I know the precursors thing in space fantasy/space opera has become a big cliché at this point...

I know the precursors thing in space fantasy/space opera has become a big cliché at this point, but given the age and size of the universe isn't it going to inevitably exist in some way or form (albiet not as impactful or setting shaking if you're trying to avoid it)?

Given the age and size of the universe, it's entirely likely that anything that came before us died off before light from their side of the universe reached our lonely planet.

Also, reminder that we live in the latter half of the universe's timeline.

Heavy elements weren't really a thing in the former half, so it's equally likely that this is about how long it takes for intelligent life to appear.

I much prefer the 'Precursors were literally more technologically advanced humans' spin, especially when you have 'Golems' and 'Monsters' AKA robots and genetically modified animals, and there's a nice blend of old-school and sci-fi tech. Maybe a bit like Trigun.

>Also, reminder that we live in the latter half of the universe's timeline.
What? No we don't. The Stelliferous Era isn't going to end for another hundred trillion years. The coalescence of the Local Group galaxies won't for another hundred billion. At fourteen billion years having passed so far, we are at worst in the second fifth of the universe's lifespan. The worst you could say is that we're in the later half of the Milky Way's lifespan, given that the collision with Andromeda is due to happen in five billion years. But while that will be catastrophic, there's still possibility for artifacts of prior civilizations to survive it.

you forget that the universe's lifespan is more accurately measured by it's star population. We're in the phase of the universe where we're losing more stars than we're gaining.

I really like how The Expanse did it. Something came before us, and they were insanely, terrifyingly advanced. And something else killed them and left their corpse for us to poke with a stick.

Why do all aliens in mass effect look gay?

That's... that's fucking depressing man... Fuck entropy...

>expecting something out of existence
that's where you fucked up to begin with

The Krogan are pretty cool. I think my issue with ME's aliens is that they recycled too many common features like visible toe shoes and most race's feet and hands having 3 digits. We also already had a four eyed race. And they were fucking lazy with how the quarians look liked behind the mask.

Depends on the setting. In a more realistic one, all those precursor civs are long dead after they had nowhere to go since leaving your home system is as good as impossible.

So evangelion?

I was always expecting to find out, that Quarians in migrant flotilla are real geths, and that the geths from veil are in fact last line of defense created by original quarians, that were exterminated during geth war.

And they wore those masks because of their synthetic look, but also, as true AI, they developed full personalities. not just randomized copies of old quarians in memory banks.

this is what /r9k/ actually believes

You expected too much from a dating sim with guns.

But instead there is literally no reason to side with the Quarians other than wanting to bone Tali some more.
>quarians were the aggressors then and had no justification
>quarians are the aggressors now and have no justification

No, that's buddhism. It's called being addicted to suffering.

The more your expectations outpace what the world can offer, the more you'll suffer. Why persist?

Technically speaking, everything you will ever achieve will slowly degrade on subatomic level, until only emptiness and cold dark space remains... And it will all start again, because of multidimensional supercomputer based in hyperspace will finally find answer to Reverting entropy. And answer it with experiment.

I can't tell who is trolling who anymore.

>suffering is bad mmkay?

Stop it.
Suffering provides for moral and character growth by rising above adverse conditions. If you can't deal, you die and that's good for those others who can deal.

Nihilism is the new trolling, and Buddhism is the original 419 scam
>hey guys why don't we stop suffering by ending all life in the universe?

You could not possibly be more spooked.

Okay. It would be pointless to argue with you.

Okay. It would be pointless to argue with you.

Yep, but it had few good moments

Redemption? New "quarians" seek place to exist, because their evolution bring them closer and closer to organic life, as their system became more complex, based on synthetic neuron networks and partially organic support systems? I know that Tali was pretty aggressive towards Geth from start, but we can chalk it towards her masking as quarians?

Also the pilgrimage will become way of new system to adapt outside flotilla, to find how organics think and interact with them.

I'm talking about the actual game, not fanfiction

Well I was referring to Isaac Asimov short story "The Question" in my post here:

Is it really evangelion if it isn't a pretentious clusterfuck of a mess coughed up by a failure of a man on anti-depressants?

>pretentious clusterfuck of a mess coughed up by a failure of a man on anti-depressants?
doesn't that describe the creative process of all single authors who try to be serious?

Because they are