Which planet has the best Guard regiments
and why is Krieg
Which planet has the best Guard regiments
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It's objectively Catachan. Other Guard Regiments don't even know what a knife looks like.
Holy Terra obviously, Solar Auxilia just can't be beat either in training or equipment. Makes Cadia look like a bunch of reservists.
What're you chaps discussing here? Hurry along, now, I'd hate for the Commissar to find that you have been delinquent.
>Other Guard Regiments don't even know what a knife looks like.
You fucking wot, m8?
I love these nice gifs about 40k, they're just so rad.
Kriegers literally have to be given a shitton of cheap equipment just so that their capacity for throwing bodies at a problem isn't wasted.
Better regiments can be found on Armageddon, Vostroya or Catachan.
Objectively this
Kriegers nuked their entire planet and went full retard for 500 years because WAH MUCH CHAOS
Cadia on the other hand was wiped completely clean, resettled, and has been fighting every incarnation of chaos for the past 10,000 years. Thats from the time Man first started gathering in settlements to now. All of recorded civilized history Cadians have been fighting the forces of literal evil. Not only that but Cadia itself is still a self sufficient planet. It can produce all it need to fight a war effort all by itself. Manpower and equipment.
Well Krieg went full fanatism because they didn't have mitteraly all the resources of the Imperium poured towards the planet. They had to make do, which means nuking the entire planet to make sure it doesn't fall.
Sure it wasn't a black crusade, but their means of defenses were equally smaller.
I hate Kriegers because there is nothing sad about them. They've taken WW1, and stripped out what makes it actually sad - young, naive men being broken on the battlefield, with the loss of almost an entire generation.
If they're broken, almost inhuman from the beginning, that just defeats the whole point. I can't feel sad for them dying because I know they want it. I can't feel they're badass for going through hell because I know they aren't having to push forward with human will or face their fears or that there's family at home hoping they're okay. They're meatshields. They're living, walking meatshields, and they don't deserve any praise or pity.
If I recall, krieg couldn't get help because the aristocracy that took over took over the best anti-orbital system the imperium ever made, so they just left the planet to rot. 500 years of MUH STRATEGIC WARFARE later the Death Korps emerges victorious. Don't get me wrong its cool, but when it comes to results and badassary, Cadia is where its at.
Reminder that Kreigers can panic and run.
Cadia, from an in-universe perspective. High quality, but most importantly a high volume of (regularly tested) soldiers.
They're the ultramarines of the guard for a reason.
Well yes, because, again, they're perfectly equipped, and have litteraly every possible ally ready to help them, hence leading to a military that can be trained appropriately, has all the material it needs and such. Kriegers gotta do with what they got. But yeah, cadians get more done, and that's kinda the point. They're cannonically the perfect Imperial soldier, jack of all trades.
That is one example in the entirety of the lore, where in most other cases they refuse to break or run.
Even then, is that supposed to make me like them? They're still constantly portrayed in the lore as almost inhuman. I don't exactly like them any more because they ran away one time, a basic fear means little.
I always thought of them as inverted Ultramarines.
They have a system that works and people try to copy it instead of forcing others to be like it. Most importantly, they can win a fucking battle. They aren't so fucking job like Ultramraines who lose an entire first company when nids suddenly show up.
I think there is something pity worthy in the Death Korps, that being just how broken they are. They don't have a family, they don't have a will; they are simply a hollow excuse for a human, all their thoughts, dreams and aspirations scooped out and replaced with nothing but haunting remorse for sins they never comitted and hatred towards their enemies. In many ways, they are far less than human, and that is where their tragedy lies. You feel sorry for what ever person they could have been, and you know full well that they have done this to themselves. Its that loss of humanity that gets to me.
Best guard regiment
Fucking ginger stuntie xenos lovers.
To be fair, when has Cadia ever fought against a Tyranid hivefleet? Remember, the only reason the Ultramarines lost their first company because they had to face a entire planet full of Tyranids practically by themselves, all the while guarding their Genefather and the Anti-Orbital array for the planet. Besides, your seriously under-estimating how much a hive tendril like Behemoth can fuck up.
I'd feel sorry if maybe it was a product of circumstance, but these are literally production-line soldiers. Sure, they're broken, but there was barely anything there in the first place.
It's not near as sad as the actual soldiers of WW1. The world lost a potentially wonderful poet and writer, among thousands of other people who were just normal men thrown into the meat grinder and left in shambles.
>Regiment of small-time traitors
I think I'll pass.
Actually theres lore about a Cadian regiment fighting off an entire hivefleet and didn't lose a single company
>They aren't so fucking job like Ultramraines who lose an entire first company when nids suddenly show up.
Need I remind you that the ultramarines were the only army that actually managed to stop behemoth in its entirety.
The battle for macragge was a legit show of force for both sides. No one jobbed until they started retroactively adding dumb shit to it (hey there swarmlord).
>It's not near as sad as the actual soldiers of WW1. The world lost a potentially wonderful poet and writer, among thousands of other people who were just normal men thrown into the meat grinder and left in shambles.
All of this. The Great War was fucking horrific. Krieger`s have it even worse. Just imagine this video, only with literal demons and superhumans trying to murder you.
>Such is life on Vraks
Those aren't Vostroyans, OP.
"Didn't lose a single company" is a very loose term in the Imperium.
We didn't lose a single company could very easily mean there are three guys left of the company.
very true. Either or if it was a Shock Troop regiment those only have about 5000 guys. Seeing as how GW doesn't understand theres litteraly dozens of different types of infantry regiments we'll assume it was an STR not an AIR, PIR or a MIR or something else
It sounds to me like you don't enjoy ice enough, Op.
Kriegers are for tryhard teens, Elysians and Harakoni are where it's at
Came here to post Hua Yuan's finest.
Well done
>he is of thinking Valhalla is cold
Does the planet in question still have to exist? Because if not the soldiers of Tanith are some of the best in the galaxy. (And no, I don't have pictures because I suck)
Tell me more about these chaps, Veeky Forums
That's not the Americ- er, Harakoni Warhawks.
There's really not a whole lot. They're mostly an excuse to include Victorian British Colonial soldiers a la Zulu in SPAAAACE
I think they have less than 1000 words written about them on the wiki
To be honest, in a fight between a Krieger and a Catachani, I would put my money on the Krieger.
gonna have to go with Cadia simply because of the Cadian 8th and Usurkar Creed
>the standard never touched the ground
>not once
I wouldn't. The catachan's been fighting his entire life, and is one of the most shredded and badass baseline humans around. The Krieger is an anemic tube baby who lives to die, not to win.
Yeah, but the Krieger has a combat shovel.
That motherfucker is fit to take on the Chaos Gods.
Catachans are basically an army of the guys from predator. they definitely win the badass award.
>Catachan: WS3
>Krieger: WS4
Elysians lost hard to Orks in their own IA book. Immediately killed all coolness for me.
Your mother sucks cocks in hell.
It's 40k, so a lot of people are sucking cocks
Get out of here before Batman sees you, Zsasz.
In codex Catachans their WS is also 4
The best regiments are the ones you make yourself, user.
Only that I get the urge to make a boer Imperial guard army everytime I see them. ALas there is no calvary HQ in the codex, so I can't bring Jan Smuts to life.
Actually, a Boer-themed army heavy on the Tallarn special rules and rough riders would be pretty sweet.
I mean, you'd probably never win a match, but with proper RPing and one of the countless 3rd party slouch hat heads, it would be a pleasure to play and play against.
Which is weird because I I hear people say he Armageddon steel legion are canonically the best, but nothing from the Wars of Armageddon show any proof of being better then the cadians.
those guys survived
>an exterminatus
GW's don't let you use models that aren't sold by them right? I'll have to find a store in town that has a 40k scene first.
Yea but fuck GW, play at a local store instead.
Why? The Krieg win through numbers and through raw discipline. They fight fanatically because they believe their sole living purpose is to die for the Emperor.
Catachans are basically the closest thing a base human can be to a Space Marine (in fact they're often described as being halfway between a human and Space Marine in size), and grow up on a planet where LITERALLY EVERYTHING is trying to kill you 24/7. They don't just have to be strong, they also have to be smart - stupid motherfuckers die on Catachan in a heartbeat. While Kriegers have self-imposed standards that demand much of them, Catachans have literally no choice but to be big, tough, AND smart or they will be killed by nature. Kriegers just don't have that same instinctive "fuck shit up and live to tell the tale" aspect that Catachans have, which is why they're such incredibly effective street/jungle fighters.
They're also drilled HEAVILY in close combat. They have that WS 4 for a reason. A fight between a Catachan and a Krieger would actually be really close.
They're fundamentally different tools. Kriegers are bred for the meat grinder. An aspect of war that most would actively avoid, sustained WWI trench-fighting and sieges, are something they design for specifically. They are bred for the meat grinder.
Catachans are built tough and reliable. They're meant to thrive in harsh environments where everything is trying to kill you, specializing in being the most deadly thing in a tight, unfriendly, dangerous space. Where Kriegers press in with the inevitability of numbers, Catachans infest and become an unfriendly aspect of their environment. Kriegers wouldn't last in the jungle, and probably deploy defoliants to clear it for trenchworks, and Catachans wouldn't last in the trenches, where numbers and stubborn, emotional deadness are required to endure a meatgrinder where you might die horribly before ever seeing the enemy.
I actually like the managers at my local GW. Not the company, but those guys are alright.
Another thing I've been wondering about is whatcalvary models to use. There is a lot available, does Veeky Forums have a preference for third party suppluers when it comes to calvary?
Kriegers are nothing but cannon fodder.
I'm a personal fan of Gener, the planet known of producing the most un-interesting Guard regiments to ever serve.
Krieg pumps out low quality soldiers in quantity. Their purpose is to serve as meatshields so the more important regiments can actually do things. They do that job well, but it hardly makes them the best.
There is only one true answer
what am I looking at
I have to disagree with that. Kriegers take the loss of innocence, which is a common theme in war stories, to an entire new level. They are brainwashed into believing they are just numbers their entire lives. That the only reason they were born is to die for the Emperor. The very essence of humanity they are there to protect is crushes out of them the moment they are able to think.
What are you, some kind of pants wearing weak faithed loser?
A 5+ armor save from the shock to the enemy's modest sensibilities.