boil you alive with microwaves to strange bird like beings that may or may not be demons on earth.
He would rather spend his time calling people "dweebs" then actually do something productive with his time. Either that or doing another rant about how H. P. Lovecraft is racist.
>He would rather spend his time calling people "dweebs" then actually do something productive with his time
Publishers option things all the time. It really does not mean much.
My only problem with the Jokers is how clown themed they are. I don't mind clowns all that much, they only mildly unnerve me, it's just that I hate the way the clownfaces look. Especially the noses.
I think they should be more like the Harlequeen or the porpoise looking one, in my opinion.
>a harlequeen will never wrap herself around you and fall asleep with you as her reverse blanket
why live?
He is such a fuckhead but most of it is to impress his land whale wife, she's not only worse than he is but actively pushes him to be more obnoxious about it
I wish this was infinitychan so I could dump my massive mortasheen collection
He keeps talking about trying to cut down on his internet argumentation, so she might be actually harassing him about it if this is true. He honestly seems like he wants to be quiet sometimes, yet he isn't.
also he's not the worst SJW out there, certainly a shit ton more left leaning and "SJWlike" then I can get behind but his fuckheadedness is actually pretty low.
Is it weird that I'm disappointed by the complete lack of Mortasheen r34?
Bogleech does spooky waifus well.
The picture is when someone got in an argument with his wife.
This is a drawing of my hypothetical team of monsters I did a long time ago. I can't wait till the game comes out but I've long stopped holding my breath.
My Think Tank would be a lot different now since a lot of great new monsters have come out.
Also I could not care less about his SJW tendencies, but he needs to fucking focus on Mortasheen more.
He tries to play a massive innocent card but he is spiteful and vindictive
Also he tends to just out of the blue say things people disagree with on purpose, like it doesn't matter what it is
Amen to that
I will not let the first mortasheen thread in years die
Subjects of discussion: PC ideas, talking shit about bog, Favorite monsters
Is his wife really a land whale? I can't find any pictures of her, but I have one of bogleech himself.
I didn't even know he had a wife.
All I can say about the guy is he has good taste in Pokemon
It's an educated guess
I feel like Bog got picked on for being different in school and he wound up falling into far left shit rather than far right, probably just due to friend influence
No the fuck knows what he's talking about but he's so cancerous, he doesn't believe cringe exists when it's anyone left of reddit
He was homeschooled for most of his childhood though.
That explains a great deal
You know, I just found out about Mortasheen and I'm really conflicted with all this stuff about Bogleech. I realy want to like the guy, I really do, but it's going to be hard staying fully invested if I know the man that made it is an assface.
How do you guys deal?
Ignore the creator, embrace the creation.
I don't care for Lovecraft personally, but I like his stories. Same for Orson Scott Card.
In this day and age, people are too obsessed with the content creators with less regard for the content itself.
I've been a fan of him for over five years, but I have not gotten over how he acts.
I guess it depends how much you love a creators work to be able to dismiss their attitude. I love his work enough to stay with it.
Be a fucking man and respect someone's work while disrespecting them
Phil Fish made a good game but he's still a pathetic cuck
>Bog put a thing on his deviantart a week and 4 days ago that says that Mortisheen is more or less finished, and all that needs done is polishing things up and getting a release date set
Is it finally happening?
Is it finally here?
never ever
Love this fucked up universe.
So do you think there will be classes that specialize in specific monsters, like a Joker class?
I used to be personal IRL friends with John.
His need for validation from his SJW pig wife/forum (which used to be more Veeky Forums and less tumblr), along with having no grownup obligations due to literally taking full advantage of every form of government financial support has literally enabled what was his minor Aspergers into full blown man-child who throws actual, honest to god temper tantrums.
If he got off the hypocritical tumblr cross and focused more on his game, it would happen, but THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH HIM ON THE INTERNET!
such a shame, John usually comes across at least as polite when you speak with him, but his wife seems to have a pretty large superiority/inferiority complex.
given that john has shown that he has BDSM interests in the past and had an abusive father figure, this hardly surprises me.
We should probably get off the topic of Bogleech and onto the game itself. Nothing can be gained from speaking of things we cannot change.
Anyway, Favorite monster from your favorite class?
You can't have one without the other, user. John IS Mortasheen.
And to answer your question, how we compare the classes without having all the info?
Well, monster classes I mean. Joker, Unknown, Meteor, that kind of stuff.
They've started to look so much better since he begun to color them.
I'm hoping we get either a Vampire Wormbrain, a Joker Wormbrain, or a Vampire Joker.
I'd like to see a joker-related devil bird.
Either a Joker/Devilbird hybrid or some sort of Devilbird capable of mimicking Jokers and infiltrating their hives.
They could even get Jokers to raise their young like cuckoo birds.
For some reason I can see a Vampire Wormbrain being like a Pillar Man (Incredibly hard to injure in a way that sticks, you can chop it to bits, fill it with bullets, drop a building on it, and it will just keep on coming...after it has reconnected all of its bits or found a new corpse to inhabit, of course.) it's pretty much just skin, bones and a metric ton of vampiric Bloodworm-Planarian-things that fill out the body.
That is nightmarish and very mortasheen
Thanks. I can see the Joker Wormbrain having red, white and black Leuchloridium eyes as well as five bright yellow limbs that it can use to move or morph into horrifying weapons.
This may have been inspired by Judge Doom.
So which Harlequeen design is better, the new one, or the older, sexier one?
Let's let the viewers decide.
I feel like the redesign is trying a little too hard to be creepier and less sexy, but I like the way the tendrils and bones/mask look
All I would want is a redrawing of the new design with the upper torso of the old one. Literally perfect. Maybe smaller/more realistic boobs.
The new one, because I find it sexy AND cute, while the old one just seemed like it was supposed to be sexy.
The new one, seems as much Xeno-queen as the original bio implied.
Astarath is my favorite devil bird, which is my favorite class.
>the boon beaks turn living things they bite into Jokers
Somewhere out there, someone will be turned on by this.
This is my first time hearing about this. It has some pretty neat art.
No favorite monster class, but this is my favorite zombie spawn.
>you will never be a qt joker girl
why live
How would this be any different from Pokethulhu?
>His need for validation from his SJW pig wife
You mean, his normal human relationship from his spouse? And you're butthurt about this because he didn't love you more than his spouse? when you won't even do the thing with the asparagus and the flying goggles for him?
>normal human relationship
Not really. You shouldn't shape your personality to what another person wants. You should better yourself but not force yourself to be like them like he did.
I just had the weirdest idea for a Joker Vampire, it's an organic, flexible, chainsaw with an incredibly long blade that functions as its mouth. Also its skeleton has grown a secondary body that it uses to move and feed, this thing literally turned its two rightmost limbs into a entirely separate body instead of actually doing something sensible.
Is is wrong the Ubvisto from RE:6 inspired me to come up with this?
Which Paradimensional is the best?
The one with no physical form, Arkhex.
It came first, and it's gonna be way more in depth
>if only he stopped having his own opinions and instead entirely focused his life on making me free content
For an alleged friend, you sure aren't even treating him much like a human.
You seem hurt in the bumbum, user.
This user knows what's up.
Bogleech is a waaaaaankeeeeer
I'm spiteful and vindictive, but I don't try and play the innocent card and bait people into senseless drama because that'd make me more of a dick.
Necromizer sounds coolest, but Electrician sounds pretty handy.
I think it's sad that one time the Leech is actually motivated to do shit the publishers bail on him.
Pokethulhu is gonna be more in depth?
No, Mort.
But a talented wanker.
I think cat powered ray gun is still working with him
Well, he is just sucking the veiny flesh slab tits of his wife for validation from her nowadays, I think they partially aren't his own opinions.
Well he does sadly. He just doesn't make it public.
I hope so.
which mortasheen would you fug
These two ladies
Crap, here's the other one
would it be a handjob or a titjob?
A mix of both, a tind job, if you will.
>it turns your dick into a joker penis
Shmeep is not for sexuals !
> thick rolls of sweet, gooey white meat
I beg to differ.
> your dick laughs and farts semi constantly for the rest of your life
> in mortasheen this makes you hotter
My Team confimed.
> Chernoblab
> Chernoblench
> Exovoros
> Radiovade
> Vault
> Mayhem
> Wrath
> Oodoov
> Karacha
> Hangman
If a woman has to make any changes to her lifestyle as compromises in a relationship it is called rape or abuse
If a man does not kowtow to every demand of a woman and give up independent thought he is called a rapist
yay equality, bern victims!
It's Bogs choice ultimately, it always has been. She'll tire of him, and start cucking him more, and if he doesn't like it then that's his choice.
It's been his choice all along.
So as much as Revereche is an unpleasant reverse-/pol/ level sack of abortion waste, I blame Bog for it all.
only patrician team desu
You need 3 more senpai
Probably would be playing a Mutant.