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WIP General

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>DIY Lightbox
[YouTube] Build A Light Box On The Cheap, Take Gorgeous Photos! (embed)

>How to Moldlines
[YouTube] Removing mold lines from models (embed)

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
[YouTube] How to Magnetize a Tyranid Carnifex (embed)

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First for GW paints are better quality and value than Vallejo.

second for I use loads of different paints from different manufacturers and I like all of them
P3 metallics are shit though

Third for all paints have their own special place and value and we should all be nice to them all.

Fourth for summoning church guy

Anons decide which number allow people to choose their chapter.
user then has to paint one lovely marine like said chapter.
I'll start.
4 chooses my chapter.

Still in progress member of The Brothers Aberrant from the Deathwatch Overkill box

and his back (in progress)

Progress on my farseer.

In hindsight I should have attempted wetblending the color on the robes rather than just a flat base with highlights.

The other parts are coming along well.

slightly different angel

>In a few months it would be cool if we could get anons who have inspired by the old Blood Angels guy and make a collage of all the brother Craig models.

Why wait?

Based user.

I'll paint mine so that you can add it to the collection.

really nice fleshtones and blending.
At first I thought the brone on thethe blue/grey bits awas a mistake, but it actually looks really good.

The hammer could use a little more shading or color contrast on the shaft and warp. It doesn't look bad, but against the quality of the rest of the model it stands out as very flat.

Like the cloth too, what did you do for that? Starting to paint up some cloth and robes and could use tips.

My lighting may be too bright. Still, worked on weapon options to my knight. Thunderstruck gauntlet and rapid-fire battle cannon. Any user still have that heat discoloration tutorial from, wanna say white dwarf?

progress on my snowgor, soon to be finished i think

Ah awesome. Glad to see it finished up.
It's still unnerving.
Nice Whites.

>tfw someone saved your model photo

Hey thanks for the comment, this dude is about 50% done at the most and you're right the Hammer shaft needs work I havent even started on it yet.

All I've done for the cloth there was a few coats of milky Khorne Red, and then two medium thinned washes of Nuln oil, I want to repeat the effect I had on this miniature.

This was probably five or so washes of nuln oil i think

Black dragons, and I want to see every marine converted to have the bare arms and spines.

In addition here is my Magus, this was a little different.

I painted a muddy khorne red and black as a base, and then applied multiple thin layers to build up what you see here


Gal Vorbak just seem so ridiculously difficult to paint.

Varnished, so gonna roll it all together on the knight collage

No time like the present, wet blend in what you have by going over what is already there and glazing the colours together. He could also use some highlighting on his hat, it's looking a little flat, keep it up.

That's great, where are the tentacles from?

you gonna paint the flag?

sweet man, not gonna lie though, I think the purest pure pure white was a strange choice but you did good work here

Maulerfiend Lasher tendrils

I like them more than a lot of vallejo metallics, which range from perfect to shit

(posted this at the very tail end of the last thread)

Moving forward with my gangly armed CSM-DPoT.

Squished out some GS and placed it over the back of the wire.
Same for the forearm.
Pressed these around the wire on all 3 right arms with my fingers, then did some initial smoothing with a metal sculpting tool covered in vaseline.
>#C & #D
Further smoothing done with a firm rubber headed cone shaped sculpting tool.
Formed elbows as well.

The 2 other left arms will now be done and then I will add muscles once these have cured.

Sorry, dude, but we win.

That should just be a roll chart. Also seconded, I have a single tac marine sitting around that I might as well give a proper treatment.

Sorry, forgot to mention 3 chooses my chapter

Howling Griffins.

Hawk Lords

Angels of Fire

Astral Claws.

Celestial Lions.

Rainbow Warriors.


>That should just be a roll chart
I'm actually making one now.

Winner winner

Winrar, will do and post results eventually as promised

You got lucky, I was about to write Ultramarines but I went for their cooler cousins.

I'd feel guilty for making someone paint ultras t b h, fampai

I would too. Now time to figure out how to do quartering.

Got the bulk of the 6 arms done for now and I will let them cure.
I was bored and had never made one before so I made a "360" gif of this DPoTzntch's current WIP status.
I tried to minimize file size.

I finished a unit of chaos warriors/sons of Korgaan and realise that there are some helmet mold lines that stick out like dog's balls.

Or, if you prefer, a collage of some choice still shots.


That is a really nice DP, you should be proud of it.

The 360 gif was nice too, was it time consuming to make relative to just posting 4 photos from different angles?

Thank you very much! I am getting more and more proud of it as it progresses.

>The 360 gif was nice too, was it time consuming to make relative to just posting 4 photos from different angles?

Most definitely. But, I do have the 4 image thing down to a pretty near keyboard shortcut science and I am sure I could make a gif again much faster than the first time.

Gates of Antares Isorians I finished today, fairly happy with them but got a little lazy with them

I made a chart.

Anyone have a blown-up version of this? Specificially the Exorcist?

>Anyone have a blown-up version of this?
I literally just made it.
You can find better Exorcists pics on the wiki.

Carcharodons and space sharks are the same

They're actually different. One is the old scheme, which is just grey with the red stripe, the other is the new one, which is grey and black and has those fancy tribal designs. I have both versions of the Minotaurs on there as well because they're so radically different.

>I have both versions of the Minotaurs on there as well because they're so radically different.
Er, well I thought I did. Guess I covered them with the Star Phantoms at some point.

Hmmm, might actually do this tomorrow.
Let's see what I get here...

>yellow jackets
I might have seen or heard that name before but I don't think that's on official chapter.

What a coincidence!


>White Dwarf 177, "Golden Demon Space Marine Chapter Design Competition", pg. 30
That would explain why I heard of them before. They are a fan's homebrew that made it into WD.
Look nice though.

Skull Bearers it is.

>playing AoS

Calm down there, we don't want any burgers slipping out of your ass.

very nice, I love the colour contrasts.

Is this for KoW?

WIP Raven Guard tacticals. Middle is the standard bearer. Took me a while but I'm pleased with the gold and the freehand Raven.

Right is the sergeant, his pteruges ended up a bit too red so I decided to go with the punkish kilt and Mohawk combo.

Left is just another bolter guy.

The OSL on their eyes looks quite good in person.
Once I get them on the base I'm gonna weather those fuckers up, that is also why they have minor line highlights, as it can look quite awkward after powders.

Only arms bases and backpacks remaining and then I'll have finished my first ever 10-man squad.

A while back Veeky Forums had a 40k alt lore project called the Horus Heresy. I painted some terminators after one of those legions. They were called the Entombed, and they had tons of dreadnoughts.

Very late and pretty much done wip of my greater daemon of Tzeentch. Was supposed to be finished this Saturday for a competition but I reckon I won't have him done for a while now as I got a job at Forgeworld and start in a few weeks! wew lad

Will definitely post him he's a big more together.


>Very late and pretty much done wip of my greater daemon of Tzeentch. Was supposed to be finished this Saturday for a competition but I reckon I won't have him done for a while now as I got a job at Forgeworld and start in a few weeks! wew lad
holy tits
gj user

jesus, that's by far the best model you've done

It's bizzare how different it looks from other angles.

Oh my.. that's giving me the vapours.


Congrats for the job! Gonna be a studio painter?

As always, beautifully painted mini, keep them coming.

it's pretty

>got a job at Forgeworld
Wow, congratulations. What kind of job? As a painter? Sculptor?

Beautiful Daemon btw.

Thanks. They are for Kings of War, part of a Varangur army. Pic related is the leader I posted a few threads back.

is this only for statues? I'm WIPing some characters in photoshop.

That is a magnificent painjob. Best of luck in your new job at Forgeworld.

If you see Will Hayes tell that fucker to make more Carcharodons shit.

Typically yes, but I don't see any harm in posting your images here so long as they're Veeky Forums related.



Mein. Gott.

cool, I'm currently working on this. super static but i think i'm going to buff it out in the painting process.

You could check out the Drawthreads and try to get some feedback from the other artists.
Requesters tend to swoon or be entitled cunts with little inbetween.

I'll be a graphic designer concentrating mostly on books. Apparently there is quite a bit of room for crossover so I could be working on miniatures at times.

Can't see shit, captain.

Do I need glasses...?

Fuck it, bored of my homebrew right now anyways. Could possibly use an allied force for one of my other armies, let's see what chapter we get.

Well hot damn. Again, congratulations. Having the chance to work in other departments from time to time sounds awesome.

Wow they look real bad in the flesh.

Fuck, these lads actually sound pretty neat.

But painting that yellow is suicide-tier.

Holy shit. That's fantastic.


Nice and clean, lookin good user. Maybe consider throwing some tufts of grass or something on the bases to jazz them up a bit though.

Celebrants is not an option.

Hope you like white!

>Job at FW
Jesus christ well done. Great model as well.

Hey Space Sharks ain't that bad. Just a dark grey.

user you are my personal hero, congrats on the job, and your models are always beautiful

I did something like that when I painted some Orks.